778 resultados para bk: Information systems: other


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Transportation and warehousing are large and growing sectors in the society, and their efficiency is of high importance. Transportation also has a large share of global carbondioxide emissions, which are one the leading causes of anthropogenic climate warming. Various countries have agreed to decrease their carbon emissions according to the Kyoto protocol. Transportation is the only sector where emissions have steadily increased since the 1990s, which highlights the importance of transportation efficiency. The efficiency of transportation and warehousing can be improved with the help of simulations, but models alone are not sufficient. This research concentrates on the use of simulations in decision support systems. Three main simulation approaches are used in logistics: discrete-event simulation, systems dynamics, and agent-based modeling. However, individual simulation approaches have weaknesses of their own. Hybridization (combining two or more approaches) can improve the quality of the models, as it allows using a different method to overcome the weakness of one method. It is important to choose the correct approach (or a combination of approaches) when modeling transportation and warehousing issues. If an inappropriate method is chosen (this can occur if the modeler is proficient in only one approach or the model specification is not conducted thoroughly), the simulation model will have an inaccurate structure, which in turn will lead to misleading results. This issue can further escalate, as the decision-maker may assume that the presented simulation model gives the most useful results available, even though the whole model can be based on a poorly chosen structure. In this research it is argued that simulation- based decision support systems need to take various issues into account to make a functioning decision support system. The actual simulation model can be constructed using any (or multiple) approach, it can be combined with different optimization modules, and there needs to be a proper interface between the model and the user. These issues are presented in a framework, which simulation modelers can use when creating decision support systems. In order for decision-makers to fully benefit from the simulations, the user interface needs to clearly separate the model and the user, but at the same time, the user needs to be able to run the appropriate runs in order to analyze the problems correctly. This study recommends that simulation modelers should start to transfer their tacit knowledge to explicit knowledge. This would greatly benefit the whole simulation community and improve the quality of simulation-based decision support systems as well. More studies should also be conducted by using hybrid models and integrating simulations with Graphical Information Systems.


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Data is the most important asset of a company in the information age. Other assets, such as technology, facilities or products can be copied or reverse-engineered, employees can be brought over, but data remains unique to every company. As data management topics are slowly moving from unknown unknowns to known unknowns, tools to evaluate and manage data properly are developed and refined. Many projects are in progress today to develop various maturity models for evaluating information and data management practices. These maturity models come in many shapes and sizes: from short and concise ones meant for a quick assessment, to complex ones that call for an expert assessment by experienced consultants. In this paper several of them, made not only by external inter-organizational groups and authors, but also developed internally at a Major Energy Provider Company (MEPC) are juxtaposed and thoroughly analyzed. Apart from analyzing the available maturity models related to Data Management, this paper also selects the one with the most merit and describes and analyzes using it to perform a maturity assessment in MEPC. The utility of maturity models is two-fold: descriptive and prescriptive. Besides recording the current state of Data Management practices maturity by performing the assessments, this maturity model is also used to chart the way forward. Thus, after the current situation is presented, analysis and recommendations on how to improve it based on the definitions of higher levels of maturity are given. Generally, the main trend observed was the widening of the Data Management field to include more business and “soft” areas (as opposed to technical ones) and the change of focus towards business value of data, while assuming that the underlying IT systems for managing data are “ideal”, that is, left to the purely technical disciplines to design and maintain. This trend is not only present in Data Management but in other technological areas as well, where more and more attention is given to innovative use of technology, while acknowledging that the strategic importance of IT as such is diminishing.


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Abstract—Concept development and experimentation (CD&E) plays an important role in driving strategic transformation in the military community. Defence architecture frameworks, such as the NATO architecture framework, are considered excellent means to support CD&E. There is not much empirical evidence, however, to indicate how enterprise architectures (EA) are applied in the military community or particularly in military CD&E. Consequently, this paper describes and discusses empirical application of the EA approach in CD&E. The research method in the paper is a case study. Situational method engineering (SiME) is used as a framework to adapt the EA approach to the case project of the paper. The findings of the paper suggest that the EA is applicable to CD&E work, although all aspects of the original concept could not be expressed in the EA model of the case project. The results also show that the SiME method can support in applying the EA framework to the CD&E in the case project.


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Työssä esitetään millä tavoin integraatioita on mahdollista toteuttaa tuotteen elinkaaren hallintajärjestelmän (PLM) ja muiden yrityksien käytössä olevien järjestelmien kesken. Työssä keskitytään etenkin teollisuusyritysten tärkeimpien (ERP & CAD) järjestelmien integraatioiden selvittämiseen. Integraatiovaihtoehtojen lisäksi selvitetään, missä eri rooleissa järjestelmät voivat toimia PLM-järjestelmän kanssa. Työssä tuodaan esille kertyneitä kokemuksia PLM-toteutusprojektiin osallistumisesta Control Express Finland Oy:ssa kesällä 2013.


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Implementing an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system often means a major change to an organization and involves significant risks. It is typical that many of the ERP system implementations fail resulting in tremendous damage to the business. Moreover, running normal business operations during an ERP system implementation is far more complicated than normally. This thesis focuses on how an organization should manage the ERP system implementation process in order to maintain supply performance during the implementation phase. The theoretical framework in this thesis focuses on ERP system implementations with a critical success factor approach. Critical success factors can be divided into strategic and tactical level success factors. By considering these critical success factors, ERP system implementation project’s timeline and best practices of an ERP implementation, a critical success factor based ERP system implementation management framework is presented. The framework can be used as a theoretical framework when the goal is to avoid ERP system implementation phase issues that are driven by the ERP system implementation project and that may decrease organization’s supply performance. This thesis is a case study that was written on an assignment to a confectionary company Cloetta Suomi Oy. In order to collect data, interviews of the case company personnel were conducted. In addition, several other data collection methods were used throughout the research process. These data collection methods include examination of presentations and archival records as well as direct observations in case company meetings and in various work duties. The results of this thesis indicate that there are several factors that may decrease organization’s supply performance during the ERP system implementation. These issues are categorized under external and internal issues and further into six risk drivers that are suppliers, customers, products, staff, information systems and other projects. After the description and categorization of each issue, the thesis focuses on finding solutions on how to avoid or mitigate the impact of these issues on the organization’s supply performance. This examination leads to several operational activities that are also practical to business practitioners. It is also stated that a successful ERP system implementation that also causes minimal disturbance to organization’s supply performance during the ERP system implementation, is achieved by considering three levels of actions.


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End-user development is a very common but often largely overlooked phenomenon in information systems research and practice. End-user development means that regular people, the end-users of software, and not professional developers are doing software development. A large number of people are directly or indirectly impacted by the results of these non-professional development activities. The numbers of users performing end-user development activities are difficult to ascertain precisely. But it is very large, and still growing. Computer adoption is growing towards 100% and many new types of computational devices are continually introduced. In addition, other devices not previously programmable are becoming so. This means that, at this very moment, hundreds of millions of people are likely struggling with development problems. Furthermore, software itself is continually being adapted for more flexibility, enabling users to change the behaviour of their software themselves. New software and services are helping to transform users from consumers to producers. Much of this is now found on-line. The problem for the end-user developer is that little of this development is supported by anyone. Often organisations do not notice end-user development and consequently neither provide support for it, nor are equipped to be able to do so. Many end-user developers do not belong to any organisation at all. Also, the end-user development process may be aggravating the problem. End-users are usually not really committed to the development process, which tends to be more iterative and ad hoc. This means support becomes a distant third behind getting the job done and figuring out the development issues to get the job done. Sometimes the software itself may exacerbate the issue by simplifying the development process, deemphasising the difficulty of the task being undertaken. On-line support could be the lifeline the end-user developer needs. Going online one can find all the knowledge one could ever need. However, that does still not help the end-user apply this information or knowledge in practice. A virtual community, through its ability to adopt the end-user’s specific context, could surmount this final obstacle. This thesis explores the concept of end-user development and how it could be supported through on-line sources, in particular virtual communities, which it is argued here, seem to fit the end-user developer’s needs very well. The experiences of real end-user developers and prior literature were used in this process. Emphasis has been on those end-user developers, e.g. small business owners, who may have literally nowhere to turn to for support. Adopting the viewpoint of the end-user developer, the thesis examines the question of how an end-user could use a virtual community effectively, improving the results of the support process. Assuming the common situation where the demand for support outstrips the supply.


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A growing concern for organisations is how they should deal with increasing amounts of collected data. With fierce competition and smaller margins, organisations that are able to fully realize the potential in the data they collect can gain an advantage over the competitors. It is almost impossible to avoid imprecision when processing large amounts of data. Still, many of the available information systems are not capable of handling imprecise data, even though it can offer various advantages. Expert knowledge stored as linguistic expressions is a good example of imprecise but valuable data, i.e. data that is hard to exactly pinpoint to a definitive value. There is an obvious concern among organisations on how this problem should be handled; finding new methods for processing and storing imprecise data are therefore a key issue. Additionally, it is equally important to show that tacit knowledge and imprecise data can be used with success, which encourages organisations to analyse their imprecise data. The objective of the research conducted was therefore to explore how fuzzy ontologies could facilitate the exploitation and mobilisation of tacit knowledge and imprecise data in organisational and operational decision making processes. The thesis introduces both practical and theoretical advances on how fuzzy logic, ontologies (fuzzy ontologies) and OWA operators can be utilized for different decision making problems. It is demonstrated how a fuzzy ontology can model tacit knowledge which was collected from wine connoisseurs. The approach can be generalised and applied also to other practically important problems, such as intrusion detection. Additionally, a fuzzy ontology is applied in a novel consensus model for group decision making. By combining the fuzzy ontology with Semantic Web affiliated techniques novel applications have been designed. These applications show how the mobilisation of knowledge can successfully utilize also imprecise data. An important part of decision making processes is undeniably aggregation, which in combination with a fuzzy ontology provides a promising basis for demonstrating the benefits that one can retrieve from handling imprecise data. The new aggregation operators defined in the thesis often provide new possibilities to handle imprecision and expert opinions. This is demonstrated through both theoretical examples and practical implementations. This thesis shows the benefits of utilizing all the available data one possess, including imprecise data. By combining the concept of fuzzy ontology with the Semantic Web movement, it aspires to show the corporate world and industry the benefits of embracing fuzzy ontologies and imprecision.


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Workshop at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Panel at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Pelastuslaitosten liiketoimintatiedonhallinnalla, tietoperusteisuudella ja tietojohtamisella on tulevaisuudessa merkittävä rooli päätettäessä palveluista. Julkisen pelastustoimen kuntien liikelaitoksina ja eriytettyinä taseyksiköinä toimivien pelastuslaitosten haasteet tulevat olemaan jatkossa tehokkaiden ja vaikuttavien palveluiden strategisessa johtamisessa ja suunnittelussa. Näistä asioista päättäminen on kriittinen vaihe onnistumisen kannalta. Päätöksenteko eri tasoilla tarvitsee tuekseen toiminnasta ja palveluista kanavoitua analysoitua tietoa. Asiakastarpeesta lähtevä vaikuttavuus ja laatu korostuvat. Liiketoimintatiedonhallinta ja tietoperusteisuus haastavat pelastuslaitoksen johtamisjärjestelmän. Johtamisen kyvykkyys ja henkilöstön osaaminen ovat tietoperusteisuuden ja tiedonhallinnan keskiössä. Systemaattisen liiketoimintatiedonhallinnan ja tietoperusteisuuden erottaa perinteisestä virkamiehen tietojen hyväksikäytöstä käsitteen kokonaisvaltaisuus ja järjestelmällisyys kaikessa tiedollisessa toiminnassa. Tämä kattaa tietojärjestelmät, mittarit, prosessit, strategian suunnitelmat, asiakirjat, raportoinnin, kehittämisen ja tutkimuksen. Liiketoimin-tatiedonhallinta ja tietojohtaminen linkittävät kaiken toisiinsa muodostaen keskinäisriippuvaisen yhtenäisen järjestelmän ja kokonaisvaltaisen ymmärryksen. Tutkimukseni on laadullinen tutkimus jossa tiedon keruu ja analysointi on toteutettu toisiaan tukevilla tutkimusotteilla. Metodologia nojaa teorialähtöiseen systemaattiseen analyysiin, jossa on valikoituja osia sisällön analyysistä. Tutkimuksessa on käytetty aineisto- ja menetelmätriangulaatioita. Tutkimuksen aineisto on kerätty teemahaastatteluilla valittujen kohde pelastuslaitosten asiantuntijoilta palveluiden päätös- ja suunnittelutasolta, johtoryhmistä ja joh-tokunnista. Haastatteluja varten tutkija on tutustunut kohdepelastuslaitosten palveluita mää-rittävään tiedolliseen dokumentaatioon kuten palvelutasopäätöksiin ja riskianalyyseihin. Ai-neisto keruun kohteiksi valikoitui pääkaupunkiseudun alueen pelastuslaitokset: Helsingin kaupungin pelastuslaitos sekä Itä-, Keski- ja Länsi-Uudenmaan pelastuslaitokset. Tulosten mukaan pelastuslaitosten keskeiset liiketoimintatiedonhallinnan esteet muodostuvat johtamisen ongelmista, organisaation muutosvastarinnasta ja päätöksenteon tietoperusteen puutteesta. Nämä ilmenevät strategisen johtamisen puutteina, vaikuttavuuden mittaamisen sekä tiedon jalostamisen ongelmina. Keskeistä tiedollista yhdistävää ja linkittävää tekijää ei tunnisteta ja löydetä. Tiedollisessa liiketoimintatiedonhallinnan prosessityössä voisi olla tulos-ten mukaan mahdollisuuksia tämän tyhjiön täyttämiseen. Pelastuslaitoksille jää tulevaisuudessa valinta suunnasta johon ne haluavat edetä tiedonhal-linnan, tietojohtamisen ja tietoperusteisuuden kanssa. Tämä vaikuttaa kehitykseen ja tavoitteeseen keskeisistä palveluiden päätöksentekoa tukevista johtamis- ja tietojärjestelmistä, tietoa kokoavista ja luovista dokumenteista sekä organisaation joustavasta rakenteesta. Tietoprosessiin, tiedon prosessimaiseen johtamiseen ja systemaattiseen tiedonhallintaan meneminen vaikuttaa tutkimuksen tulosten mukaan lupaavalta mahdollisuudelta. Samalla se haastaa pelauslaitokset suureen kulttuuriseen muutokseen ja asettaa uusien vaikuttavuusmittareiden tuottaman tiedon ennakoivan hyväksynnän vaateen strategiselle suunnittelulle. Tämä vaatii pelastuslaitosten johdolta ja henkilöstöltä osaamista, yhteisymmärrystä, muutostarpeiden hyväksyntää sekä asiakkaan asettamista vaikuttavuuden keskiöön.


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Sähkönmyyntiyhtiön liiketoimintaan liittyy muiden yritysten toiminnan tavoin erilaisia riskejä. Riskit jaetaan operationaalisiin ja markkinariskeihin. Operationaalisia riskejä ovat esimerkiksi erilaiset henkilöstöön, tietojärjestelmiin tai operatiiviseen toimintaan liittyvät riskit. Sähkönmyyntiyhtiön liiketoimintaan kohdistuu myös erilaisia markkinariskejä, joihin tyypillisesti liittyy sekä voiton että tappion mahdollisuus. Sähkönmyyntiyhtiön liiketoimintaan liittyviä markkinariskejä ovat esimerkiksi volyymiriski, profiiliriski, hintariski ja johdannaisriski. Työssä käydään läpi myös muita markkinariskejä sekä pohditaan riskien suojautumiskeinoja. Markkinariskejä voidaan hallita useiden eri keinojen avulla. Tavallisimpia näistä ovat esimerkiksi johdannaisten ja peak- sekä profiilituotteiden hankkiminen, joiden avulla hallitaan markkinahintojen muutosten vaikutuksia liiketoiminnan tulokseen. Lisäksi yritys voi käyttää riskienhallintakeinoina monipuolista jälkilaskentaa sekä raportointia liiketoiminnan keskeisiltä osilta. Erityisesti riskienhallintakeinona käytetään erilaisia riskimittareita, joista Profit at Risk-riskimittarin katsottiin soveltuvan parhaiten sähkönmyyntiyhtiön riskienhallinnan tueksi. Riskienhallinnan kehityksen näkökulmasta yrityksen on syytä miettiä sopimusten hinnoitteluaan sekä suojausstrategiaansa.


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The case company in this study is a large industrial engineering company whose business is largely based on delivering a wide-range of engineering projects. The aim of this study is to create and develop a fairly simple Excel-based tool for the sales department. The tool’s main function is to estimate and visualize the profitability of various small projects. The study also aims to find out other possible and more long-term solutions for tackling the problem in the future. The study is highly constructive and descriptive as it focuses on the development task and in the creation of a new operating model. The developed tool focuses on estimating the profitability of the small orders of the selected project portfolio currently on the bidding-phase (prospects) and will help the case company in the monthly reporting of sales figures. The tool will analyse the profitability of a certain project by calculating its fixed and variable costs, then further the gross margin and operating profit. The bidding phase of small project is a phase that has not been covered fully by the existing tools within the case company. The project portfolio tool can be taken into use immediately within the case company and it will provide fairly accurate estimate of the profitability figures of the recently sold small projects.


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Tutkimusongelmana oli case-yrityksen tiedontarve verkkokaupan vaikutuksista sen liiketoimintaan, joten työn tavoitteena oli kartoittaa verkkokaupan tarve puualan yritykselle. Tutkimusmenetelmänä oli haastattelututkimus, joka suoritettiin yrityksen tulosyksiköille sekä asiakkaille. Yksiköiden erilaisista luonteista, toimintatavoista ja myyntistrategioista johtuen verkkokaupan hyödyt ja haitat olivat erilaisia eri yksiköille. Tutkimusongelmaa selvitettiin tutkimuskysymyksillä, jotka liittyivät myyntistrategioihin, tuotteisiin, tietojärjestelmien integrointiin sekä verkkokaupan hyötyihin ja haittoihin. Työ voidaan jakaa teoreettiseen ja empiiriseen osioon. Teoreettinen osuus koostuu yleiskatsauksesta sähköiseen liiketoimintaan sekä ostoprosessien ja verkkokauppojen tarkastelusta. Empiirinen osio sisältää verkkokaupan tarpeen tutkimuksen, johon yksiköiden vastuuhenkilöt sekä asiakkaat antoivat haastattelun. Tuloksista voidaan havaita, että kaikki haastateltavat pitävät verkkokaupan käyttöä tulevaisuuden trendinä, mutta välitöntä tarvetta verkkokaupan hankinnalle ei ilmennyt. Tuloksista kuitenkin ilmeni välitön tarve liiketoimintaprosessien tehostamiselle sekä muulle tietojärjestelmäpalvelulle.