758 resultados para rakennusala, construction industry
La legislación medioambiental vigente en Colombia, particularmente aplicada en el sector de la construcción, ha impactado de manera significativa los costos de ejecución de los proyectos inmobiliarios, debido a la gran cantidad de condiciones, regulaciones y nuevas prácticas que deben implementarse para su adecuado cumplimiento -- Esta investigación busca encontrar los costos relacionados con la actividad de gestión medioambiental en un proyecto de construcción, y establecer cuáles de estos son controlables y no controlables, con el fin de determinar indicadores que sirvan de herramienta para costear de manera efectiva presupuestos de proyectos en momento de pre factibilidad, e indicadores de control que permitan hacer seguimiento a la actividad durante su proceso de ejecución
The primary cementing is an important step in the oilwell drilling process, ensuring the mechanical stability of the well and the hydraulic isolation between casing and formation. For slurries to meet the requirements for application in a certain well, some care in the project should be taken into account to obtain a cement paste with the proper composition. In most cases, it is necessary to add chemicals to the cement to modify its properties, according to the operation conditions and thus obtain slurries that can move inside the jacket providing a good displacement to the interest area. New technologies of preparation and use of chemicals and modernization of technological standards in the construction industry have resulted in the development of new chemical additives for optimizing the properties of building materials. Products such as polycarboxylate superplasticizers provide improved fluidity and cohesion of the cement grains, in addition to improving the dispersion with respect to slurries without additives. This study aimed at adapting chemical additives used in civil construction to be used use in oilwell cement slurries systems, using Portland cement CPP-Special Class as the hydraulic binder. The chemical additives classified as defoamer, dispersant, fluid loss controller and retarder were characterized by infrared absorption spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analyses and technological tests set by the API (American Petroleum Institute). These additives showed satisfactory results for its application in cement slurries systems for oil wells. The silicone-based defoamer promoted the reduction of air bubbles incorporated during the stirring of the slurries. The dispersant significantly reduced the rheological parameters of the systems studied. The tests performed with the fluid loss controller and the retarder also resulted in suitable properties for application as chemical additives in cement slurries
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental, 2016.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Humanas, Departamento de Serviço Social, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Política Social, 2016.
Dans les dernières années, la corruption municipale a constitué un enjeu d’importance au Québec, posant des questions majeures sur la qualité de la gouvernance municipale. Ce mémoire vise à comprendre comment fonctionnait le système de corruption découvert au niveau des municipalités. En premier lieu, l’aspect historique de la corruption municipale sera examiné pour identifier l’héritage ayant influencé les pratiques actuelles. Surtout, ce phénomène sera abordé pour décrire la structure de gouvernance informelle qui s’est développée au sein des institutions municipales, plus spécifiquement dans les cas de Laval et Montréal. Le modèle théorique de Della Porta et Vannucci (2012) permettra d’illustrer la façon dont les acteurs internalisent les normes de la corruption, comment ils développent des relations de confiance entre eux et, enfin, comment l’action de régulateurs vient cimenter l’institutionnalisation de réseaux de corruption. Enfin, le mémoire vise à déceler quels aspects inhérents aux institutions municipales québécoises les ont rendues vulnérables à la corruption. La faiblesse et la capacité limitée des institutions formelles à structurer avec succès les incitatifs sera mise de l’avant. On examinera les limites des institutions visant à établir une surveillance externe des municipalités, pour ensuite se pencher sur les institutions internes pouvant prévenir la corruption, soit la bureaucratie et la démocratie municipale. En bref, le mémoire vise à identifier les structures de gouvernance des réseaux de corruption à Laval et Montréal, puis à en expliquer la provenance par la faiblesse d’institutions qui auraient pu l’endiguer.
The attention on green building is driven by the desire to reduce a building’s running cost over its entire life cycle. However, with the use of sustainable technologies and more environmentally friendly products in the building sector, the construction industry contributes significantly to sustainable actions of our society. Different certification systems have entered the market with the aim to measure a building’s sustainability. However, each system uses its own set of criteria for the purpose of rating. The primary goal of this study is to identify a comprehensive set of criteria for the measurement of building sustainability, and therefore to facilitate the comparison of existing rating methods. The collection and analysis of the criteria, identified through a comprehensive literature review, has led to the establishment of two additional categories besides the 3 pillars of sustainability. The comparative analyses presented in this thesis reveal strengths and weaknesses of the chosen green building certification systems - LEED, BREEAM, and DGNB.
Building's construction activities, operation and demolition are increasingly recognised as a major source of environmental impact. One strategy for reducing such impacts is most widely known by the term Building Environmental Assessment (BEA). The research is an attempt to develop a new BEA scheme for residential buildings in Brunei which focussing on identifying BEA indicators that best suit for Brunei environment, social and economy. Studies show that Brunei residential sector needs urgent attention to transform its current consumption rate in more sustainable way. Recent launch of Brunei Green Building Council, mandatory energy efficiency guidelines and declaration of ambitious energy intensity reduction target, a new BEA scheme will help contribute sustainability target in residential sector. However the issues of developing a new BEA schemes using existing methods may face constraints in their effectiveness. In this regard, a consensus-forming technique-Delphi method-helps improve greater communication and gain consensus from experts in the construction industry through series of questionnaires. As a result, the final framework is produced comprises of 7 key categories and 37 applicable criteria that achieved high degree of consensus and importance.
Dans les dernières années, la corruption municipale a constitué un enjeu d’importance au Québec, posant des questions majeures sur la qualité de la gouvernance municipale. Ce mémoire vise à comprendre comment fonctionnait le système de corruption découvert au niveau des municipalités. En premier lieu, l’aspect historique de la corruption municipale sera examiné pour identifier l’héritage ayant influencé les pratiques actuelles. Surtout, ce phénomène sera abordé pour décrire la structure de gouvernance informelle qui s’est développée au sein des institutions municipales, plus spécifiquement dans les cas de Laval et Montréal. Le modèle théorique de Della Porta et Vannucci (2012) permettra d’illustrer la façon dont les acteurs internalisent les normes de la corruption, comment ils développent des relations de confiance entre eux et, enfin, comment l’action de régulateurs vient cimenter l’institutionnalisation de réseaux de corruption. Enfin, le mémoire vise à déceler quels aspects inhérents aux institutions municipales québécoises les ont rendues vulnérables à la corruption. La faiblesse et la capacité limitée des institutions formelles à structurer avec succès les incitatifs sera mise de l’avant. On examinera les limites des institutions visant à établir une surveillance externe des municipalités, pour ensuite se pencher sur les institutions internes pouvant prévenir la corruption, soit la bureaucratie et la démocratie municipale. En bref, le mémoire vise à identifier les structures de gouvernance des réseaux de corruption à Laval et Montréal, puis à en expliquer la provenance par la faiblesse d’institutions qui auraient pu l’endiguer.
El presente estudio tiene como objetivo determinar la relación que existe entre la implementación de un sistema de gestión de seguridad y salud en el trabajo (SGSST), y la frecuencia y la severidad de la accidentalidad en la industria de la construcción en Colombia. Para ello se seleccionaron 35 empresas que realizan actividades relacionadas con la edificación, infraestructura e interventoría, que hubiesen implementado un SGSST para la intervención de los riesgos de accidentes y que contaran con la evaluación del mismo. La evaluación del SGSST está enmarcada en cinco dimensiones o criterios: planeación, política, implementación, manejo integral del accidente y revisión por la gerencia. Cada una evaluada a través de diferentes requisitos y se presentan en una escala de 1 a 10, siendo 10 el nivel más alto del cumplimiento por requisito. Teniendo los resultados de esta calificación, la tasa (proporción entre los accidentes reportados y los trabajadores de cada empresa) y los días de incapacidad (ausentismo por accidente de trabajo), se realizó un análisis de las medidas descriptivas consolidado por las empresas del estudio: tendencia central y dispersión para número de trabajadores, tasa de accidentalidad, días de incapacidad y el resultado de los totales de cada criterio de la evaluación y el gran total. Para estudiar la relación entre los resultados de la evaluación y los indicadores de tasa y días, se llevó a cabo un análisis de correlación y regresión lineal entre los indicadores de accidentalidad y los resultados de las puntuaciones de los criterios. Esta correlación se realizó tanto para la primera evaluación como para la segunda. En las dos mediciones las correlaciones fueron negativas mostrando que existe una disminución en la tasa de accidentalidad y días de incapacidad entre una evaluación y la otra. En el análisis de regresión, en la primera evaluación por cada unidad que aumentó la calificación global, se presentó una reducción de la tasa de frecuencia de 0.140. En la segunda evaluación por cada unidad que aumentó la calificación global, la tasa se redujo en 0.159. Ambos hallazgos soportan la necesidad de implementar un SGSST para ayudar a reducir el número inaceptable de lesiones y enfermedades en la industria de la construcción.
Introducción: El dolor lumbar y los desórdenes músculo esqueléticos comprometen la salud y la calidad de vida de los trabajadores, pueden poner en riesgo el futuro laboral de las personas. bjetivo: Estimar la prevalencia de dolor lumbar y los posibles factores biomecánicos asociados en el personal operativo y administrativo en una empresa manufacturera de jabón en Bogotá, en el año 2016 Metodología: Estudio de corte transversal donde se evaluó el riesgo biomecánico y la prevalencia del dolor lumbar en personal administrativo (138) y operativo (165); se utilizó como instrumento el ERGOPAR validado en España. Se revisó la asociación utilizando la prueba Chi Cuadrado de Pearson, con un nivel de significación α 0.05 Resultados: 303 trabajadores de una empresa manufacturera de jabón en Bogotá, donde predominó el género masculino (51,82%) y la población adulta media entre 30-39 años (57,42%). La prevalencia del dolor lumbar en la población fue de 61,39% (186). La edad no se asoció estadísticamente al dolor lumbar. Se encontró asociación estadística entre el síntoma dolor lumbar y extensión de cuello (p=0,05 OR1.95 IC 1.33-2.88), así como con agarrar o sujetar objetos (p= 0,036. OR 2.3 IC 1.59-3.51) y con las exigencias físicas laborales (p= 0.001 OR 1.99 IC 1.31-3.02). Conclusiones: La población estudiada presentó una alta prevalencia de dolor lumbar, con predominio en personal que realiza labores operativas, y del género femenino. La adopción de posturas de extensión del cuello y la sujeción o agarre de objetos son factores asociados directamente con la aparición de lumbalgia.
Este trabajo tiene como propósito determinar los factores de motivación en los trabajadores de la industria de la construcción en Colombia, tomando como muestra una población de empleados de la ciudad de Pasto, Colombia. Inicialmente se revisaron artículos científicos de diversos países que estudian los efectos de factores motivadores, desmotivadores, características intrínsecas y extrínsecas, relacionados con el rendimiento laboral. De esta forma se identificaron los factores que conforman la base del instrumento “Study Of Motivators And Demotivators Affecting The Performance Of Employees In The Construction Industry–Questionare” entregado a 190 empleados. Los resultados fueron clasificados, mediante un software estadístico SPSS.
La ricerca si pone l’obiettivo di analizzare strumenti e metodi per l’applicazione dell’H-BIM comprendendone le criticità e fornendo soluzioni utili in questo campo. Al contempo la finalità non è circoscrivibile alla semplice produzione di modelli 3D semanticamente strutturati e parametrici a partire da una nuvola di punti ottenuta con un rilievo digitale, ma si propone di definire i criteri e le metodiche di applicazione delle H-BIM all’interno dell’intero processo. L’impostazione metodologica scelta prevede un processo che parte dalla conoscenza dello stato dell’arte in tema di H-BIM con lo studio dell’attuale normativa in materia e i casi studio di maggior rilevanza. Si è condotta una revisione critica completa della letteratura in merito alla tecnologia BIM e H-BIM, analizzando esperienze di utilizzo della tecnologia BIM nel settore edile globale. Inoltre, al fine di promuovere soluzioni intelligenti all’interno del Facility Management è stato necessario analizzare le criticità presenti nelle procedure, rivedere i processi e i metodi per raccogliere e gestire i dati, nonché individuare le procedure adeguate per garantire il successo dell’implementazione. Sono state evidenziate le potenzialità procedurali e operative legate all’uso sistematico delle innovazioni digitali nell’ottica del Facility Management, oltre che allo studio degli strumenti di acquisizione ed elaborazione dei dati e di post-produzione. Si è proceduto al testing su casi specifici per l’analisi della fase di Scan-to-BIM, differenziati per tipologia di utilizzo, data di costruzione, proprietà e localizzazione. Il percorso seguito ha permesso di porre in luce il significato e le implicazioni dell’utilizzo del BIM nell’ambito del Facility Management, sulla base di una differenziazione delle applicazioni del modello BIM al variare delle condizioni in essere. Infine, sono state definite le conclusioni e formulate raccomandazioni riguardo al futuro utilizzo della tecnologia H-BIM nel settore delle costruzioni. In particolare, definendo l’emergente frontiera del Digital Twin, quale veicolo necessario nel futuro della Costruzione 4.0.
The use of adhesively bonded carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRP) is well established to repair metallic structural elements in the aerospace industry for more than three decades. Despite a few exceptions, this technology has yet not been exploited for the steel construction industry where there is a great need to rehabilitate old metallic bridges. For instance, in Europe more than 30% of the railway bridge stock operated for more than 100 years. These bridges are made of old mild steel or puddle iron that exhibits poor behaviour due to the quality of the material itself and degradation caused by the long-term loading or environmental effects. The modest results for Steel/CFRP joints obtained may be due to the type of adhesive used. In fact, most of the previous studies utilized brittle adhesives specially developed for concrete structures. Recent ductile adhesives that made for the automotive industry for metallic joints should be more appropriate. In this study, an experimental investigation on the behaviour of CFRP/steel adhesively bonded joints is presented. A comparison between brittle adhesives and ductile adhesives is conducted. The results show that the ductile adhesives achieve much higher performance than the brittle ones. The brittle adhesives provide more stiffness to the adhesive joint. In the specimens with the ductile adhesives, the failure pattern started by yielding the steel bars first then the adhesive joint which is promising since it can facilitate the design significantly if the steel yielding can be used as a design criterion. The main disadvantage of ductile adhesives is they are usually more expensive than brittle ones. In order to solve this issue, bi-adhesive joints, in which the joint is mainly made of (low cost) brittle adhesive and ductile adhesive in the stress concentration region, are proposed. The results revealed very high improvement up to the yielding strength of the steel bars and with a balanced stiffness.
When it comes to designing a structure, architects and engineers want to join forces in order to create and build the most beautiful and efficient building. From finding new shapes and forms to optimizing the stability and the resistance, there is a constant link to be made between both professions. In architecture, there has always been a particular interest in creating new shapes and types of a structure inspired by many different fields, one of them being nature itself. In engineering, the selection of optimum has always dictated the way of thinking and designing structures. This mindset led through studies to the current best practices in construction. However, both disciplines were limited by the traditional manufacturing constraints at a certain point. Over the last decades, much progress was made from a technological point of view, allowing to go beyond today's manufacturing constraints. With the emergence of Wire-and-Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) combined with Algorithmic-Aided Design (AAD), architects and engineers are offered new opportunities to merge architectural beauty and structural efficiency. Both technologies allow for exploring and building unusual and complex structural shapes in addition to a reduction of costs and environmental impacts. Through this study, the author wants to make use of previously mentioned technologies and assess their potential, first to design an aesthetically appreciated tree-like column with the idea of secondly proposing a new type of standardized and optimized sandwich cross-section to the construction industry. Parametric algorithms to model the dendriform column and the new sandwich cross-section are developed and presented in detail. A catalog draft of the latter and methods to establish it are then proposed and discussed. Finally, the buckling behavior of this latter is assessed considering standard steel and WAAM material properties.