998 resultados para company valuation


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22 x 27 cm


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22 x 42 cm


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22 x 41 cm


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21 x 28 cm


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21 x 27 cm


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14 x 23 cm


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Yhtiöoikeus, yhtiöoikeuden reunaehtojen mukainen yhtiöjärjestys ja osakassopimus määrittävät kolme sääntelytasoa osakkeenomistajan irtaantuessa osakeyhtiöstä. Ulkopuolisen pääomasijoittajan liittyminen kohdeyhtiön vähemmistöosakkeenomistajaksi edellyttää monipuolista sopimista ja räätälöityjen määräys- ja sopimuslausekkeiden käyttöä yhtiöjärjestyksessä ja osakassopimuksessa tulevaa etukäteen sovittua irtaantumista varten. Yhtiöoikeudellinen määräystaso yhtiöjärjestyksessä, jota täydennetään osakeyhtiölain tahdonvaltaisella säännöstöllä, luo edellytykset osakkeenomistajien välisen riskienhallinnan toteuttamiseksi osakassopimuksessa. Osakeyhtiölain mukaisilla pakottavilla exit-oikeuksilla ja erikseen määritellyillä irtaantumistavoilla voi olla erilaiset arvonmääritystavat. Erityisen arvonmääritystavan valinta ja sen liittäminen sopimuskokonaisuuteen on syytä tehdä harkitusti niin, että irtaantumistilanteet määritetään tapauskohtaisesti etukäteen. Start-up -vaiheessa tapahtuvan rahoituksen kiertokulkusuunnittelun ja arvonmäärityksen siirryttäessä Venture Capital-arvonmäärityksestä kasvuvaiheen diskontattujen kassavirtojen DCF-arvonmääritysmalliin tulee olla yhteensovitettuja yhtiöoikeudellisesti ja sopimusoikeudellisesti. Erilaisten kauppahintamekanismien vaikutukset lunastushintaan on tunnistettava. Yrityksen rahoituksen eri kehitysvaiheita kuvaavaa yhdistettyä VC-DCF -arvonmääritysmallia on tarpeellista käyttää tietyissä tilanteissa, koska VC-menetelmä ei itse pysty ratkaisemaan kaikkia fundamentaalista tarvetta vaativia arvonmääritysvaiheita. Työssä esitetään erilaiset irtaantumisvaihtoehdot ja tarvittavien DCF-arvonmäärityskomponenttien sisältö ja käyttömahdollisuudet, joilla voidaan pienentää vähemmistöosakkeenomistajan riskiä ja tuottovaatimusta.


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää tarkoituksenmukaisin etabloitumismenetelmä teräsyhtiön kansainvälistymisessä Pietarin markkinoille. Vaikka kansainvälistymistä onkin tutkittu paljon, kyseisen kontekstin erityispiirteisiin on aiemmissa tutkimuksissa kiinnitetty vain vähän huomiota. Kansainvälistymisteorioista työhön valittiin John Dunningin eklektinen paradigma sekä Uppsala-malli. Etabloitumismenetelmän valintaa puolestaan tarkastellaan eri vaihtoehtojen kautta, jotka kattavat viennin, suorat ulkomaan investoinnit, sopimusjärjestelyt sekä yhteisyrityksen. Valintaa selitetään taustalla vaikuttavien tekijöiden sekä kansainvälistymisprosessin kautta. Kohteena olevan markkina-alueen potentiaalin, ongelmien sekä yrityksen kilpailuetujen arvioinnin jälkeen ehdotetaan optimaalista ratkaisua. Omat haasteensa operaatiomuodon valintaan luovat potentiaalinen mutta haastava kohdemarkkina-alue sekä yrityksen sisäiset tekijät. Kontekstiin parhaiten sopivaksi etabloitumismenetelmäksi esitetään aloittamista välittömällä viennillä asiakkaiden etsimiseksi ja suhteiden luomiseksi. Kun asiakkuuksia alueella on riittävästi, myyntikonttorin perustaminen Pietarin lähelle nähdään tarkoituksenmukaisena paikallisen läsnäolon lisäämiseksi. Empiirinen data kattaa kahdeksan asiantuntijahaastattelua, jotka yhdessä muun lähdeaineiston kanssa rakentavat perustan empiirisille tuloksille. Tutkimuksen tulokset tarjoavat yritykselle perustellun ratkaisuehdotuksen siitä, kuinka Pietarin markkinoille tulisi etabloitua.


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The aim of this thesis is to study segmentation in industrial markets and develop a segmenting method proposal and criteria case study for a labelstock manufacturing company. An industrial company is facing many different customers with varying needs. Market segmentation is a process for dividing a market into smaller groups in which customers have the same or similar needs. Segmentation gives tools to the marketer to better match the product or service more closely to the needs of the target market. In this thesis a segmentation tool proposal and segmenting criteria is case studied for labelstock company’s Europe, Middle East and Africa business area customers and market. In the developed matrix tool different customers are planned to be evaluated based on customer characteristic variables. The criteria for the evaluating matrix are based on the customer’s buying organizations characteristics and buying behaviour. There are altogether 13 variables in the evaluating matrix. As an example of variables there are loyalty, size of the customer, estimated growth of the customer purchases and customer’s decision-making and buying behaviour. These characteristic variables will help to identify market segments to target and the customers belonging to those segments.


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Acquisitions are a way for a company to grow, enter new geographical areas, buy out competition or diversify. Acquisitions have recently grown in both size and value. Despite of this, only approximately 25 percent of acquisitions reach their targets and goals. Companies making serial acquisitions seem to be exceptionally successful and succeed in the majority of their acquisitions. The main research question this study aims to answer is: “What issues impact the selection of acquired companies from the point of view of a serial acquirer? The main research question is answered through three sub questions: “What is a buying process for a serial acquirer like?”, “What are the motives for a serial acquirer to buy companies?” and “What is the connection between company strategy and serial acquisitions?”. The case company KONE is a globally operating company which mainly produces and maintains elevators and escalators. Its headquarter is located in Helsinki, Finland. The company has a long history of making acquisitions and does 20- 30 acquisitions a year. By a key person interview, the acquisition process of the case company is compared with the literature about successful serial acquirers. The acquisition motives in this case are reflected upon three of the acquisition motive theories by Trautwein: efficiency theory, monopoly theory and valuation theory. The linkage between serial acquisitions and company strategy is studied through the key person interview. The main research findings are that the acquisition process of KONE is compatible with a successful acquisition process recognized in literature (RAID). This study confirms the efficiency theory as an acquisition motive and more closely the operational synergies. The monopoly theory can only vaguely be supported by this study, but cannot be totally rejected because of the structure of the industry. The valuation theory does not get any support in this study and can therefore be rejected. The linkage between company strategy and serial acquisitions is obvious and making acquisitions can be seen as growth strategy and a part of other company strategies.


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The role of contract manufacturing and subcontracting has been seen in black and white in product and service point of view. It used to be seen either as a product or a service. In the thesis product-service system, offering combining products and services, was discussed. Theory was created from two perspectives; Service productization via Business Model generation and product servitization via New Service Development process. Target for the case study was to point out new ways of service thinking and ways for changing business environment in contract manufacturing, especially in customer satisfaction and profitability point of view. The case study is following the New Service Development process phases. First ideas were collected from literature and via sales management interviews. Service offering and tool for service requirement evaluation was created. Last financial results of example service scenarios were calculated. It is recommended to take service offering into internal use and further develop it into modular service model. It is also recommended to take created customer service requirement evaluation tool into use for capturing customer service needs but also for communicating those internally.


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The goal of this thesis is to build a viral marketing management framework for a Finnish medium sized gaming company. This is achieved by first finding and building a theoretical five step management process framework based on literature, analyzing current model and giving recommendations for the case company to develop its own management process. In addition, viral marketing research is still in early stage resulting this study to propose its own take on the definition in the theory part. Empirical part is based on qualitative interviews, campaign material and secondary sources and is aimed to find out and analyze the case company’s current viral marketing state and to give recommendations to it. The final outcome of the study is a general, theoretical management framework for viral marketing campaigns and specified recommendations for the case company.


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This bachelor's thesis is about to find out to what extent Finnish managers and small and medium sized organizations are willing and able to put employee empowerment into practice and what experiences they have got from employee empowerment as an approach towards job redesign. Some of the top enterprises in the world are known for their empowered employees as a single most important factor for their success and this thesis focuses on introducing the subject to Finnish managers and organizations to find out what benefits, barriers and other thoughts they have about the whole idea of empowered employees in Finnish organization culture. Most notable findings in this thesis are that Finnish managers do think that their organization's employees are capable to work efficiently if their job is extended and the organizations would perform better when right person's job is enriched and he/she is given more power to solve problems.


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