778 resultados para Supply chain ,ospedale, inventario, gestione scorte, Just in time, RFID, confezioni monodose.


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In an overcapacity world, where the customers can choose from many similar products to satisfy their needs, enterprises are looking for new approaches and tools that can help them not only to maintain, but also to increase their competitive edge. Innovation, flexibility, quality, and service excellence are required to, at the very least, survive the on-going transition that industry is experiencing from mass production to mass customization. In order to help these enterprises, this research develops a Supply Chain Capability Maturity Model named S(CM)2. The Supply Chain Capability Maturity Model is intended to model, analyze, and improve the supply chain management operations of an enterprise. The Supply Chain Capability Maturity Model provides a clear roadmap for enterprise improvement, covering multiple views and abstraction levels of the supply chain, and provides tools to aid the firm in making improvements. The principal research tool applied is the Delphi method, which systematically gathered the knowledge and experience of eighty eight experts in Mexico. The model is validated using a case study and interviews with experts in supply chain management. The resulting contribution is a holistic model of the supply chain integrating multiple perspectives, and providing a systematic procedure for the improvement of a company’s supply chain operations.


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Strategic supply chain optimization (SCO) problems are often modelled as a two-stage optimization problem, in which the first-stage variables represent decisions on the development of the supply chain and the second-stage variables represent decisions on the operations of the supply chain. When uncertainty is explicitly considered, the problem becomes an intractable infinite-dimensional optimization problem, which is usually solved approximately via a scenario or a robust approach. This paper proposes a novel synergy of the scenario and robust approaches for strategic SCO under uncertainty. Two formulations are developed, namely, naïve robust scenario formulation and affinely adjustable robust scenario formulation. It is shown that both formulations can be reformulated into tractable deterministic optimization problems if the uncertainty is bounded with the infinity-norm, and the uncertain equality constraints can be reformulated into deterministic constraints without assumption of the uncertainty region. Case studies of a classical farm planning problem and an energy and bioproduct SCO problem demonstrate the advantages of the proposed formulations over the classical scenario formulation. The proposed formulations not only can generate solutions with guaranteed feasibility or indicate infeasibility of a problem, but also can achieve optimal expected economic performance with smaller numbers of scenarios.


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This paper is concerned with strategic optimization of a typical industrial chemical supply chain, which involves a material purchase and transportation network, several manufacturing plants with on-site material and product inventories, a product transportation network and several regional markets. In order to address large uncertainties in customer demands at the different regional markets, a novel robust scenario formulation, which has been developed by the authors recently, is tailored and applied for the strategic optimization. Case study results show that the robust scenario formulation works well for this real industrial supply chain system, and it outperforms the deterministic formulation and the classical scenario-based stochastic programming formulation by generating better expected economic performance and solutions that are guaranteed to be feasible for all uncertainty realizations. The robust scenario problem exhibits a decomposable structure that can be taken advantage of by Benders decomposition for efficient solution, so the application of Benders decomposition to the solution of the strategic optimization is also discussed. The case study results show that Benders decomposition can reduce the solution time by almost an order of magnitude when the number of scenarios in the problem is large.


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Major food adulteration and contamination events occur with alarming regularity and are known to be episodic, with the question being not if but when another large-scale food safety/integrity incident will occur. Indeed, the challenges of maintaining food security are now internationally recognised. The ever increasing scale and complexity of food supply networks can lead to them becoming significantly more vulnerable to fraud and contamination, and potentially dysfunctional. This can make the task of deciding which analytical methods are more suitable to collect and analyse (bio)chemical data within complex food supply chains, at targeted points of vulnerability, that much more challenging. It is evident that those working within and associated with the food industry are seeking rapid, user-friendly methods to detect food fraud and contamination, and rapid/high-throughput screening methods for the analysis of food in general. In addition to being robust and reproducible, these methods should be portable and ideally handheld and/or remote sensor devices, that can be taken to or be positioned on/at-line at points of vulnerability along complex food supply networks and require a minimum amount of background training to acquire information rich data rapidly (ergo point-and-shoot). Here we briefly discuss a range of spectrometry and spectroscopy based approaches, many of which are commercially available, as well as other methods currently under development. We discuss a future perspective of how this range of detection methods in the growing sensor portfolio, along with developments in computational and information sciences such as predictive computing and the Internet of Things, will together form systems- and technology-based approaches that significantly reduce the areas of vulnerability to food crime within food supply chains. As food fraud is a problem of systems and therefore requires systems level solutions and thinking.


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El presente trabajo mide, en un contexto colaborativo, un conjunto de mecanismos relacionales interconectados y su incidencia en el performance organizacional. Apoyado en la Visión Relacional (Dyer y Singh, 1998), el trabajo integra mecanismos de las capacidades relacionales y capacidades competitivas en el concepto denominado ¿capacidades interorganizativas¿. Las capacidades interorganizativas se componen de la ¿confianza¿ y los mecanismos ¿combinar recursos complementarios¿, ¿invertir en activos específicos¿, ¿compartir información¿ y ¿solucionar problemas conjuntamente¿. La medición tiene lugar en la Industria Alimentaria (IA) española en un contexto de Supply Chain Management1 en red. Además de mejorar el conocimiento sobre las relaciones interorganizativas, el trabajo también realiza una revisión teórica sobre el sector agroalimentario en general y la IA en particular. Los resultados permiten confirmar, con excepciones, el constructo teórico de las ¿capacidades interorganizativas en un contexto de Supply Chain Management en red¿. Otros resultados obtenidos son los altos niveles de confianza en las relaciones entre socios y una industria que, pese al entorno competitivo y complejo actual, presenta niveles competitivos en términos de flexibilidad, respuesta, calidad y eficiencia. De igual modo, la investigación descubre la implantación de la capacidad de las empresas de la industria para gestionar el conocimiento. En este contexto, los resultados parecen indicar una correcta integración de la cadena de suministros de la IA que confirman la efectiva aplicación de la Supply Chain Management. Otras conclusiones obtenidas son la dependencia que ha tenido y tiene la industria alimentaria española de la distribución, intensificada en parte por la expansión de las marcas del distribuidor (MDDs).


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In order to address the increasing stakeholder requirements for environmentally sustainable products and processes, firms often need the participation of their supply chain partners. Green supply chain management has emerged as a set of managerial practices that integrate environmental issues into supply chain management. If implemented successfully, green supply chain management can be a way to achieve competitive advantage while enhancing the environmental sustainability of the firm. The overall purpose of this dissertation is to contribute to the discussion on green supply chain management practices from the perspective of their drivers and performance implications. The theoretical background arises from the literature on competitive strategy, firm performance and green supply chain management. The research questions are addressed by analysing firm-level data from manufacturing, trading and logistics firms operating in Finland. The empirical data comes from two consecutive Finland State of Logistics surveys in 2012 and 2014, combined with financial reporting data from external databases. The data is analysed with multiple statistical methods. First, the thesis contributes to the discussion of the drivers of GSCM practices. To enhance the understanding of the relationship between competitive strategy and GSCM practices, a conceptual tool to describe generic competitive strategy approaches was developed. The findings suggest that firms pursuing marketing differentiation are more likely to be able to compete by having only small environmental effects and by adopting a more advanced form of external green supply chain management, such as a combination of strong environmental collaboration and the increased environmental monitoring of suppliers. Furthermore, customer requirements for environmental sustainability are found to be an important driver in the implementation of internal GSCM practices. Firms can respond to this customer pressure by passing environmental requirements on to their suppliers, either through environmental collaboration or environmental monitoring. Second, this thesis adds value to the existing literature on the effects of green supply chain management practices on firm performance. The thesis provides support for the idea that there is a positive relationship between GSCM practices and firm performance and enhances the understanding of how different types of GSCM practices are related to 1) financial, 2) operational and 3) environmental performance in manufacturing and logistics. The empirical results suggest that while internal GSCM practices have the strongest effect on environmentalperformance, environmental collaboration with customers seems to be the most effective way to improve financial performance. In terms of operational performance, the findings were more mixed, suggesting that the operational performance of firms is more likely to be affected by firm characteristics than by the choices they make regarding their environmental collaboration. This thesis is also one of the first attempts to empirically analyse the relationship between GSCM practices and performance among logistics service providers. The findings also have managerial relevance. Management, especially in manufacturing and logistics industries, may benefit by gaining knowledge about which types of GSCM practice could provide the largest benefits in terms of different performance dimensions. This thesis also has implications for policy-makers and regulators regarding how to promote environmentally friendly activities among 1) manufacturing; 2) trading; and 3) logistics firms.


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Supply chains are ubiquitous in any commercial delivery systems. The exchange of goods and services, from different supply points to distinct destinations scattered along a given geographical area, requires the management of stocks and vehicles fleets in order to minimize costs while maintaining good quality services. Even if the operating conditions remain constant over a given time horizon, managing a supply chain is a very complex task. Its complexity increases exponentially with both the number of network nodes and the dynamical operational changes. Moreover, the management system must be adaptive in order to easily cope with several disturbances such as machinery and vehicles breakdowns or changes in demand. This work proposes the use of a model predictive control paradigm in order to tackle the above referred issues. The obtained simulation results suggest that this strategy promotes an easy tasks rescheduling in case of disturbances or anticipated changes in operating conditions. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017


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I study how a larger party within a supply chain could use its superior knowledge about its partner, who is considered to be financially constrained, to help its partner gain access to cheap finance. In particular, I consider two scenarios: (i) Retailer intermediation in supplier finance and (ii) The Effectiveness of Supplier Buy Back Finance. In the fist chapter, I study how a large buyer could help small suppliers obtain financing for their operations. Especially in developing economies, traditional financing methods can be very costly or unavailable to such suppliers. In order to reduce channel costs, in recent years large buyers started to implement their own financing methods that intermediate between suppliers and financing institutions. In this paper, I analyze the role and efficiency of buyer intermediation in supplier financing. Building a game-theoretical model, I show that buyer intermediated financing can significantly improve supply chain performance. Using data from a large Chinese online retailer and through structural regression estimation based on the theoretical analysis, I demonstrate that buyer intermediation induces lower interest rates and wholesale prices, increases order quantities, and boosts supplier borrowing. The analysis also shows that the retailer systematically overestimates the consumer demand. Based on counterfactual analysis, I predict that the implementation of buyer intermediated financing for the online retailer in 2013 improved channel profits by 18.3%, yielding more than $68M projected savings. In the second chapter, I study a novel buy-back financing scheme employed by large manufacturers in some emerging markets. A large manufacturer can secure financing for its budget-constrained downstream partners by assuming a part of the risk for their inventory by committing to buy back some unsold units. Buy back commitment could help a small downstream party secure a bank loan and further induce a higher order quantity through better allocation of risk in the supply chain. However, such a commitment may undermine the supply chain performance as it imposes extra costs on the supplier incurred by the return of large or costly-to-handle items. I first theoretically analyze the buy-back financing contract employed by a leading Chinese automative manufacturer and some variants of this contracting scheme. In order to measure the effectiveness of buy-back financing contracts, I utilize contract and sales data from the company and structurally estimate the theoretical model. Through counterfactual analysis, I study the efficiency of various buy-back financing schemes and compare them to traditional financing methods. I find that buy-back contract agreements can improve channel efficiency significantly compared to simple contracts with no buy-back, whether the downstream retailer can secure financing on its own or not.


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Mestrado em Marketing


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This paper provides a review of the literature while contributing to academic understanding of the concepts of agility and flexibility within the supply chain. The research identified 83 peer-reviewed articles through a structured review technique, which is based on a three-stage refinement process. Data reduction procedures using codification, sentence strings and a review of keywords, title, abstract and conclusion were used in the search. The papers identified focused on organizational and supply chain agility and flexibility. The acknowledged gaps in understanding and development of agility and flexibility in supply chains were identified and categorized in terms of conceptual, contextual and methodological gaps. Subsequent to the gap analysis, this paper argues that effective relationship integration with key partners is a fundamental mechanism for mitigating the problem of control dissipation, which has hindered academic understanding with respect to development and application of agile and flexible capabilities in supply chains. The findings in this paper will help academics to gain a better understanding and to develop the concepts of supply chain agility and flexibility. In addition, the findings indicate that supply chain stakeholders need to address the issue of relationship integration when undertaking, or participating in agility and flexibility development programmes, so as to maximize supply chain performance. The paper concludes by highlighting implications for managers and researchers, and proposes a number of areas for future investigation.


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Drawn on the System Complexity literature, this study investigated how supply chain complexity impacts firms’ operational performance and what role supply chain orientation plays in complexity-performance relationship. The study provided empirical evidence for the argument that dynamic complexity as opposed to structural complexity is more difficult for firms to effectively accommodate.


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This paper studies the significance of inventory centralization at the second echelon of a two-echelon supply chain with perishable items when the agents of the second echelon use an ( S − 1, S) inventory policy. The replenishment at the first echelon is considered to be stochastic. The context in which the studied problem exists is in the blood supply network where the first echelon includes a single blood bank that receives stochastic supply from donors. The second echelon contains hospitals receiving external demands (transfusions). In our proposed structure, some of the hospitals in close proximity of each other maintain centralized inventories to serve their demands in addition to the demands by other neighbour hospitals. The results demonstrate that centralization of hospitals’ inventory is a key factor in the blood supply chain and can increase the sustainability and resilient of the blood supply chain. Using numerical study, it was observed that reducing the number of hospitals that hold inventory from 7 to 3 decreases out date and shortage in the supply chain by 21% and 40% respectively. 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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La eliminación de barreras entre países es una consecuencia que llega con la globalización y con los acuerdos de TLC firmados en los últimos años. Esto implica un crecimiento significativo del comercio exterior, lo cual se ve reflejado en un aumento de la complejidad de la cadena de suministro de las empresas. Debido a lo anterior, se hace necesaria la búsqueda de alternativas para obtener altos niveles de productividad y competitividad dentro de las empresas en Colombia, ya que el entorno se ha vuelto cada vez más complejo, saturado de competencia no sólo nacional, sino también internacional. Para mantenerse en una posición competitiva favorable, las compañías deben enfocarse en las actividades que le agregan valor a su negocio, por lo cual una de las alternativas que se están adoptando hoy en día es la tercerización de funciones logísticas a empresas especializadas en el manejo de estos servicios. Tales empresas son los Proveedores de servicios logísticos (LSP), quienes actúan como agentes externos a la organización al gestionar, controlar y proporcionar actividades logísticas en nombre de un contratante. Las actividades realizadas pueden incluir todas o parte de las actividades logísticas, pero como mínimo la gestión y ejecución del transporte y almacenamiento deben estar incluidos (Berglund, 2000). El propósito del documento es analizar el papel de los Operadores Logísticos de Tercer nivel (3PL) como promotores del desempeño organizacional en las empresas colombianas, con el fin de informar a las MIPYMES acerca de los beneficios que se obtienen al trabajar con LSP como un medio para mejorar la posición competitiva del país.


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Mediante el acercamiento que se hizo al área corporativa de BCD TRAVEL COLOMBIA y considerando el importante crecimiento actual del Sector Turismo y más precisamente de los viajes con motivo corporativo en el país, surge la necesidad del presente trabajo. Al hacer un análisis interno en la organización y de su entorno, se evidenció que la compañía tiene carencia en procesos y establecimiento de nuevas estrategias que le permitan identificar y potencializar oportunidades en su mercado objetivo y en torno a sus clientes y proveedores, lo cual, puede amenazar y comprometer la estabilidad y prestigio de empresa y así mismo su perdurabilidad. Se elaborará un propuesta de mejora en torno a el área de mercadeo y de logística con el fin de estructurar herramientas que le permitan a la compañía tener un horizonte definido, conocer su posición estratégica en el mercado actual, a donde quiere llegar y que debe hacer para lograr los objetivos establecidos en su unidad de negocio corporativa, la cual representa el mayor porcentaje de ingresos para la compañía. . Se espera que los planes de mejora y estrategias establecidas generen servicios de valor agregado e impacten positivamente a lo largo de la cadena de suministro logrando mayor rentabilidad, competitividad y seguimiento de todos los procesos de esta unidad de negocio.


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La Misión empresarial a México 2015, tiene como propósito brindar a los estudiantes espacios para el crecimiento profesional, mediante la aplicación de los conceptos y los modelos estudiados en las diferentes visitas empresariales que se realizaron. Se pretende conocer cuáles son las nuevas tendencias en el manejo y administración de la cadena de abastecimiento de las empresas, de manera que estos conceptos puedan ser aplicados en diferentes tipos de empresas. Se realizó una investigación de cada una de las empresas que fueron visitadas realizando un análisis de un punto clave en cada una, por ejemplo, se describe la política “Think Blue” empleada por el grupo Volkswagen para el éxito y reconocimiento empresarial en la logística verde, y se analizan los principales procesos de producción de la planta productora del grupo Modelo, entre otras. Por otra parte, se analiza el modelo de gestión logística para pequeñas y medianas empresas, desarrollado en la Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla, el cual puede ser usado como base para el progreso y fortalecimiento de las pymes en nuestro país.