918 resultados para Critical and reflexive stance


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Tutkielman tarkoituksena oli yleisesti ymmärtää sisäistä yhteistyökyvykkyyttä ja sen roolia yrityksen menestystekijänä. Empiirisesti sisäistä yhteistyökyvykkyyttä tarkasteltiin case-organisaation, Metso Paper Jyväskylän, avulla. Tavoitteena oli selvittää, mistä sisäinen yhteistyökyvykkyys koostuu sekä siihen vaikuttavia kriittisiä tekijöitä. Myös käytännön keinoja ja sovelluksia etsittiin edistämään sisäistä yhteistyötä. Tutkielmassa käytettiin kvalitatiivista tutkimusotetta. Tiedon hankinnan strategiana oli tapaustutkimus ja tutkimusaineisto kerättiin teemahaastattelujen avulla. Saatu aineisto analysoitiin teemoittelun avulla. Teemoja etsittiin tekstistä teoriasta johdettujen oletusten ja empiriasta löydettyjen tekijöiden perusteella. Tutkimuksen tuloksena oli, että yhteistyökyvykkyys koostuu sekä yksilöön että organisaatioon liittyvistä tekijöistä. Yhteistyökyvykkyyden kriittisiä ja sitä estäviä tekijöitä olivat toiminnan painottuminen ulkoisiin suhteisiin, muodollinen ja monitasoinen organisaatiorakenne, organisaatiorakenteiden nopea muutostahti, toimintamallin yksisuuntaisuus, organisaatio- ja johtamiskulttuuri, joka ei tue yhteistyötä, ylimmän johdon ja operatiivisten toimintojen välinen kuilu, tiedon painottuminen tietojärjestelmiin, dialogin puute, kommunikoinnin yksisuuntaisuus ja erilaisista työkulttuureista aiheutuvat kommunikaatioesteet, yhteistyösuhteiden puute ja transaktiosuhteiden painottuminen sekä ryhmien sisäisen yhtenäisyyden vahvuus. Näiden tekijöiden esiin tuominen tuo uusia näkökulmia organisaation sisäisen yhteistyökyvykkyyden ymmärtämiseen ja kehittämiseen.


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Communication is an essential element of good medical practice also in pathology. In contrast to technical or diagnostic skills, communication skills are not easy to define, teach, or assess. Rules almost do not exist. In this paper, which has a rather personal character and cannot be taken as a set of guidelines, important aspects of communication in pathology are explored. This includes what should be communicated to the pathologist on the pathology request form, communication between pathologists during internal (interpathologist) consultation, communication around frozen section diagnoses, modalities of communication of a final diagnosis, with whom and how critical and unexpected findings should be communicated, (in-)adequate routes of communication for pathology diagnoses, who will (or might) receive pathology reports, and what should be communicated and how in case of an error or a technical problem. An earlier more formal description of what the responsibilities are of a pathologist as communicator and as collaborator in a medical team is added in separate tables. The intention of the paper is to stimulate reflection and discussion rather than to formulate strict rules.


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Organisaatiot ovat viime vuosikymmeninä havainneet perinteisen, funktionaalisen, organisaatiorakenteen riittämättömäksi vastaamaan alati muuttuvan toimintaympäristön tuomiin haasteisiin. Ratkaisuna organisaatiot ovat alkaneet ajatella toimintaansa prosessikeskeisesti, jolloin toiminnot nähdään organisaation osastojen läpileikkaavina prosesseina. Tulevaisuuden menestyksen turvaamiseksi organisaatioiden tulee parantaa prosessien suorituskykyä jatkuvasti. Työn tutkimuskohteena on yksi case-yrityksen liiketoimintaprosesseista. Työn tavoitteena on analysoida valittua prosessia, tunnistaa mahdolliset kehityskohteet ja antaa tunnistetuille kohteille toimenpidesuositukset. Prosessianalyysia varten valittu liiketoimintaprosessi mallinnettiin. Tehtyjen prosessikuvausten, haastattelujen ja keskustelujen perusteella tunnistettiin prosessin kriittinen vaihe ja sen nykytilassa ilmenevät ongelmat. Tehdyn analyysin perusteella tunnistettiin prosessin ydinongelma sekä muita pienempiä kehityskohteita. Kaikille kehityskohteille annettiin lopuksi toimenpidesuositukset.


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Kirjanen on Michael Michaeliksen, Naantalin kappalaisen, Mikael Agricolan aikalaisen ja oppilaan käsikirjoitus, joka voidaan ajoittaa 1500-luvun lopulle. Kyseessä on ns. sekakirjanen, joka sisältää eri kirkkolaulujen traditioista syntyneitä sävelmiä erikielisine sanoituksineen. Kirjaseen kuuluu mm. luterilainen graduale, ruotsalainen kyriale, latinalainen hymnikokoelma, Te Deum käännöksineen ja muutamia muita kappaleita, joita joko seurakunta tai kuoro lauloivat kirkoissa.

A liturgical miscellany, consisting of a tonarium, parts of a graduale (including a kyriale), sequentiarium and a hymnarium, produced by one scribe, probably for his own use, in the last quarter of the sixteenth century. Complete critical and codicological description of the book and its contents available in the Codices Fennici -database.

Contents: Fols. 1r–8v, 9r–v, tonarium (defect); Fols. 10r–14v, sequentiarium in Latin (defect); Fols. 15r–24r, Te Deum in Latin (defect), O Jumala sinua me kijtämme (Te Deum in Finnish), O Gudh wij lofwe tig och bekenne tig (Te Deum in Swedish), O Gudh wij lofwe tig, o Gudh wij tacke tig (rhymed Te Deum in Swedish) and O Jumal sinua kijtäm (rhymed Te Deum in Finnish); Fols. 24r–32r, Kyriale in Swedish; Fols. 32r–40v, sequentiarium in Latin; Fols. 41r–42v, 43br–v, 43r–v, 44r–56v, hymnarium in Latin; Fol. [b]. "| co | side [verso] |orum | signifi |"; Fols. [c–k], fragments without legible text.


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The validation of an analytical procedure must be certified through the determination of parameters known as figures of merit. For first order data, the acuracy, precision, robustness and bias is similar to the methods of univariate calibration. Linearity, sensitivity, signal to noise ratio, adjustment, selectivity and confidence intervals need different approaches, specific for multivariate data. Selectivity and signal to noise ratio are more critical and they only can be estimated by means of the calculation of the net analyte signal. In second order calibration, some differentes approaches are necessary due to data structure.


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Over 50 years, several scientists and industries have developed new alternatives for wastewater treatment and remediation. Recently, electrochemical technology has been largely developed mainly because of its versatility and environmental compatibility. Scientific contributions about role of the electrode material have allowed determining that the influence of material in the selectivity is an important parameter. However, to interpret this behavior, comprehensive physical chemistry models for organics destruction, related to electrochemical phenomena and material surfaces, were proposed in the last decades. So, this paper presents a critical and comprehensive review about the principles and recent mechanism advances in electrocatalysis for wastewater treatment.


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Yritysohjelmistojen kehittäminen on monesti aikataulukriittistä ja tuottavuusvaatimukset ovat korkeita. Työssä kehitettiin tyypillisen web-käyttöliittymän omaavan J2EE-sovelluksen koontiin soveltuva koontimenetelmä, joka hyödyntää XP:n (Extreme Programming) sovelluskehityskäytäntöjä. Tärkeimpiä näistä on automatisoitu testaus, jonka päätyypit ovat automatisoitu yksikkö- ja integrointitestaus. Työn aikana asetettiin tavoitteet koontimenetelmälle sekä evaluointiin ja valittiin markkinoilla olevista työkaluista toimeksiantajan ympäristöön sopiva joukko. Koontimenetelmän toteutuksen tarkastelussa havaittiin, että XP:n käytännöt soveltuvat J2EE-sovelluskehitykseen ja tarpeelliset työkalut tähän ovat olemassa.


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Tietokantoja käyttävien tietojärjestelmien kriittisyys tietoyhteiskunnan eri osille ja toiminnalle on merkittävä. Tietojenkäsittelyn jatkuvuus ja tietojärjestelmien korkea käytettävyys on pyrittävä turvaamaan mahdollisimman kattavasti joka hetkellä ja vikatilanteista on kyettävä toipumaan työskentelyn ja liiketoiminnan jatkamiseksi. Työn tarkoituksena oli selvittää erilaisia menetelmiä näiden tietokantojen jatkuvaan tiedonvarmistukseen sekä paikallisilla palvelinjärjestelmillä että tietoverkon välityksellä ylläpidettävillä varajärjestelmillä. Paikallisella hyvin suunnitellulla tiedonvarmistuksella vikaantunut tietokanta ja sen tietosisältö kyetään palauttamaan mihinkä tahansa ajanhetkeen ennen vikaantumista. Varajärjestelmät puolestaan voidaan ottaa välittömästi käyttöön kokonaisen konesalin käytön estyessä tai vikaantuessa. Lisäksi useammat konesalit ratkaisusta riippuen voivat palvella käyttäjiään samanaikaisesti tasaten tietojärjestelmän kuormaa, tarjoten lisämahdollisuuksia tietojenkäsittelyyn ja niiden avulla sama tieto voidaan tuoda lähemmäksi palvelemaan käyttäjiään. Työn mielenkiinto kohdistuu lähinnä Oracle-tietokantoja käyttävien tieto-järjestelmien tarjoamiin varmistusvaihtoehtoihin. Kyseiset tietokantajärjestelmät ovat laajassa käytössä niin yritysmaailmassa kuin julkisellakin sektorilla.


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Technological capabilities are built to support different types of collaboration, and this gives the justification to widely observe, how activity environments are influenced by technology. Technology as an enabler can be addressed from different perspectives, other than merely technological. Dynamic, evolving environment is at the same time interesting but also challenging. As a multinational collaboration environment, the maritime surveillance is an good example of time critical and evolving environment, where technological solutions enable new ways of collaboration. Justification for the inspiration to use maritime environment as the baseline for understanding the challenges in creating and maintaining adequate level of situational awareness, derives from the complexity of the collaboration and information sharing environment elements, needed to be taken into account, when analyzing criticalities related to decision making. Situational awareness is an important element supporting decision making, and challenges related to it can also be observed in the maritime environment. This dissertation describes the structures and factors involved in this complex setting, found from the case studies that should be taken into account when trying to understand, how these elements affect the activities. This dissertation focuses on the gray area that is between a life threatening situation and normal everyday activities. From the multinational experimentation series case studies, MNE5 and MNE6 it was possible to observe situations that were not life threatening for the participants themselves, but not also basic every day activities. These case studies provided a unique possibility to see situations, where gaining of situational awareness and decision making are challenged with time critical crisis situations. Unfortunately organizations do not normally take the benefit from the everyday work to prepare themselves for possible emerging crisis situations. This dissertation focuses on creating a conceptual model and a concept that supports organizations – also outside the maritime community – to improve their ability to support gaining of situational awareness from the individual training level, all the way to changes in organizational structures in aiming for better support for decision making from the individual level to the highest decision making level. Quick changes and unpredictability are reality in organizations and organizations do not have the possibility to control all the factors that affect their functioning. Since we cannot be prepared for everything, and predict every crisis, individual activities inside teams and as a part of organizations, need to be supported with guidance, tools and training in order to support acting in challenging situations. In fact the ideology of the conceptual model created, lies especially in the aim of not controlling everything in beforehand, but supporting organizations with concrete procedures to help individuals to react in different, unpredictable situations, instead of focusing on traditional risk prevention and management. Technological capabilities are not automatically solutions for functional challenges; this is why it is justified to broaden the problem area observation from the technological perspective. This dissertation demonstrates that it is possible to support collaboration in a multinational environment with technological solutions, but it requires the recognition of technological limitations and accepting the possible restrictions related to technological innovations. Technology should not be considered value per se, the value of technology should be defined according to the support of activities, including strategic and operational environment evaluation, identification of organizational elements, and taking into account also the social factors and their challenges. Then we are one step closer to providing technological solutions that support the actual activities by taking into account the variables of the activity environment in question. The multidisciplinary view to approach the information sharing and collaboration framework, is derived especially from the complexity of decision making and building of situational awareness, since they are not build or created in vacuity, but in the organizational framework by the people doing it with the technological capabilities, enabled by the organizational structures. Introduced case studies were related to maritime environment, but according to the research results, it is valid to argue, that based on the lessons learned it is possible to create and further develop conceptual model and to create a general concept to support a wider range of organizations in their attempt to gain better level of situational awareness (SA) and to support decision making. To proof the versatile usage of the developed concept, I have introduced the case study findings to the health care environment and reflected the identified elements from the trauma center to the created concept. The main contribution to complete this adventure is the presented situational awareness concept created in the respect to NATO concept structure. This has been done to tackle the challenge of collaboration by focusing on situational awareness in the information sharing context by providing a theoretical ground and understanding, of how these issues should be approached, and how these elements can be generalized and used to support activities in other environments as well. This dissertation research has been a several year evolving process reflecting and affecting presented case studies and this learning experience from the case studies has also affected the goals and research questions of this dissertation. This venture has been written from a retro perspective according to ideology of process modeling and design rationale to present to the reader how this entire journey took place and what where the critical milestones that affected the end result, conceptual model. Support in a challenging information sharing framework can be provided with the right type of combination of tools, procedures and individual effort. This dissertation will provide insights to those with a new approach to war technology for the organizations to gain a better level of awareness and to improve the capabilities in decision making. This dissertation will present, from the war technology starting point, a new approach and possibility for the organizations to create a better level of awareness and support for decision making with the right combination of tools, procedures and individual effort.


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Muutos on kiinteä osa tämän päivän organisaatioiden toimintaa. Tämä asettaa haasteita niin muutoksen johtamiselle kuin esimiesten osaamiselle. Tämän työn tavoitteena oli selvittää, kuinka suuressa teollisessa tuotanto-organisaatiossa toteutettuun toimintatapamuutokseen vaikutetaan johtamisen keinoin ja miten eri henkilöstöryhmät kokevat muutoksen. Näiden pohjalta tunnistettiin ne johtamisen osa-alueet ja muut tekijät, joita tulee kehittää seuraavassa muutosprosessissa ja sen suunnittelussa. Työssä tutkitaan toteutettua muutosta viiden eri näkökulman kautta suorittamalla teemahaastattelut johdon, esimiesten ja työntekijöiden edustajille. Teemat, joihin tämä tutkimus pureutui olivat; uuden toimintamallin merkittävin sisältö, muutoksen välttämättömyys, muutosviestintä, muutoksen toteuttaminen ja muutoksen seuranta. Työn johtopäätöksinä ja yhteenvetona voidaan todeta, että muutoksen suunnitteluun kannattaa panostaa runsaasti ajallisia resursseja ja sitouttaa henkilöitä eri organisaatiotasoilta. Muutosviestintä on oleellinen osa muutoksen onnistumisessa ja sen osaamista tulisi kehittää, sekä luoda ymmärrystä viestinnän tärkeydestä muutoksessa. Keskijohto sekä työntekijöiden suorat esimiehet ovat ne ryhmät, joiden ymmärrys toteutettavasta muutoksesta on kriittinen tekijä ja joille täytyy erityisesti varmistaa riittävä muutosjohtamisen osaaminen.


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Industrial maintenance can be executed internally, acquired from the original equipment manufacturer or outsourced to a service provider, and this concludes in many different kind of business relationships. To maximize the total value in a maintenance business relationship it is important to know what the partner values. The value of maintenance services can be considered to consist of value elements and the perceived total value for the customer and the service provider is the sum of these value elements. The specific objectives of this thesis are to identify the most important value elements for the maintenance service customer and provider and also to recognize where the value elements differ. The study was executed as a statistical analysis using the survey method. The data has been collected by an online survey sent to 345 maintenance service professionals in Finland. In the survey, four different types of value elements were considered: the customer’s high critical and low critical items and the service provider’s core and support service. The most valued elements by the respondents were reliability, safety at work, environmental safety, and operator knowledge. The least valued elements were asset management factors and access to markets. Statistically significant differences in value elements between service types were also found. As a managerial implication a value gap profile is presented. This Master’s Thesis is part of the MaiSeMa (Industrial Maintenance Services in a Renewing Business Network: Identify, Model and Manage Value) research project where network decision models are created to identify, model and manage the value of maintenance services.


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The overall aim of this study was to achieve a deeper understanding of the relationship between human suffering, disease and illness. The study is rooted in the health-care scientific research tradition as developed by Eriksson and her co-researchers at Åbo Akademi. The over-riding methodological initiative was Gadamer's hermeneutic philosophy. The main research question is: What is suffering of illness and disease? Sub-questions: Which characteristics occur when people experience being acutely ill (Article I)? What do the concepts acute, critical and chronic mean semantically (Article II)? In which way does the relation between the human being's experience of disease, illness and suffering, be manifested and understood? How does one characterize the relationship between the experience of contracting disease, illness and suffering (Article III)? How can the hermeneutical conversation contribute to the understanding of suffering caused by disease and illness (Article IV)? The results of sub-study 1 showed that patients with acute myocardial infarction saw themselves as coping, competent, and autonomous individuals. They were used to exercising control, and it was difficult for them to relinquish control. The semantic analysis of acute in sub-study 2 revealed that the concept acute has had an unclear content in the Norwegian language over the past 65 years. Acute, as a concept, says something about the way a situation arises, but not much about what it is that arises. In sub-study, 3 the relation between disease, illness and suffering is discussed. The expression of illness and suffering as verbs can convey more clearly what it is that occurs with persons who experience disease, illness and suffering. The discussion in sub-study 4 focuses on trustworthiness in hermeneutical studies.


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In the design of electrical machines, efficiency improvements have become very important. However, there are at least two significant cases in which the compactness of electrical machines is critical and the tolerance of extremely high losses is valued: vehicle traction, where very high torque density is desired at least temporarily; and direct-drive wind turbine generators, whose mass should be acceptably low. As ever higher torque density and ever more compact electrical machines are developed for these purposes, thermal issues, i.e. avoidance of over-temperatures and damage in conditions of high heat losses, are becoming of utmost importance. The excessive temperatures of critical machine components, such as insulation and permanent magnets, easily cause failures of the whole electrical equipment. In electrical machines with excitation systems based on permanent magnets, special attention must be paid to the rotor temperature because of the temperature-sensitive properties of permanent magnets. The allowable temperature of NdFeB magnets is usually significantly less than 150 ˚C. The practical problem is that the part of the machine where the permanent magnets are located should stay cooler than the copper windings, which can easily tolerate temperatures of 155 ˚C or 180 ˚C. Therefore, new cooling solutions should be developed in order to cool permanent magnet electrical machines with high torque density and because of it with high concentrated losses in stators. In this doctoral dissertation, direct and indirect liquid cooling techniques for permanent magnet synchronous electrical machines (PMSM) with high torque density are presented and discussed. The aim of this research is to analyse thermal behaviours of the machines using the most applicable and accurate thermal analysis methods and to propose new, practical machine designs based on these analyses. The Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) thermal simulations of the heat transfer inside the machines and lumped parameter thermal network (LPTN) simulations both presented herein are used for the analyses. Detailed descriptions of the simulated thermal models are also presented. Most of the theoretical considerations and simulations have been verified via experimental measurements on a copper tooth-coil (motorette) and on various prototypes of electrical machines. The indirect liquid cooling systems of a 100 kW axial flux (AF) PMSM and a 110 kW radial flux (RF) PMSM are analysed here by means of simplified 3D CFD conjugate thermal models of the parts of both machines. In terms of results, a significant temperature drop of 40 ̊C in the stator winding and 28 ̊C in the rotor of the AF PMSM was achieved with the addition of highly thermally conductive materials into the machine: copper bars inserted in the teeth, and potting material around the end windings. In the RF PMSM, the potting material resulted in a temperature decrease of 6 ̊C in the stator winding, and in a decrease of 10 ̊C in the rotor embedded-permanentmagnets. Two types of unique direct liquid cooling systems for low power machines are analysed herein to demonstrate the effectiveness of the cooling systems in conditions of highly concentrated heat losses. LPTN analysis and CFD thermal analysis (the latter being particularly useful for unique design) were applied to simulate the temperature distribution within the machine models. Oil-immersion cooling provided good cooling capability for a 26.6 kW PMSM of a hybrid vehicle. A direct liquid cooling system for the copper winding with inner stainless steel tubes was designed for an 8 MW directdrive PM synchronous generator. The design principles of this cooling solution are described in detail in this thesis. The thermal analyses demonstrate that the stator winding and the rotor magnet temperatures are kept significantly below their critical temperatures with demineralized water flow. A comparison study of the coolant agents indicates that propylene glycol is more effective than ethylene glycol in arctic conditions.


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Two probably originally distinct but roughly contemporary books (I-II, copied by three scribes, A-C): A psalter and a Dominican breviary. Complete critical and codicological description of the book and its contents available in the Codices Fennici -database.

Contents: I: Psalter: Fols. 7r–76va, Psalter, with additional hymns, concluding with Te Deum; Fols. 76vb–77vb, the Athanasian Creed; Fols. 77vb–80v, litany and other prayers. II: Dominican breviary: Fols. 1r–6v, English Dominican calendar (Jan.–Dec.); Fols. 81r–242v, 276r–312r, proprium de tempore (defect), from the First Advent to the First Sunday after Trinity, and from septuagesima in mensis Augusti to the 25th Sunday after Trinity; Fols. 313ra–318v, Office for the dedication of a church; Fols. 243r–275v, 319r–334v, 353r–v, 335r–352v, 354r–371r, proprium de sanctis (defect), from the beginning up to the office of Mary Magdalene, with a misplaced leaf, fol. 353, at translatio B. Dominici, and, after several missing gatherings, the end of commune sanctorum; Fol. 371v, originally empty, with office for St Ursula added in a saec. XIV hand.


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A successful gene therapy clinical trial that also encountered serious adverse effects has sparked extensive study and debate about the future directions for retrovirus-mediated interventions. Treatment of X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency with an oncoretrovirus harboring a normal copy of the gc gene was applied in two clinical trials, essentially curing 13 of 16 infants, restoring a normal immune system without the need for additional immune-related therapies. Approximately 3 years after their gene therapy, tragically, 3 of these children, all from the same trial, developed leukemia as a result of this experimental treatment. The current understanding of the mechanism behind this leukemogenesis involves three critical and cooperating factors, i.e., viral integration, oncogene activation, and the function of the therapeutic gene. In this review, we will explore the causes of this unwanted event and some of the possibilities for reducing the risk of its reoccurrence.