993 resultados para Lindqvist, Sven: Terra Nullius : matkalla ei-kenenkään-maassa


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The main objective of this study is to assess the potential of the information technology industry in the Saint Petersburg area to become one of the new key industries in the Russian economy. To achieve this objective, the study analyzes especially the international competitiveness of the industry and the conditions for clustering. Russia is currently heavily dependent on its natural resources, which are the main source of its recent economic growth. In order to achieve good long-term economic performance, Russia needs diversification in its well-performing industries in addition to the ones operating in the field of natural resources. The Russian government has acknowledged this and started special initiatives to promote such other industries as information technology and nanotechnology. An interesting industry that is basically less than 20 years old and fast growing in Russia, is information technology. Information technology activities and markets are mainly concentrated in Russia’s two biggest cities, Moscow and Saint Petersburg, and areas around them. The information technology industry in the Saint Petersburg area, although smaller than Moscow, is especially dynamic and is gaining increasing foreign company presence. However, the industry is not yet internationally competitive as it lacks substantial and sustainable competitive advantages. The industry is also merely a potential global information technology cluster, as it lacks the competitive edge and a wide supplier and manufacturing base and other related parts of the whole information technology value system. Alone, the industry will not become a key industry in Russia, but it will, on the other hand, have an important supporting role for the development of other industries. The information technology market in the Saint Petersburg area is already large and if more tightly integrated to Moscow, they will together form a huge and still growing market sufficient for most companies operating in Russia currently and in the future. Therefore, the potential of information technology inside Russia is immense.


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In this research we are examining what is the status of logistics and operations management in Finnish and Swedish companies. Empirical data is based on the web based questionnaire, which was completed in the end of 2007 and early 2008. Our examination consists of roughly 30 answers from largest manufacturing (highest representation in our sample), trade and logistics/distribution companies. Generally it could be argued that these companies operate in complex environment, where number of products, raw materials/components and suppliers is high. However, usually companies rely on small amount of suppliers per raw material/component (highest frequency is 2), and this was especially the case among Swedish companies, and among those companies, which favoured overseas sourcing. Sample consisted of companies which mostly are operating in an international environment, and are quite often multinationals. Our survey findings reveal that companies in general have taken logistics and information technology as part of their strategy process; utilization of performance measures as well as system implementations have followed the strategy decisions. In the transportation mode side we identify that road transports dominate all transport flow classes (inbound, internal and outbound), followed by sea and air. Surprisingly small amount of companies use railways, but in general we could argue that Swedish companies prefer this mode over Finnish counterparts. With respect of operations outsourcing, we found that more traditional areas of logistics outsourcing are driving factors in company's performance measurement priority. In contrary to previous research, our results indicate that the scope of outsourcing is not that wide in logistics/operations management area, and companies are not planning to outsource more in the near future. Some support is found for more international operations and increased outsourcing activity. From the increased time pressure of companies, we find evidence that local as well as overseas customers expect deliveries within days or weeks, but suppliers usually supply within weeks or months. So, basically this leads into considerable inventory holding. Interestingly local and overseas sourcing strategy does not have that great influence on lead time performance of these particular sourcing areas - local strategy is anyway considerably better in responding on market changes due to shorter supply lead times. In the end of our research work we have completed correlation analysis concerning items asked with Likert scale. Our analysis shows that seeing logistics more like a process rather than function, applying time based management, favouring partnerships and measuring logistics within different performance dimensions results on preferred features and performance found in logistics literature.


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The aim of this study is to describe the structure of the pharmacy industry in four post-Soviet states on the Baltic Sea: Russia, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. In addition to this, the opportunities that these markets have to offer for international pharmaceutical companies are explored. After the Soviet Union collapsed at the beginning of 1990s, the pharmacy sector has gone through tremendous changes. The pharmacy market shifted from a centrally controlled, one supplier system to an industry in which multiple distributors are competing in importing, wholesaling, and retailing of medicinal products. In the Baltic States, the number of pharmacies has not increased during the last years and companies have been growing mainly by acquisitions. Especially in Estonia the market is saturated and price competition is fierce. Similarly, in Latvia and Lithuania, markets are consolidating and wholesalers are growingly taking part in retailing by acquiring smaller chains. In Russia, the market is still fragmented and only one national pharmacy chain can be named, pharmacy chain “36.6”. Pharmacy chains are growing mostly through organic growth and competition between the biggest players is relatively low. The Russian market clearly offers many opportunities for international pharmaceutical operators. The ageing population, growing level of income, and changing living habits are creating new and growing needs for modern healthcare services and products.


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Opinnäytetyö liittyi jo olemassa olevaan IKU-projektiin. Projektissa arvioidaan ja kehitetään asiakaslähtöisesti ikäihmisten kuntoutumista ja omatoimista selviytymistä edistäviä sekä hoitohenkilökunnan työkykyä tukevia asuin-, hoito- ja toimintaympäristöjä. Projekti on osa Ikääntyvät kaupunkilaiset 2020-hanketta. Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli kuvata hoitohenkilökunnan näkemyksiä kuntouttavasta työotteesta. Opinnäytetyössä sovellettiin laadullista lähestymistapaa käyttäen kolmea ennalta valittua teemaa. Teemat pohjautuivat kuntouttavaan hoitotyöhön. Opinnäytetyön tutkimuskysymys oli: hoitohenkilökunnan näkemyksiä kuntouttavasta työotteesta. Opinnäytetyön tulokset osoittivat, että oli tärkeätä huomioida asiakas kokonaisuutena, unohtamatta psyykkistä ja sosiaalista puolta. Haastatteluissa tuli useasti esille, kuinka tärkeätä oli tukea asiakkaan itsenäistä selviytymistä ja jäljellä olevia voimavaroja. Osastoilla edellytettiin hoitajilta työhön sitoutumista ja ymmärrystä kuntouttavan työotteen tärkeydestä. Jokaisessa haastattelussa koettiin, ettei asiakkaan puolesta tehtäisi liikaa, vaan kannustettaisiin omatoimisuuteen. Kiireettömyyden katsottiin edistävän toimintakykyä siten, että asiakkaalle annettiin tarpeeksi aikaa toimia. Hoitajilta edellytettiin pitkää pinnaa, asiakkaan tukemista, kannustamista ja kehottamista sekä houkuttelua että kehumista. Tieto, mitä sairaus aiheuttaa muistihäiriöiselle, koettiin tärkeäksi asiaksi, koska tiedon omaksuminen antoi uusia työkaluja käytännön työhön. Toiminnan suunnitelmallisuuden koettiin tukevan asiakkaan päivärytmiä. Rutiinit ja päivän toiminnan suunnitelmallisuus antaa asiakkaille turvallisuuden tunnetta ja tuttuutta. Kodinomaisuus osastoilla oli tärkeää, koska se lisäsi asiakkaiden viihtyvyyttä. Opinnäytetyön tuottamia tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää kehitettäessä uusia kuntouttavia työmenetelmiä sekä IKU-hankkeessa arvioitaessa ja kehitettäessä asiakasläheisesti ikäihmisten kuntoutumista tukevia työympäristöjä. Hoitohenkilökunnalla on mahdollisuus hyödyntää opinnäytetyön tuloksia työssään.


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The main objective of this study is to assess the potential of the information technology industry in the Saint Petersburg area to become one of the new key industries in the Russian economy. To achieve this objective, the study analyzes especially the international competitiveness of the industry and the conditions for clustering. Russia is currently heavily dependent on its natural resources, which are the main source of its recent economic growth. In order to achieve good long-term economic performance, Russia needs diversification in its well-performing industries in addition to the ones operating in the field of natural resources. The Russian government has acknowledged this and started special initiatives to promote such other industries as information technology and nanotechnology. An interesting industry that is basically less than 20 years old and fast growing in Russia, is information technology. Information technology activities and markets are mainly concentrated in Russia’s two biggest cities, Moscow and Saint Petersburg, and areas around them. The information technology industry in the Saint Petersburg area, although smaller than Moscow, is especially dynamic and is gaining increasing foreign company presence. However, the industry is not yet internationally competitive as it lacks substantial and sustainable competitive advantages. The industry is also merely a potential global information technology cluster, as it lacks the competitive edge and a wide supplier and manufacturing base and other related parts of the whole information technology value system. Alone, the industry will not become a key industry in Russia, but it will, on the other hand, have an important supporting role for the development of other industries. The information technology market in the Saint Petersburg area is already large and if more tightly integrated to Moscow, they will together form a huge and still growing market sufficient for most companies operating in Russia currently and in the future. Therefore, the potential of information technology inside Russia is immense.


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Tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää ja analysoida, mitä ja minkälaista tietoa ja osaamista asiantuntija tarvitsee jokapäiväisessä työssään. Tutkielman teoriaosuudessa pohditaan asiantuntijuutta, hiljaista tietoa, tiedon rakennetta sekä tiedon merkitystä ja haasteita tietojohtamisen näkökulmasta. Empiirisen tutkimuksen kohdeorganisaationa oli Tullihallituksen verotusosasto. Asiantuntijan osaaminen koostui opitusta tiedosta, mutta myös asenteesta ja halusta oppia. Asiantuntijaksi kehittyminen vaati käytännön harjoittelua oikeassa ympäristössä ja oikeilla asioilla. Asiantuntijan työssään tarvitsema tieto ja osaaminen osoittautuivat kohdeorganisaatiossa niin hiljaiseksi, että sitä ei välttämättä pystytä dokumentoimaan, eikä siten myöskään formaalilla tavalla siirtämään tai säilyttämään. Tutkimustulosten analysointi tuotti osaamispolkuja, jotka kuvaavat aloittelijan tarvitsemia tietoja ja osaamista matkalla asiantuntijaksi. Asiantuntijan tieto ja osaaminen koostuu viidestä pääpolusta, jotka liittyvät osaamisen henkilösidonnaisuuteen, tiedon ymmärtämiseen ja soveltamiseen, tiedon jakamiseen ja yhteistyöhön, henkilökohtaiseen kokemukseen työstä sekä kokemukseen ja käytännön tietoon. Tutkimustulokset perustuvat kohdeorganisaatiossa tehtyihin haastatteluihin, jotka analysoitiin käyttäen aineistolähtöisen teorian menetelmiä.


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Keskustelua teoksesta: Suomen maatalouden historia 1


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Kommentti Johan Bäckmanin kirjoitukseen: "Syyskuun yhdestoista vallankumouksena" Kosmopolis 2/2007


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