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The main objective of this paper was to visualize the relation between government spending on basic education and the human capital accumulation process, observing the impacts of this spending on individual investments in higher education, and on economic growth. It is used an overlapping-generations model where the government tax the adult generation and spent it in basic education of the next generations. It was demonstrated that the magnitude of the marginal effect of government spending in basic education on growth crucially depends on public budget constrains. The paper explains why some countries with a lot of public investment in basic education growth at low rates. In that sense if a country has only a lot of public investment in basic education without investment in higher education it may growth at low rates because the taxation can cause distortions in the agents incentives to invest in higher education.


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We show how to include in the CAPM moments of any order, extending the mean-variance or mean-variance-skewness versions available until now. Then, we present a simple way to modify the formulae, in order to avoid the appearance of utility parameters. The results can be easily applied to practical portfolio design, with econometric inference and testing based on generalised method of moments procedures. An empirical application to the Brazilian stock market is discussed.


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o presente ensaio teórico teve como objetivo analisar o grau de alinhamento com a competitividade de um pacote de políticas de Recursos Humanos implantado e adotado por uma empresa do setor automobilístico do Estado do Rio de Janeiro durante seus quatro anos iniciais. O ponto de partida foi uma revi sita às políticas implícitas e explícitas de Recursos Humanos ao longo da evolução das abordagens teóricas de administração. A seguir é sugerido o Modelo de Múltiplos Papéis, que inclui dois itens básicos: processos e pessoas, como uma proposta contemporânea na busca da produtividade e da competitividade organizacional. Como resultados se observa que, no que se refere a processos, a empresa se encontra em franca consolidação - produtividade. Entretanto, no que se refere a pessoas, ainda há um vasto caminho a trilhar, visando mantê-la, não somente produtiva, mas também competitiva.


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O objetivo central desta pesquisa foi o de explorar, descrever e discutir de que forma e em que extensão as empresas se utilizam das informações contábeis tratadas por mecanismos que considerem os reflexos das variações no poder aquisitivo da moeda (Inflação) e das flutuações específicas de preços sobre os resultado e patrimônio empresarial, nos seus sistemas de controles internos e, consequentemente, em seus processos de tomada de decisão, avaliação de desempenho e fixação de tendências para o empreendimento. Em função dos objetivos propostos, a operacionalização desta pesquisa foi desenvolvida em duas etapas. A primeira fase, de caráter qualitativo, constituiu-se no levantamento dos dados básicos necessários ao atingimento dos objetivos desejados, através da aplicação de questionários em 12 (doze) empresas. Através dos dados levantados, foi possível inferir-se que o sistema contábil configura-se na base primária dos relatórios gerenciais das empresas pesquisadas. o modelo da Correção Integral teve sua validade conceitual confirmada, não obstante algumas simpliflcações metodológicas adotadas e o problema da lnadequacidade do padrão monetário utilizado principalmente em 1990. Em que pese ter havido consenso na indicação das distorções provocadas pelo problema do indexador, apenas duas empresas adotaram mecanismos tendentes a anular seus efeitos. Uma importante constatação também, foi o fato de que nas empresas em que se utilizavam sistemas contábeis baseados na metodologia da Lei Societária, como fonte primária, para geração de relatórios gerenciais, as suas adminlstrações não utilizavam tais relatórios como suporte aos seus processos de tomada de decisão, como por exemplo, no processo de estabelecimento de preços. Ressalte-se, também, que o pouco conhecimento da filosofia conceitual e vantagens informativas do modelo da Contabilidade a Custo Corrente Corrigido, tem impedido a sua implantação de forma mais ampla. Saliente-se que 60% das empresas da amostra já se utilizam de mecanismos de avaliação de ativos não monetários, com base em valores correntes (captaçao dos efeitos das flutuações especificas de preços), só que restritos aos itens circulantes (estoques) . Este é, certamente, o caminho para a aplicação plena do modelo, principalmente no âmbito gerencial. A segunda fase, cujo enfoque direcionou-se aos aspectos quantitativos, através do cálculo de indicadores econômicos-financeiros extraídos das demonstrações contábeis das empresas pesquisadas, relativos ao exercício de 1990, e elaborados em consonân ia com as metodologias da Correção Integral e da Lei Societária, buscou-se , mediante análise comparativa, avaliar as pricipais distorções encolvidas, que corroboram, de certa forma, os comentários feitos no parágrafo anterior. A natureza exploratória deste assunto, com deslocamento da ênfase da análise quantitativa, e com enfoque estritamente gerencial, é que o diferencia dos demais desenvolvidos em tempos recentes. Além disso, apresenta como caraterística acessória a busca por informações sugestivas para o desenvolvimento de pesquisas futuras.


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A concepção de educação que o artesanato em geral tem é bastante ampla; entende-se por educação muito mais que a mera prática da educação formal. Para o artesão torna-se extremamente claro que a interação entre as pessoas e os grupos são fatos educacionais que são orientados em benefício de diversos objetivos, podendo ser a produção e o trabalho. A capacitaçã artesanal é tomada como uma expressaõ da educação. E uma totalidade que compreende objetivos, procdessos e dimensões que devem ser trabalhados no interior do setor e de acordo com as suas necessidades. A capacitação artesanal deve ser um instrumento que apoie toda e cada uma das dimensões e aspectos do progresso e desenvolvimento dos artesãos e suas organizações. Consequentemente, o componente educacional denominado capacitação, será um elemnto de apoio e acompanhamento a todas e cada uma das tarefas e processos vinculados com o trabalho artesanal. As dimensões da capacitação artesanal terão que aspirar a uma integralidade técnico-humanista na ação educativa; estas dimensões não podem limitar-se a aspectos técnicos-operativos, financeiros, logísticos e adminisrativos, pelo contrário, devem-se observar também aspectos de conscientização e prática participativa, alcançando com eles dimensões sociais e políticas dentro da prática do trbalho artesanal. Estas dimensões têm como condição prévia a universalização da escola básica na perspectiva dos seus interesses, necessidades e lutas.


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O principal objetivo desse estudo foi o de verificar as situações que, na prática da orientação educacional no Brasil. Possam ser responsabilizadas pelas dificuldades que a atividade vem encontrando para se desenvolver e se efetivar nas escolas brasileiras. Foi organizado em cinco capítulos, onde estão analisadas informações, resultantes basicamente de consulta bibliográfica a livros, artigos em periódicos, documentos e pesquisas relacionadas ao assunto. No primeiro capítulo encontram-se resumidos alguns preceitos teóricos que têm fundamentado a atividade de orientação educacional. No segundo capítulo apresentamos uma síntese da orientação, tal como ela se desenvolve nos EEUU, porque tomamos sua forma de atuação no sistema escolar norte-americano como referência para as interpretações de sua aplicabilidade nas escolas brasileiras. No terceiro capítulo caracterizamos a prática da atividade no sistema de ensino brasileiro, assinalando fatos que evidenciam a defasagem entre os objetivos e princípios postulados pela orientação educacional no Brasil, suas condições de efetivação e o quadro de inconsistência pelo qual ê conhecida e criticada. No quarto capítulo, analisamos e interpretamos as causas que determinam, a nosso ver, as dificuldades para a orientação se firmar nas escolas do país. Nossos questionamentos foram discutidos em torno de três hipóteses básicas que poderiam explicar o quadro de insatisfação e incerteza de sua prática e dos profissionais que são responsabilizados por sua efetivação: influência da DE das escolas norte-americanas, posição da OE na política Educacional Brasileira e aspectos da formação dos Orientadores Educacionais. Finalmente, sob influência do quadro de incoerências denunciando, organizamos, em forma de sugestões, no capítulo cinco, algumas propostas de estudo que poderiam ser desenvolvidas para ajudar a definir a orientação educacional no sistema de ensino brasileiro e I transformá-la numa prática realmente útil ao processo educacional.


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Recently, a claim has been made that executive decisions makers, far from being fact collectors, are actually fact users and integrators. As such, the claim continues, executive decision makers need help in understanding how to interpret facts, as well as guidance in making decisions in the absence of clear facts. This report justifies this claim against the backdrop of the modern history of decision making, from 1956 to the present. The historical excursion serves to amplify and clarify the claim, as well as to develop a theoretical framework for making decisions in the absence of clear facts. Two essential issues are identified that impact upon decision making in the absence of clear facts, as well criteria for decision making effectiveness under such circumstances. Methodological requirements and practical objectives round off the theoretical framework. The historical analysis enables the identification of one particular established methodology as claiming to meet the methodological requirements of the theoretical framework. Since the methodology has yet to be tried on information-poor situations, a further project is proposed that will test its validity.


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The effectiveness of a decision maker is not demonstrated through access to better or more information. Effectiveness is demonstrated in an ability to use, more resourcefully, whatever limited information is available, and to portray its implications more usefully. This paper demonstrates how decision makers can make systemic decisions in situations characterized by extremely limited information and, furthermore, what form such decisions take.


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Brazil is growing around 1% per capita a year from 1981; this means for a country that is supposed to catch up, quasi-stagnation. Four historical new facts explain why growth was so low after the Real Plan: the reduction of public savings, and three facts that reduce private investments: the end of the unlimited supply of labor, a very high interest rate, and the 1990 dismantling of the mechanism that neutralized the Dutch disease, which represented a major competitive disadvantage for the manufacturing industry. New-developmental theory offers an explanation and two solutions for the problem, but does not underestimate the political economy problems involved


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PURPOSE: The infection is one of the main factors that affect the physiological evolution of the surgical wounds. The aim of this work is to evaluate the effects of fibroblast growth factor (FGFâ) and anti-FGFâ in the healing, synthesis and maturation of collagen when topically used on infected skin wounds of rats. METHODS: An experimental study was perfomed in 60 male Wistar rats. All animals were divided in two groups (A and B). Each group was divided in three subgroups A1, B1; A2, B2 and A3, B3. After anesthesia with pentobarbital, two open squared wounds (1cm2), 4cm distant to each other, were done in the dorsal skin of all the rats. In group A (n=30) the wounds were contaminated with multibacterial standard solution, and in group B(n=30) the wounds were maintained sterile. These wounds were named F1 (for inflammation analysis) and F2 (for collagen study). The open wounds of A1 and B1 rats were topically treated with saline solution, A2 and B2 were treated with FGFâ and subgroups A3 and B3 were treated with FGFâ and anti-FGFâ. The rats were observed until complete epitelization of F2 wounds for determination of healing time and the expression of types I and III collagen, using Picro Sirius Red staining. Inflammatory reaction in F1 wounds was studied using hematoxilineosin staining. The three variable was measured by the Image Pro-Plus Média Cybernetics software. The statistical analysis was performed by ANOVA and Tukey test, considering p<0.05 as significant. RESULTS: It was observed that infection retarded significantly (p<0.05) the time of wound scarring and the topical application of FCFb reverted the inhibition of healing caused by bacteria. The inflammatory reaction was greater in the subgroup B2 than in B1 and A3, and the difference was significant (p<0.05). It was observed greater expression of type I collagen in all the subgroups treated with FCFb, when compared with the untreated subgroups. Type III collagen was significantly decreased in wounds of B3 rats, comparing to the other subgroups. CONCLUSIONS: The FCFb accelerated the healing of open infected wounds and contributed with maturation of collagen, enhancing the type I collagen density. The anti-FCFb antibody was able to attenuate the production of both type I and III collagen


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There are a great number of evidences showing that education is extremely important in many economic and social dimensions. In Brazil, education is a right guaranteed by the Federal Constitution; however, in the Brazilian legislation the right to the three stages of basic education: Kindergarten, Elementary and High School is better promoted and supported than the right to education at College level. According to educational census data (INEP, 2009), 78% of all enrolments in College education are in private schools, while the reverse is found in High School: 84% of all matriculations are in public schools, which shows a contradiction in the admission into the universities. The Brazilian scenario presents that public universities receive mostly students who performed better and were prepared in elementary and high school education in private schools, while private universities attend students who received their basic education in public schools, which are characterized as low quality. These facts have led researchers to raise the possible determinants of student performance on standardized tests, such as the Brazilian Vestibular exam, to guide the development of policies aimed at equal access to College education. Seeking inspiration in North American models of affirmative action policies, some Brazilian public universities have suggested rate policies to enable and facilitate the entry of "minorities" (blacks, pardos1, natives, people of low income and public school students) to free College education. At the Federal University of the state Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), the first incentives for candidates from public schools emerged in 2006, being improved and widespread during the last 7 years. This study aimed to analyse and discuss the Argument of Inclution (AI) - the affirmative action policy that provides additional scoring for students from public schools. From an extensive database, the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) technique was used as well as a Quantile Regression considering as control the variables of personal, socioeconomic and educational characteristics of the candidates from the Brazilian Vestibular exam 2010 of the Federal University of the state Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). The results demonstrate the importance of this incentive system, besides the magnitude of other variables


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This report has as its objective the setting up of a social cartography, mapping and characterizing non-governmental organizations working with adolescents and young people (OSC) in the western districts of the city of Natal. Characteristics such as the profile, themes and principal activities, how the organizations fit into the public sector and their participation in social networks are observed. Thus common differences and similarities which serve as a means of indentification, take as reference the symbolic cartography of Boaventura of Sousa Santos. Since there are relatively few studies relating to civil society of Rio Grande do Norte and in particular, Natal, the starting point was the setting up of a database allowing for a general overview. Hence a panorama of the organizations could be observed: where they are located, when they were formed how they operate and their relationships with other sectors (the state, the market and civil society) in addition to basic facts and location. The principal lines of enquiry were a) the OSC which operate with the public comprising adolescents and young people and b) the OSC operating or having branches in four suburbs on the periphery of the western administrative region of the city (Felipe Camarão, Bom Pastor, Cidade Nova and Guararapes).The present report has identified the impacts of ongoing social transformation caused by the process of globalization ,by the various currently contested political projects which are as follows: the project of neoliberal globalized capitalism(hegemonic)and the project of social emancipation (contra-hegemonic),how these are seen from the local viewpoint and how they influence the profiles and operation of the cartographic organizations. The area of the OSC is a heterogenous one with political, cultural and ideological strains, characterized by its infiltration, its local/global and multicultural dimensions. As civil organizations are fundamental in the processes of transformation within society, and following the idea of social emancipation referred to by Boaventura Santos, the enquiry classified the organizations according to the afore-mentioned characteristics, establishing eight types of associations. These different types and their respective characteristics were analysed from a related perspective using the mechanisms of symbolic cartography: scale, projection and symbolisation. The theoretical references underpinning this research arise from the debate on civil society which becomes redefined as a result of the dispute involving the two afore-mentioned political projects. These demand the theoretical application of the comprehension of heterogeneity in its diversity and complexity together with the idea of social emancipation.The main authors consulted were Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Antonio Gramsci, through the texts translated by Marco Aurelio Nogueira; Carlos Nelson Coutinho and Alberto Rivera ,who supported the construction of the types of associations identified by the local reality.Finally this research enabled an understanding of the current form of social action happening in the Space of the Four Neighbourhoods (Espaço dos 4 Bairros) and how the distinct profiles analysed together with the ares of operation of the organizations define their emancipatory potencials within the following two poles: regulation/adaptation and emancipation/transformation