945 resultados para Olive paste


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- Recomanacions de fertilització per a la sembra del blat de moro. - Dosis agronòmiques d’aplicació de fems i purins. - Jornada intercomarcal sobre cereal d’hivern a Manresa. - Recomanacions per a la cobertora del cereal d’hivern.


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- Recomanacions de fertilització per a la sembra del blat de moro. - Dosis agronòmiques d’aplicació de fems i purins. - Jornada sobre fertilització nitrogenada.


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Durant les darreres dècades, i degut, principalment, a un canvi en els hàbits alimentaris, hi ha hagut un augment a nivell mundial de malalties cròniques (l’obesitat, malalties cardiovasculars, etc.). En els països mediterranis hi ha menys incidència d’aquestes malalties i sembla ser que això es deu a l’anomenada dieta mediterrània. La dieta mediterrània es caracteritza per una combinació d’oli d’oliva com a grassa principal, verdures, hortalisses i fruites en abundància, lleguminoses, fruits secs, formatges i iogurt, peix, pa, pasta, cereals i els seus derivats i un consum moderat de vi i carns. Aquest model alimentari, ric en tocoferols, fitosterols i fitoestanols que ajuden a reduir el contingut de colesterol en sang, fa que en les poblacions mediterrànies hi hagi menys incidència de malalties cardiovasculars. Aquests compostos inhibeixen el deteriorament oxidatiu dels olis, actuen com agent antipolimerització per olis de fregir. Tenen capacitat de reduir els nivells de colesterol, evitant la incidència de malalties cardiovasculars. Els fitoesterols y fitoestanols es poden trobar en forma lliure o esterificada amb àcids grassos, àcids fenòlics i glucosa. Els objectius d’ aquest treball han estat, primer en el desenvolupament de mètodes d'anàlisi ràpids, fiables i robusts dels tocoferols, fitoesterols i fitoestanols i la seva aplicació en fruits sec, oli de segó, oli de pinyol de raïm i productes que els continguin. El primer mètode va estar basat en la cromatografía líquida (HPLC-DAD) amb extracció en fase sòlida (SPE) com tècnica alternativa a la saponificació para la determinació de fitoesterols lliures. Aquest mètode va estar aplicada a mostres de bombons que contenia fitoesterols. El segon mètode va estar basat en la cromatografia de gasos (GCFID) amb aponificació i SPE per quantificar fitoesterols i fitoestanols lliures, esterificats i totals. En els documents annexos es descriuen a profunditat els mètodes desenvolupats.


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Graft rejection is the major cause of failure of HLA mismatched bone marrow transplantation because of residual host immunity. we have proposed to use a monoclonal murine antibody specific for the LFA-1 molecule (25-3) to prevent graft failure in HLA mismatched bone marrow transplantation (BMT). The rationale for this approach is three fold: LFA-1 deficient patients (3/3) do not reject HLA mismatched BMT; anti LFA-1 blocka in vitro the induction of T cell responses and T/ non T cytotoxic functions; LFA-1 is not expressed by other cells than leucocytes. We have accordingly treated twenty two patients with inherited diseases and 8 with leikemia. The bone marrow was T cells depled by E rosetting of Campath antibody. The antibody was given at days -3, -1, +1, +3, +5 at dose of .1 mg/kg/d for the first 9 and then .2mg/kg/d from day -3 to +6. Engraftment occured in 23/30 patients as shown by at least HLA typing. Hematological recovery was rapid, GVH was limited. Side effects of antibody infusion included fever and possibly an increased incidence of early bacteral infection (sepsis, 1 death). Immunological reconstitution occured slowly leading in six cases to EBV-induced B cell poliferation (1 death and in two others to transient auto immune hemolytic anemia. There has been only one secondary graft rejection. Sisteen patients are alive 3 to 26 months post transplant with functional grafts. Although the number of patients treated is still low the absence of late rejection so far, gives hope for long term maintenance of the graft using anti LFA-1. Since the antibody is an IgG 1 unable to bind human complement, and since it is known to inhibit phagocytosis, there is a good suggestion that 25-3 act through functional blocking of host T and non T luymphocytes at both induction and effector levels.


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Treball de recerca realitzat per un alumne d'ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l'any 2009. Aquest treball té com a base donar les pautes necessàries per a l'obtenció de biodièsel i determinar-ne la seva acceptabilitat. Per tal de que això sigui possible, s'han sintetitzat biodièsels provinents d'oli de girasol refinat, d'oli d'oliva refinat, i d'aquests mateixos fregits al emprar-los al cuinar. Un cop sintetitzats se'ls hi ha realitzat una sèrie d'anàlisis fisicoquímics per tal de determinar-ne la seva acceptabilitat mitjançant una comparativa amb els resultats obtinguts amb un dièsel comercial, així com amb els límits que marca la unió europea en l'esborrany final de la norma prEN 14214.


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S’ha elaborat una anàlisi del sistema agroecològic del municipi de Vila-seca (Tarragonès) per tal de realitzar en segon lloc, una proposta de guia per a la descoberta del medi per a infants d’entre 8 i 10 anys. A partir del treball de camp realitzat a la zona d’estudi s’han inventariat diferents elements del patrimoni socioecològic que es consideren de rellevada importància al terme. Entre ells destaquen oliveres, garrofers, avellaners, arbres singulars, masos, basses, marges de pedra seca i trones, els quals s’integren en el medi formant un veritable sistema agroecològic, fruit de la interacció entre vectors biofísics i socioeconòmics. D’altra banda, per tal de donar a conèixer aquest sistema s’ha realitzat una proposta de descoberta del medi agrícola a partir d’un itinerari d’educació ambiental per la zona estudiada, on s’engloben tots aquells elements d’especial interès en un recorregut de 2,9 quilòmetres. La guia disposa a més d’una sèrie d’activitats a realitzar a l’entorn per tal de motivar el sentiment de descoberta d’aquest sistema. D’aquesta manera, considerant les fortes pressions que aquest territori pateix per part de les infraestructures i les urbanitzacions és destriable la necessitat de conservació i l’addició dels elements inventariats al catàleg del Patrimoni del municipi.


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El Parc del Garraf (PG) ha estat tradicionalment una important zona agrícola, encara que actualment és molt reduïda (representa el 3% del total de la superfície del parc) i està repartida entre unes poques masies. Aquesta activitat humana conviu amb la fauna silvestre de la zona, que en alimentar-se parcialment dels cultius (cereal, vinya, oliveres, arbres fruiters i hortalisses), hi causa diversos impactes. És el cas de diverses aus, com ara la garsa (Pica Pica) i el pardal (Passer domesticus), i també d’alguns mamífers com el porc senglar (Sus scrofa). Hem observat que l’impacte produït per les aus i el porc senglar (Sus scrofa) és molt petit, el que pot ser degut a dos motius principals: possiblement per una elevada producció de fruits salvatges, esdevenint aquest aliment suficient per a les aus; i la baixa densitat poblacional de porc senglar (Sus scrofa) al parc. Els impactes observats presenten una alta variabilitat i depenen de l’època de l’any en que ens trobem. Per tant, cal fer-ne un seguiment més acurat on s’impliquin administració i pagesos per a millorar el coneixement de l’impacte de la fauna salvatge.


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The high level of protection elicited in rodents and primates by the radiation-attenuated schistosome vaccine gives hope that a human vaccine relying on equivalent mechanisms is feasible. In humans, a vaccine would be undoubtedly administered to previously or currently infected individuals. We have therefore used the olive baboon to investigate whether vaccine-induced immunity is compromised by a schistosome infection. We showed that neither a preceding infection, terminated by chemotherapy, nor an ongoing chronic infection affected the level of protection. Whilst IgM responses to vaccination or infection were short-lived, IgG responses rose with each successive exposure to the vaccine. Such a rise was obscured by responses to egg deposition in already-infected animals. In human trials it would be necessary to use indirect estimates of infection intensity to determine vaccine efficacy. Using worm burden as the definitive criterion, we demonstrated that the surrogate measures, fecal eggs, and circulating antigens, consistently overestimated protection. Regression analysis of the surrogate parameters on worm burden revealed that the principal reason for overestimation was the threshold sensitivity of the assays. If we extrapolate our findings to human schistosomiasis mansoni, it is clear that more sensitive indirect measures of infection intensity are required for future vaccine trials.


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”compositions” is a new R-package for the analysis of compositional and positive data.It contains four classes corresponding to the four different types of compositional andpositive geometry (including the Aitchison geometry). It provides means for computation,plotting and high-level multivariate statistical analysis in all four geometries.These geometries are treated in an fully analogous way, based on the principle of workingin coordinates, and the object-oriented programming paradigm of R. In this way,called functions automatically select the most appropriate type of analysis as a functionof the geometry. The graphical capabilities include ternary diagrams and tetrahedrons,various compositional plots (boxplots, barplots, piecharts) and extensive graphical toolsfor principal components. Afterwards, ortion and proportion lines, straight lines andellipses in all geometries can be added to plots. The package is accompanied by ahands-on-introduction, documentation for every function, demos of the graphical capabilitiesand plenty of usage examples. It allows direct and parallel computation inall four vector spaces and provides the beginner with a copy-and-paste style of dataanalysis, while letting advanced users keep the functionality and customizability theydemand of R, as well as all necessary tools to add own analysis routines. A completeexample is included in the appendix


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El següent treball té com a objectiu mostrar la situació de la gestió en el sector de les cooperatives d'oli a Catalunya


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OBJECTIVE To assess the association between consumption of fried foods and risk of coronary heart disease. DESIGN Prospective cohort study. SETTING Spanish cohort of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition. PARTICIPANTS 40 757 adults aged 29-69 and free of coronary heart disease at baseline (1992-6), followed up until 2004. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES Coronary heart disease events and vital status identified by record linkage with hospital discharge registers, population based registers of myocardial infarction, and mortality registers. RESULTS During a median follow-up of 11 years, 606 coronary heart disease events and 1135 deaths from all causes occurred. Compared with being in the first (lowest) quarter of fried food consumption, the multivariate hazard ratio of coronary heart disease in the second quarter was 1.15 (95% confidence interval 0.91 to 1.45), in the third quarter was 1.07 (0.83 to 1.38), and in the fourth quarter was 1.08 (0.82 to 1.43; P for trend 0.74). The results did not vary between those who used olive oil for frying and those who used sunflower oil. Likewise, no association was observed between fried food consumption and all cause mortality: multivariate hazard ratio for the highest versus the lowest quarter of fried food consumption was 0.93 (95% confidence interval 0.77 to 1.14; P for trend 0.98). CONCLUSION In Spain, a Mediterranean country where olive or sunflower oil is used for frying, the consumption of fried foods was not associated with coronary heart disease or with all cause mortality.


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Construcció d’una indústria elaboradora d’oli d’oliva al municipi de Ventalló, amb l’objectiu de definir les característiques tècniques i econòmiques de la fàbrica, instal• lacions i equipaments necessaris per a desenvolupar l’activitat, concretament: definició de les operacions del procés productiu per l’elaboració de l’oli d’oliva, per obtenir un producte final de característiques organolèptiques que satisfacin el client; dimensionament i definició dels elements i maquinària necessàries ; i establirment del cost de la inversió de la instal• lació de la indústria, la seva viabilitat i la rendibilitat del seu funcionament


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BTLA (B- and T-lymphocyte attenuator) is a prominent co-receptor that is structurally and functionally related to CTLA-4 and PD-1. In T cells, BTLA inhibits TCR-mediated activation. In B cells, roles and functions of BTLA are still poorly understood and have never been studied in the context of B cells activated by CpG via TLR9. In this study, we evaluated the expression of BTLA depending on activation and differentiation of human B cell subsets in peripheral blood and lymph nodes. Stimulation with CpG upregulated BTLA, but not its ligand: herpes virus entry mediator (HVEM), on B cells in vitro and sustained its expression in vivo in melanoma patients after vaccination. Upon ligation with HVEM, BTLA inhibited CpG-mediated B cell functions (proliferation, cytokine production, and upregulation of co-stimulatory molecules), which was reversed by blocking BTLA/HVEM interactions. Interestingly, chemokine secretion (IL-8 and MIP1β) was not affected by BTLA/HVEM ligation, suggesting that BTLA-mediated inhibition is selective for some but not all B cell functions. We conclude that BTLA is an important immune checkpoint for B cells, as similarly known for T cells.


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The effects of Crypthecodinium cohnii (Cryp.), Chlorela spp. (Chlo.) and Isochrysis galbana (Iso.) addition to milk replacer on goat kids and lambs growth were evaluated. About 80 Majorera goat kids (males and females) and 80 Canarian sheep lambs were randomly assigned into four different groups (by specie) according to diet. Control groups were fed with a commercial milk replacer at 16% (w/w); Cryp. groups received a commercial milk replacer (15.1% w/w) supplemented with 9 g of a paste of C. cohnii; Chlo. groups received a commercial milk replacer (15.1% w/w) supplemented with 9 g of a paste of Chlorela spp.; Iso. groups received a commercial milk replacer (15.1% w/w) supplemented with 9 g of a paste of I. galbana. After colostrum period, animals were individually bottle-fed twice daily (8 am and 8 pm) ad libitum with the corresponding diet until day 60 of life. Animals were weighted every week at 8 am and liquid diet intake was recorded weekly. No effects of microseaweed addition were observed, neither growth nor milk replacer intake.