973 resultados para Antitrust enforcement
Illicit opiate use, especially injected drugs, contributes to premature mortality and morbidity in many developed and developing societies. The economic costs of illicit drug use are substantial. Fatal overdoses and HIV/AIDS resulting from sharing dirty needles and injecting equipment are major contributors to mortality and morbidity. Illicit opioid use accounted for 0.7 percent of global disability–adjusted life years in 2000. An estimated 15.3 million people, or 0.4 percent of the world population ages 15 to 64, used illicit opioids in 2002, with more than half using heroin and the rest using opium or diverted pharmaceuticals such as buprenorphine, methadone, or morphine. The most popular interventions for illicit opioid dependence in many developed societies have been law enforcement efforts to interdict the drug supply and enforce legal sanctions against drug use. One consequence has been that illicit opioid users have been exposed to the least effective intervention: imprisonment for drug or property offenses. The most effective intervention to reduce blood–borne virus infection resulting from illicit drug injections is provision of clean injecting equipment to users. This intervention has been widely supported in developed countries, but less so in developing countries. In addition, vaccinations are effective against hepatitis B. In treatment settings, the most popular interventions have been detoxification and drug–free treatment, which has proven the least productive in retaining opioid–dependent people in treatment. Opioid agonists have a niche role in treatment of opioid dependence, especially if their efficacy improves with development of long–acting injectable forms of the drug.
The researchers focussed on the impact of the heroin shortage that occurred in early 2001 on three Australian jurisdictions, namely NSW, Vic and SA. They interviewed 82 heroin dependent heroin users and 172 key informants from health and law enforcement agencies. They also examined a range of indicator data such as drug seizures, drug-related arrests, deaths related to drug use, emergency department admissions for overdose or drug induced psychosis , calls to telephone help lines about drug use, needles distributed for drug use, and notifications about blood borne diseases. In addition a range of documentation, in particular from the law enforcement sector, was examined.
The management of neurotrauma in Australia has been one of the significant public health triumphs during the last 30 years of the 20th century. State and national government agencies act in a coordinated fashion to collect data and to promote research on how to manage neurotrauma patients. Between 1970 and 1995, fatalities from road accidents decreased by 47%. Hospital admissions have decreased by 40% despite a 40% increase in the population and a 120% increase in registered vehicles. Fatalities per 10,000 registered vehicles were 8.05% in 1970 and they fell to 1.84% per vehicles in 1995, while fatalities per 10;000 population were 3 in 1970 falling to 1.11 in 1995. Hospitalization from road crashes decreased 23% between March 1988 and March 1997. Public education has steadily improved, backed by the state public health sources. A uniform code of road safety laws has been adopted, backed by legislation and legal penalties and increasing police enforcement. Clinical care of patients has improved as a result of faster communications, tele-medicine, trauma systems, the CT scanner; intensive care units, and improved monitoring. Patient rehabilitation and counseling are now carried out at units accredited by the Australian Council on Health Care Standards.
Australia ranks high internationally in the prevalence of cannabis and other illicit drug use, with the prevalence of all illicit drug use increasing since the 1970s. There are two distinctive features associated with harms from injecting drug use-high rates of death from heroin overdose and low rates of HIV infection. Australia has largely avoided a punitive and moralistic drug policy, developing instead harm minimization strategies and a robust treatment framework embedded in a strong law enforcement regime. Two illustrations of Australian drug policy are presented: legislation that provides for the expiation of simple cannabis offences by payment of a fine and the widespread implementation of agonist maintenance treatment for heroin dependence.
In 1997 the United Nations adopted the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency and recommended that member states adopt it as part of domestic legislation. In 2002 Australia, an active participant in UNCITRAL's Working Group on Insolvency Law, announced that the next phase of the Commonwealth Government's Corporate Law Economic Reform Program would be a review of cross-border insolvency law. CLERP 8 seeks feedback on the proposed enactment of the Model Law by a separate Commonwealth statute. This article places such a development within the context of Australian cross-border insolvency law as it has evolved from early English bankruptcy legislation through case law arising from the banking collapses of the late 19th century to the more recent jurisprudence produced by corporate collapses of the late 1980s to early 1990s and current high-profile insolvencies.
Este informe expone de forma sumaria los diversos enfoques y aproximaciones que nueve pa??ses de la Uni??n Europea ??? seis antiguos miembros (Reino Unido, Alemania, Francia, Italia, Espa??a y Portugal) y tres miembros recientes (Letonia, Polonia y Hungr??a) ??? est??n usando para gestionar los conflictos de inter??s en el sector p??blico. En la primera parte, se presenta el marco conceptual y las definiciones con las que poder entender de qu?? hablamos cuando hablamos de corrupci??n y de conflictos de inter??s en el sector p??blico. Posteriormente, trata de las razones existentes tras las pol??ticas de regulaci??n y tratamiento de los conflictos de inter??s y la importancia de ellas para el funcionamiento adecuado de la democracia. A continuaci??n, se explican las caracter??sticas, peculiaridades y dilemas de esta pol??tica p??blica en el contexto de las teor??as y enfoques sobre pol??ticas p??blicas. El informe tambi??n examina los puntos comunes en las estructuras, m??todos y procesos utilizados para gestionar los conflictos de inter??s en los pa??ses estudiados, adem??s de explicitar las principales diferencias en los marcos legales, medios de implantaci??n, mecanismos de evaluaci??n y medios de ejecuci??n. Por ??ltimo, incluye una visi??n cr??tica de las ventajas y desventajas relacionadas con la utilidad de los instrumentos empleados y finaliza con recomendaciones relativas a c??mo formular e implantar pol??ticas de este tipo.
O Programa Bolsa Fam??lia, programa de transfer??ncia condicionada de renda, vem se firmando no cen??rio mundial como uma das mais expressivas iniciativas dessa natureza para o enfrentamento da pobreza e a redu????o da desigualdade. Presente em todos os 5.564 munic??pios brasileiros, caracteriza- se por ser um programa federal que n??o prescinde dos estados e, em especial, dos munic??pios para a sua execu????o. No sentido de estabelecer uma gest??o compartilhada entre todas as esferas governamentais, o governo federal tem buscado implantar mecanismos flex??veis de parceria, com defini????o clara de pap??is e compartilhamento de responsabilidades, bem como auxiliar os governos subnacionais, por meio da transfer??ncia de recursos para a gest??o, na cria????o das condi????es institucionais e de infra-estrutura necess??rias ?? operacionaliza????o de um programa dessa magnitude. Este texto analisa as rela????es intergovernamentais existentes no ??mbito do Programa Bolsa Fam??lia, identificando os avan??os e os desafios na busca da coordena????o federativa. A primeira parte, sobre o federalismo brasileiro, ap??ia-se basicamente em estudos do pesquisador Luiz Fernando Abrucio. J?? os dados e informa????es sobre o Programa foram fornecidos pelo Minist??rio do Desenvolvimento Social e Combate ?? Fome.
O trabalho teve por objetivo verificar a influência da presença dos acordos de acionistas na qualidade das informações contábeis divulgadas pelas empresas listadas na BM&FBOVESPA, do ano de 2001 a 2011. Para inferir a respeito da qualidade das informações contábeis foram utilizadas as métricas de informatividade e value relevance. Foram analisados em separado: os acordos de comando (utilizados para garantir o controle) dos acordos de defesa (utilizados para garantir o acesso a determinados direitos através do alcance de um percentual mínimo de capital votante). A amostra teve como critério de corte o mínimo de 0,001 de liquidez na BM&FBOVESPA. Foi utilizada regressão linear múltipla com dados em painel desequilibrado, tendo como variáveis de controle: concentração de votos, tamanho, endividamento, market-to-book e perdas. Com base nos efeitos cumprimento e monitoramento, com a utilização da metodologia proposta, o trabalho aponta que empresas com qualquer um dos tipos de acordo entre acionistas possuem maior qualidade das informações contábeis divulgadas.
RESUMO: Este estudo procura avaliar a Medida Socioeducativa de Internação decretada a adolescentes autores de ato infracional na Cidade do Recife no ano de 2009. É um trabalho de grande importância para a sociedade brasileira, sobretudo, no que diz respeito ao combate à violência juvenil, à criminalidade em geral, e à construção de um mundo mais justo e solidário. Escolhemos a Cidade do Recife, Capital do Estado de Pernambuco, localizada na região Nordeste do Brasil, para ser o local da nossa pesquisa, por ser esta uma das mais violentas cidades do país. No decorrer desta pesquisa fizemos ainda uma breve análise do cenário sociológico da adolescência na Cidade do Recife. Em seguida estudamos o cenário jurídico dos adolescentes autores de ato infracional com base no Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente – Lei nº 8.069/1990, analisando a evolução histórica do tratamento legal dispensado a estes jovens, abordando o conceito de adolescente e ato infracional, e investigando as Medidas Socioeducativas previstas na legislação brasileira, sobretudo, a Medida de Internação, pelo fato de ser a mais grave delas. Assim, além investigarmos através de dados estatísticos o quantitativo por gênero de adolescentes autores de ato infracional aos quais foram decretadas Medida de Internação, observamos os tipos de atos infracionais mais praticados. Intentamos, dessa forma, questionar a violência juvenil e o modo como a sociedade e as instituições envolvidas têm tratado a questão. Para tanto, foram realizadas entrevistas com servidores da Fundação de Atendimento Socioeducativo- FUNASE, entidade que trabalham diretamente com a reeducação de adolescentes autores de ato infracional submetidos à Internação na Cidade do Recife, para analisar como estão sendo aplicadas essas medidas. ABSTRACT: This study aims to evaluate the Socioeducational Measure of Internation decreed to transgressor teenagers in the City of Recife at the year 2009. This study has a big importance to Brazilian society, above all, because focalize the combat of the juvenile violence in Recife, Capital of the State of Pernambuco on the northwest of the Brazil, one of the most violent city of Brazil. During this investigation, was done a brief analysis of sociological scenery of teenage in this City. It was studied too, the juridical scenery of teenagers that committed any kind of transgression, based on the Statue of Child and the Adolescent- law n° 8.069/1990, analyzing the historical evolution of lawful treatment put into practice to this people, using the concept of adolescent and infracional act, and observing the social and educative punishment in the penal justice system of Brazil, and detaching the measure of internation, that is the gravest form of punishment. So, in this study it was investigated the quantity of transgressors adolescents based in gender and the kinds of transgression most practiced by them which results on internation measure decreed. This way, the purpose of this study is discuss about young violence and the way that society and institutions have faced this question. For this, it was realized interviews with Foundation of Socioeducative Attendance – FUNASE workers, that work directly with re-education of adolescents that committed any transgression and were submitted to internation punishment, in order to analyze how are being applied these measures.
This paper describes an assessment of the impact of the enforcement of the European carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions trading scheme on the Portuguese chemical industry, based on cost structure, CO2 emissions, electricity consumption and allocated allowances data from a survey to four Portuguese representative units of the chemical industry sector, and considering scenarios that allow the estimation of increases on both direct and indirect production costs. These estimated cost increases were also compared with similar data from other European Industries, found in the references and with conclusions from simulation studies. Thus, it was possible to ascertain the impact of buying extra CO2 emission permits, which could be considered as limited. It was also found that this impact is somewhat lower than the impacts for other industrial sectors.
Water covers over 70% of the Earth's surface, and is vital for all known forms of life. But only 3% of the Earth's water is fresh water, and less than 0.3% of all freshwater is in rivers, lakes, reservoirs and the atmosphere. However, rivers and lakes are an important part of fresh surface water, amounting to about 89%. In this Master Thesis dissertation, the focus is on three types of water bodies – rivers, lakes and reservoirs, and their water quality issues in Asian countries. The surface water quality in a region is largely determined both by the natural processes such as climate or geographic conditions, and the anthropogenic influences such as industrial and agricultural activities or land use conversion. The quality of the water can be affected by pollutants discharge from a specific point through a sewer pipe and also by extensive drainage from agriculture/urban areas and within basin. Hence, water pollutant sources can be divided into two categories: Point source pollution and Non-point source (NPS) pollution. Seasonal variations in precipitation and surface run-off have a strong effect on river discharge and the concentration of pollutants in water bodies. For example, in the rainy season, heavy and persistent rain wash off the ground, the runoff flow increases and may contain various kinds of pollutants and, eventually, enters the water bodies. In some cases, especially in confined water bodies, the quality may be positive related with rainfall in the wet season, because this confined type of fresh water systems allows high dilution of pollutants, decreasing their possible impacts. During the dry season, the quality of water is largely related to industrialization and urbanization pollution. The aim of this study is to identify the most common water quality problems in Asian countries and to enumerate and analyze the methodologies used for assessment of water quality conditions of both rivers and confined water bodies (lakes and reservoirs). Based on the evaluation of a sample of 57 papers, dated between 2000 and 2012, it was found that over the past decade, the water quality of rivers, lakes, and reservoirs in developing countries is being degraded. Water pollution and destruction of aquatic ecosystems have caused massive damage to the functions and integrity of water resources. The most widespread NPS in Asian countries and those which have the greatest spatial impacts are urban runoff and agriculture. Locally, mine waste runoff and rice paddy are serious NPS problems. The most relevant point pollution sources are the effluents from factories, sewage treatment plant, and public or household facilities. It was found that the most used methodology was unquestionably the monitoring activity, used in 49 of analyzed studies, accounting for 86%. Sometimes, data from historical databases were used as well. It can be seen that taking samples from the water body and then carry on laboratory work (chemical analyses) is important because it can give an understanding of the water quality. 6 papers (11%) used a method that combined monitoring data and modeling. 6 papers (11%) just applied a model to estimate the quality of water. Modeling is a useful resource when there is limited budget since some models are of free download and use. In particular, several of used models come from the U.S.A, but they have their own purposes and features, meaning that a careful application of the models to other countries and a critical discussion of the results are crucial. 5 papers (9%) focus on a method combining monitoring data and statistical analysis. When there is a huge data matrix, the researchers need an efficient way of interpretation of the information which is provided by statistics. 3 papers (5%) used a method combining monitoring data, statistical analysis and modeling. These different methods are all valuable to evaluate the water quality. It was also found that the evaluation of water quality was made as well by using other types of sampling different than water itself, and they also provide useful information to understand the condition of the water body. These additional monitoring activities are: Air sampling, sediment sampling, phytoplankton sampling and aquatic animal tissues sampling. Despite considerable progress in developing and applying control regulations to point and NPS pollution, the pollution status of rivers, lakes, and reservoirs in Asian countries is not improving. In fact, this reflects the slow pace of investment in new infrastructure for pollution control and growing population pressures. Water laws or regulations and public involvement in enforcement can play a constructive and indispensable role in environmental protection. In the near future, in order to protect water from further contamination, rapid action is highly needed to control the various kinds of effluents in one region. Environmental remediation and treatment of industrial effluent and municipal wastewaters is essential. It is also important to prevent the direct input of agricultural and mine site runoff. Finally, stricter environmental regulation for water quality is required to support protection and management strategies. It would have been possible to get further information based in the 57 sample of papers. For instance, it would have been interesting to compare the level of concentrations of some pollutants in the diferente Asian countries. However the limit of three months duration for this study prevented further work to take place. In spite of this, the study objectives were achieved: the work provided an overview of the most relevant water quality problems in rivers, lakes and reservoirs in Asian countries, and also listed and analyzed the most common methodologies.
The objective of the study was to assess the use of helmets in a community where helmet use is mandatory but low as there is no police enforcement. A sample comprising 451 motorcyclists in the city of Mar del Plata, Argentina, was studied in 2006. The following variables were studied: gender, type of motorcycle, weather conditions, time of the day, city area and type of road where motorcyclists traveled. Data were analyzed through a multiple logistic regression model. An overall 40% prevalence (95% CI: 35.5;44.5) of helmet use was found. Higher rates of helmet use were seen among women, and under unfavorable weather conditions, lower rates were found in the city outskirts, and variable use was seen according to the type of motorcycle. There is a need to improve law enforcement and to promote education of motorcyclists.
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