838 resultados para education research methodologies
The effect of embedding math skills into physical education lessons on math achievement of second grade students in two classes was investigated. There were no statistical differences between the experimental (PE/Math) group and the control group. However, practical observations indicated more research is needed in this area.
The effect of sportspersonship instruction on the behaviors of second grade physical education students was examined. Instruction consisted of defining sportspersonship focus words, modifying the words into target behaviors, modeling the behaviors, and reinforcing the behaviors. Results revealed that students from two intact classes improved their behaviors.
The purpose of this paper is to show how incorporating multicultural literacy in education can meet the Florida Sunshine State Standards to promote a more equitable approach to classroom discourse and a qualitative teacher-facilitated learning environment for students who reflect a multicultural and global community.
For the last fifty years, social studies teachers have been prepared to teach from a global perspective, but since September 11, 2001 have faced a difficult challenge teaching from a global perspective. This study examines ninety secondary school teachers’ global knowledge and their disposition toward teaching from a global perspective.
This paper presents a heuristic investigation of mixed methods organized around three pairs of opposing standpoints: methods (qualitative vs. quantitative), paradigms (constructivist vs. post positive), and inquiry approaches (dialectical vs. pragmatic).
This paper discusses the transfer of training as it relates to mandatory continuing education for the radiologic technologist. Through continuing education the technologists' satisfy their requirements for recertification and/or licensure. Continuing education should provide a method to maintain competency, however, attitudes determine the success of learning outcomes.
This paper is a literature review of articles published from 1992 to 2002 in the American Journal of Health Education using critical race theory as a lens of analysis of culture differences in healthcare.
This paper examines the assumptions and paradigms used to discuss diversity and equity in adult education literature using critical race theory as a lens. Five themes emerged from the critique that may initiate an innovative dialogue about the realities and subjectivities singling out racial and ethnic minorities in the USA.
Two-way bilingual school principals were interviewed to find out their views on staffing. Finding candidates proficient in Spanish to provide content area instruction in this language was their greatest challenge. They suggested that the university offer content courses taught in Spanish and courses focusing on the mechanics of the language.
Smaller class sizes have a positive impact on student achievement but Florida struggles with the problem of how to achieve smaller classes. Through a review of the literature, this paper discusses some of the programs currently used across the US, with the focus on Florida. Conclusions and implications are presented.
Recent federal mandates require accountability for providing students with disabilities access to the general education curriculum. In this paper, the authors recommend that principles of Universal Design for Learning and Differentiated Instruction can help school personnel tailor their teaching to meet the various strengths and needs of individual students.
Critical reflection is imperative for the practitioner who seeks to grow and improve in the important work of teaching. This paper is a critical reflection of one author’s experience in creating a faculty development initiative.
This paper discusses the role of the role of social studies education in Nigeria. Amidst problems of mass education, funding, inequities, intolerance, corruption, weak governance, access to quality education, curriculum development, effective instructional methods, research, and teacher education, Nigeria embarks upon a democratic path to national unity and peace.
The last twenty years have been a period of growth in education development, development ethics, and female leadership studies. Literature indicates meaningful connections between these disciplines and points towards reassessment of obstacles to systemic change. A new term enpowerment is coined to define a proposed framework for ethical development practice.
This research examined the perceived teacher efficacy of special education teachers of English Language Learners with disabilities. The results demonstrate the positive correlation between proficiency in the language of the target students and teacher efficacy. An analysis of responses yielded two major themes, organizational and teacher issues, affecting teacher performance.