945 resultados para EXAFS XANES Cu(I) Cu(II) soluzioni


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El presente estudio tiene como objetivo determinar las principales patologías que afectan a los caninos atendidos en las Veterinarias de Managua (Soza I y II) ubicadas en el barrio la Fuente y la Colonia 10 de junio, en el periodo de enero 2014 a marzo 2015. La investigación es descriptiva, identificando cada caso mediante análisis del historial clínico, examen clínico y el empleo de exámenes complementarios de laboratorio realizado a los pacientes atendidos durante la fase de campo más los expedientes clínicos de un año en ambas Veterinarias, trabajando con un total de 153 expedientes. Los datos se analizaron a través del llenado de dos listas de cotejo para la identificación de la concurrencia y recurrencia de las patologías presentes en caninos; y los factores que predisponen la presencia de las mismas. Las variables a evaluar fueron: Principales patologías caninas, de lo cual se obtuvo: 31 casos de Anemia Nutricional, 31 casos de Dermatomicosis y 22 casos de Babesiosis. Proporción por patología, obteniendo: Anemia nutricional con un 20%, Dermatomicosis 20%, B abesiosis 15%, Obstrucción intestinal 9%, G astroenteritis 8%, Insuficiencia renal aguda 6%, Sarna 5%, Hepatitis infecciosa 5%, Neumonías 5%, Insuficiencia renal crónica 3%, Parvovirus 2%, Piometra 1% y Rabia 1%. Los Factores que predisponen la presencia de patologías son: Extrínsecos: 1. Clima, obteniendo para las Anemias mayor cantidad de casos para los meses de febrero y septiembre y ausencia en enero; Dermatomicosis: mayor en octubre y ausente en mayo; B abesiosis: mayor noviembre y ausente en enero marzo abril y junio. 2. Manejo: Anemia nutricional (desbalance nutricional, capacidad económica) , Dermatomicosis (mala Higiene del animal y del entorno), Babesiosis (deficiente control ectoparasitario ) ; Intrínseco: 1.Sexo, Anemia nutricional afecto más a machos, Dermatomicosis más hembras positivas y Babesiosis más machos afectados, 2.Edad, Anemia nutricional y Dermatomicosis resultaron más casos positivos en cachorros y babesiosis se atendieron más casos en adultos , 3. Raza, Anemia nutricional afecto más a caninos criollos, Dermatomicosis y Babesiosis se diagnosticaron más casos en caninos con pedigrí. Se concluye que las principales patología que afectan a los caninos son las Anemias nutricionales, Dermatomicosis y Babesiosis; las cuales presentaron una proporción de un 20% para los casos de anemia nutricional y dermatomicosis, y un 15% para babesiosis. Los factores que más influyeron en la presencia de estas patologías fue el mal manejo de la mascota y del entorno, la falta de un buen control zoosanitario, poder adquisitivo del dueño.


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I. The binding of the intercalating dye ethidium bromide to closed circular SV 40 DNA causes an unwinding of the duplex structure and a simultaneous and quantitatively equivalent unwinding of the superhelices. The buoyant densities and sedimentation velocities of both intact (I) and singly nicked (II) SV 40 DNAs were measured as a function of free dye concentration. The buoyant density data were used to determine the binding isotherms over a dye concentration range extending from 0 to 600 µg/m1 in 5.8 M CsCl. At high dye concentrations all of the binding sites in II, but not in I, are saturated. At free dye concentrations less than 5.4 µg/ml, I has a greater affinity for dye than II. At a critical amount of dye bound I and II have equal affinities, and at higher dye concentration I has a lower affinity than II. The number of superhelical turns, τ, present in I is calculated at each dye concentration using Fuller and Waring's (1964) estimate of the angle of duplex unwinding per intercalation. The results reveal that SV 40 DNA I contains about -13 superhelical turns in concentrated salt solutions.

The free energy of superhelix formation is calculated as a function of τ from a consideration of the effect of the superhelical turns upon the binding isotherm of ethidium bromide to SV 40 DNA I. The value of the free energy is about 100 kcal/mole DNA in the native molecule. The free energy estimates are used to calculate the pitch and radius of the superhelix as a function of the number of superhelical turns. The pitch and radius of the native I superhelix are 430 Å and 135 Å, respectively.

A buoyant density method for the isolation and detection of closed circular DNA is described. The method is based upon the reduced binding of the intercalating dye, ethidium bromide, by closed circular DNA. In an application of this method it is found that HeLa cells contain in addition to closed circular mitochondrial DNA of mean length 4.81 microns, a heterogeneous group of smaller DNA molecules which vary in size from 0.2 to 3.5 microns and a paucidisperse group of multiples of the mitochondrial length.

II. The general theory is presented for the sedimentation equilibrium of a macromolecule in a concentrated binary solvent in the presence of an additional reacting small molecule. Equations are derived for the calculation of the buoyant density of the complex and for the determination of the binding isotherm of the reagent to the macrospecies. The standard buoyant density, a thermodynamic function, is defined and the density gradients which characterize the four component system are derived. The theory is applied to the specific cases of the binding of ethidium bromide to SV 40 DNA and of the binding of mercury and silver to DNA.


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Two new azo dyes of alpha-isoxazolylazo-beta-dilcetones and their Ni(II) and Cu(II) complexes with blue-violet light wavelength were synthesized using a coupling component, different diazo components and metal (II) ions (Ni2+ and Cu2+). Based on the elemental analysis, MS spectra and FT-IR spectral analyses, azo dyes were unequivocally shown to exist as hydrazoketo and azoenol forms which were respectively obtained from the solution forms and from the solid forms. The action of sodium methoxide (NaOMe) on azo dyes in solutions converts hydrazoketo form into azoenol form, so azo dyes are coordinated with metal (II) ions as co-ligands in the azoenol forms. The solubility of all the compounds in common organic solvents such as 2,2,3,3-tetrafluoro-1-propanol (TFP) or chloroform (CHCl3) and absorption properties of spin-coating thin films were measured. The difference of absorption maxima from the complexes to their ligands was discussed. In addition, the TG analysis of the complexes was also determined, and their thermal stability was evaluated. It is found that these new metal (II) complexes had potential application for high-density digital versatile disc-recordable (HD-DVD-R) system due to their good solubility in organic solvents, reasonable and controllable absorption spectra in blue-violet light region and high thermal stability. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A new chelating ligand, 2-(2-(5-tert-butylisoxazol-3-yl)hydrazono)-N-(2,4-dimethylphenyl)-3-oxobutanamide (HL), and its four binuclear transition metal complexes, M-2(L)(2) (mu-OCH3)(2) [M = Ni(II), Co(II), Cu(II), Zn(II)], were synthesized using the procedure of diazotization, coupling and metallization. Their structures were postulated based on elemental analysis, H-1 NMR, MALDI-MS, FT-IR spectra and UV-vis electronic absorption spectra. Smooth films of these complexes on K9 glass substrates were prepared using the spin-coating method and their absorption properties were evaluated. The thermal properties of the metal(II) complexes were investigated by thermogravimetry (TG) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC. Different thermodynamic and kinetic parameters namely activation energy (E


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Inibidores de corrosão são substâncias que quando adicionadas a um meio agressivo, diminuem ou previnem a reação de oxidação de um metal com este meio e/ou as reações de redução de espécies presentes no meio. Para a inibição da corrosão de cobre e suas ligas em meios ácidos ou neutros, o inibidor mais empregado é o benzotriazol (BTAH), o qual forma complexos com os íons Cu (I) e Cu (II) na superfície do metal, diminuindo o processo corrosivo. A preocupação com a preservação ambiental e a toxicidade de inibidores de corrosão vem sendo discutida na literatura. Vários estudos têm-se intensificado usando aminoácidos, como proposta para substituição ao BTAH, considerado tóxico. Entre os aminoácidos estudados, dois apresentavam enxofre em suas moléculas (cisteína e metionina) e um outro sem heteroátomo na cadeira lateral (glicina). As concentrações variaram entre 10-2 a 10-4 mol/L e pH da solução entre 7,2 e 8,4. Foram realizadas medidas gravimétricas (ensaios de imersão total) e técnicas eletroquímicas, tais como polarização potenciodinâmica e espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica. A caracterização morfológica da superfície do substrato após os ensaios de imersão total (743 horas) foi feita por meio de microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), espectroscopia de raios X por dispersão de energia (EDS ou EDX) e difração de raios X (DRX). Embora os resultados com aminoácidos tenham sido sempre muito inferiores àqueles obtidos na presença de BTAH, comportamentos semelhantes em função da concentração dos aminoácidos puderam ser observados pelos diagramas de Nyquist. Contudo, com exceção dos resultados verificados para o meio contendo cisteína 10-2 mol/L, todas as eficiências de inibição para os meios contendo aminoácidos, obtidas pelos ensaios de imersão total, foram negativas, mostrando que o tempo de exposição também pode ser relevante para o desempenho destes inibidores. Entre todos os aminoácidos testados, os meios contendo glicina apresentaram os piores desempenhos anticorrosivos, inclusive acelerando o processo de dissolução anódica do cobre. Esse resultado pode estar relacionado à faixa de pH das soluções testadas e à solubilidade dos complexos de cobre formados com os aminoácidos, mostrando que uma faixa ótima de pH também deve ser assegurada para aprimorar a ação destes aminoácidos como inibidores de corrosão


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随着软电离技术的发展,特别是基质辅助激光解析(MALDI)和电喷雾(ESI)两种软电离技术的出现,使质谱分析生物大分子成为可能,将质谱的应用范围迅速扩展到生命科学的诸多研究领域,特别是成为了蛋白质组分析,医学诊断,药物分析等领域不可替代的新工具。首先,采用凝胶电泳与傅立叶变换离子回旋共振质谱(FT-ICR MS)的高分辨率和高质量精确度性能相结合的新方法,对不同肺病患者的支气管肺泡灌洗液进行了快速直接的蛋白质组分析,为肺疾病诊断学、肺病相关机理的研究以及高分辨质谱在蛋白质组分析中的应用奠定了基础。一维(1-D)和二维(2-D)凝胶电泳与高分辨FT-ICR MS相结合,对慢性支气管炎(cblonic broncnitis,CB)和囊泡纤维化(cystic fibrosis,CF)患者的支气管肺泡灌洗液(BALF)中表面蛋白A和D进行了鉴定;并对表面蛋白的翻译后修饰(hydroxy-prollne)进行了直接的确定;对来自于不同肺泡蛋白沉积症(PAP)患者的BALF中的特异性蛋白进行了鉴定,鉴定出表面蛋白A的两个降解片段,为研究与肺病相关的SP-A降解产物的可能降解途径提供了初步的信息。证实了FT-ICR MS的高分辨率和高质量精确度在蛋白质的鉴定过程中的突出作用:(i)利用单个多肤的精确质量,可以避免依赖离子的串联质谱数据进行蛋白质鉴定,即无需对谱图中的离子进行串联质谱分析,就可实现蛋白质或蛋白质混合物的快速、确切的鉴定;(ii)在数据库检索中应用很小的误差范围可以大大提高蛋白质鉴定时的选择性;(iii)通过来自于微量蛋白质的少量肤峰就可以进行蛋白质的准确鉴定。通过MALDI/EST FT-ICR MS、园二色谱(CD)和H/D交换实验(hydrogedeuteriuln exchange)对一系列人SP-C及其类似物进行了表征。证实了溶液相中FFI-SP-C和rh-SP-C的非共价二聚体的存在;研究了人SP-C在有机溶剂中的构象变化和聚集行为,为探讨肺病相关机理奠定了基础。其次,以电喷雾多级串联质谱为研究手段,对部分生物类黄酮及其络合物进行系统的质谱研究,发现二氢黄酮及二氢黄酮醇类化合物在电喷雾条件负离子模式下具有不同的特征质谱行为,为质谱区分这两类化合物提供了重要的依据;黄酮金属络合物的研究中,四种二价过渡金属(Cu(II),Zn,Mn(II)和Fe(II))与芸香普均可以形成络合物,探讨了芸香普一铜络合物软电离条件下的碎裂机理,并利用多级串联质谱数据探讨了络合物C和D的结构,为质谱方法探讨金属清除疾病相关自由基的机理以及提高金属的生物利用度奠定了基础。


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本论文对文献所报道的α,ω-二梭酸根的配位方式及其构象进行了概括,提出表示其配位方式的方法(暂定为琳L法).随后报道20个新型配位聚合物的合成、晶体结构,并对部分配合物做了红外、差热热重、磁性质和元素分析等表征.配合物Zn(bpy)(CSH6O4)1和Cu(bpy)(CSH6o4)2为异质同晶结构,五配位的金属原子通过戊二酸根的桥联作用形成一条带状链,相邻链间通过4,4七联毗睫形成二维层.配合物Mll(bpy)(CSH12O4)·HZO3具有与配合物1和2类似的却由辛二酸根桥联的二维层,层间存在结晶水分子.在配合物zn(bpy)(C6HSO4)4中,4,4,一联毗睫和己二酸根桥联锌原子形成具有纳米孔洞的三维框架结构,它们两度相互穿插构筑整个晶体结构.热分析表明配合物3在82一140oC区间失去结晶水分子.配合物4在180-320℃区间内失去4,4’-联毗陡.配合物3在5-30OK区间内的磁性遵循Curie-Weiss定律Xm-l=4.265/(T+6.3),两个异质同晶结构配合物MZ(hmt)(HZO)2(C3HZO4)2(M=Mn(II)5,Cu(II)6)中的金属原子通过丙二酸根的桥联和鳌合作用形成二维层。继而通过六次甲基四胺桥联作用形成三维框架结构.配合物5在5一30OK区间内的磁性遵循Curie一Weiss定律Xm-1=8.99/(T+4.5).配合物[Mn(HZO)4(bpy)](C4H4O4)4H207、[Mn(H2O)4(bpy)](c4HZO4)·4H208和[Zn(H2O)4(bpy)](C4H4O4)·4H209为异质同晶结构,属于三斜晶系,均由∞1[M(H2O)4( bpy)2/2]2+阳离子链、结晶水分子和二狡酸根(丁二酸根或反丁烯二酸根)组成.未配位的二梭酸根和结晶水分子通过氢键作用形成带状阴离子链,阴、阳离子链间存在广泛的氢键作用.属于单斜晶系的配合物[Cu(H2O)4(bpy)](C4H2O4)4H2O 10和{Ni(H2O)4(bpy)〕(C4H2O4)4HZO 11,具有和配合物7--9类似的阳离子链二〔M(H2O)4(bpy)2/2]2+,然而结晶水分子和反丁烯二酸根在氢键作用下形成二维负电荷层.配合物Cu(imid)2(H2O)L(L=丁二酸根12,反丁烯二酸根13)为异质同晶型化合物,双端单齿的二梭酸根桥联[Cu(工mid);(H2O)〕2+形成的一维多聚链通过氢键作用组装成三维结构.而配合物Cu(imid)2(C6H8O4)14中五配位的cu原子通过己二酸根的桥联作用形成的一维多聚链止{[Cu(C3C3H4]2( C6H8O4)3/3}.配合物Cu(imid)2(C6H9O4)2巧中双端单齿的己二酸氢根桥联Cu原子形成的带状多聚链止[Cu(C3N2H4)2(C6H9O4)4/2〕,通过氢键作用组装成两度穿插的三维框架结构.配合物12的热分析表明在25一6000c区间内先脱水形成“Cu(imid)2(C4H4O4)”中间体,继而失去咪哩,残留物为CuO.配合物13和14有相似的TG曲线,加热时失去咪哇和“已二酸醉”.配合物14和15的磁性在5300K温度范围内遵循curie-w七155定律,关系式分别为m-=0.371/(T-4.6)和Xm-l:0.4095/(T-1.2).在配合物N处Cu(mal)2·ZHZO 16、KZCu(mal)2·3HZO 17、RbZCu(mal)2H2O 18和C82Cu(mal)2' 4H2O19中,丙二酸根桥联铜原子分别形成二维负电荷层(16,17)、一维阴离子链和一络阴离子.在16-19在合成过程中得到的副产物为配合物[Cu(imid)4Cl]Cl 21,它由CI一和[Cu(imid为CI]+络阳离子组成,通过氢键和芳环堆积构筑整个晶体结构,热分析表明。配合物1企19在25一500℃的温度区间内可能具有以下的热分解过程:(I)脱水,(2)脱去丙二酸醉和甲烷,(3)草酸盐分解生成碳酸盐和CO气体.酉己合物16一19的磁性在5一300K测试温度范围内遵循Curie-Wesiss定律Xm-l=C/(T-θ) 其中的韦斯常数夕分别为4.3(5)、4.2(6)、3 .0(6)和4.3(9)K,相应的居里常数C分别为0.434(1)、0.417(2)、0.423(2)和0.411(3)cm3·K.mol-1.


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本论文较系统地研究了Naf:on聚合物薄膜冠醚修饰电极阳极溶出伏安法在分析中的应用。首次将Naf:on薄膜冠醚类化合物修饰电极应用于铊、银和铅三种离子的测定,得到了高灵敏度的分析方法亦用于实际样品测定。用涂层法制备了Naf:on聚合物薄膜冠醚(二环已基18-冠-6)化学修饰电极,用这种修饰电极测定金属离子的高灵敏度来源于将Naf:on对大阳离子的强离子交换能力、冠醚类化合物络合金属阳离子形成大阳离子的能力与溶出伏安法的高灵敏度三者的结合,冠醚化合物中性分子可与金属阳离子络合形成大络阳离子:M~(n+)+qC=(MC_q)~(n+) Naf:on膜由于其具有的对大阳离子的强交换能力而将冠醚与和金属离子形成的大阳离子络合并吸附于电极表面,在溶出伏安法的富集过程中,电位置于是以令(MCq)~(n+)还原的位置以使(MCq)~(n+)还原:(MCq)~(n+)+ne=M+qC 析出的零价态的金属可在Naf:on膜内固定,同时又放出冠醚分子成为新的未被占据的络合吸附中心,继续捕获溶液中的阳离子从而起到富集作用。由于使用溶出伏安法排除电极表面络合吸附饱和的问题,从而使本方法灵敏度大大高于一般的使用化学修饰电极进行预富集的分析测定方法。提出了Naf:on薄膜冠醚修饰电极阳极溶出伏安法测定水溶液中Te(I)的方法,在电位为-1.30 Vvs.Ag/Ag ce处0.1高氯酸锂溶液中,用该修饰电极富集30分钟,检测下限可低至2×10~(-12)M(0.4 ppt)。溶液中Te(I)浓度在5×10(-12)M~1×10(-8)M范围内与溶出峰电流成良好的线性关系且通过原点,可以用标准加入法测定。常见共存元素Zn(II),Su(II),Cu(II),Fe(II),Co(II),Ni(II),In(III)等无干扰。Pb(II)与Cd(II)共存时对Te(I)有干扰,同1×10~(-3)M EDTA掩蔽可有消除干扰。测定了合成样品中的Te(I)含量,平行测定七组样品相对标准偏差4.2%。本文法是目前Te(I)的分析中最灵敏的电化学方法之一。提出了Naf:on薄膜冠醚修饰电极阳极溶出伏安法测定水溶液中Ag(I)的方法。在0.01MHNO_3 4~7×10~(-3)M Cl混合溶液中,检测电位在-0.30Vvs.SCE富集30分钟,检出下限可低至2×10~(-12)M,是迄今所见Ag(I)的分析中灵敏度最高的电分析方法。Ag(I)浓度在2×10~(-11)M~1×10~(-8)M范围内与溶出峰电流成良好的线性关系且通过原点。五到十倍量的Hg(II)和Au(II)有干扰。用本法测定了分析纯硝酸铵中的银含量为0.000048%,平行测定七组样品相对标准偏差为3.7%。提出用Naf:on薄膜冠醚修饰电极阳极溶出伏安法测定水样中铅的方法。在0.lMLiNO_3底液中,电位在-1.10Vvs.SCE富庥3分钟检测限达5×10~(-10)M,方法快速灵敏。Pb(II)浓度在1×10~(-9)~1×10~(-7)M范围内与溶出峰电流呈线性关系。1×10~(-6)以上Cu(II)存在使Pb(II)的峰电流时显增加。用本方法测定了自来水样中的铅含量,平行测定七组样品相对标准偏差8.0%。该修饰电极在K~+浓度为1×10~(-5)~1×10~(-7)M范围内对K~+有能斯特响应。本工作为铊、铅、银的痕量分析提供了高灵敏度的方法,为溶出伏安法摆脱汞污染的问题做出了贡献,为化学修饰电极用于分析化学领域提供了新的途径。


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伯胺由于其特殊的结构(R-NH_2),使它具有和仲、数胺不相同的一些性质。有较强的和矿物酸HX结合形成RNH_3X的能力,从而以离子交换机理萃取金属离子;也可以-NH_2上的氮、氢原子同以高价存在的过渡金属含氧酸以氢键方式相结合;另外,RNH_2也可通过氮原子以配位键形式与一些属于软酸类的过度金属离子形成配合物。通过伯胺萃取金属离子行为的研究,可发现新的萃取体系,扩大我国自行设计的伯胺N_(1923)萃取剂的应用领域,为金属离子的分离提纯工艺提供基本参数。我们实验室过去曾对伯胺N_(1923)萃取稀土(III)、Fe(III)、Zn (II)、Cd(II)、Ag(I)、Sc(III)等的机理进行了比较系统的研究。本工作是在此基础上,进一步完善及扩大N_(1923)对周期表中各族元素的萃取及应用。为此,我们选择了文献尚未报道的Ti(IV)、HgCl_2、Hg(CH_3COO)_2、Cu(CH_3COO)_2为研究对象,对它们的萃取机理进行了较详细的研究。结果表明,自由的N_(1923)或其盐对上述体系具有良好的萃取性能,并初步讨论了N_(1923)在金属离子萃取分离中的应用。一、伯胺N_(1923)萃取HgCl_2的机理 微量汞的萃取及分离对环境保护具有重要的实际意义。我们的研究结果表明,在pH值为3-4.5范围内,即使Cl~-浓度很低时,伯胺N_(1923)也能几乎定量地萃取HgCl_2,其盐酸盐亦能有效地萃取Hg(II),但两者的萃取机理不同。自由伯胺RNH_2可与HgCl_2形成配合物,其萃取机理为:RHN_(2(0)) + HgCl_2 <-> Hg(RNH_2)Cl_(2(0))对伯胺盐,实验证明其机理主要为加合反应,但当Cl~-浓度较高时,则为阴离子交换反应:加合反应:2RNH_3Cl_((0)) + HgCl_2 <-> (RNH_3Cl)_2HgCl_(2(0))交换反应:2RNH_3Cl_((0)) + HgCl_4~(2-) <-> (RNH_3)_2HgCl_(4(0)) + 2Cl~-通过考察温度对配位萃取反应的影响,求得反应的热效应ΔH = -48.82 KJ/mol,并分析了萃合物的IR、NMR谱。二、伯胺N_(1923)萃取Hg(CH_3COO)_2的机理 与HgCl_2体系相似,自由伯胺或其盐均能萃取Hg(CH_3COO)_2,萃取机理分别为:RNH_(2(0)) + Hg(CH_3CCO)_2 <-> Hg(RNH_2)(CH_3COO)_(2(0)) (CH_3COONH_3R)_(2(0)) + Hg(CH_3COO)_2 <-> (CH_3COONH_3R)_2Hg(CH_3COO)_(2(0))。在不同的萃取剂浓度下,上述反应的表观平衡常数基本不随萃取剂浓度的变化而改变,其对数值分别为:11.85、8.11。三、伯胺N_(1923)萃取Cu(CH_3COO)_2的机理 水相酸度对萃取反应的影响表明,RNH_2在近中性体系中具有很好的萃取性能,而在乙酸浓度较高的条件下,Cu(II)几乎不被RNH_2所萃取。说明自由伯胺能以配位机理的形式萃取Cu(Oh_3coo)_2,经确定,萃取反应式为:2RNH_(2(0)) + Cu(CH_3COO)_2 <-> Cu(RNH_2)_2(CH_3COO)_(2(0))并对该反应的表观平衡常数及热力学函数进行了计算。通过分析萃合物的IR谱,认为Cu(RNH_2)_2(CH_3COO)_2为平面型四配位的配合物。四、(RNH_3)_2SO_4从硫酸溶液中萃取Ti(IV)的研究 在低酸度(pH:0.84)的H_2SO_4溶液中,伯胺N_(1923)对Ti(IV)具有很强的萃取能力。用化学平衡法确定其反应式为:3(RNH_3)_2SO_(4(0)) + Ti(OH)_3~+ + SO_4~(2-) <-> 2(RNH_3)_3Ti(OH_3)(SO_4)_(2(0))我们用正十二胺代替N_(1923),合成了上述萃合物的模拟物,经元素分析确定了萃合物的分子式:(RNH_3)_3Ti(OH)_3(SO_4)_2。并较详细地分析了萃合物的NMR、IR谱。变温NMR的结果表明,萃合物中存在两种含有活泼氢的基团,用D_2O交换后的NMR的结果亦证明了这一点。从萃合物的IR谱中,可得到SO_4~(2-)是以单齿配位形式同Ti(IV)相结合的信息。这些结果为所提出的萃取机理提供了直接的证据。并求出了上述萃取反应的表观平衡常数,其对数值为10.15,该值基本不随萃取剂浓度的变化而发生改变。反应的热效应ΔH = 66.49 KJ/mol,由计算得出的ΔG值可知,上述萃取反应有很大的向右进行的趋势。五、伯胺N_(1923)在萃取分离中的应用 为了扩大N_(1923)的应用,通过上述研究,我们对其在萃取分离中的应用进行了讨论,认为在以下几方面有可能得到应用:1、从环境废水中除Hg(II);2、Hg(II)和Zn(II)、Cd(II)在CH_3COOH体系中的分离;3、CH_3COOH体系中Cu(II)、Co(II)、Ni(II)的萃取分离;4、在较高浓度的H_2SO_4体系中,应用(RNH_3)_2SO_4进行了Ti(IV)-Fe(II)的分离。


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The title compound, [Cu-2(C9H10NO3)(2)(NO3)(2)(C10H8N2)-(H2O)(2)](n), contains Cu-II atoms and L-tyrosinate (L-tyr) and 4,4'-bipyridine (4,4'-bipy) ligands in a 2:2:1 ratio. Each Cu atom is coordinated by one amino N atom and two carboxylate O atoms from two L-tyr ligands, one N atom from a 4,4'-bipy ligand, a monodentate nitrate ion and a water molecule in an elongated octahedral geometry. Adjacent Cu atoms are bridged by the bidentate carboxylate groups into a chain. These chains are further linked by the bridging 4,4'-bipy ligands, forming an undulated chiral two-dimensional sheet. O-H center dot center dot center dot O and N-H center dot center dot center dot O hydrogen bonds connect the sheets in the [100] direction. This study offers useful information for the engineering of chiral coordination polymers with amino acids and 4,4'-bipy ligands by considering the ratios of the metal ion and organic components.


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The title mixed-metal complex, {(NH4)(2)[Cu(C7H3NO4)(2)(H2O)(2)][CdCu(C7H3NO4)(2)(H2O)(6)]center dot 6H(2)O}(n), contains one octahedrally coordinated Cd-II center and two octahedrally coordinated Cu-II centers, each lying on an inversion center. The two Cu-II atoms are each coordinated by two O atoms and two N atoms from two 2,4-pydc (2,4-H(2)pydc = pyridine-2,4-dicarboxylic acid) ligands in the equatorial plane and two water molecules at the axial sites, thus producing two crystallographically independent [Cu(2,4-pydc)(2)(H2O)(2)](2-) metalloligands. One metalloligand exists as a discrete anion and the other connects the Cd(H2O)(4) units, forming a neutral chain.


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The title compound, [Cu(C5H3N2O2)(2)(H2O)(2)], is a new polymorph of the previously reported compound [Klein et al. (1982). Inorg. Chem. 21, 1891-1897]. The Cu-II atom, lying on an inversion center, is coordinated by two N atoms and two O atoms from two pyrazine-2-carboxylate ligands and by two water molecules in a distorted octahedral geometry with the water molecules occupying the axial sites. Intermolecular O-H center dot center dot center dot O, O-H center dot center dot center dot N and C-H center dot center dot center dot O hydrogen bonds connect the complex molecules into a two-dimensional layer parallel to (10 (1) over bar), whereas the previously reported polymorph exhibits a three-dimensional hydrogen-bonded network.


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A new hydrogen-bonded dinuclear copper(II) coordination compound has been synthesized from the Schiff-base ligand 6-(pyridine-2-ylhydrazonomethyl)phenol (Hphp). The molecular structure of [Cu-2(php)(2)(H2O2)(2)(ClO4)](ClO4)- (H2O) (1), determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction, reveals the presence of two copper(II) centers held together by means of two strong hydrogen bonds, with O center dot O contacts of only 2.60-2.68 angstrom. Temperature-dependent magnetic susceptibility measurements down to 3 K show that the two metal ions are antiferromagnetically coupled (J = -19.8(2) cm(-1)). This exchange is most likely through two hydrogen-bonding pathways, where a coordinated water on the first Cu, donates a H bond to the O atoms of the coordinated php at the other Cu. This strong O center dot H (water) bonding interaction has been clearly evidenced by theoretical calculations. In the relatively few related cases from the literature, this exchange path, mediated by a (neutral) coordinated water molecule, was not recognized.