995 resultados para 163-990A
Trata das eleições federais e estaduais nos anos de 1965 e 1966. A primeira parte se refere aos Senadores, Deputados Federais e Estaduais, eleitos em 15 de novembro de 1966. A segunda parte diz respeito aos Governadores eleitos em 3 de outubro de 1965 e aos eleitos indiretamente em 3 de setembro de 1966. A terceira parte apresenta o resultado das eleições de junho de 1965 e 3 de outubro do mesmo ano, decorrentes da necessidade do preenchimento de duas vagas na Câmara dos Deputados e uma no Senado Federal.
Apresenta dados sobre as eleições federais e estaduais de 1960, fazendo uma comparação com dados estatíticos de eleições anteriores.
Apresenta dados estatísticos sobre o resultado do pleito realizado em 1970. O texto se divide em 2 partes: a primeira se refere aos pleitos para escolha de Senadores, Deputados Federais e Estaduais, e a segunda contém os quadros comparativos dos pleitos de 1945 a 1970.
Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Meeting Agenda Report of Opening Session Report of Governing Council Meetings Reports of Science Board and Committees Science Board Working Group 5: Bering Sea (Final Report) Working Group 9: Subarctic Pacific Monitoring Report of the First Meeting Report of the Second Meeting Biological Oceanography Committee Working Group 11: Consumption of Marine Resources by Marine Birds and Mammals Fishery Science Committee Working Group 12: Crabs and Shrimps Marine Environmental Quality Committee Working Group 8: Practical Assessment Methodology Physical Oceanography and Climate Committee Working Group 10: Circulation and Ventilation in the Japan Sea /East Sea and its Adjacent Areas Technological Committee on Data Exchange Finance and Administration Report of Finance and Administration Committee Assets on 31st of December, 1995 Income and Expenditures for 1995 Budget for 1997 Composition of the Organization Officers, Delegates, Finance and Administration Committee, Science Board, Secretariat, Scientific and Technical Committees List of Participants List of Acronyms (Document has 163 pages.)
- §1.1 板壳弯曲断裂问题
- §1.2 Kirchhoff经典板壳弯曲断裂理论
- §1.3 Reissner型板壳弯曲断裂理论
- §1.4 Kirchhoff与Reissner型板壳弯曲断裂理论的比较
- §1.5 含裂纹有限尺寸板壳断裂分析的局部-整体法
- §1.6 含表面裂纹板壳
- §2.1 Kirchhoff板的基本概念和基本假定
- §2.2 基本公式与弹性曲面微分方程
- §2.3 边界条件
- §2.4 弹性薄板的应变能
- §2.5 极坐标下的挠曲面微分方程与内力公式
- §2.6 裂纹尖端场特征展开式通项公式
- §2.7 Kirchhoff板弯曲应力强度因子
- §3.1 基本方程和公式的复变函数表示
- §3.2 所引入函数的确定程度与一般形式
- §3.3 坐标变换与边界条件
- §3.4 运用保角变换方法求解孔口问题
- §3.5 应力强度因子与函数Φ(z)的关系
- §3.6 复变-主部分析法之应用简例
- §3.7 共直线裂纹问题的一般解答
- §3.8 典型弯曲裂纹问题的解答及弯曲应力强度因子公式
- §3.9 共圆曲线裂纹问题的解答及弯曲应力强度因子公式
- §4.1 裂纹尖端奇异元的位移模式与弯曲应力强度因子
- §4.2 裂纹尖端奇异元的刚度矩阵
- §4.3 裂纹尖端奇异元与常规单元的连接
- §4.4 解析法与数值法的结果比较与讨论
- §4.5 两共线半无限裂纹问题的定解条件及解的实用价值
- §5.1 Reissner型板的基本假定
- §5.2 Reissner型板的基本公式与平衡微分方程
- §5.3 基本方程的简化
- §5.4 边界条件
- §5.5 极坐标下的基本公式与平衡微分方程
- §5.6 两种平板理论用于无裂纹板时的比较
- §5.7 两种乎板理论用于含裂纹板时的比较
- §6.1 基本方程和一般求解方法
- §9.1 局部-整体法与其它解析和数值法的结果比较
- §9.2 边界对应力强度因子的影响
- §9.3 板的支承条件及长宽比的影响
- §9.5 计算Reissner型板应力强度因子的一组近似方程与近似解法
- §9.4 Reissner型板理论与Kirchhoff板理论所得应力强度因子的比较
- §9.6 关于数值计算的几点讨论
Florida Sea Grant management and extension specialists developed a questionnaire to solicit information regarding the recipient’s county of residence, occupation, and primary coastal activities. Survey recipients were also asked to select from a list the top five marine-related topics that defined prior strategic plan themes (i.e., marine bio-technology, fisheries, aquaculture, seafood safety, coastal communities, ecosystem health, coastal hazards, and marine education). In addition, questionnaire recipients were asked to evaluate (on a scale of one to five) the importance of a series of listed outcomes that characterize priority planning themes. Last, survey recipients identified up to three priority themes and outcomes that they felt were particularly important and in need of resolution. (PDF contains 36 pages.)
"The Role of Latin in the Early Modern World: Linguistic identity and nationalism 1350-1800". Contributions from the conference held at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Casa Convalescència, 5-6 May 2010. Edited by Alejandro Coroleu, Carlo Caruso & Andrew Laird
Enactive approaches foreground the role of interpersonal interaction in explanations of social understanding. This motivates, in combination with a recent interest in neuroscientific studies involving actual interactions, the question of how interactive processes relate to neural mechanisms involved in social understanding. We introduce the Interactive Brain Hypothesis (IBH) in order to help map the spectrum of possible relations between social interaction and neural processes. The hypothesis states that interactive experience and skills play enabling roles in both the development and current function of social brain mechanisms, even in cases where social understanding happens in the absence of immediate interaction. We examine the plausibility of this hypothesis against developmental and neurobiological evidence and contrast it with the widespread assumption that mindreading is crucial to all social cognition. We describe the elements of social interaction that bear most directly on this hypothesis and discuss the empirical possibilities open to social neuroscience. We propose that the link between coordination dynamics and social understanding can be best grasped by studying transitions between states of coordination. These transitions form part of the self-organization of interaction processes that characterize the dynamics of social engagement. The patterns and synergies of this self-organization help explain how individuals understand each other. Various possibilities for role-taking emerge during interaction, determining a spectrum of participation. This view contrasts sharply with the observational stance that has guided research in social neuroscience until recently. We also introduce the concept of readiness to interact to describe the practices and dispositions that are summoned in situations of social significance (even if not interactive). This latter idea links interactive factors to more classical observational scenarios.
Antonio Duplá Ansuategui, Piedad Frías Nogales e Iban Zaldúa (editores)
The long and warm summer 2003 resulted in water temperatures of about 2°C above the average. This promoted the immigration of southern species like the Anchovy, the Sardine, the Red Mullet and different Squid species. The possible conclusions of such invasions concerning the ordinary species of the area are rather contradictory: For the Western Baltic a positive correlation between the occurrence of Anchovy and a good Cod year-class is shown. For the southern North Sea, stomach investigations of Squid make a negative effect on fish eggs and larvae more likely.
Im Oktober/November des vergangenen Jahres ergab sich während der 483. Reise von FK „Solea“ ein im Vergleich zu den vier Vorjahren hoher Fangindex von 220 Kabeljau Gadus morhua je Stunde (Weber 2001). Die Fische hatten eine Länge von 15 bis18 cm und waren besonders in Küstennähe Ostfrieslands anzutreffen. Durch unsere Langzeituntersuchungen zur Ökologie der Flussseeschwalbe Sterna hirundo im Wattenmeer sind wir bereits im Juni des Jahres 2001 auf den starken Jahrgang des Kabeljaus aufmerksam geworden und können die Vermutung von Weber bestätigen, dass die Kabeljaus den Sommer über im Wattengebiet herangewachsen sind.
The poor situation of fish stocks worldwide pointed out by FAO has led to a reconsideration of fishing concepts internationally. A brief outline of the world fishing situation is given, as well as that of the EU and Germany. Explanations of basic fishing parameters like catch, recruitment and fishing mortality are given and used to expound and graphically show the relation to overfishing and the new concept of the ”precautionary priciple” and ”precautionary approach” for the goal of a sustainable fishery. This leads to recommendations for research and actions in respect to selectivity, adjustment of fishing capacity and new concepts of utilisation.
Im Rahmen der Bewirtschaftung der Fischressourcen des Nordatlantiks werden für alle Nutzfischarten jährlich Bestandsgrößen und Nachwuchsraten erarbeitet, die Grundlagen für die Festlegung künftiger Fangmengen dieser Arten sind. Da in diese Berechnungen Daten Unterschiedlicher Zuverlässigkeit eingehen und den Berechnungsmethoden verschiedene Voraussetzungen zugrunde liegen, bestehen Unsicherheiten in der Präzision der Vorhersagen. Deshalb werden die benutzten Modelle und ihre Ergebnisse laufend kritisch überprüft und weiterentwickelt. Aufgrund der Einschränkungen der bisher benutzten Methoden und den Wünschen der Fischwirtschaft, Vorhersagen für Bestandsentwicklungen für mindestens 5 Jahre zu entwickeln, startete einer Reihe europäischer Fischerei- bzw. Meeresforschungsinstitute eine gemeinsame Aktion mit dem Ziel, die wissenschaftliche Basis für Bestandsabschätzungen und -vorhersagen zu verbessern. Diese "ConcertedAction: Sustainable fisheries. How can the scientific basis for fish stock assessments and predictions be improved? (SAP)" wird vom Generaldirektor für Fischerei der Kommission der Europäischen Gemeinschaft als Projekt FAIR CT 97-3805 seit dem 01.01.1998 für 40 Monate gefördert.