980 resultados para ESTRUTURAS OFFSHORE


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This article aims to highlight, in the form of brief general notes, the broad outlines of Honneth's critique of some aspects of Habermas' thought. Honneth's critique is guided by an investigation of the moral and normative criteria of social struggles, which Honneth appropriates in a critical fashion from the young Hegel. Honneth's central point is that the possibilities of interactive-communicative experience cannot be summarized in, or taken exclusively from, linguistic interaction, nor can the latter be pursued in its ideal aspect without the presupposition of the conflicting contexts in which it is always inserted.


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In this paper we discuss the question of the a priori character of the necessary structures of knowledge according to Genetic Epistemology, focusing on the notion of space in particular. We establish some relations between Jean Piaget’s Genetic Epistemology and Immanuel Kant’s Critical Philosophy, discuss the notion of the a priori according to Kant in relation to the notion of space, and discuss the construction of the notion of space by the epistemic subject according to Genetic Epistemology, focusing on the Sensory-Motor Period. We conclude that, in Genetic Epistemology, space is still thought of as an a priori form of phenomena in the sense that the notion of space is what spatially organizes the data of perception, being the condition of perception. Furthermore, it is not directly abstracted from experience, but is constructed by the epistemic subject in its interaction with the environment, occurring with the structuring of the system of schemes of action. This analysis leads to the notion of the constructed a priori that, after its construction, has the characteristics of the a priori as conceived by Kant.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Matematica Aplicada e Computacional - FCT


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Thin walled cylindrical shells are widely used in many areas of industry, including civil, mechanical, nuclear, marine, petroleum and aerospace engineering. The wide application of thin cylindrical shells and the importance of instability phenomenon are the motivation basis to this study, since these factors have a great importance in engineering projects. It is presented a detailed study about the instability of cylindrical shells based on theoretical calculation, which results are compared with finite elements method calculation. The loading and boundary conditions analyzed are based on the most common types verified in real engineering projects and refer respectively to lateral (external) pressure and cylinders with simply supported edges. The calculation based on the finite elements method was executed with ANSYS 13.0 software. The results obtained with this calculation are in good agreement with the analytical theory presented in the technical note NACA No 1341 (BATDORF, 1947) considering a wide range of applicability. On the other hand, the analytical method presented in the book Theory of Elastic Stability (TIMOSHENKO; GERE, 1936) has a very restrict applicability and has presented considerable deviations in a great sort of the analyzed cases


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The objective of this work was collect information of articles published previously and carry out a study about them, including contents and interesting stuff that bring growth regarding the construction residues utilization and demolition (RCD), that today provides many environmental impacts. The need of utilization of the RCD in Brazil and in the world earned bigger attention world speaking, therefore the industry of the civil construction is had as one of the biggest present residues output springs. For it present a point that can be applied the RCD, is discussed in that work the kinds and structures of floors, where are presented the layers and, finally, a short argument about the possible and economic feasabilities job of the residues recycled in some layers of the structure of floor


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The change in design of a building can occur during its construction process, especially when this change involves greater amount of profit for the building company, as it is the case of adding extra floors. However, there must be an analysis of the structure of the building in order to see if it is possible to increase the number of floors without the need of reinforcement, as this need would result in higher costs for the building company. This graduation report presents this analysis by using the methods of third order verification of reinforced concrete structures


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O presente projeto visa um estudo morfológico de formas planctônicas iniciais de crustáceos decápodos da família Porcellanidae. Os representantes da família Porcellanidae são bons indicadores da diversidade e complexidade das estruturas litorais, quando em relações simbióticas. E possuem também grande importância na cadeia trófica, sendo a base alimentar de muitos peixes de interesse econômico. Seu desenvolvimento larval conta com um estágio pré-zoea, dois estágios zoea e um estágio glaucothoe. O estágio de pré-zoea tem curta duração, comumente de 5 minutos a 5 horas, sendo coberto por uma cutícula embrionária. Os estágios de zoea são facilmente reconhecidos pelos grandes espinhos rostral e posterior da carapaça. O estágio de glaucothoe apresenta todos os somitos e apêndices presentes no caranguejo adulto, com redução somente no número de pleópodos. Para o estudo foram utilizadas as amostras da coleção do NEBECC (Núcleo de Estudo de Biologia, Ecologia e Cultivo de Crustáceos) feitas para o projeto “Morfologia dos estágios iniciais do desenvolvimento de Crustáceos Decápodos Pleocyemata, do litoral norte paulista” aprovado pela FAPESP (proc. 04/15194-6). Estas amostras foram triadas em estereomicroscópio e, separadas as larvas por região (inshore e offshore) e estágios larvais. Os estágios de larvais foram desenhados e análisados com ênfase nos maxilipedes secundário e terciário e no télson. Os resultados foram analisados estatisticamente por métodos não-paramétricos, apresentando uma homogeneidade na distribuição dos estágios larvais tanto inshore quanto offshore


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The area of this work is located along the Northern portion of the Pelotas´s basin. The onshore region extends from the Southern portion São Paulo State to the North of Rio Grande do Sul State, with a total area of 440 530 km ². The objective of the research is to characterize the main geological structures of the outcropping basement in the Paraná Basin and its correlation with the offshore portion of the Pelotas Basin. The characterization was performed through the integration of surface (SRTM images and outcrops) and subsurface data (seismic data and well logs), the method includes the use of remote sensing techniques and seismic interpretation. The main structures to be analyzed are the Tibagi Lineament and the “Torres Syncline in order to verify its influence on the geological evolution and deformation of the basin. As result, it was identified the continuity of the both structures inside the offshore basin (Pelotas Basin); but only the Tibagi Lineament represents an important structural feature in the offshore basin. In this sense, the Tibagi lineament shows a NW-SE direction along the both basins (Pelotas and Paraná) and it is defined by drainages and relief on the continental portion. It was classified as a graben structure limited by normal faults and it also was verified a trend of faults inside the lineament that cuts all the sedimentary package of Itararé Group from Paraná Basin. The Torres syncline is a structure that connects the arches of Ponta Grossa and Rio Grande, showing NW-SE orientation and a low angle dip in the NW direction. Its projection into the Pelotas Basin was not recognized by the methods applied in this work, because a preliminary analyze indicates that its projection corresponds to a structural high inside the Pelotas Basin


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The Santos Basin is located in the Brazilian continental margin and includes the coast of Santa Catarina, Paraná, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro states. Its northern limit is the Campos Basin through the High of Cabo Frio and the southern one with the Pelotas Basin through the Platform of Florianópolis, totaling an area of approximately 350,000 square kilometers in a water depth of 3,000 m. The Paranapanema Lineament has WNW / ESE direction, and extends from the area filled by the Paraná Basin, on the border between the states of Sao Paulo and Parana, lasting up to near the ocean floor along with the fracture zone of Rio de Janeiro. The Capricorn Lineament is a feature inherited from the separation between the continents of Africa and South America, and is the main structural feature NW / SE of the Santos Basin center-south region. These two structures together with other ones with continental origin may be associated with structural features in the sediments from the Santos Basin. This work aims to characterize the structures operating in the central portion of the Santos Basin based on subsurface data in the offshore area (2D seismic) together with data from the surface of the continental basement in a way to correlate the Santos Basin structures with the continental regional traits. This data interpolation showed that the structural features of the continent operates on the submerged zone, the seismic sections show these structural trends for the Paranapanema Lineament / Fracture Zone of Rio de Janeiro, Capricorn Lineament and two fault zones that exhibit structures typical of a transfer zone


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This work is to control the quality of the structures, procedures for addressing the assembly of the formwork, scaffolding and the frame of pillars, beams and slabs. He had also intended to show that the vibration of launch and concrete items are also important, if poorly implemented can undermine the structure. This work also shows that the mapping becomes essential if there is some problem in the concrete, where concrete was launched, could be identified. And finally check the product where the structure will be evaluated for how much their quality


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In the last years, the use of industrialized systems of lattice structures of wood as an alternative in the construction processes, is becoming more popular in Brazil, mainly for their commitment to the environment.The industrialized system of wooden lattice structures consists in a production of lattice structures, composed of pieces of wood where their mechanical connections are made with the sheet multi-toothed connectors (CDE).Among the many challenges to make this system competitive, the whole system of the connections between the pieces of wood not only must show functionality, but also speed, strength, versatility and economy. Referenced at Brazilian Standard for Wood Structures (NBR 7190/1997 - Project of timber structures) the sheet multi-toothed connectors, are analyzed using three test methods: tensile strength parallel to grain, tensile strength normal to the fibers and shear strength, all of them in two positions, αCH0=0o e αCH0=90o to four types of wood: Angelim (Vatairea heteroptera Ducke); Red-Angico (Parapiptadenia rigida (Benth) Brenae); Garapa (Apuleia leiocarpa (Vog.) Macbr) and Jatoba (Hymenaea stilbocarpa Hayne), belonging to the Leguminosae family and founded in several regions of Brazil.The purpose of this manuscript consists to analyze the mechanical connections with the sheet multi-toothed connectors through tests from NBR7190/1997