951 resultados para electron beams
The electron donating properties, surface acidity/basicity and catalytic activity of lanthana for various dopant concentrations of strontium are reported at two activation temperatures. The catalytic activity has been correlated with electron donating properties and surface acidity/basicity of the oxide.
Spectroscopic studies of laser -induced plasma from a high-temperature superconducting material, viz., YBa2Cu3O7 (YBCO), have been carried out. Electron temperature and electron density measurements were made from spectral data. The Stark broad ening of emission lines was used to determine the electron density, and the ratio of line in tensities was exploited for the determination of electron temperature. An initial electron temperature of 2.35 eV and electron density of 2.5 3 1017 cm2 3 were observed. The dependence on electron temperature and density on different experimental parameters such as distance from the target, delay time after the in itiation of the plasm a, and laser irradiance is also discussed in detail. Index Headings: Laser -plasma spectroscopy; Plasma diagnostics; Emission spectroscop y; YBa2Cu3O7.
A silver target kept under partial vacuum conditions was irradiated with focused nanosecond pulses at 1:06 mm from a Nd:YAG laser. The electron emission monitored with a Langmuir probe shows a clear twin-peak distribution. The first peak which is very sharp has only a small delay and it indicates prompt electron emission with energy as much as 60 5 eV. Also the prompt electron emission shows a temporal profile with a width that is same as that for the laser pulse whereas the second peak is broader, covers several microseconds, and represents the low-energy electrons (2 0:5 eV) associated with the laser-induced silver plasma as revealed by time-of-flight measurements. It has been found that prompt electrons ejected from the target collisionally excite and ionize ambient gas molecules. Clearly resolved rotational structure is observed in the emission spectra of ambient nitrogen molecules. Combined with time-resolved spectroscopy, the prompt electrons can be used as excitation sources for various collisional excitation–relaxation experiments. The electron density corresponding to the first peak is estimated to be of the order of 1017 cm?--3 and it is found that the density increases as a function of distance away from the target. Dependence of probe current on laser intensity shows plasma shielding at high laser intensities.
Laser-induced plasma generated from a silver target under partial vacuum conditions using the fundamental output of nanosecond duration from a pulsed Nd:yttrium aluminum garnet laser is studied using a Langmuir probe. The time of flight measurements show a clear twin peak distribution in the temporal profile of electron emission. The first peak has almost the same duration as the laser pulse while the second lasts for several microseconds. The prompt electrons are energetic enough ('60 eV) to ionize the ambient gas molecules or atoms. The use of prompt electron pulses as sources for electron impact excitation is demonstrated by taking nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and argon as ambient gases.
Laser radiation at 1.06 µm from a pulsed Nd:YAG laser was focused onto a multielement YBa2Cu3O7 target in vacuum and the plasma thus generated was studied using time-resolved spectroscopic techniques. Line broadening of the Ba I emission line at 553.5 nm was monitored as a function of time elapsed after the incidence of a laser pulse on the target. Measured line profiles of barium species were used to infer the electron density and temperature, and the time evolution of these important plasma parameters has been worked out.
Plasma generated by fundamental radiation from a Nd:YAG laser focused onto a graphite target is studied spectroscopically. Measured line profiles of several ionic species were used to infer electron temperature and density at several sections located in front of the target surface. Line intensities of successive ionization states of carbon were used for electron temperature calculations. Stark broadened profiles of singly ionized species have been utilized for electron density measurements. Electron density as well as electron temperature were studied as functions of laser irradiance and time elapsed after the incidence of laser pulse. The validity of the assumption of local thermodynamic equilibrium is discussed in light of the results obtained.
The dielectric properties of electron beam evaporated Sm2O3 films have been investigated in the frequency range from 1 kHz to 1 MHz at various temperatures (300 K-453 K). The dielectric constant is found to depend on film thickness and it attains a constant value beyond 1000 A. The present electron beam evaporated Sm2O3 films have a high dielectric constant of 43. The frequency dependence of and tan teeta at various temperatures is also studied.
Electron-phonon interaction is considered within the framework of the fluctuating valence of Cu atoms. Anderson's lattice Hamiltonian is suitably modified to take this into account. Using Green's function technique tbe possible quasiparticle excitations' are determined. The quantity 2delta k(O)/ kB Tc is calculated for Tc= 40 K. The calculated values are in good agreement with the experimental results.
Irradiation of a Polymethyl methacrylate target using a pulsed Nd-YAG laser causes plasma formation in the vicinity of the target. The refractive index gradient due to the presence of the plasma is probed using phase-shift detection technique. The phase-shift technique is a simple but sensitive technique for the determination of laser ablation threshold of solids. The number density of laser generated plasma above the ablation threshold from Polymethyl methacrylate is calculated as a function of laser fluence. The number density varies from 2×1016 cm-3 to 2×1017 cm-3 in the fluence interval 2.8-13 J · cm-2.
We demonstrate the possibility of realizing, all-optical switching in gold nanosol. Two overlapping laser beams are used for this purpose, due to which a low-power beam passing collinear to a high-power beam will undergo cross phase modulation and thereby distort the spatial profile. This is taken to advantage for performing logic operations. We have also measured the threshold pump power to obtain a NOT gate and the minimum response time of the device. Contrary to the general notion that the response time of thermal effects used in this application is of the order of milliseconds, we prove that short pump pulses can result in fast switching. Different combinations of beam splitters and combiners will lead to the formation of other logic functions too.
Màster en Nanociència i Nanotecnologia curs 2006-2007. Directors: Francesca Peiró i Martínez and Jordi Arbiol i Cobos
An efficient method is developed for an iterative solution of the Poisson and Schro¿dinger equations, which allows systematic studies of the properties of the electron gas in linear deep-etched quantum wires. A much simpler two-dimensional (2D) approximation is developed that accurately reproduces the results of the 3D calculations. A 2D Thomas-Fermi approximation is then derived, and shown to give a good account of average properties. Further, we prove that an analytic form due to Shikin et al. is a good approximation to the electron density given by the self-consistent methods.
Recent measurements of electron escape from a nonequilibrium charged quantum dot are interpreted within a two-dimensional (2D) separable model. The confining potential is derived from 3D self-consistent Poisson-Thomas-Fermi calculations. It is found that the sequence of decay lifetimes provides a sensitive test of the confining potential and its dependence on electron occupation
We design optimal band pass filters for electrons in semiconductor heterostructures, under a uniform applied electric field. The inner cells are chosen to provide a desired transmission window. The outer cells are then designed to transform purely incoming or outgoing waves into Bloch states of the inner cells. The transfer matrix is interpreted as a conformal mapping in the complex plane, which allows us to write constraints on the outer cell parameters, from which physically useful values can be obtained.
This thesis entitled Geometric algebra and einsteins electron: Deterministic field theories .The work in this thesis clarifies an important part of Koga’s theory.Koga also developed a theory of the electron incorporating its gravitational field, using his substitutes for Einstein’s equation.The third chapter deals with the application of geometric algebra to Koga’s approach of the Dirac equation. In chapter 4 we study some aspects of the work of mendel sachs (35,36,37,).Sachs stated aim is to show how quantum mechanics is a limiting case of a general relativistic unified field theory.Chapter 5 contains a critical study and comparison of the work of Koga and Sachs. In particular, we conclude that the incorporation of Mach’s principle is not necessary in Sachs’s treatment of the Dirac equation.