947 resultados para Heterogeneous regressors


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In this work, two different protocols for the synthesis of Nb2O5-SiO2 with a sol-gel route in which supercritical carbon dioxide was used as solvent have been developed. The tailored design of the reactor allowed the reactants to come into contact only when supercritical CO2 is present, and the high-throughput experimentation scCO2 unit allowed the screening of synthetic parameters, that led to a Nb2O5 incorporation into the silica matrix of 2.5 wt%. N2-physisorption revealed high surface areas and the presence of meso- and micropores. XRD allowed to demonstrate the amorphous character of these materials. SEM-EDX proved the excellent dispersion of Nb2O5 into the silica matrix. These materials were tested in the epoxidation of cyclooctene with hydrogen peroxide, which is considered an environmentally friendly oxidant. The catalysts were virtually inactive in an organic, polar, aprotic solvent (1,4-dioxane). However, the most active scCO2 Nb2O5-SiO2 catalyst achieved a cyclooctene conversion of 44% with a selectivity of 88% towards the epoxide when tested in ethanol. Catalytic tests on cyclohexene revealed the presence of the epoxide, which is remarkable, considering that this substrate is easily oxidised to the diol. The behaviour in protic and aprotic solvents is compared to that of TS-1.


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Basilar invagination (BI) is a congenital craniocervical junction (CCJ) anomaly represented by a prolapsed spine into the skull-base that can result in severe neurological impairment. In this paper, we retrospective evaluate the surgical treatment of 26 patients surgically treated for symptomatic BI. BI was classified according to instability and neural abnormalities findings. Clinical outcome was evaluated using the Nürick grade system. A total of 26 patients were included in this paper. Their age ranged from 15 to 67 years old (mean 38). Of which, 10 patients were male (38%) and 16 (62%) were female. All patients had some degree of tonsillar herniation, with 25 patients treated with foramen magnum decompression. Nine patients required a craniocervical fixation. Six patients had undergone prior surgery and required a new surgical procedure for progression of neurological symptoms associated with new compression or instability. Most of patients with neurological symptoms secondary to brainstem compression had some improvement during the follow-up. There was mortality in this series, 1 month after surgery, associated with a late removal of the tracheal cannula. Management of BI requires can provide improvements in neurological outcomes, but requires analysis of the neural and bony anatomy of the CCJ, as well as occult instability. The complexity and heterogeneous presentation requires attention to occult instability on examination and attention to airway problems secondary to concomitant facial malformations.


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TiO2 and TiO2/WO3 electrodes, irradiated by a solar simulator in configurations for heterogeneous photocatalysis (HP) and electrochemically-assisted HP (EHP), were used to remediate aqueous solutions containing 10 mg L(-1) (34 μmol L(-1)) of 17-α-ethinylestradiol (EE2), active component of most oral contraceptives. The photocatalysts consisted of 4.5 μm thick porous films of TiO2 and TiO2/WO3 (molar ratio W/Ti of 12%) deposited on transparent electrodes from aqueous suspensions of TiO2 particles and WO3 precursors, followed by thermal treatment at 450 (°)C. First, an energy diagram was organized with photoelectrochemical and UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy data and revealed that EE2 could be directly oxidized by the photogenerated holes at the semiconductor surfaces, considering the relative HOMO level for EE2 and the semiconductor valence band edges. Also, for the irradiated hybrid photocatalyst, electrons in TiO2 should be transferred to WO3 conduction band, while holes move toward TiO2 valence band, improving charge separation. The remediated EE2 solutions were analyzed by fluorescence, HPLC and total organic carbon measurements. As expected from the energy diagram, both photocatalysts promoted the EE2 oxidation in HP configuration; after 4 h, the EE2 concentration decayed to 6.2 mg L(-1) (35% of EE2 removal) with irradiated TiO2 while TiO2/WO3 electrode resulted in 45% EE2 removal. A higher performance was achieved in EHP systems, when a Pt wire was introduced as a counter-electrode and the photoelectrodes were biased at +0.7 V; then, the EE2 removal corresponded to 48 and 54% for the TiO2 and TiO2/WO3, respectively. The hybrid TiO2/WO3, when compared to TiO2 electrode, exhibited enhanced sunlight harvesting and improved separation of photogenerated charge carriers, resulting in higher performance for removing this contaminant of emerging concern from aqueous solution.


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In this study, the transmission-line modeling (TLM) applied to bio-thermal problems was improved by incorporating several novel computational techniques, which include application of graded meshes which resulted in 9 times faster in computational time and uses only a fraction (16%) of the computational resources used by regular meshes in analyzing heat flow through heterogeneous media. Graded meshes, unlike regular meshes, allow heat sources to be modeled in all segments of the mesh. A new boundary condition that considers thermal properties and thus resulting in a more realistic modeling of complex problems is introduced. Also, a new way of calculating an error parameter is introduced. The calculated temperatures between nodes were compared against the results obtained from the literature and agreed within less than 1% difference. It is reasonable, therefore, to conclude that the improved TLM model described herein has great potential in heat transfer of biological systems.


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Seasonally dry tropical plant formations (SDTF) are likely to exhibit phylogenetic clustering owing to niche conservatism driven by a strong environmental filter (water stress), but heterogeneous edaphic environments and life histories may result in heterogeneity in degree of phylogenetic clustering. We investigated phylogenetic patterns across ecological gradients related to water availability (edaphic environment and climate) in the Caatinga, a SDTF in Brazil. Caatinga is characterized by semiarid climate and three distinct edaphic environments - sedimentary, crystalline, and inselberg -representing a decreasing gradient in soil water availability. We used two measures of phylogenetic diversity: Net Relatedness Index based on the entire phylogeny among species present in a site, reflecting long-term diversification; and Nearest Taxon Index based on the tips of the phylogeny, reflecting more recent diversification. We also evaluated woody species in contrast to herbaceous species. The main climatic variable influencing phylogenetic pattern was precipitation in the driest quarter, particularly for herbaceous species, suggesting that environmental filtering related to minimal periods of precipitation is an important driver of Caatinga biodiversity, as one might expect for a SDTF. Woody species tended to show phylogenetic clustering whereas herbaceous species tended towards phylogenetic overdispersion. We also found phylogenetic clustering in two edaphic environments (sedimentary and crystalline) in contrast to phylogenetic overdispersion in the third (inselberg). We conclude that while niche conservatism is evident in phylogenetic clustering in the Caatinga, this is not a universal pattern likely due to heterogeneity in the degree of realized environmental filtering across edaphic environments. Thus, SDTF, in spite of a strong shared environmental filter, are potentially heterogeneous in phylogenetic structuring. Our results support the need for scientifically informed conservation strategies in the Caatinga and other SDTF regions that have not previously been prioritized for conservation in order to take into account this heterogeneity.


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The field activities are essential for the education of a good taxonomist. The most common problems found in field activities are: a) large number of students, b) heterogeneous educational background and unlevelled knowledge of the participants, c) repetitions and tendency of collecting the more evidents life-forms. The causes and consequences of such problems are discussed herein. The proposed solution is a methodology, based on many years of experience in field courses for undergraduate and graduate courses. Topics about the ideal number of participants, area of coverage, period of activity, division of work and the necessary material and equipment are discussed. According to the number of species collected at the same place, this methodology may result in a list of local species with precise information about the life-forms, habitat, common names, frequency, uses, phenology and further information in this kind of work. The results of the aplication of this metodology in a field course held in the region of Ubatuba-SP are presented.


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The study assessed phloem canal development and ultra-structure in shoot apices of Spondias dulcis G. Forst., phloematic canal ultra-structure in shoot apices of Tapirira guianensis Aubl., and floral canal ultra-structure and development and fruit canal ultra-structure of the latter specie. The flower and fruit canals of Anacardium humile St.Hil. were also studied ultra-structurally. The canals in shoot apices of S. dulcis show schizo-lysigenous formation and the floral canals of T. guianensis show schizogenous development. Epithelial cells of S. dulcis and T. guianensis canals have rough endoplasmic reticulum, free ribosomes, elongated plastids of several shapes with osmiophilic inclusions and dictyosomes with production of vesicles. Such organelles participate in the secretion of a heterogeneous exudate, which is comprised of hydrophilic and lipophilic substances. The epithelial cells of the fruit of A. humile present elongated plastids with circular membrane system, which are involved in the synthesis of lipophilic substances. The results of the ultra-structural analyses of the epithelial cells corroborate the results previously obtained in a histochemical study. In the histochemical study, lipophilic and hydrophilic substances were identified in the canals of T. guinanensis and S. dulcis and only lipophilic substances were identified in the canals of A. humile. Based on the ultrastructural aspects of the secretory canals of T. guianensis and S. dulcis we concluded that the plastids of the epithelial cells of the two species are different although they produce secretion of similar composition. A new record for the family is the presence of a great number of circular plastids in epithelial cells of the fruit of Anacardium humile. The pattern found in the secretory canals of the studied species is the ecrine type of secretion release.


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A case of neuronal ceroid-lipofuscinosis (NCL) is reported in a 11-year-old girl, whose main symptoms were progressive dementia since the age of 4 years and choreic movements since age 10. Seizures, myoclonus and visual deterioration were absent and optic fundi were normal. A cerebral biopsy disclosed two basic types of stored substance in the cytoplasm of neurons: a) severely balloned nerve cells in cortical layers HI and V contained a non-autofluorescent material, which stained with PAS and Sudan Black B in frozen, but not in paraffin sections; ultrastructurally, these neurons showed abundant corpuscles similar to the membranous cytoplasmic bodies of Tay-Sachs disease and, in smaller amounts, also zebra bodies; b) slightly distended or non-distended neurons in all layers contained lipopigment granules, which were autofluorescent, PAS-positive and sudanophil in both frozen and paraffin sections; their ultrastructure was closely comparable to that of lipofuscin. Similar bodies were found in the swollen segments of axons and in a few astrocytes and endothelial cells. The histochemical and ultrastructural demonstration of large amounts of lipopigments allows a presumptive classification of the case as NCL. However, the presence of involuntary movements, the absence of visual disturbances and the unusual ultrastructural features place the patient into a small heterogeneous group within the NCL. A better classification of such unique instances of the disease must await elucidation of the basic enzymatic defects.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Reconhecer com precisão indivíduos com maior risco imediato de morte súbita cardíaca (MSC) ainda é uma questão em aberto. A natureza fortuita dos eventos cardiovasculares agudos não parece se adequar ao conhecido modelo de indução de taquicardia/fibrilação ventricular por um gatilho em sincronia a um substrato arritmogênico estático. Quanto ao mecanismo da MSC, uma instabilidade elétrica dinâmica explicaria melhor a raridade da associação simultânea de um gatilho certo a um substrato cardíaco apropriado. Diversos estudos tentaram medir essa instabilidade elétrica cardíaca (ou um equivalente válido) em uma sequência de batimentos cardíacos no ECG. Dentre os mecanismos possíveis podemos citar o prolongamento do QT, dispersão do QT, potenciais tardios, alternância de onda T ou T-wave alternans (TWA), e turbulência da frequência cardíaca. Este artigo se atém em particular ao papel da TWA no panorama atual da estratificação de risco cardíaco. Os achados sobre TWA ainda são heterogêneos, variando de um desempenho prognóstico muito bom até um quase nulo, dependendo da população clínica observada e protocolo clínico usado. Para preencher as atuais lacunas no conhecimento sobre TWA, profissionais médicos e pesquisadores devem explorar melhor as características técnicas das diversas tecnologias disponíveis para a avaliação de TWA e atentar ao fato de que os valores de TWA respondem a diversos outros fatores, além de medicamentos. Informações sobre mecanismos celulares e subcelulares da TWA estão fora do escopo deste artigo, mas são referenciados alguns dos principais trabalhos sobre este tópico, com o intuito de auxiliar no entendimento dos conceitos e fatos cobertos neste artigo.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the bone repair using autogenous periosteum-derived cells (PDC) and bovine anorganic apatite and collagen (HA-COL). PDC from Wistar rats (n=10) were seeded on HA-COL discs and subjected to osteoinduction during 6 days. Critical-size defects in rat calvarias were treated with blood clot (G1), autogenous bone (G2), HA-COL (G3) and HA-COL combined with PDC (G4) (n=40), and then analyzed 1 and 3 months after surgeries. Radiographic analysis exhibited no significant temporal change. G1 and G2 had discrete new marginal bone, but the radiopacity of graft materials in G2, G3 and G4 impaired the detection of osteogenesis. At 3 months, histopathological analysis showed the presence of ossification islets in G1, which was more evident in G2, homogeneous new bone around HA-COL in G3 and heterogeneous new bone around HA-COL in G4 in addition to moderate presence of foreign body cells in G3 and G4. Histomorphometric analysis showed no change in the volume density of xenograft (p>0.05) and bone volume density in G2 was twice greater than in G1 and G4 after 3 months (p<0.05), but similar to G3. The PDC did not increase bone formation in vivo, although the biomaterial alone showed biocompatibility and osteoconduction capacity.


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Paracoccidioides brasiliensis causes paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) that is one of the most prevalent systemic human mycoses in Latin America. Armadillos show a high incidence of PCM infection and could, therefore, be a natural reservoir for this fungus. In this study were compared the virulence profiles of isolates obtained from nine-banded armadillos (Dasypus novemcinctus) (PbT1 and PbT4) and isolates from PCM patients (Pb265 and Bt83). Pathogenicity was evaluated by fungal load and analysis of colony morphology. Immunity against the fungus was tested by delayed type hypersensitivity test (DTH) and antibody quantification by ELISA. The higher virulence of PbT1 and PbT4 was suggested by higher fungal load in spleen and lungs. Armadillo isolates and Bt83 presented a cotton-like surface contrasting with the cerebriform appearance of Pb265. All isolates induced cellular and humoral immune responses in infected BALB/c mice. DTH reactions were similarly induced by the four isolates, however, a great variability was observed in specific antibody levels, being the highest ones induced by Bt83 and PbT4. The present work confirms that armadillos harbor P. brasiliensis, whose multiplication and induced immunity in experimentally infected mice are heterogeneous, resembling the behavior of isolates from human PCM. This study reinforces the possibility that armadillos play an important role in the biological cycle of this pathogen.