1000 resultados para eficiência produtiva acumulada


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The aim of this work was to develop and validate an analytical methodology for simultaneous determination of mebendazole and thiabendazole, two benzimidazoles used as anthelmintics. The method was based on high performance liquid chromatography, using a C18 column, a mobile phase composed of KH2PO4 0.05 mol L-1 and methanol 40:60 (v/v) and UV detection at 312 nm. The results showed that the method presented linearity from 60.0 to 140.0 µg mL-1 for mebendazole and from 99.6 to 232.4 g µL-1 for thiabendazole and it was considered selective, accurate, precise and robust according to the specific resolution from ANVISA, the Brazilian regulatory agency.


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Operation and performance of a commercial PAFC power plant were analyzed. Processes influencing energy conversion efficiency were studied in each module of the fuel cell power plant. The main processes were simulated using mass and energy balance equations, and the results were validated by means of experimental data. It was concluded that the electrical efficiency is higher in comparison with microturbines. The main result achieved is a better understanding of balance of plant processes, knowledge necessary for fuel cell power plant development.


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En termes generals, es pot definir l’Eficiència Energètica com la reducció del consum d’energia mantenint els mateixos serveis energètics, sense disminuir el nostre confort i qualitat de vida, protegint el medi ambient, assegurant el proveïment i fomentant un comportament Sostenible al seu ús. L’objectiu principal d’aquest treball, és reduir el consum d’energia i terme de potència contractat a la Universitat de Vic, aplicant un programa d’estalvi amb mesures correctores en el funcionament de les seves instal·lacions o espais. Per tal de poder arribar a aquest objectiu marcat, prèviament s’ha realitzat un estudi acurat, obtenint tota la informació necessària per poder aplicar les mesures correctores a la bossa més important de consum. Un cop trobada, dur a terme l’estudi de la viabilitat de la inversió de les mesures correctores més eficients, optimitzant els recursos destinats. L’espai on s’ha dut a terme l’estudi, ha estat a l’edifici F del Campus Miramarges, seguint les indicacions d’Arnau Bardolet (Cap de Manteniment de la UVIC). Aquest edifici consta d’un entresol, baixos i quatre plantes. L’equip de mesura que s’ha fet servir per realitzar l’estudi, és de la marca Circutor sèrie AR5-L, aquests equips són programables que mesuren, calculen i emmagatzemen en memòria els principals paràmetres elèctrics en xarxes trifàsiques. Els projectes futurs complementaris que es podrien realitzar a part d’aquest són: instal·lar sensors, instal·lar mòduls convertidors TCP/IP, aprofitar la xarxa intranet i crear un escada amb un sinòptic de control i gestió des d’un punt de treball. Aquest aplicatiu permet visualitzar en una pantalla d’un PC tots els estats dels elements controlats mitjançant un sinòptic (encendre/parar manualment l’enllumenat i endolls de les aules, estat d’enllumenat i endolls de les aules, consums instantanis/acumulats energètics, estat dels passadissos entre altres) i explotar les dades recollides a la base de dades. Cada espai tindria la seva lògica de funcionament automàtic específic. Entre les conclusions més rellevants obtingudes en aquest treball s’observa: · Que és pot reduir la potència contractada a la factura a l’estar per sota de la realment consumida. · Que no hi ha penalitzacions a la factura per consum de reactiva, ja que el compensador funciona correctament. · Que es pot reduir l’horari de l’inici del consum d’energia, ja que no correspon a l’activitat docent. · Els valors de la tensió i freqüència estan dintre de la normalitat. · Els harmònics estan al llindar màxim. Analitzant aquestes conclusions, voldria destacar les mesures correctores més importants que es poden dur a terme: canvi tecnològic a LED, temporitzar automàticament l’encesa i apagada dels fluorescents i equips informàtics de les aules “seguint calendari docent”, instal·lar sensors de moviment amb detecció lumínica als passadissos. Totes les conclusions extretes d’aquest treball, es poden aplicar a tots els edificis de la facultat, prèviament realitzant l’estudi individual de cadascuna, seguint els mateixos criteris per tal d’optimitzar la inversió.


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This paper presents a simple and practical thermogravimetric method for determining the layer thickness of immobilized polymer stationary phases used in reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. In this method, the weight loss of different polysiloxanes immobilized onto chromatographic supports, determined over the temperature range 150-650 ºC, demonstrated excellent agreement with the sum of carbon and hydrogen content obtained by elemental analysis. The results presented here suggest that the thermogravimetric procedure is an accurate and precise method to determine the polymeric material content on polymer-coated stationary phases.


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An analytical method has been developed and validated for the quantitation of lamivudine, zidovudine and nevirapine in the fixed-dose combination film-coated tablet by high performance liquid chromatography, in accordance with RE No. 899/2003, National Sanitary Surveillance Agency. It was based on an isocratic elution system with a potassium phosphate buffer pH 3.0: acetonitrile (60:40 v/v) mobile phase, C18, 250 x 46 mm column, 10µm particle size, λ 270 nm. The statistically evaluated results have shown that the method is specific, precise, accurate, and robust, ensuring the analytical safety of 3TC, AZT and NVP determination, which emerges as a new therapeutic alternative for antiretroviral treatment.


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Biological monitoring is very important to guarantee health to workers. This method was developed for simultaneous determination of xylene, toluene, styrene and ethylbenzene metabolites. It involves only dilution and centrifugation of urine samples and improved chromatographic conditions. Analyses show recovery > 95%; r² > 0.99; intermediate precision CV% < 6% and % bias < ±10. Exposed subjects presented at least three metabolites in urine. The method proved to be feasible, reliable and important in biological monitoring, especially in exposure to organic solvent mixtures.


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This work optimized the HPLC conditions for the simultaneous determination of luteolin, apigenin, myricetin, quercetin and kaempferol in aglycone form, as well defined the best conditions for hydrolysis/extraction of these flavonoids in fruits, using the statistical central composite design and response surface analysis. A reverse phase method was developed using a gradient of methanol/water acidified with 0.3% formic acid as mobile phase and a photodiode array detector. The samples were extracted with methanol/water (50:50 v/v) at 90 ºC. The optimum time and HCl concentration varied for the different fruits investigated, demonstrating the necessity of optimizing these conditions for each fruit analyzed. Good recovery (87.1 to 96.3%), repeatability and linearity were obtained.


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A HPLC method was developed to quantify thymine and thymidine impurities in stavudine bulk drug. The separation was carried out in isocratic mode using methanol/water (20:80) as mobile phase, a C18 column and UV detection at 266 nm. The method provided selectivity based on peak purities and resolution among peaks. It was linear over the range of 0.5-5.0 µg/mL. The quantitation limits were 0.021 µg/mL for thymine and 0.134 µg/mL for thymidine. The average accuracies of three concentrations ranged from 97.06 to 102.61% and precision was close to 1%. The method showed robustness, remaining unaffected by deliberate variations in relevant parameters.


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A simple liquid chromatographic method for the simultaneous determination of creatinine, hippuric acid, mandelic acid, phenylglyoxylic acid and o, m and p-methylhippuric acids was developed and validated. Sample preparation was only dilution with water (1:10), followed by centrifugation. Analysis was performed in a reversed phase column (Lichrospher RP 8ec), 250 x 4.0 mm, with isocratic elution with phosphate buffer pH 2.3 and acetonitrile (90:10, v/v). The method presents adequate linearity, precision and accuracy and allows the simultaneous determination of the biomarkers of exposure to toluene, xylene and styrene together with creatinine, reducing cost and laboratory time.


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Bupivacaine (S75-R25, NovaBupi®) is an amide type local anesthetic widely used. The present work consists of the development and validation of analytical methodology for evaluation of NovaBupi® content in the poly-lactide-co-glycolide nanospheres (PLGA-NS) by high performance liquid chromatography. The separation was made using the reversed-phase column LC-18, acetonitrile/phosphate buffer 85:15 v/v as mobile phase and detection at 220 nm. The results obtained show that the analytical methodology is accurate, reproducible, robust and linear over the concentration range 10-220.0 g/mL of NovaBupi®. The method was applied to determine the encapsulation efficiency and evaluate the release profile of NovaBupi®, showing good results.


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A high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method has been developed for a rapid determination of nimesulide in dissolution studies. Nimesulide was analyzed using 5 µm Lichrospher® RP-18 column (125 x 4 mm i.d.) and mobile phase acetonitrile: phosphate buffer pH=6.0 (55:45) at a flow-rate of 1.0 mL min-1. Detection was carried out at 300 nm at 25 ºC. The method was applied to analysis of nimesulide in in vitro release studies and showed a rapid and efficient analytical alternative for evaluation of dissolution profile of nimesulide.


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Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC) retains the same principles as High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), but uses 1-2.1 mm i.d. columns with sub-2 µm particles. It is considered the newest advance in analytical separation science. The use of these small particles with mobile phases at high linear velocities increases resolution and detectability and decreases analysis time. Thus, the analyses are faster, the solvent volume is smaller, the efficiency is higher and the detectability is 2-3 times higher when compared with HPLC analysis.


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This paper describes the development and validation of simple and selective analytical method for determination of 3.4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) in Ecstasy tablets, using high performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection. Analysis was performed in a reversed phase column (LiChrospher 100 C18, 150 x 4.6 mm, 5 µm), isocratic elution with phosphate buffer 25 mmol/L pH 3.0 and acetonitrile (95:5, v/v). The method presents adequate linearity, selectivity, precision and accuracy. MDMA concentration in analyzed tablets showed a remarkable variability (from 8.5 to 59.5 mg/tablet) although the tablet weights were uniform, indicating poor manufacturing control thus imposing additional health risks to the users.


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The aim of this study was to verify the influence of the apparent molecular size of aquatic humic substances on the effectiveness of coagulation with ferric chloride. Coagulation-filtration tests using jar test and bench-scale sand filters were carried out on samples of water with true color of approximately 100 Hazen units, prepared with aquatic humic substances of different molecular sizes (F1: < 0.45 µm, F2: 100 kDa - 0.45 µm, F3: 30 - 100 kDa and F4': < 30 kDa). For the water samples with lower apparent molecular size fractions, greater dosages of coagulant was needed to remove the color around 5.0 Hanzen units, mainly because these water samples contain higher concentrations of fulvic acids, which exhibited a larger number of negatively-charged groups.


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Valproic acid (VA) is a drug used to control seizures in several epileptic conditions. In VA pharmacotherapy, therapeutic drug monitoring is recommended to obtain adequate seizure control and avoid toxicity. The aim of this study was to validate a method for the determination of valproic acid in serum, employing high performance liquid chromatography with diode array detection (HPLC-DAD), after derivatization with phenacyl bromide. The calibration curve (y=0.0133x-0.0025) presented good linearity with r²=0.9999. Accuracy (101-115%), intra-assay precision (4.53-8.15%) and inter-assay precision (3.15-6.77%) were acceptable. The quantification limit was 2.0 µg/mL. The method presented similar results to enzyme immunoassay.