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Ground-based Earth troposphere calibration systems play an important role in planetary exploration, especially to carry out radio science experiments aimed at the estimation of planetary gravity fields. In these experiments, the main observable is the spacecraft (S/C) range rate, measured from the Doppler shift of an electromagnetic wave transmitted from ground, received by the spacecraft and coherently retransmitted back to ground. If the solar corona and interplanetary plasma noise is already removed from Doppler data, the Earth troposphere remains one of the main error sources in tracking observables. Current Earth media calibration systems at NASA’s Deep Space Network (DSN) stations are based upon a combination of weather data and multidirectional, dual frequency GPS measurements acquired at each station complex. In order to support Cassini’s cruise radio science experiments, a new generation of media calibration systems were developed, driven by the need to achieve the goal of an end-to-end Allan deviation of the radio link in the order of 3×〖10〗^(-15) at 1000 s integration time. The future ESA’s Bepi Colombo mission to Mercury carries scientific instrumentation for radio science experiments (a Ka-band transponder and a three-axis accelerometer) which, in combination with the S/C telecommunication system (a X/X/Ka transponder) will provide the most advanced tracking system ever flown on an interplanetary probe. Current error budget for MORE (Mercury Orbiter Radioscience Experiment) allows the residual uncalibrated troposphere to contribute with a value of 8×〖10〗^(-15) to the two-way Allan deviation at 1000 s integration time. The current standard ESA/ESTRACK calibration system is based on a combination of surface meteorological measurements and mathematical algorithms, capable to reconstruct the Earth troposphere path delay, leaving an uncalibrated component of about 1-2% of the total delay. In order to satisfy the stringent MORE requirements, the short time-scale variations of the Earth troposphere water vapor content must be calibrated at ESA deep space antennas (DSA) with more precise and stable instruments (microwave radiometers). In parallel to this high performance instruments, ESA ground stations should be upgraded to media calibration systems at least capable to calibrate both troposphere path delay components (dry and wet) at sub-centimetre level, in order to reduce S/C navigation uncertainties. The natural choice is to provide a continuous troposphere calibration by processing GNSS data acquired at each complex by dual frequency receivers already installed for station location purposes. The work presented here outlines the troposphere calibration technique to support both Deep Space probe navigation and radio science experiments. After an introduction to deep space tracking techniques, observables and error sources, in Chapter 2 the troposphere path delay is widely investigated, reporting the estimation techniques and the state of the art of the ESA and NASA troposphere calibrations. Chapter 3 deals with an analysis of the status and the performances of the NASA Advanced Media Calibration (AMC) system referred to the Cassini data analysis. Chapter 4 describes the current release of a developed GNSS software (S/W) to estimate the troposphere calibration to be used for ESA S/C navigation purposes. During the development phase of the S/W a test campaign has been undertaken in order to evaluate the S/W performances. A description of the campaign and the main results are reported in Chapter 5. Chapter 6 presents a preliminary analysis of microwave radiometers to be used to support radio science experiments. The analysis has been carried out considering radiometric measurements of the ESA/ESTEC instruments installed in Cabauw (NL) and compared with the requirements of MORE. Finally, Chapter 7 summarizes the results obtained and defines some key technical aspects to be evaluated and taken into account for the development phase of future instrumentation.


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Die FT-Rheologie wird zur Unterscheidung verschiedener Kamm-Topologien in Polystyrollösungen und –schmelzen angewendet. Die Polystyrole werden in Abhängigkeit der Deborahzahl De unter LAOS-Bedingungen vermessen. Die Meßergebnisse zeigen, daß der Schritt von wohldefinierten Systemen (lineare Ketten, Sterne) zu solchen mit statistischer Verteilung wie in Kämmen zu großen Veränderungen sowohl im linearen als auch im nichtlinearen Bereich der rheologischen Messungen führt. Sowohl die Masterkurven als auch die Intenstiäten I3/1 und Phasen Phi3 der Nichtlinearitäten der einzelnen Proben weisen jeweils deutliche Unterschiede untereinander auf. Diese sind durch die bisherigen Ergebnisse noch nicht vollständig mit topologischen Merkmalen in Verbindung zu bringen. Die Messungen wurden mit dem von McLeish eingeführten Pom-pom Modell und daraus weiterentwickelten double convected-Pom-pom Modell (DCPP) simuliert und lieferten gute Übereinstimmung sowie auch Vorhersagen über den experimentell nicht mehr zugänglichen Bereich. Zur Untersuchung des Einflusses von mechanischer Scherung auf die lokale, molekulare Dynamik wird das LAOS-Experiment in situ mit dielektrischer Spektroskopie kombiniert. Dazu wurde eine Apparatur entwickelt, die das hochsensitive ARES-Rheometer mit dem hochauflösenden dielektrischen ALPHA-Analyzer verbindet. Mit dieser Apparatur wurde das Typ-A Polymer 1,4-cis-Polyisopren, mit einem Dipolmoment entlang des Rückgrats, bei oszillatorischer Scherung unter gleichzeitiger Aufnahme eines dielektrischen Spektrums vermessen. Es konnte gezeigt werden, daß die oszillatorische Verscherung weder die charakteristische Relaxationszeit noch die Form des Normal Mode Peaks beeinflußt, wohl aber die dielektrische Stärke Delta epsilon. Diese entspricht der Fläche unter dem e“-Peak und kann mit einer Debye- und einer Cole/Davidson-Funktion angepasst werden. Die Abnahme der dielektrischen Stärke mit zunehmender Scheramplitude kann mit der Orientierungsverteilung der End-zu-End-Vektoren in der Probe erklärt werden.


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The cooperative motion algorithm was applied on the molecular simulation of complex chemical reactions and macromolecular orientation phenomena in confined geometries. First, we investigated the case of equilibrium step-growth polymerization in lamellae, pores and droplets. In such systems, confinement was quantified as the area/volume ratio. Results showed that, as confinement increases, polymerization becomes slower and the average molecular weight (MW) at equilibrium decreases. This is caused by the sterical hindrance imposed by the walls since chain growth reactions in their close vicinity have less realization possibilities. For reactions inside droplets at surfaces, contact angles usually increased after polymerization to compensate conformation restrictions imposed by confinement upon growing chains. In a second investigation, we considered monodisperse and chemically inert chains and focused on the effect of confinement on chain orientation. Simulations of thin polymer films showed that chains are preferably oriented parallel to the surface. Orientation increases as MW increases or as film thickness d decreases, in qualitative agreement with experiments with low MW polystyrene. It is demonstrated that the orientation of simulated chains results from a size effect, being a function of the ratio between chain end-to-end distance and d. This study was complemented by experiments with thin films of pi-conjugated polymers like MEH-PPV. Anisotropic refractive index measurements were used to analyze chain orientation. With increasing MW, orientation is enhanced. However, for MEH-PPV, orientation does not depend on d even at thicknesses much larger than the chain contour length. This contradiction with simulations was discussed by considering additional causes for orientation, for instance the appearance of nematic-like ordering in polymer films. In another investigation, we simulated droplet evaporation at soluble surfaces and reproduced the formation of wells surrounded by ringlike deposits at the surface, as observed experimentally. In our simulations, swollen substrate particles migrate to the border of the droplet to minimize the contact between solvent and vacuum, which costs the most energy. Deposit formation in the beginning of evaporation results in pinning of the droplet. When polymer chains at the substrate surface have strong uniaxial orientation, the resulting pattern is no longer similar to a ring but to a pair of half-moons. In a final stage, as an extension for the model developed for polymerization in nanoreactors, we studied the effect of geometrical confinement on a hypothetical oscillating reaction following the mechanism of the so called periodically forced Brusselator. It was shown that a reaction which is chaotic in the bulk may be driven to periodicity by confinement and vice-versa, opening new perspectives for chaos control.


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In this work we developed a new and convenient method for high resolution IEF of proteins, which we termed: “daisy chain”. Usually an IEF is accomplished with IPG strips of a desired pH range. For high resolution focusing we are using strips with pH range, which covers only one or two pH units. Thereby the pro-teins, which have isoelectrical point outside of this pH range, are lost. We evalu-ated commercially available IPG strips with consecutive or overlapping pH ranges and connected them serially acidic to basic end, to construct in this way a high resolution IEF-system. For the first time, we showed that a high resolution IEF is possible in such a system and that results were by no means worse than those obtained when the same sample was analyzed on individual single IPGs. The great advantage of our system is that amount of sample used in serial IPG IEF is explicitly lower than when same sample was analyzed on individual single IPGs. This method was subsequently successfully applied to valuable clinical samples from cancer patients and to mitochondrial preparations related to a European project in gerontology. We thus developed a suite of experimental strategies, which adequately address complex biological situations, in particular on the level of protein expression.


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Scopo di questo lavoro è quello di analizzare le componenti tattiche, strategiche e sociali della guerriglia antiromana in Britannia e in Giudea, in un periodo che va dal I secolo a. C. al III secolo d. C., con l'obiettivo di mettere in luce la differente efficacia delle tattiche non ortodosse rispetto a quelle convenzionali; e di analizzare le risposte teoriche ed empiriche concepite dai Romani per affrontare questa forma di lotta. La tesi è stata articolata nel modo seguente: una prima parte analizza gli aspetti tattici, strategici e sociali della guerriglia e della controguerriglia, anche attraverso il metodo comparativo, mettendo cioè a confronto alcuni dei principali testi sulla guerra non convenzionale redatti in epoche e contesti diversi, dai quali si è cercato di delle costanti potenzialmente applicabili a qualsiasi periodo storico e a qualsiasi area geografica. Nella seconda parte si cerca di applicare tali costanti alla realtà storico – sociale dell'impero romano. Particolare attenzione è stata riservata al rapporto tra la mentalità romana, basata sul concetto di bellum iustum, e le tattiche non ortodosse. La terza e la quarta parte analizzano la resistenza antiromana in Britannia e in Giudea, mettendone in luce tutti gli aspetti, in particolare quelli legati alla guerriglia rurale, a quella urbana, al terrorismo, all'evoluzione della guerriglia da guerra per bande a guerra convenzionale e alla controguerriglia. La scelta di queste due province non è casuale. In province così lontane e diverse tra loro, Roma inviò spesso gli stessi generali esperti di controguerriglia. Questo particolare permette di notare la presenza, a Roma, di una grand strategy che, consapevole del fenomeno della guerriglia, ne affidò la repressione agli stessi generali, specialisti della controguerriglia, non esitando a spostarli, in caso di necessità, da un capo all'altro dell'impero.


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Die Geschichte und Entwicklung der ASEAN und Indonesiens im Zeitraum von 1967rnbis ins frühe 21. Jahrhundert sind eng miteinander verknüpft. Um der Frage nachrndem indonesischen Einflusspotenzial in der ASEAN im 21. Jahrhundert nachgehenrnund dann einen Ausblick auf die Zukunft der Rolle Indonesiens in der ASEAN gebenrnzu können, bedarf es zunächst einer Analyse dessen, was in der Vergangenheitrndazu führte, dass Indonesien in der Region als primus inter pares wahrgenommenrnwurde, und der Rolle, die Indonesien im Rahmen der Erweiterung und Vertiefung der ASEAN bisher spielte. So ist der Fokus der Arbeit auf vier Phasen gerichtet: (1) die Gründungszeit der ASEAN sowie die Etablierung Indonesiens als einer der einflussreichsten Mitgliedstaaten; (2) die asiatische Finanzkrise, die nicht nur der Entwicklung der ASEAN als erstem Erfolgsmodell regionaler Kooperation in Südostasien vorläufig ein Ende setzte, sondern auch Indonesien in große wirtschaftliche wie politische Turbulenzen trieb; (3) die überregionale Erweiterung der ASEAN und der Beginn der politischen Transformation in Indonesien sowie (4) die Vertiefung der ASEAN-Kooperation und die Stabilisierung Indonesiens als demokratischer Akteur. rnFür alle vier Phasen werden das materielle Machtprofil, die institutionellen Verknüpfungen sowie ideelle Faktoren des Einflusspotenzials Indonesiens untersucht, um sich einer Antwort auf die Frage zu nähern, über welches Einflusspotenzial Indonesien in der ASEAN des 21. Jahrhunderts verfügt. Die Analyse bringt zutage, dass es Indonesien vor der Asienkrise trotz erheblicherrnEntwicklungsrückstände möglich war, gestaltenden Einfluss auf die ASEANrnauszuüben und an regionaler Bedeutsamkeit sowie Einflusspotenzial in der ASEANrnzu gewinnen. Trotz deutlich erkennbarer Entwicklungsfortschritte ist dasrngegenwärtige Indonesien jedoch nicht in der Lage, sein Einflusspotenzial in derrnASEAN zu steigern, sich als relevanter Akteur zu etablieren und erneut einernSchlüsselrolle einzunehmen. Die Akteure der ASEAN folgen nicht wie einst denrnIdeen Indonesiens, und die regionale Fremdwahrnehmung Indonesiens wird ganzrnerheblich vom derzeitigen politischen und sozialen Wertesystem beeinflusst, mit dem sich kein anderer ASEAN-Staat ohne Einschränkung identifizieren kann. rnDie Erkenntnisse der Arbeit führen letztlich zu dem Fazit, dass es aktuell kaum Raum für eine Steigerung des indonesishen Einflusse innerhalb des ostasiatischenrnRegionalismus gibt. Für die Gegenwart und vielleicht die kommenden Dekaden mussrnfür Indonesien attestiert werden, dass es sich mit der Rolle als Teilnehmer in den ASEAN-Prozessen begnügen muss.


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L'interesse per il tema dell'onere della prova nell'inadempimento contrattuale è giustificato dalla circostanza che il noto intervento delle Sezioni Unite in materia, al quale originariamente si è pensato di attribuire una portata indifferenziata e assoluta, non ha avuto l'effetto di porre fine ai numerosi contrasti interpretativi. Al contrario, lo stesso ha determinato il sorgere di nuove incertezze e profili problematici, subendo, peraltro, continue smentite in diversi settori della responsabilità civile. Lo scopo della presente indagine è stato quello di verificare in quali contesti la regola fissata dalla Cassazione venisse applicata e in quali disattesa, procedendo, quindi, ad accertare la modulazione dell'onere della prova in alcuni settori considerati emblematici. Si è, così, tentato di individuare le ragioni della limitazione dell'indirizzo in parola, nonché i criteri in base ai quali determinare l'allocazione dell'onere della prova.


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Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) consist of a large number of sensor nodes, characterized by low power constraint, limited transmission range and limited computational capabilities [1][2].The cost of these devices is constantly decreasing, making it possible to use a large number of sensor devices in a wide array of commercial, environmental, military, and healthcare fields. Some of these applications involve placing the sensors evenly spaced on a straight line for example in roads, bridges, tunnels, water catchments and water pipelines, city drainages, oil and gas pipelines etc., making a special class of these networks which we define as a Linear Wireless Network (LWN). In LWNs, data transmission happens hop by hop from the source to the destination, through a route composed of multiple relays. The peculiarity of the topology of LWNs, motivates the design of specialized protocols, taking advantage of the linearity of such networks, in order to increase reliability, communication efficiency, energy savings, network lifetime and to minimize the end-to-end delay [3]. In this thesis a novel contention based Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol called L-CSMA, specifically devised for LWNs is presented. The basic idea of L-CSMA is to assign different priorities to nodes based on their position along the line. The priority is assigned in terms of sensing duration, whereby nodes closer to the destination are assigned shorter sensing time compared to the rest of the nodes and hence higher priority. This mechanism speeds up the transmission of packets which are already in the path, making transmission flow more efficient. Using NS-3 simulator, the performance of L-CSMA in terms of packets success rate, that is, the percentage of packets that reach destination, and throughput are compared with that of IEEE 802.15.4 MAC protocol, de-facto standard for wireless sensor networks. In general, L-CSMA outperforms the IEEE 802.15.4 MAC protocol.


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This dissertaton deals with the translation of selected chapters from Nnedi Okorafor’s novel Who Fears Death. The novel, set in a post-apocalyptic Africa ravaged by inter-ethnic violence, narrates the tale of Onyesonwu, an Ewu, a half-breed born of rape, facing the rejection of her community. Growing up Onyesonwu realizes that the color of her skin is not the only thing that sets her apart from the other inhabitants of Jwahir, as she starts to manifest magical powers, and during an unintentional visit to the spirit realms she finds out that her biological father, a very powerful sorcerer, wants to kill her. At this point the only option left to her is to learn the secret arts of magic under the guidance of Aro, the sorcerer, and then embark on a journey to put and end to the menace posed by her biological father, stop the massacres between the Okeke and Nuru people, and rewrite history. This work is structured in five chapters. The first presents a brief retelling of the author’s life and works. The second chapter constitutes the theoretical frame according to which the novel will be described, and illustrates an analysis on the function of sci-fi literature. The third chapter introduces the novel itself, dealing with its setting and cultural peculiarities, the literary genre to which it belongs, and analysing the themes deemed most relevant, among which the racial and gender issues. The fourth chapter consists of the translation of some chapters from the novel Who Fears Death, and the fifth of a comment on the translation, presenting both a textual analysis, and notes on the choices deemed most interesting or challenging in a translation process perspective.


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Congenital pseudarthrosis of the tibia (CPT) is caused by an ill-defined, segmental disturbance of periosteal bone formation leading to spontaneous bowing, followed by fracture and subsequent pseudarthrosis in the first 2 years of life. The results of conventional treatment modalities (e.g., bracing, internal and external fixation and bone grafting) are associated with high failure rates in terms of persisting pseudarthrosis, malunion and impaired growth. As a more promising alternative, a more aggressive approach, including wide resection of the affected bone, reconstruction with free vascularised fibula grafts from the healthy contralateral leg and stable external fixation at a very early stage has been suggested. Between 1995 and 2007, 10 children (age 12-31 months, median 20 months) suffering from CPT were treated at our institutions according to this principle. Two patients were treated before a fracture had occurred. The length of the fibula graft was 7-9cm. End-to-end anastomoses were performed at the level of the distal tibia stump. The follow-up was 80 months (median, range 12 months to 12 years). Radiologic examination at 6 weeks postoperatively showed normal bone density and structure of the transplanted fibula in all cases and osseous consolidation at 19 of the 20 graft/tibia junctions. One nonunion was sucessfully treated with bone grafting and plate osteosynthesis. Pin-tract infection occurred in three patients. Five children sustained graft fractures that were successfully treated with internal or external fixation. Two patients developed diminished growth of the affected limb or foot; all others had equal limb length and shoe size. At long-term follow-up, tibialisation of the transplant had occurred, and normal gait and physical activities were possible in all children. We conclude that in spite of a relatively high complication rate and the reluctance to perform free flap surgery in infants at this young age, the present concept may successfully prevent the imminent severe sequelae associated with CPT.


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It has been nine decades since Walter Rauschenbusch (1861-1918) published a slim volume entitled The Social Principles of Jesus. Though today less well known than his other works Christianity and the Social Crisis (1907) and Theology for the Social Gospel (1917), it is Social Principles that most adeptly summarizes the theological ethics of Rauschenbusch’s “social gospel.” Taking the form of a pedagogical treatise, Social Principles reads as both a finely tuned analysis of the modern relevance of the teachings of Jesus, and an impassioned plea on the part of its author for an end to the folly of interpreting Christianity solely in “individualistic” terms. It is Rauschenbusch’s expressed aim to resurrect the core teachings of Jesus, which are social and ethical, and apply these to a renewed, socially conscious liberal democracy, establishing a grand harmony between religion, ethics, and social evolution. How far this vision was from the burgeoning “fundamentalism” of his day (and ours) is more than evidenced by the critical reaction of many of his more conservative peers, but also indicates the continuing relevance of his work for theologians and others looking for alternative paths. The following exposition is supplemented with appreciative and critical comments.


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Non-fouling surfaces that resist non-specific adsorption of proteins, bacteria, and higher organisms are of particular interest in diverse applications ranging from marine coatings to diagnostic devices and biomedical implants. Poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) is the most frequently used polymer to impart surfaces with such non-fouling properties. Nevertheless, limitations in PEG stability have stimulated research on alternative polymers that are potentially more stable than PEG. Among them, we previously investigated poly(2-methyl-2-oxazoline) (PMOXA), a peptidomimetic polymer, and found that PMOXA shows excellent anti-fouling properties. Here, we compare the stability of films self-assembled from graft copolymers exposing a dense brush layer of PEG and PMOXA side chains, respectively, in physiological and oxidative media. Before media exposure both film types prevented the adsorption of full serum proteins to below the detection limit of optical waveguide in situ measurements. Before and after media exposure for up to 2 weeks, the total film thickness, chemical composition, and total adsorbed mass of the films were quantified using variable angle spectroscopic ellipsometry (VASE), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and optical waveguide lightmode spectroscopy (OWLS), respectively. We found (i) that PMOXA graft copolymer films were significantly more stable than PEG graft copolymer films and kept their protein-repellent properties under all investigated conditions and (ii) that film degradation was due to side chain degradation rather than due to copolymer desorption.


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Conclusion: A robot built specifically for stereotactic cochlear implantation provides equal or better accuracy levels together with a better integration into a clinical environment, when compared to existing approaches based on industrial robots. Objectives: To evaluate the technical accuracy of a robotic system developed specifically for lateral skull base surgery in an experimental setup reflecting the intended clinical application. The invasiveness of cochlear electrode implantation procedures may be reduced by replacing the traditional mastoidectomy with a small tunnel slightly larger in diameter than the electrode itself. Methods: The end-to-end accuracy of the robot system and associated image-guided procedure was evaluated on 15 temporal bones of whole head cadaver specimens. The main components of the procedure were as follows: reference screw placement, cone beam CT scan, computer-aided planning, pair-point matching of the surgical plan, robotic drilling of the direct access tunnel, and post-operative cone beam CT scan and accuracy assessment. Results: The mean accuracy at the target point (round window) was 0.56 ± 41 mm with an angular misalignment of 0.88 ± 0.41°. The procedural time of the registration process through the completion of the drilling procedure was 25 ± 11 min. The robot was fully operational in a clinical environment.


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A broad spectrum of synthetic agents is available for the treatment of overactive bladder. Anti-cholinergic drugs show a poor compliance due to side effects. There is an increasing use of plant extracts in medicine. We have therefore investigated the inhibitory effects of leaf press juice from Bryophyllum pinnatum (Lam.) Oken (Kalanchoe pinnata L.) on bladder strips and compared the effects to that of oxybutynin.


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PURPOSE : For the facilitation of minimally invasive robotically performed direct cochlea access (DCA) procedure, a surgical planning tool which enables the surgeon to define landmarks for patient-to-image registration, identify the necessary anatomical structures and define a safe DCA trajectory using patient image data (typically computed tomography (CT) or cone beam CT) is required. To this end, a dedicated end-to-end software planning system for the planning of DCA procedures that addresses current deficiencies has been developed. METHODS :    Efficient and robust anatomical segmentation is achieved through the implementation of semiautomatic algorithms; high-accuracy patient-to-image registration is achieved via an automated model-based fiducial detection algorithm and functionality for the interactive definition of a safe drilling trajectory based on case-specific drill positioning uncertainty calculations was developed. RESULTS :    The accuracy and safety of the presented software tool were validated during the conduction of eight DCA procedures performed on cadaver heads. The plan for each ear was completed in less than 20 min, and no damage to vital structures occurred during the procedures. The integrated fiducial detection functionality enabled final positioning accuracies of [Formula: see text] mm. CONCLUSIONS :    Results of this study demonstrated that the proposed software system could aid in the safe planning of a DCA tunnel within an acceptable time.