599 resultados para Dietilditiocarbamato de prata
-T. III. Navegação nos mares Indicos, com as derrotas com monção, e pelos estreitos de E. 1844. -[pte. VII not published.] -pte. VIII. Costas do Pacifico dom ilhas adjacentes e derrotas. 1846. -[pte. IX not published.] -pte. X. t. I. Costas da America septentrional desde cabo Carlos até cabo Florida e de volta á embocadura do Mississippi no golfo do Mexico. 1842. t. II. Golfo do Mexico e costa da America, desde o rio Mississippi até Cabo Norte, com as ilhas Lacayas e Antilhas. 1846. -pte. XI. Costas do Brasil, de Cabo Norte até ao rio de Prata, com a Patagonia, Chili, e peru até ao isthmo de Panamá, com as ilhas adjcentes. 1839.
The goal set for this work was to synthesize and to characterize new iron and copper complexes with the Schiff base 3-MeOsalen and ligands of biological relevance, whose formulas are [Fe(3-MeOsalen)NO2], [Fe(3-MeOsalen)(etil2-dtc)], [Fe(3-MeOsalen)NO] and Na[Cu(3-MeOsalen)NO2]. The compounds were characterized by vibrational spectroscopy in the infrared region (IV) and Electronic spectroscopy in the ultraviolet and visible region (Uv-Vis). From the analysis of infrared spectra, they proved to formation of precursor complexes, as evidenced by changes in the vibrationals frequencies ν(C=N) e ν(C-O) and the emergence of vibrationals modes metal-oxygen and metal-nitrogen. For nitro complexes of iron and copper were observed ν(NO2)ass around 1300 cm-1 e ν(NO2)sim in 1271 cm-1 , indicating that the coordination is done via the nitrogen atom. The complex spectrum [Fe(3-MeOsalen)(etil2-dtc)] exhibited two bands, the ν(C-NR2) in 1508 cm-1 e ν(C-S) in 997 cm-1 , the relevant vibrational modes of coordinating ligand in the bidentate form. For the complex [Fe(3-MeOsalen)NO] was observed a new intense band in 1670 cm-1 related to the ν(NO). With the electronic spectra, the formation of complexes was evidenced by shifts of bands intraligands transitions and the emergence of new bands such as LMCT (p Cl- d* Fe3+) in [Fe(3-MeOsalen)Cl] and the d-d in [Cu(3-MeOsalen)H2O]. As for the [Fe(3-MeOsalen)NO2] has highlighted the absence of LMCT band present in the precursor complex as for the [Cu(3-MeOsalen)NO2] found that the displacement of the band hipsocrômico d-d on 28 nm. The electronic spectrum of [Fe(3-MeOsalen)(etil2-dtc)] presented LMCT band shifts and changes in intraligantes transitions. With regard to [Fe(3-MeOsalen)NO], revealed a more energetic transitions intraligands regions from the strong character π receiver NO and MLCT band of transition dπFe(II)π*(NO).
In the context of climate change over South America (SA) has been observed that the combination of high temperatures and rain more temperatures less rainfall, cause different impacts such as extreme precipitation events, favorable conditions for fires and droughts. As a result, these regions face growing threat of water shortage, local or generalized. Thus, the water availability in Brazil depends largely on the weather and its variations in different time scales. In this sense, the main objective of this research is to study the moisture budget through regional climate models (RCM) from Project Regional Climate Change Assessments for La Plata Basin (CLARIS-LPB) and combine these RCM through two statistical techniques in an attempt to improve prediction on three areas of AS: Amazon (AMZ), Northeast Brazil (NEB) and the Plata Basin (LPB) in past climates (1961-1990) and future (2071-2100). The moisture transport on AS was investigated through the moisture fluxes vertically integrated. The main results showed that the average fluxes of water vapor in the tropics (AMZ and NEB) are higher across the eastern and northern edges, thus indicating that the contributions of the trade winds of the North Atlantic and South are equally important for the entry moisture during the months of JJA and DJF. This configuration was observed in all the models and climates. In comparison climates, it was found that the convergence of the flow of moisture in the past weather was smaller in the future in various regions and seasons. Similarly, the majority of the SPC simulates the future climate, reduced precipitation in tropical regions (AMZ and NEB), and an increase in the LPB region. The second phase of this research was to carry out combination of RCM in more accurately predict precipitation, through the multiple regression techniques for components Main (C.RPC) and convex combination (C.EQM), and then analyze and compare combinations of RCM (ensemble). The results indicated that the combination was better in RPC represent precipitation observed in both climates. Since, in addition to showing values be close to those observed, the technique obtained coefficient of correlation of moderate to strong magnitude in almost every month in different climates and regions, also lower dispersion of data (RMSE). A significant advantage of the combination of methods was the ability to capture extreme events (outliers) for the study regions. In general, it was observed that the wet C.EQM captures more extreme, while C.RPC can capture more extreme dry climates and in the three regions studied.
Magnetic multilayers are the support for the production of spintronic devices, representing great possibilities for miniaturized electronics industry. having the control to produce devices as well as their physical properties from simple multilayer films to highly complex at the atomic scale is a fundamental need for progress in this area, in recent years has highlighted the production of organic and flexible spintronic devices. Because of this trend, the objective of this work was to produce magnetic multilayers deposited on flexible substrate using magnetron sputtering dc technique. Three sets of samples were prepared. The first set composed of the trilayer type CoFe=Cu(t)=CoFe with different thickness of the metallic spacer. The second set consists of two multilayer subgroups, CoFe=Cu in the presence of IrMn layer as a buffer and the next multilayer as cap layer. The third set consisting of non-magnetostrictive multilayer permalloy (Py=Ta and Py=Ag) on flexible substrate and glass. The magnetic properties, were investigated by magnetometry measurements, ferromagnetic resonance and magnetoimpedance (MI), measurements were carried out at room temperature with the magnetic field always applied on the sample plane. For structural analysis, the diffraction X-ray was used. The results of the trilayer showed a high uniaxial anisotropy field for the sample with a spacer of 4.2 nm. For the multilayer in the presence of IrMn layer as the buffer, the study of static and dynamic magnetic properties showed isotropic behavior. For the multilayer in the presence of IrMn layer as a cap, the results of static magnetic properties of the magnetic behavior exhibited a spin valve structure type. However there was a disagreement with results of ferromagnetic resonance measurements, which was justified by the contribution of the unstable and stable grain to the rotatable anisotropy and Exchange bias in ferromagneticantiferromagnetic interface. The third serie of samples showed similar results behavior for the MI Ag multilayers spacer in both substrates. There are also significant MI changes with the Ta spacer, possible associated with the compressive stress on the flexible substrate sample.
This thesis addresses two spectacles: “Moleque tão Grande Otelo” and “Água Suja”, in which both have had my participation as producer and actress. The spectacle “Moleque tão Grande Otelo” reveals the racial-ethnic questions that surrounds the play and permeates the artist’s life whose name is the same. The play deals how the actor Grande Otelo life events’ had implied in his art, the facts that marked his career and they are shown at the spectacle, the reason why to articulate: art, life, fantasy and reality. Aiming to unveil the actor, I refer it to my history as an actress and the roots’ similarity to Sebastião Bernardes de Souza Prata, who became Grande Otelo to the world. In the staging of “Água Suja”, we also expose familial and religious memories and experiences of a people that overflow faith in a real spectacle, which takes place every year, in August, in our region, more specifically in Romaria – MG. While creating “Água Suja”, we experienced the act of keeping a promise and believing in the saint’s miracle, thus this experience is told in the spectacle and investigated in this study.
A versão impressa está dividida em volume 1 e 2.
A public organization has a section for customer service which is responsible of order entry from customers concerning errands within real estate and business equipment, cleaning, transport operations and handicap appliance. According to the co-ordinators in hospitals within the organisation the customers are requesting for staff to talk to physically, meaning a person to speak with face to face. The customers experiencing that it’s sometimes difficult to call customer service or use the web form, which is the only communication paths in the current situation. Proposed changes presented claim that a complement to customer service with local service centers in every hospital. The purpose of this study is to evaluate a change proposition by weigh between efficiency and working environment, this by using multi-criteria analysis. To achieve the goal a decision model is designed in the decision tool DecideIT. The aim of the study is to recommend decision makers to choose one of the options based on as rational grounds as possible. The result of the study showed that the preferred alternative is not to supplement customer service with local service centers. For the most part, the result depending on the survey (represented result from working environment criteria) which showed that the majority of customers do not request a person to speak with face to face at all.
Utomhuspedagogik har under de senaste åren ökat inom skolans värld. Jag har upplevt att lärare har börjat prata mer om utomhuspedagogik och använder det mer och mer i undervisningen. Mitt självständiga arbete handlar om hur lärare i grundskolan förskoleklass-åk3 använder sig av utomhusmatematik och i vilket syfte lärarna har när de undervisar inom utomhusmatematik. Studiens syfte är att undersöka i vilket syfte lärare använder utomhusmatematik, vilka positiva respektive negativa sidor de ser/upplever när de undervisar med undervisningsformen samt ett ungefärligt snittvärde på hur många timmar i veckan lärarna använder det. Metoden som tillämpas till denna studie är kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med fyra verksamma lärare på olika skolor i samma kommun. Resultatet visar att alla lärare jag intervjuade jobbade med utomhusmatematik varje vecka och var positiv till att jobba med det. Lärarna såg också att fler elever fångades upp när de valde att ta ut klassrummet och jobba mer praktiskt. Genom att jobba på detta sätt har alla elever en större chans att jobba mot sina mål samt att eleverna får använda sin lärstil eftersom många olika lärstilar blir möjliga att använda utomhus.
Studier visar att svenska elevers resultat i matematik har försämrats och att en av de bakomliggande orsakerna till resultatnedgången är bristande begreppsförståelse. Samtidigt rapporteras det om att eleverna i undervisningen allt mer lämnas ensamma i sitt lärande i så kallat individuellt arbete. Tolkningen som kan göras är att det finns ett samband mellan elevers försämrade matematikkunskaper och undervisningen de möter i matematik. Syftet med denna studie är att få kunskap om hur matematikundervisningen kan utformas för att ge elever i årskurs 1-3 möjlighet att utveckla en god begreppsförståelse i matematik. Svaret söktes genom en systematisk litteraturstudie där litteratur och aktuell forskning söktes systematiskt. I studiens resultat exemplifieras en rad kommunikationsverktyg för läraren att använda direkt i undervisning, men också andra typer av verktyg, för att stödja och utveckla elevers förståelse för matematiska begrepp. Vidare synliggörs också fördelar med en lärare som möjliggör en undervisning där eleverna själva får kommunicera matematik och som agerar resurs för dem i deras övergång från det vardagliga till det matematiska språket. Kommunikation kan därför ses som ett viktigt verktyg i matematikundervisningen då det kommer till att utveckla elevers begreppsförståelse. Undervisningsmiljön behöver därför utformas till att passa en mer kommunikativ undervisning; en tillåtande miljö där eleverna tillåts och stöttas i att prata matematik.
Studier visar att svenska elevers resultat i matematik har försämrats och att en av de bakomliggande orsakerna till resultatnedgången är bristande begreppsförståelse. Samtidigt rapporteras det om att eleverna i undervisningen allt mer lämnas ensamma i sitt lärande i så kallat individuellt arbete. Tolkningen som kan göras är att det finns ett samband mellan elevers försämrade matematikkunskaper och undervisningen de möter i matematik. Syftet med denna studie är att få kunskap om hur matematikundervisningen kan utformas för att ge elever i årskurs 1-3 möjlighet att utveckla en god begreppsförståelse i matematik. Svaret söktes genom en systematisk litteraturstudie där litteratur och aktuell forskning söktes systematiskt. I studiens resultat exemplifieras en rad kommunikationsverktyg för läraren att använda direkt i undervisning, men också andra typer av verktyg, för att stödja och utveckla elevers förståelse för matematiska begrepp. Vidare synliggörs också fördelar med en lärare som möjliggör en undervisning där eleverna själva får kommunicera matematik och som agerar resurs för dem i deras övergång från det vardagliga till det matematiska språket. Kommunikation kan därför ses som ett viktigt verktyg i matematikundervisningen då det kommer till att utveckla elevers begreppsförståelse. Undervisningsmiljön behöver därför utformas till att passa en mer kommunikativ undervisning; en tillåtande miljö där eleverna tillåts och stöttas i att prata matematik.
Companies have always been organized by processes, often imperceptible to its employees. With the advancement of technology, organizational processes currently run an organization through computers, and thus generate immediate information that is available to each sector. With the objective of seeking business information in real time, the government created the SPED - Public System of Digital, which involves three subsystems, which are the Electronic Invoice, Digital Accounting Bookkeeping and Digital Tax Bookkeeping. This system is revolutionizing the business structures when gathering, in an innovative way, all information and interlinked business processes. For the implementation of SPED, a revision in the organizational processes is required, since the information is generated and is sent online to the government, without mistakes. Thus the study aimed to analyze the change brought about by the implementation of the Public System of Digital SPED in the main business processes. In order to do so, we have performed a multiple case study involving three companies in the state of Para, two operate in wholesale and one explores agribusiness. The Data collection was performed by accounting professionals, IT and managers. According to the results obtained, it was found that in two companies, the IT infrastructure was capable of deploying the new system without major problems, while one company had more difficulties to cope with the new system. However, all companies had to examine its processes to make the customizations needed to fit. It was also observed that there is no IT Governance in two companies. Therefore, we recommend the use of an appropriate model, not only for the implementation of SPED, but as a way to manage and extract better results from investment in information technology
Syftet med denna uppsats var att genom ett salutogent perspektiv få en ökad förståelse för, inom äldreomsorgen verksamma, biståndshandläggares arbetssituation samt att undersöka vad som kan bidra till att biståndshandläggares arbetssituation upplevs som lättare och mindre påfrestande. Metoden som använts är kvalitativa intervjuer där sex biståndshandläggare verksamma i Värmland har intervjuats. Intervjuerna analyserades genom teman ur KASAM och resulterade i kategorier under varje tema. Under temat begriplighet framkom att biståndshandläggare får stöd från sina kollegor men att de också önskar att det fanns mer resurser för handledning. Biståndshandläggare utför mer än vad som ingår i arbetsbeskrivningen. Under temat hanterbarhet framgår att hög arbetsbelastning hanteras genom att biståndshandläggarna måste planera, strukturera och prioritera. Kollegornas stöd gör arbetet lättare att hantera då de genom att prata med varandra bearbetar känslomässigt påfrestande delar av arbetet. De uttryckte olika behov av att reflektera över sitt arbete. Biståndshandläggare har en stor frihet att planera sin egen arbetsdag och de samverkar med andra professioner. Under temat meningsfullhet framgår att biståndshandläggare finner mening i att göra skillnad för den enskilde. Vårt resultat visar att biståndshandläggarna är utsatta för stress i sitt arbete och att de också har förmåga att möta stressen, men förmågan att möta stressen minskar när arbetsbelastningen blir för hög.
Dissertação de mestrado em Biologi apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto, 2008
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Supervisão e Avaliação Escolar.