997 resultados para galaxies: clusters: individual: Abell 2244


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Objective The aim is to analyze and compare individual BMI growth patterns of adults from Switzerland and the U.S. Methods The analyses are based on data from two population representative longitudinal household surveys, one from Switzerland, the other from the U.S. Each data set contains up to four data points for each adult individual. We use multilevel models for growth. Results It can be shown that growth patterns are different in different cohorts in the two countries: there are only small growth differences in the youngest and oldest, but large differences in the middle ages. The individual BMI increase of the middle age Swiss amounts to only half of that in the comparable U.S. individuals. Conclusion Given the much higher BMI level especially in the youngest cohort, this points to severe obesity problems in the U.S. middle aged population in the near future. A positive correlation between individual BMI level and growth may aggravate this fact.


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Els alumnes elaboren produccions de qualitat superior quan treballen en parelles que quan ho fan individualment. Sota aquesta màxima, l’estudi demostra que quan els alumnes escriuen textos científics descriptius, justificatius i descriptius-justificatius en parella milloren aspectes relacionats amb determinades habilitats inherents a qualsevol tipus de text, com l’estructuració de la informació i l’adequació del llenguatge al context, i d’altres específiques de textos descriptius i justificatius. És sorprenent constatar que aquesta millora es dóna en tot tipus d’alumnes, tant aquells amb hàbits d’estudi superiors com aquells amb dificultats d’aprenentatge, i que els avantatges d’aquesta metodologia de treball no es circumscriuen tan sols a l’àmbit acadèmic; els alumnes prefereixen treballar en parella perquè els permet compartir punts de vista i ajudar-se mútuament. Per tant, els resultats demostren que complementar les classes de ciències amb el treball en parella possibilita assolir amb més garanties l’aprenentatge significatiu dels nostres alumnes.


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The Internet and new communication technologies are deeply affecting healthcare systems and the provision of care. The purpose of this article is to evaluate the possibility that cyberhealth, via the development of widespread easy access to wireless personal computers, tablets and smartphones, can effectively influence intake of medication and long-term medication adherence, which is a complex, difficult and dynamic behaviour to adopt and to sustain over time. Because of its novelty, the impact of cyberhealth on drug intake has not yet been well explored. Initial results have provided some evidence, but more research is needed to determine the impact of cyberhealth resources on long-term adherence and health outcomes, its user-friendliness and its adequacy in meeting e-patient needs. The purpose of such Internet-based interventions, which provide different levels of customisation, is not to take over the roles of healthcare providers; on the contrary, cyberhealth platforms should reinforce the alliance between healthcare providers and patients by filling time-gaps between visits and allowing patients to upload and/or share feedback material to be used during the visits. This shift, however, is not easily endorsed by healthcare providers, who must master new eHealth skills, but healthcare systems have a unique opportunity to invest in the Internet and to use this powerful tool to design the future of integrated care. Before this can occur, however, important issues must be addressed and resolved, for example ethical considerations, the scientific quality of programmes, reimbursement of activity, data security and the ownership of uploaded data.


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Hsp70 is a central molecular chaperone that passively prevents protein aggregation and uses the energy of ATP hydrolysis to solubilize, translocate, and mediate the proper refolding of proteins in the cell. Yet, the molecular mechanism by which the active Hsp70 chaperone functions are achieved remains unclear. Here, we show that the bacterial Hsp70 (DnaK) can actively unfold misfolded structures in aggregated polypeptides, leading to gradual disaggregation. We found that the specific unfolding and disaggregation activities of individual DnaK molecules were optimal for large aggregates but dramatically decreased for small aggregates. The active unfolding of the smallest aggregates, leading to proper global refolding, required the cooperative action of several DnaK molecules per misfolded polypeptide. This finding suggests that the unique ATP-fueled locking/unlocking mechanism of the Hsp70 chaperones can recruit random chaperone motions to locally unfold misfolded structures and gradually disentangle stable aggregates into refoldable proteins.


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BACKGROUND: As part of EUROCAT's surveillance of congenital anomalies in Europe, a statistical monitoring system has been developed to detect recent clusters or long-term (10 year) time trends. The purpose of this article is to describe the system for the identification and investigation of 10-year time trends, conceived as a "screening" tool ultimately leading to the identification of trends which may be due to changing teratogenic factors.METHODS: The EUROCAT database consists of all cases of congenital anomalies including livebirths, fetal deaths from 20 weeks gestational age, and terminations of pregnancy for fetal anomaly. Monitoring of 10-year trends is performed for each registry for each of 96 non-independent EUROCAT congenital anomaly subgroups, while Pan-Europe analysis combines data from all registries. The monitoring results are reviewed, prioritized according to a prioritization strategy, and communicated to registries for investigation. Twenty-one registries covering over 4 million births, from 1999 to 2008, were included in monitoring in 2010.CONCLUSIONS: Significant increasing trends were detected for abdominal wall anomalies, gastroschisis, hypospadias, Trisomy 18 and renal dysplasia in the Pan-Europe analysis while 68 increasing trends were identified in individual registries. A decreasing trend was detected in over one-third of anomaly subgroups in the Pan-Europe analysis, and 16.9% of individual registry tests. Registry preliminary investigations indicated that many trends are due to changes in data quality, ascertainment, screening, or diagnostic methods. Some trends are inevitably chance phenomena related to multiple testing, while others seem to represent real and continuing change needing further investigation and response by regional/national public health authorities.


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Instructions for using the Human Resource Information System, for the State of Iowa.


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This review is part of a series of review articles on the metabolism of drugs and other xenobiotics published in Chemistry & Biodiversity. After a thorough discussion of metabolic reactions and their enzymes, this article focuses on genetically determined differences in drug and xenobiotic metabolism. After a short introduction on the causes for genetic differences, the first focus is on species differences in drug and xenobiotic metabolism. A major chapter is then dedicated to clinically relevant genetic polymorphisms in human drug metabolism and resultant ethnic differences. The last two chapters deal with sex-dependent differences in drug metabolism and personalized pharmacotherapy related to inter-individual differences in drug metabolism.


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Johnson CCD photometry was performed in the two subgroups of the association Cepheus OB3, for selected fields each containing at least one star with previous UBV photoelectric photometry. Photometry for about 1000 stars down to visual magnitude 21 is provided, although the completeness tests show that the sample is complete down to V=19mag. Individual errors were assigned to the magnitude and colours for each star. Colour-colour and colour-magnitude diagrams are shown. Astrometric positions of the stars are also given. Description of the reduction procedure is fully detailed.


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Iowa Individual Income Tax Statistical Report 2008


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O efeito poluente de elementos-traço no ambiente depende, principalmente, da capacidade dos colóides do solo em sorvê-los e mantê-los retidos com alta energia. Neste trabalho, avaliou-se a adsorção e dessorção de Cd, Cu e Pb em amostras do horizonte A de Latossolo Vermelho e Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo com textura semelhante e mineralogia contrastante. Para isso, foram construídas isotermas de adsorção desses três metais, individual e simultaneamente, por meio da reação das amostras de solo suspensas em Ca(NO3)2 5 mmol L-1 (pH ajustado para 5,5), com soluções dos metais nas concentrações de 0; 0,01; 0,05; 0,10; 0,15; e 0,75 mmol L-1. Posteriormente, procedeu-se aos ensaios de dessorção dos elementos previamente adsorvidos em solução de Ca(NO3)2 5 mmol L-1. O modelo de isoterma de Langmuir (P < 0,01) se ajustou aos dados obtidos e ambos os solos apresentaram maior capacidade máxima de adsorção para Cu e Pb, comparados ao Cd. A adsorção simultânea reduziu a adsorção dos três metais, sendo as maiores reduções observadas para o Cd. Houve baixa dessorção dos metais adsorvidos, indicando a ocorrência de histerese. O menor poder competitivo de Cd, evidenciado pela redução da sua capacidade máxima de adsorção na presença dos outros metais, torna esse elemento altamente preocupante em solos tropicais mais intemperizados, como os Latossolos.


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BACKGROUND: The purpose of the optic nerve sheath diameter (ONSD) research group project is to establish an individual patient-level database from high quality studies of ONSD ultrasonography for the detection of raised intracranial pressure (ICP), and to perform a systematic review and an individual patient data meta-analysis (IPDMA), which will provide a cutoff value to help physicians making decisions and encourage further research. Previous meta-analyses were able to assess the diagnostic accuracy of ONSD ultrasonography in detecting raised ICP but failed to determine a precise cutoff value. Thus, the ONSD research group was founded to synthesize data from several recent studies on the subject and to provide evidence on the diagnostic accuracy of ONSD ultrasonography in detecting raised ICP. METHODS: This IPDMA will be conducted in different phases. First, we will systematically search for eligible studies. To be eligible, studies must have compared ONSD ultrasonography to invasive intracranial devices, the current reference standard for diagnosing raised ICP. Subsequently, we will assess the quality of studies included based on the QUADAS-2 tool, and then collect and validate individual patient data. The objectives of the primary analyses will be to assess the diagnostic accuracy of ONSD ultrasonography and to determine a precise cutoff value for detecting raised ICP. Secondly, we will construct a logistic regression model to assess whether patient and study characteristics influence diagnostic accuracy. DISCUSSION: We believe that this IPD MA will provide the most reliable basis for the assessment of diagnostic accuracy of ONSD ultrasonography for detecting raised ICP and to provide a cutoff value. We also hope that the creation of the ONSD research group will encourage further study. TRIAL REGISTRATION: PROSPERO registration number: CRD42012003072.


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OBJECTIVES: To monitor HIV-1 transmitted drug resistance (TDR) in a well defined urban area with large access to antiretroviral therapy and to assess the potential source of infection of newly diagnosed HIV individuals. METHODS: All individuals resident in Geneva, Switzerland, with a newly diagnosed HIV infection between 2000 and 2008 were screened for HIV resistance. An infection was considered as recent when the positive test followed a negative screening test within less than 1 year. Phylogenetic analyses were performed by using the maximum likelihood method on pol sequences including 1058 individuals with chronic infection living in Geneva. RESULTS: Of 637 individuals with newly diagnosed HIV infection, 20% had a recent infection. Mutations associated with resistance to at least one drug class were detected in 8.5% [nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs), 6.3%; non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs), 3.5%; protease inhibitors, 1.9%]. TDR (P-trend = 0.015) and, in particular, NNRTI resistance (P = 0.002) increased from 2000 to 2008. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that 34.9% of newly diagnosed individuals, and 52.7% of those with recent infection were linked to transmission clusters. Clusters were more frequent in individuals with TDR than in those with sensitive strains (59.3 vs. 32.6%, respectively; P < 0.0001). Moreover, 84% of newly diagnosed individuals with TDR were part of clusters composed of only newly diagnosed individuals. CONCLUSION: Reconstruction of the HIV transmission networks using phylogenetic analysis shows that newly diagnosed HIV infections are a significant source of onward transmission, particularly of resistant strains, thus suggesting an important self-fueling mechanism for TDR.