934 resultados para bad conscience


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The authoritarian regime of the Portuguese Estado Novo (New State), the longest dictatorship in twentieth-century Western Europe, suffered one of its most serious threats during the late 1950s and the whole of the following decade. An array of events and dynamics of opposition to the regime and condemnation of the political and social situation in Portugal appeared at that time. One of the core groups that displayed their dissidence in the 1960s, with the awakening of their critical conscience, originated in Catholic sectors that rallied the laity and the clergy to express their disagreement or even break with the government of Salazar (and, later, Marcelo Caetano). This article aims to establish the role of print culture and, in particular, publishing in the opposition’s mobilisation of Catholics who criticised the Estado Novo. It will also closely examine the contribution of certain publishers to the formulation of the terms of this mobilisation, in publishing new authors and topics and creating new printed forums (e.g. periodicals) for discussion and reflection. The most detailed case will be that of the publishing house Livraria Moraes Editora, under the command of the publisher António Alçada Baptista.


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OBJECTIVE To estimate the prevalence of depressive symptoms among institutionalized elderly individuals and to analyze factors associated with this condition. METHODS This was a cross-sectional study involving 462 individuals aged 60 or older, residents in long stay institutions in four Brazilian municipalities. The dependent variable was assessed using the 15-item Geriatric Depression Scale. Poisson’s regression was used to evaluate associations with co-variables. We investigated which variables were most relevant in terms of presence of depressive symptoms within the studied context through factor analysis. RESULTS Prevalence of depressive symptoms was 48.7%. The variables associated with depressive symptoms were: regular/bad/very bad self-rated health; comorbidities; hospitalizations; and lack of friends in the institution. Five components accounted for 49.2% of total variance of the sample: functioning, social support, sensory deficiency, institutionalization and health conditions. In the factor analysis, functionality and social support were the components which explained a large part of observed variance. CONCLUSIONS A high prevalence of depressive symptoms, with significant variation in distribution, was observed. Such results emphasize the importance of health conditions and functioning for institutionalized older individuals developing depression. They also point to the importance of providing opportunities for interaction among institutionalized individuals.


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Mestrado em Intervenção Sócio-Organizacional na Saúde - Área de especialização: Políticas de Administração e Gestão de Serviços de Saúde


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OBJECTIVE To analyze the association between negative self-rated health and indicators of health, wellbeing and sociodemographic variables in older adults. METHODS Cross-sectional study that used data from a population-based health survey with a probability cluster sample that was carried out in Campinas, SP, Southeastern Brazil,, in 2008 and 2009. The participants were older adults (≥ 60 years) and the dependent variable was self-rated health, categorized as: excellent, very good, good, bad and very bad. The adjusted prevalence ratios were estimated by means of Poisson multiple regression. RESULTS The highest prevalences of bad/very bad self-rated health were observed in the individuals who never attended school, in those with lower level of schooling, with monthly per capita family income lower than one minimum salary. Individuals who scored five or more in the physical health indicator also had bad self-rated health, as well as those who scored five or more in the Self-Reporting Questionnaire 20 and those who did not refer feeling happiness all the time. CONCLUSIONS The independent effects of material life conditions, physical and mental health and subjective wellbeing, observed in self-rated health, suggest that older adults can benefit by health policies supported by a global and integrative view of old age.


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OBJECTIVE To investigate the association between social capital and social capital and self-perception of health based on examining the influence of health-related behaviors as possible mediators of this relationship.METHODS A cross-sectional study was used with 1,081 subjects, which is representative of the population of individuals aged 40 years or more in a medium-sized city in Southern Brazil. The subjects who perceived their health as fine, bad or very bad were considered to have a negative self-perception of their health. The social capital indicators were: number of friends, people from whom they could borrow money from when needed; the extent of trust in community members; whether or not members of the community helped each other; community safety; and extent of participation in community activities. The behaviors were: physical activity during leisure time, fruits and vegetable consumption, tobacco use and alcohol abuse. The odds ratios (OR) and confidence intervals (CI) 95% were calculated by binary logistic regression. The significance of mediation was verified using the Sobel test.RESULTS Following adjustment for demographic and clinical variables, subjects with fewer friends (OR = 1.39, 95%CI 1.08;1.80), those who perceived less frequently help from people in the neighborhood (OR = 1.30, 95%CI 1.01;1.68), who saw the violent neighborhood (OR = 1.33, 95%CI 1.01;1.74) and who had not participated in any community activity (OR = 1.39, 95%CI 1.07;1.80) had more negative self-perception of their health. Physical activity during leisure time was a significant mediator in the relationship between all social capital indicators (except for the borrowed money variable) and self-perceived health. Fruit and vegetable consumption was a significant mediator of the relationship between the extent of participation in community activities and self-perceived health. Tobacco use and alcohol abuse did not seem to have a mediating role in any relationship.CONCLUSIONS Lifestyle seems to only partially explain the relationship between social capital and self-perceived health. Among the investigated behaviors, physical activity during leisure time is what seems to have the most important role as a mediator of this relationship.


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ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To examine whether the level of complexity of the services structure and sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of patients in hemodialysis are associated with the prevalence of poor health self-assessment. METHODS In this cross-sectional study, we evaluated 1,621 patients with chronic terminal kidney disease on hemodialysis accompanied in 81 dialysis services in the Brazilian Unified Health System in 2007. Sampling was performed by conglomerate in two stages and a structured questionnaire was applied to participants. Multilevel multiple logistic regression was used for data analysis. RESULTS The prevalence of poor health self-assessment was of 54.5%, and in multivariable analysis it was associated with the following variables: increasing age (OR = 1.02; 95%CI 1.01–1.02), separated or divorced marital status (OR = 0.62; 95%CI 0.34–0.88), having 12 years or more of study (OR = 0.51; 95%CI 0.37–0.71), spending more than 60 minutes in commuting between home and the dialysis service (OR = 1.80; 95%CI 1.29–2.51), having three or more self-referred diseases (OR = 2.20; 95%CI 1.33–3.62), and reporting some (OR = 2.17; 95%CI 1.66–2.84) or a lot of (OR = 2.74; 95%CI 2.04–3.68) trouble falling asleep. Individuals in treatment in dialysis services with the highest level of complexity in the structure presented less chance of performing a self-assessment of their health as bad (OR = 0.59; 95%CI 0.42–0.84). CONCLUSIONS We showed poor health self-assessment is associated with age, years of formal education, marital status, home commuting time to the dialysis service, number of self-referred diseases, report of trouble sleeping, and also with the level of complexity of the structure of health services. Acknowledging these factors can contribute to the development of strategies to improve the health of patients in hemodialysis in the Brazilian Unified Health System.


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O uso das tecnologias sem fios e de telemóveis tem vindo a aumentar substancialmente nos últimos anos. Vários estudos realizados nos Estados Unidos e no Canadá mostram que o número de adultos que possuiu telemóvel é elevado, com valores entre os 78 a 85%, dos quais 33 a 45% são smartphones. Hoje em dia, os telemóveis já não são apenas uma forma de falar com alguém e passaram a ser um meio para obter informação de forma rápida. Este facto fez com que se verificasse um acentuado desenvolvimento de tecnologias de suporte para estes dispositivos. Objetivo do estudo: avaliar o impacto da introdução dos Códigos QR na Biblioteca da Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa (ESTeSL), quer a nível do serviço quer na perspetiva do utilizador.


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O domínio da leitura é de extrema importância para as aprendizagens escolares. Um número significativo de alunos apresenta, no entanto, dificuldades de aprendizagem específicas (DAE) ao nível da leitura, que interferem com o processo global de ensino e aprendizagem. O presente artigo pretende rever os factores associados às DAE de leitura e apresentar estratégias que promovem o ensino eficaz e o domínio desta competência, nomeadamente, ao nível da consciência fonémica e da fluência da leitura, indicando metodologias e actividades que podem ser desenvolvidas em contexto de sala de aula.


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Relatório da Prática Profissional Supervisionada Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar


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A Internet e o Google são parte integrante do percurso académico dos estudantes do ensino superior que privilegiam a rapidez de acesso em detrimento da eficiência e credibilidade da informação. A pesquisa em bases de dados pode afigurar-se, por vezes, complexa o que leva a que os estudantes, na maioria dos casos, recorram à pesquisa em motores de busca. Na área da saúde existem inúmeros recursos disponíveis, mas os estudantes nem sempre os conhecem e, noutros casos, não sabem como utilizá-los de forma eficaz. Através de um questionário avaliaram-se as competências digitais dos estudantes finalistas da Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa. Da análise dos resultados concluiu-se que a aprendizagem de competências digitais tem um impacto positivo na confiança dos estudantes e que é fundamental que estes estudantes, futuramente profissionais de saúde, saibam usar de forma eficaz, eficiente e ética a informação. Evidencia-se, ainda, o reforço do papel dos bibliotecários como elementos da equipa de aprendizagem.


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O sucesso da aquisição de competências de literacia da informação no ensino superior garante-se através do trabalho colaborativo entre bibliotecários e professores. Em janeiro de 2015, uma equipa composta por uma professora de radiologia, uma professora de estatística e uma bibliotecária deslocaram-se a Maputo, em Moçambique, para uma missão de capacitação de docentes em metodologias de investigação aplicadas à saúde e de orientação tutorial para estudantes de radiologia no Instituto Superior de Ciências de Saúde. As sessões de formação foram desenhadas com a preocupação de criar oportunidades reais de discussão e de aprofundamento de questões colocadas pelos formandos. Os resultados finais revelaram que os formandos gostariam de ter mais formação em softwares de estatística (SPSS), testes estatísticos, análise de dados qualitativos, técnicas de amostragem com mais exemplos práticos, plataformas de pesquisa de informação em saúde sobre radiologia, tecnologias de informação e comunicação, metodologia de investigação científica, como elaborar um protocolo de investigação e questionários, bem como mais informação sobre como citar e referenciar. Evidencia-se que a missão da Biblioteca deve ser alterada e alargada à comunidade académica, assumindo esta o seu papel no processo de tutoria na investigação.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização em Edificações


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As potencialidades de utilização, informação e investigação das bibliotecas/centros de documentação do Ensino Superior Artístico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa (IPL) são pouco exploradas quer pelos alunos, quer pelos docentes/investigadores. Procura-se com base nos resultados de um inquérito realizado a este público/alvo constituir como corpus de análise as unidades de informação das três escolas do IPL: a Biblioteca da Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema (ESTC), o Centro de Documentação (CD) da Escola Superior de Música (ESML) e o Centro de Documentação e Informação (CDI) da Escola Superior de Dança (ESD). Apresentamos o tratamento dos dados deste inquérito que incidiu sobre os processos de investigação e de acesso à informação na área das artes, que nos permitiu, por um lado, aferir como é feita a investigação artística e/ou científica dos nossos docentes e, por outro, avaliar o grau de utilização das unidades de investigação, dos meios existentes e quais as melhorias que se podem fazer quer qualitativa, quer quantitativamente dos recursos disponíveis.


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Motivations/barriers to participate in ITF


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This study aims to optimize the water quality monitoring of a polluted watercourse (Leça River, Portugal) through the principal component analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis (CA). These statistical methodologies were applied to physicochemical, bacteriological and ecotoxicological data (with the marine bacterium Vibrio fischeri and the green alga Chlorella vulgaris) obtained with the analysis of water samples monthly collected at seven monitoring sites and during five campaigns (February, May, June, August, and September 2006). The results of some variables were assigned to water quality classes according to national guidelines. Chemical and bacteriological quality data led to classify Leça River water quality as “bad” or “very bad”. PCA and CA identified monitoring sites with similar pollution pattern, giving to site 1 (located in the upstream stretch of the river) a distinct feature from all other sampling sites downstream. Ecotoxicity results corroborated this classification thus revealing differences in space and time. The present study includes not only physical, chemical and bacteriological but also ecotoxicological parameters, which broadens new perspectives in river water characterization. Moreover, the application of PCA and CA is very useful to optimize water quality monitoring networks, defining the minimum number of sites and their location. Thus, these tools can support appropriate management decisions.