786 resultados para Communicative competence
Background: A core component of nurse education is clinical practice in order to support the development of clinical skills and competence. Assessment and measurement of the clinical competence of nursing students is important to gauge their professional development and educational needs.
Aim: To evaluate the impact of an Older Persons’ Assessment Educational Workbook (OPAEW) and explore second year nursing students’ competence and their opinions and use of the workbook.
Methods: A ‘before and after’ pre-experimental design was undertaken with n=6 second year nursing students. Outcome measures were the Nursing Competencies Questionnaire and the Self-efficacy in Clinical Performance Scale. Content analysis of workbooks and a survey (n=5) of opinions regarding the workbook was undertaken.
Findings: Pre and post test results for the study (n=5) were tested to determine if there was a relationship between changes in the NCQ and SECP repeated measures and use of an OPAEW. Testing identified evidence of a statistically significant difference for both SECP measures (SECP28 p=0.043; SECP7 p=0.042), with no clear statistical evidence of a difference for the NCQ (p=0.08). A weak negative association (NCQ ρ=-0.600 p=0.285; SECP28 ρ=-0.300 p=0.624; SECP7 ρ=-0.205 p=0.741), was found indicating that those participants who scored the lowest scores at the start of the study, benefited most from the workbook.
Content analysis of the OPAEW (n=5) found that 3 of the 5 participants completed all components of the workbook, with a mean of 1051 words used (SD 281.8). Through the survey (n=5) students reported the workbook as a useful guide when undertaking a patient assessment.
Conclusions: The OPAEW showed potential as an intervention to support the development of nursing students’ competence in older person assessment skills.
Background: It is important to assess the clinical competence of nursing students to gauge their educational needs. Competence can be measured by self-assessment tools; however, Anema and McCoy (2010) contend that currently available measures should be further psychometrically tested.
Aim: To test the psychometric properties of Nursing Competencies Questionnaire (NCQ) and Self-Efficacy in Clinical Performance (SECP) clinical competence scales.
Method: A non-randomly selected sample of n=248 2nd year nursing students completed NCQ, SECP and demographic questionnaires (June and September 2013). Mokken Scaling Analysis (MSA) was used to investigate structural validity and scale properties; convergent and discriminant validity and reliability were also tested for each scale.
Results: MSA analysis identified that the NCQ is a unidimensional scale with strong scale scalability coefficients Hs =0.581; but limited item rankability HT =0.367. The SECP scale MSA suggested that the scale could be potentially split into two unidimensional scales (SECP28 and SECP7), each with good/reasonable scalablity psychometric properties as summed scales but negligible/very limited scale rankability (SECP28: Hs = 0.55, HT=0.211; SECP7: Hs = 0.61, HT=0.049). Analysis of between cohort differences and NCQ/SECP scores produced evidence of discriminant and convergent validity; good internal reliability was also found: NCQ α = 0.93, SECP28 α = 0.96 and SECP7 α=0.89.
Discussion: In line with previous research further evidence of the NCQ’s reliability and validity was demonstrated. However, as the SECP findings are new and the sample small with reference to Straat and colleagues (2014), the SECP results should be interpreted with caution and verified on a second sample.
Conclusions: Measurement of perceived self-competence could start early in a nursing programme to support students’ development of clinical competence. Further testing of the SECP scale with larger nursing student samples from different programme years is indicated.
Anema, M., G and McCoy, JK. (2010) Competency-Based Nursing Education: Guide to Achieving Outstanding Learner Outcomes. New York: Springer.
Straat, JH., van der Ark, LA and Sijtsma, K. (2014) Minimum Sample Size Requirements for Mokken Scale Analysis Educational and Psychological Measurement 74 (5), 809-822.
This paper proposes the joint use of the AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) and the ICB (IPMA Competence Baseline), as a tool for the decision-making process of selecting the most suitable managers for projects. A hierarchical structure, comprising the IPMA’s ICB 3.0 contextual, behavioural and technical competence elements, is constructed for the selection of project managers. It also describes the AHP implementation, illustrating the whole process with an example using all the 46 ICB competence elements as model criteria. This tool can be of high interest to decision-makers because it allows comparing the candidates for managing a project using a systematic and rigorous process with a rich set of proven criteria.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-08
This study investigates various communicative functions served by hashtags in written communication on Twitter from a linguistic pragmatic perspective. A tweet containing a hashtag links to, and is integrated into, a timeline of other tweets containing the same hashtag. Thus, hashtags are by default categorizing or organizing; a user of Twitter may add the tag #food to their tweet to integrate it into a general conversation about this topic. However, this study demonstrates that hashtags are also used creatively to perform other communicative functions. In the data presented, hashtags are employed as complexly multifunctional linguistic devices for, among other things, structuring information, playing games, and engaging in reflexive meta-commentary. Notably, while pragmatic methodology is typically applied to speech, this study indicates that a traditional speech acts framework may be profitably applied to written communication in new media.
Lääkehoidon turvallinen toteuttaminen edellyttää sairaanhoitajalta hyvää lääkehoidon osaamisperustaa. Sairaanhoitajakoulutuksen tehtävänä on mahdollistaa tämän osaamisen kehittyminen. Kansainvälisissä tutkimuksissa on kuitenkin osoitettu, että lääkehoidon opetuksen laajuudessa, sisällössä ja toteutuksessa on vaihtelevuutta. Aikaisemmissa tutkimuksissa on raportoitu myös puutteita lääkehoidon osaamisessa sekä sairaanhoitajilla että sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoilla. Koulutuksen ja lääkehoidon osaamisen kehittämiseksi lääkehoidon opetuksen ja sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoiden lääkehoidon osaamisen monipuolinen arviointi ja osaamista selittävien tekijöiden tarkastelu on tarpeen. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli i) arvioida lääkehoidon opetusta suomalaisessa sairaanhoitajakoulutuksessa, ii) arvioida sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoiden lääkehoidon osaamista sekä iii) tunnistaa sairaanhoitajaopiskelijan lääkehoidon osaamiseen yhteydessä olevat tekijät. Tutkimus toteutettiin kolmessa vaiheessa. Ensimmäisessä vaiheessa kahden integroidun kirjallisuuskatsauksen kautta määriteltiin tutkimuksen kohteena oleva sairaanhoitajan lääkehoidon osaaminen ja aiemmin tunnistetut sairaanhoitajaopiskelijan lääkehoidon osaamiseen yhteydessä olevat tekijät. Toisessa vaiheessa toteutettiin valtakunnallinen lääkehoidon opetukseen liittyvä kysely hoitotyön koulutusohjelmasta vastaaville koulutuspäälliköille (n=22) ja opettajille (n=136). Tutkimuksen kolmannessa vaiheessa opintojensa alku‐ (n=328) ja loppuvaiheessa olevien sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoiden (n=338) lääkehoidon osaaminen arvioitiin ja osaamiseen yhteydessä olevat tekijät tunnistettiin. Aineistojen analyysissä käytettiin pääosin tilastollisia menetelmiä. Tulosten perusteella lääkehoidon opetuksen laajuus vaihteli eri ammattikorkeakouluissa, mutta opetuksen sisältö oli kuitenkin monipuolista. Lisää huomiota tulisi kiinnittää lääkehoidon teoreettiseen perustaan ja itsehoitoon sekä lääkehoidon ohjaukseen liittyviin sisältöalueisiin. Opiskelijoiden lääkehoidon osaamista arvioitiin säännöllisesti kaikissa ammattikorkeakouluissa. Sairaanhoitajaopiskelijan lääkehoidon osaamista arvioitiin tutkimuksessa tietotestillä, lääkelaskentatehtävillä ja lyhyiden potilastapausten ratkaisemisen avulla. Lääkehoidon osaamiseen yhteydessä olevia tekijöitä tarkasteltiin kolmesta näkökulmasta: 1) yksilölliset tekijät, 2) kliiniseen oppimisympäristöön ja 3) ammattikorkeakouluun liittyvät tekijät. Lääkehoidon teoreettista osaamista arvioivassa tietotestissä opiskelijat vastasivat keskimäärin 72 prosenttiin kysymyksistä täysin oikein; lääkelaskuista täysin oikein oli 74 % ja potilastapauksissa 57 % valitsi parhaan mahdollisen toimintatavan. Tulosten perusteella sairaanhoitajaopiskelijan osaamista selittivät eniten yksilölliset tekijät. Lääkehoidon osaamiseen yhteydessä olevien tekijöiden välillä oli eroa opintojen alussa ja lopussa. Opintojen alkuvaiheessa opiskelijan aikaisempi opintomenestys oli yhteydessä lääkehoidon osaamiseen, kun taas opintojen loppuvaiheessa siihen olivat yhteydessä opiskelijan kyky itseohjautuvaan oppimiseen sekä opiskelumotivaatio. Johtopäätöksenä voidaan todeta tutkimuksen tulosten olevan samansuuntaisia kuin aikaisemmissa tutkimuksissa. Lääkehoidon opetuksen laajuus vaihtelee opetussuunnitelmatasolla, mutta täsmällinen arviointi on vaikeaa opetuksen sisältöjen integroimisen takia. Sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoiden lääkehoidon osaaminen oli hieman parempaa kuin aikaisemmissa tutkimuksissa, mutta osaamisessa on edelleen puutteita. Lääkehoidon opetuksen ja osaamisen kehittäminen edellyttää kansallista ja kansainvälistä tutkimus‐ ja kehittämisyhteistyötä. Tutkimuksen tulokset tukevat lääkehoidon opetuksen sekä osaamisen tutkimusta ja kehittämistä.
This book will concentrate on economic competence and financial literacy of young adults in the US, Europe and South America. The subjects of the research are mainly individuals who have begun an apprenticeship or university education. Economic competence and financial literacy are of special interest for this group because they are usually in the unique position of being responsible for managing their own financial affairs autonomously, often for the first time. Furthermore, economic competence is key to social participation and active citizenship. (DIPF/Orig.)
Children develop in a sea of reciprocal social interaction, but their brain development is predominately studied in non-interactive contexts (e.g., viewing photographs of faces). This dissertation investigated how the developing brain supports social interaction. Specifically, novel paradigms were used to target two facets of social experience—social communication and social motivation—across three studies in children and adults. In Study 1, adults listened to short vignettes—which contained no social information—that they believed to be either prerecorded or presented over an audio-feed by a live social partner. Simply believing that speech was from a live social partner increased activation in the brain’s mentalizing network—a network involved in thinking about others’ thoughts. Study 2 extended this paradigm to middle childhood, a time of increasing social competence and social network complexity, as well as structural and functional social brain development. Results showed that, as in adults, regions of the mentalizing network were engaged by live speech. Taken together, these findings indicate that the mentalizing network may support the processing of interactive communicative cues across development. Given this established importance of social-interactive context, Study 3 examined children’s social motivation when they believed they were engaged in a computer-based chat with a peer. Children initiated interaction via sharing information about their likes and hobbies and received responses from the peer. Compared to a non-social control, in which children chatted with a computer, peer interaction increased activation in mentalizing regions and reward circuitry. Further, within mentalizing regions, responsivity to the peer increased with age. Thus, across all three studies, social cognitive regions associated with mentalizing supported real-time social interaction. In contrast, the specific social context appeared to influence both reward circuitry involvement and age-related changes in neural activity. Future studies should continue to examine how the brain supports interaction across varied real-world social contexts. In addition to illuminating typical development, understanding the neural bases of interaction will offer insight into social disabilities such as autism, where social difficulties are often most acute in interactive situations. Ultimately, to best capture human experience, social neuroscience ought to be embedded in the social world.
R?SUM?: Ce m?moire a comme but la description de la mise en place de deux unit?s didactiques pour l?am?lioration de la comp?tence communicative orale en fran?ais d?un groupe d??l?ves de terminale d?un lyc?e de Cali. Ce travail s?inscrit dans la recherche action qui nous a permis de mener un processus de diagnostic, d?impl?mentation et d??valuation. Les techniques utilis?es ont ?t? les enqu?tes, entretiens aux ?l?ves et au professeur titulaire, observations de classes et enregistrements audio et vid?o. L?analyse de la phase d?impl?mentation s?est faite ? partir de trois grandes cat?gories qui rassemblent le sens de l?approche collaborative et la comp?tence communicative orale. Les r?sultats montrent que les ?l?ves ont am?lior? leur expression orale en fran?ais notamment l?enrichissement de vocabulaire et la fluidit?, ? travers des contenus proches de leur r?alit?. Nous montrons les b?n?fices de l?approche collaborative tels que le travail de groupe, le changement de r?les de l?enseignant et des ?l?ves et la possibilit? de co-?valuation du processus dans un cours de fran?ais langue ?trang?re.
O presente Relatório Final visa aferir a importância que os materiais autênticos podem proporcionar ao ensino da competência sociocultural nas aulas de Espanhol Língua Estrangeira (ELE), contrariando a visão da abordagem cultural no ensino de línguas estrangeiras como mais uma tarefa. O objetivo primordial é estreitar laços entre língua e cultura, explorando as potencialidades dos materiais autênticos. Propõe-se, desta forma, a realização de fichas de trabalho apoiadas nestes materiais, com o intuito de motivar os alunos para a aprendizagem da língua espanhola, associando, sempre, idioma, cultura e comunicação, dado que a competência sociocultural compreende conhecimentos que nos permitem utilizar uma Língua Estrangeira (LE) de modo eficaz e adequado, em diferentes atos comunicativos em que o falante possa estar envolvido, por forma a evitar prováveis situações constrangedoras.
It is important to assess young children's perceived Fundamental Movement Skill (FMS) competence in order to examine the role of perceived FMS competence in motivation toward physical activity. Children's perceptions of motor competence may vary according to the culture/country of origin; therefore, it is also important to measure perceptions in different cultural contexts. The purpose was to assess the face validity, internal consistency, test–retest reliability and construct validity of the 12 FMS items in the Pictorial Scale for Perceived Movement Skill Competence for Young Children (PMSC) in a Portuguese sample. Methods Two hundred one Portuguese children (girls, n = 112), 5 to 10 years of age (7.6 ± 1.4), participated. All children completed the PMSC once. Ordinal alpha assessed internal consistency. A random subsamples (n = 47) were reassessed one week later to determine test–retest reliability with Bland–Altman method. Children were asked questions after the second administration to determine face validity. Construct validity was assessed on the whole sample with a Bayesian Structural Equation Modelling (BSEM) approach. The hypothesized theoretical model used the 12 items and two hypothesized factors: object control and locomotor skills. Results The majority of children correctly identified the skills and could understand most of the pictures. Test–retest reliability analysis was good, with an agreement ration between 0.99 and 1.02. Ordinal alpha values ranged from acceptable (object control 0.73, locomotor 0.68) to good (all FMS 0.81). The hypothesized BSEM model had an adequate fit. Conclusions The PMSC can be used to investigate perceptions of children's FMS competence. This instrument can also be satisfactorily used among Portuguese children.
Tesis (Licenciado en Lenguas Castellana, Inglés y Francés).--Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias de La Educación. Licenciatura en Lengua Castellana, Inglés y Francés, 2014
Este relatório, apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Bragança, realizado no âmbito da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada (PES) do Mestrado em Ensino do inglês e espanhol no ensino básico, tem como finalidade refletir sobre algumas questões teórico-práticas abordadas durante a realização da PES. Considerando o papel dos falsos amigos no processo de ensino/aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira, neste caso o inglês e espanhol, analisámos e refletimos sobre a sua importância para a aprendizagem da Língua Estrangeira (LE). Primeiramente, desenvolveu-se em termos teóricos o tema referido de modo a criar uma relação teórico-prática no que diz respeito às atividades desenvolvidas durante a PES. A exploração teórica centrou-se na revisão da literatura focando-se nos conceitos dos falsos amigos, das macrocapacidades de compreensão e expressão oral e das funções da linguagem tendo por base os métodos de ensino, nomeadamente o método da abordagem comunicativa. Durante a prática de ensino supervisionada foram criadas atividades e estratégias que permitiram um estudo sobre a ocorrência de constrangimentos impeditivos ou não da compreensão de significados por parte do aprendente e em que medida isso constitui um fator facilitador ou um obstáculo na aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira.
This study attempts to answer the question “Should translation be considered a fifth language skill?” by examining and comparing the use of translation as a language learning and assessment method in the national Finnish lukio curriculum and the curriculum of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP). Furthermore, the students’ ability to translate and their opinions on the usefulness of translation in language learning will be examined. The students’ opinions were gathered through a questionnaire that was given to 156 students studying in either lukio or the IBDP in Turku and Rovaniemi. I present and compare the role of translation in selected language teaching and learning methods and approaches, and discuss the effectiveness of translation as a language learning method and an assessment method. The theoretical discussion provides the basis for examining the role of translation as a language learning method and an assessment method in the curricula and final examinations of both education programs. The analysis of the two curricula indicated that there is a significant difference in the use of translation, as translation is used as a language learning method and as an assessment method in lukio, but is not used in either form in the IB. The data obtained through the questionnaire indicated that there is a difference in the level of language competence between the lukio and IB students and suggested that the curriculum in which the student studies has some effect on his/her cognitive use of translation, ability to translate and opinions concerning the usefulness of translation in language learning. The results indicated that both groups of students used translation, along with their mother tongue, as a cognitive language learning method, and, contrary to the expectations set by the analysis of the two curricula, the IB students performed better in the translation exercises than lukio students. Both groups of students agreed that translation is a useful language learning method, and indicated that the most common dictionaries they use are bilingual Internet dictionaries. The results suggest that translation is a specific skill that requires teaching and practice, and that perhaps the translation exercises used in lukio should be developed from translating individual words and phrases to translating cultural elements. In addition, the results suggest that perhaps the IB curriculum should include the use of translation exercises (e.g., communicative translation exercises) in order to help students learn to mediate between languages and cultures rather than learn languages in isolation from each other.