978 resultados para Transdural electrical stimulation
Objective: To reevaluate the responses of thyrotropin-releasing hormone ( TRH) stimulation test in baseline condition as well as after the administration of graded supraphysiological doses of liothyronine ( L- T-3) in normal subjects. Design: To assess various parameters related to the hypothalamic-pituitary axis and peripheral tissue responses to L- T-3 in 22 normal individuals ( median age: 30.5 years). Subjects were submitted to an intravenous TRH test at baseline condition and also to the oral administration of sequential and graded doses of L- T-3 ( 50, 100, and 200 mu g/day), each given over 3 days, at an outpatient clinic. Blood samples were obtained for thyrotropin (TSH) and prolactin (PRL) at basal and then 15, 30, and 60 minutes after the TRH injection. Effects of L- T3 administration on cholesterol, creatine kinase, retinol, ferritin, and sex hormone-binding globulin ( SHBG) were also measured at basal and after the oral administration of L- T-3. Main outcome: TRH administration resulted in an increase of 4-to 14-fold rise in serum TSH ( 8.3 +/- 2.5-fold), and in a slight rise in serum PRL concentrations ( 3.8 +/- 1.5-fold). Administration of graded doses of triiodothyronine ( T-3) resulted in a dose-dependent suppression of TSH and PRL. Basal thyroxine- binding globulin (TBG) and cholesterol levels decreased, and ferritin and SHBG increased after L- T-3 administration, while creatine kinase and retinol did not change throughout the study. There was a positive correlation between basal TSH and TSH peak response to TRH at basal condition and after each sequential L- T-3 doses. On the other hand, TSH peak response to the TRH test did not predict cholesterol, TBG, ferritin, or SHBG values. Conclusion: Using the current methods on hormone and biochemical analysis, we standardized the response of many parameters to TRH stimulation test after sequential and graded T-3 suppression test in normal subjects. Our data suggest that the evaluation of the responses of the hypothalamus-pituitary axis to TRH test as well as the impact of L- T-3 on peripheral tissues were not modified by the current methods.
A systematic study of magnetoresistance and dc magnetization was conducted in polycrystalline (Ru(1-x)Ir(x))Sr(2)GdCu(2)O(8) [(Ru,Ir)-1212] compounds, for 0 <= x <= 0.15. We found that a deviation from linearity in the normal-state electrical resistivity (rho) curves for temperatures below the magnetic transition temperature T(M) < 130 K can be properly described by a logarithmic term. The prefactor C(x, H) of this anomalous ln T contribution to rho(T) increases linearly with the Ir concentration, and diminishes rapidly with increasing applied magnetic field up to H approximate to 4 T, merging with the C(0,H) curve at higher magnetic fields. Correlation with magnetic susceptibility measurements supports a scenario of local perturbations in the orientation of Ru moments induced in the neighborhood of the Ir ions, therefore acting as scattering centers. The linear dependence of the prefactor C(x,H=0) and the superconducting transition temperature T(SC) on x points to a common source for the resistivity anomaly and the reduction in T(SC), suggesting that the CuO(2) and RuO(2) layers are not decoupled.
Lead fluoroborate glasses were prepared by the melt-quenching technique and characterized in terms of (micro)structural and electrical properties. The study was conducted on as prepared as well as temperature- and/or electric field-treated glass samples. The results show that, in the as-prepared glassy-state materials, electrical conductivity improved with increasing the PbF(2) glass content. This result involves both an increase of the fluoride charge carrier density and, especially, a decrease of the activation energy from a glass structure expansion improving charge carrier mobility. Moreover, for the electric field-treated glass samples, surface crystallization was observed even below the glass transition temperature. As previously proposed in literature, and shown here, the occurrence of this phenomenon arose from an electrochemically induced redox reaction at the electrodes, followed by crystallite nucleation. Once nucleated, growth of beta-PbF(2) crystallites, with the indication of incorporating reduced lead ions (Pb(+)), was both (micro)structurally and electrically detectable and analyzed. The overall crystallization-associated features observed here adapt well with the floppy-rigid model that has been proposed to further complete the original continuous-random-network model by Zachariasen for closely addressing not only glasses' structure but also crystallization mechanism. Finally, the crystallization-modified kinetic picture of the glasses' electrical properties, through application of polarization/depolarization measurements originally combined with impedance spectroscopy, was extensively explored. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.
Given the polarity dependent effects of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in facilitating or inhibiting neuronal processing, and tDCS effects on pitch perception, we tested the effects of tDCS on temporal aspects of auditory processing. We aimed to change baseline activity of the auditory cortex using tDCS as to modulate temporal aspects of auditory processing in healthy subjects without hearing impairment. Eleven subjects received 2mA bilateral anodal, cathodal and sham tDCS over auditory cortex in a randomized and counterbalanced order. Subjects were evaluated by the Random Gap Detection Test (RGDT), a test measuring temporal processing abilities in the auditory domain, before and during the stimulation. Statistical analysis revealed a significant interaction effect of time vs. tDCS condition for 4000 Hz and for clicks. Post-hoc tests showed significant differences according to stimulation polarity on RGDT performance: anodal improved 22.5% and cathodal decreased 54.5% subjects' performance, as compared to baseline. For clicks, anodal also increased performance in 29.4% when compared to baseline. tDCS presented polarity-dependent effects on the activity of the auditory cortex, which results in a positive or negative impact in a temporal resolution task performance. These results encourage further studies exploring tDCS in central auditory processing disorders.
Several high temperature superconductor (HTS) tapes have been developed since the late eighties. Due to the new techniques applied for their production, HTS tapes are becoming feasible and practical for many applications. In this work, we present the test results of five commercial HTS tapes from the BSCCO and YBCO families (short samples of 200 mm). We have measured and analyzed their intrinsic and extrinsic properties and compared their behaviors for fault current limiter (FCL) applications. Electrical measurements were performed to determine the critical current and the n value through the V-I relationship under DC and AC magnetic fields. The resistance per unit length was determined as a function of temperature. The magnetic characteristics were analyzed through susceptibility curves as a function of temperature. As transport current generates a magnetic field surrounding the HTS material, the magnetic measurements indicate the magnetic field supported by the tapes under a peak current 1.5 times higher than the critical current, I(c). By pulsed current tests the recovery time and the energy/volume during a current fault were also analyzed. These results are in agreement with the data found in the literature giving the most appropriate performance conductor for a FCL device (I(peak) = 4 kA) to be used in a 220 V-60 Hz grid.
The joint process between tapes of coated conductors is a critical issue for the most of the applications of high temperature superconductors (HTS). Using different fabrication techniques joints of YBCO coated superconductors were prepared and characterized through electrical measurements. For soldering material low melting point eutectic alloys, such as In-Sn (m.p. 116 degrees C) and Sn-Pb (m. p. 189 degrees C) were selected to prepare lap joints with effective length between 1 to 20 cm. The splice resistance and the critical current of the joints were evaluated by I-V curve measurements with the maximum current strength above the critical current, in order to evaluate the degree of degradation for each joint method. Pressed lap joints prepared with tapes without external reinforcement presented low resistance lap joint nevertheless some critical current degradation occurs when strong pressing is applied. When mechanical pressure is applied during the soldering process we can reduce the thickness of the solder alloy and a residual resistance arises from contributions of high resistivity matrix and external reinforcement. The lap joints for reinforced tape were prepared using two methods: the first, using ""as-supplied"" tape and the other after reinforcement-removal; in the latter case, the tapes were resoldered using Sn-Pb alloy. The results using several joint geometries, distinct surface preparation processes and different soldering materials are presented and analysed. The solder alloy with lower melting point and the longer joint length presented the smallest joint resistance.
The effect of alumina content on the mechanical strength of electrical porcelain manufactured by green machining of isostatically pressed blanks was examined with a view to attaining optimal mechanical properties at low sintering temperatures. Porcelain compositions were formulated with four different alumina contents, maintaining the same proportion of the other materials (kaolin, clay and feldspar). Test specimens were isostatically pressed at 70 MPa and machined at high speed into cylindrical test specimens using controlled machining parameters. These specimens were sintered at several temperatures to determine the optimal sintering temperature for each composition, after which their mechanical properties were analyzed by the flexural bend test. The results indicated a correlation between the alumina content and the sintering temperature, and between the flexural strength and its influence on the green machining conditions. An average tensile strength of 786 MPa was attained for the composition with an added content of 30 wt% of commercial alumina sintered at 1250 degrees C, pressed and machined under industrial conditions.
One of the electrical impedance tomography objectives is to estimate the electrical resistivity distribution in a domain based only on electrical potential measurements at its boundary generated by an imposed electrical current distribution into the boundary. One of the methods used in dynamic estimation is the Kalman filter. In biomedical applications, the random walk model is frequently used as evolution model and, under this conditions, poor tracking ability of the extended Kalman filter (EKF) is achieved. An analytically developed evolution model is not feasible at this moment. The paper investigates the identification of the evolution model in parallel to the EKF and updating the evolution model with certain periodicity. The evolution model transition matrix is identified using the history of the estimated resistivity distribution obtained by a sensitivity matrix based algorithm and a Newton-Raphson algorithm. To numerically identify the linear evolution model, the Ibrahim time-domain method is used. The investigation is performed by numerical simulations of a domain with time-varying resistivity and by experimental data collected from the boundary of a human chest during normal breathing. The obtained dynamic resistivity values lie within the expected values for the tissues of a human chest. The EKF results suggest that the tracking ability is significantly improved with this approach.
Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) captures images of internal features of a body. Electrodes are attached to the boundary of the body, low intensity alternating currents are applied, and the resulting electric potentials are measured. Then, based on the measurements, an estimation algorithm obtains the three-dimensional internal admittivity distribution that corresponds to the image. One of the main goals of medical EIT is to achieve high resolution and an accurate result at low computational cost. However, when the finite element method (FEM) is employed and the corresponding mesh is refined to increase resolution and accuracy, the computational cost increases substantially, especially in the estimation of absolute admittivity distributions. Therefore, we consider in this work a fast iterative solver for the forward problem, which was previously reported in the context of structural optimization. We propose several improvements to this solver to increase its performance in the EIT context. The solver is based on the recycling of approximate invariant subspaces, and it is applied to reduce the EIT computation time for a constant and high resolution finite element mesh. In addition, we consider a powerful preconditioner and provide a detailed pseudocode for the improved iterative solver. The numerical results show the effectiveness of our approach: the proposed algorithm is faster than the preconditioned conjugate gradient (CG) algorithm. The results also show that even on a standard PC without parallelization, a high mesh resolution (more than 150,000 degrees of freedom) can be used for image estimation at a relatively low computational cost. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Heat treated electrical steel laminations have shown evidence of low ductility behavior, characterized by a small number of bends till fracture, on repeated bending tests. The laminations were produced using a new grade of electrical steel with much lower aluminum content than usual. The problem happens when the oxygen potential (measured by the dew point of the atmosphere) of the heat treatment atmosphere is abnormally high. Furthermore, ductility can be restored by a low-oxygen potential heat treatment. Although the heat treatment resulted in a loss of ductility, the magnetic properties were not deteriorated. The low ductility samples always show intergranular fracture, whereas the un-treated laminations fracture by cleavage. The low ductility is associated with the formation of silicon manganese nitride precipitates formed at grain boundaries, although they are not the cause of the low ductility. Ductility could be restored by a low dew point heat treatment but the inclusions remained in the grain boundaries. The low ductility and its recovery must be ascribed to the presence of nitrogen atoms segregated to the grain boundaries when the heat treatment atmosphere has a high oxygen potential. The lack of aluminum in the composition of the steel hinders the scavenging effect of this element on nitrogen atoms in solution in the steel. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Cold-rolled (0-19% of reduction) 0.5% Si electrical steel sheets were studied in detail, including macro and micro residual stress measurements, crystallographic texture, dc-hysteresis curves and iron losses. Even for the smallest deformation, losses increase significantly, with large increase of the hysteresis losses, whereas the anomalous losses reduce slightly. The residual microstresses are similar to 150-350 MPa, whereas residual macrostresses are compressive, similar to 50 MPa. The large increase of the hysteresis losses is attributed to the residual microstresses. The dislocation density estimated by X-ray diffraction is in reasonable agreement with that predicted from the Sablik et al. model for effect of plastic deformation on hysteresis. The intensity of the texture fibers {1 1 1}< u v w > and < 110 >//RD (RD = rolling direction) increases with the reduction. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Square and two-level pulse width modulation (PWM) magnetic induction waveforms are investigated and their effect on electrical steels losses as a function of the grain size is determined. The increase of hysteresis losses-as compared to that resulting from sinusoidal voltages-occurs only for two-level PWM waveforms. Total losses are lower for square waveform, and the difference between losses under square and sinusoidal waveform increase with increasing grain size, result explained with the loss separation model. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Modern Integrated Circuit (IC) design is characterized by a strong trend of Intellectual Property (IP) core integration into complex system-on-chip (SOC) architectures. These cores require thorough verification of their functionality to avoid erroneous behavior in the final device. Formal verification methods are capable of detecting any design bug. However, due to state explosion, their use remains limited to small circuits. Alternatively, simulation-based verification can explore hardware descriptions of any size, although the corresponding stimulus generation, as well as functional coverage definition, must be carefully planned to guarantee its efficacy. In general, static input space optimization methodologies have shown better efficiency and results than, for instance, Coverage Directed Verification (CDV) techniques, although they act on different facets of the monitored system and are not exclusive. This work presents a constrained-random simulation-based functional verification methodology where, on the basis of the Parameter Domains (PD) formalism, irrelevant and invalid test case scenarios are removed from the input space. To this purpose, a tool to automatically generate PD-based stimuli sources was developed. Additionally, we have developed a second tool to generate functional coverage models that fit exactly to the PD-based input space. Both the input stimuli and coverage model enhancements, resulted in a notable testbench efficiency increase, if compared to testbenches with traditional stimulation and coverage scenarios: 22% simulation time reduction when generating stimuli with our PD-based stimuli sources (still with a conventional coverage model), and 56% simulation time reduction when combining our stimuli sources with their corresponding, automatically generated, coverage models.
Amorphous SiC(x)N(y) films have been deposited on (100) Si substrates by RF magnetron sputtering of a SiC target in a variable nitrogen-argon atmosphere. The as-deposited films were submitted to thermal anneling in a furnace under argon atmosphere at 1000 degrees C for 1 hour. Composition and structure of unannealed and annealed samples were investigated by RBS and FTIR. To study the electrical characteristics of SiC(x)N(y) films, Metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) structures were fabricated. Elastic modulus and hardness of the films were determined by nanoindentation. The results of these studies showed that nitrogen content and thermal annealing affect the electrical, mechanical and structural properties of SiC(x)N(y) films.
This work proposes a refined technique for the extraction of the generation lifetime in single- and double-gate partially depleted SOI nMOSFETs. The model presented in this paper, based on the drain current switch-off transients, takes into account the influence of the laterally non-uniform channel doping, caused by the presence of the halo implanted region, and the amount of charge controlled by the drain and source junctions on the floating body effect when the channel length is reduced. The obtained results for single- gate (SG) devices are compared with two-dimensional numerical simulations and experimental data, extracted for devices fabricated in a 0.1 mu m SOI CMOS technology, showing excellent agreement. The improved model to determine the generation lifetime in double-gate (DG) devices beyond the considerations previously presented also consider the influence of the silicon layer thickness on the drain current transient. The extracted data through the improved model for DG devices were compared with measurements and two-dimensional numerical simulations of the SG devices also presenting a good adjustment with the channel length reduction and the same tendency with the silicon layer thickness variation.