735 resultados para Creativity and curriculum


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O presente trabalho pretende caraterizar os hábitos alimentares, a prática de atividade física e o índice de massa corporal (IMC) dos alunos de Análises Clínicas e Saúde Pública, Enfermagem, Radiologia e Farmácia da ERISA e de Ciências Farmacêuticas da ULHT em Lisboa, no ano letivo 2010/2011.Através de um inquérito obtivemos uma amostragem de 134 alunos, estratificada por curso e ano curricular. Destes, 117 são do sexo feminino (87,3%) e 17 (12,7%) do sexo masculino, com idades entre os 18 e os 38 anos. Em relação ao IMC, verificou-se que na ERISAe na ULHTa maioria dos alunos se encontra dentro do peso normal (76% e 87,5% respectivamente). Em relação à prática de atividade física, a maior parte dos alunos (42,5%) pratica uma a três vezes por semana. Os hábitos alimentares destes alunos são adequados a uma vida saudável, uma vez que consomem sopa várias vezes por semana e fruta, água (acima de 1 L) e leite, diariamente. 51,5% (69/134) dos inquiridos reconheceram o pequeno-almoço como a sua refeição mais importante . Não consomem alimentos fritos nem “fast-food”. Em conclusão, a maioria dos alunos está sensibilizada para uma alimentação equilibrada e variada e pratica atividade física (58,9%).


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Ainda que o desenvolvimento das tecnologias de informação se tenham demarcado nestes últimos vinte anos como algo de verdadeiramente revolucionário que pode desencadear mudanças radicais na sociedade, isto não pode ser suficiente para determinar a estrutura da sociedade em geral e das organizações do trabalho em particular. Pretende-se assim mostrar que ainda que a inclusão de tecnologia possa ser benéfica para as organizações, o desenvolvimento de estratégias deve ser visto de um ponto de vista integrado juntando criatividade e sinergias que funcionem como companheiras naturais da vantagem competitiva. Neste contexto, o “Outsourcing” surge como um componente fundamental do processo estratégico, que muito embora possa incluir ou não tecnologia, terá sempre de ser visto como algo revolucionário no desenvolvimento de novos serviços em termos de eficiência operacional. / Although the development of information technologies have marked the past twenty years as something truly revolutionary that can initiate radical changes in the society, this may not be sufficient to determine the structure of society in general and labor organizations in particular. This article intend to show that although the inclusion of technology would be beneficial to the organizations, the development of strategies should be viewed from an integrated point of view by adding creativity and synergy, both acting as natural companions of competitive advantage. In this context, the "Outsourcing" arise as a key component of the strategic process, that although may include or not technology, must always be seen as something revolutionary in the development of new services in terms of operational efficiency.


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A presente dissertação aborda sobre a temática gestão e planejamento escolar participativo. Verificou-se a existência de um planejamento escolar participativo em uma cooperativa escolar. Os referenciais teóricos utilizados estão relacionados ao planejamento escolar, gestão, projeto político-pedagógico e currículo, tendo como base uma inter-relação dos mesmos no que tange a ação educativa e suas inerências. Para a investigação empírica optou-se pelo estudo de caso cujos objetivos da pesquisa são caracterizados como exploratórios e descritivos, tendo por finalidade a melhor explicitação dos fenômenos estudados. Os sujeitos envolvidos na investigação compreendem: professores, discentes, pais/responsáveis e gestão escolar sendo o estudo realizado em duas etapas. Na primeira etapa, de caráter quantitativo, utilizou-se como instrumentos de pesquisa questionários com questões estruturadas e, na segunda etapa, de caráter qualitativo, entrevistas estruturadas a fim de apurar mais dados acerca do planejamento realizado no locus do estudo. Como resultado mais geral, observou-se que apesar de ser uma escola que trabalha com a filosofia de cooperativismo, esta demonstra indícios de que não ocorre o planejamento escolar participativo como se espera, e que algumas medidas precisam ser tomadas para que este planejamento realmente envolva todos os atores participantes da escola, bem como possam produzir melhores resultados.


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In a knowledge-based economy and dynamic work environment retaining competitiveness is increasingly dependent on creativity, skills, individual abilities and appropriate motivation. For instance, the UK government explicitly stated in the recent "Review of Employee Engagement and Investment" report that new ways are required through which British companies could boost employee engagement at work, improving staff commitment and, thereby, increase workplace productivity. Although creativity and innovation have been studied extensively, little is known about employees' intrinsic willingness to contribute novel ideas and solutions (defined here as creative participation). For instance, the same individual can thrive in one organisation but be completely isolated in another and the question is to what extent this depends on individual characteristics and organisational settings. The main aim of this research is, therefore, to provide a conceptual framework for identification of individual characteristics that influence employees' willingness to contribute new ideas. In order to achieve this aim the investigation will be based on a developed psychological experiment, and will include personal-profiling inventory and a questionnaire. Understanding how these parameters influence willingness of an individual to put forward created ideas would offer an opportunity for companies to improve motivation practices and team efficiency, and can consequently lead to better overall performance.


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This paper, based on the findings of a qualitative study, discusses the influence of Ghana's recently introduced English-only language-in-education policy on pupils' classroom communicative practices and learning generally. It highlights how the use of English- an unfamiliar language- creates anxiety among students and stalls effective classroom participation. The paper first considers the key issues that impinge on the literacy development in multilingual classrooms in postcolonial Africa including the uninformed attitudes towards mother tongue/bilingual education. It then draws on the empirical data from Africa and elsewhere to refute the negative perceptions about mother-tongue education, and examines the prospects for bilingual/mother-tongue education in multilingual classrooms in Ghana.


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Growing interest in bilingual education in sub-Saharan Africa has highlighted an urgent need for reading material in African languages. In this paper, we focus on authors, one of several groups of stakeholders with responsibility for meeting this demand. We address three main issues: the nature and extent of African language publishing for children; the challenges for authors; and the available support. Our analysis is based on interviews and focus group discussions with publishers, authors, translators, educationalists, and representatives of book promotion organisations from nine African countries and documentary data on children's books in African languages in South Africa. Although there is evidence of a growing interest in producing books in local languages, the number of titles is constrained by funding. The challenges for authors include the need to understand the ingredients for successful children's books and for the sensitivity necessary to negotiate the linguistic challenges associated with a newly emergent genre in African languages. Support, in the form of competitions and workshops, relies on external funding and expertise and offers only temporary solutions. We finish with suggestions for more sustainable ways forward.


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To retain competitiveness, succeed and flourish, organizations are forced to continuously innovate. This drive for innovation is not solely limited to product/process innovation but more profoundly relates to a continuous process of improving how organizations work internally, requiring a constant stream of ideas and suggestions from motivated employees. In this chapter we investigate some recent developments and propose a conceptual framework for creative participation as a personality driven interface between creativity and innovation. Under the assumption that employees’ intrinsic willingness to contribute novel ideas and solutions requires a set of personal characteristics and necessary skill that might well be unique to each organizational unit, the chapter then explores personal characteristics associated with creativity, innovation and innovative behavior. Various studies on the correlation between creativity and personality types are also reviewed. The chapter provides a discussion of solutions and future development together with recommendations for the future research.


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This paper explores the linguistic practice of digital code plays in an online discussion forum, used by the community of English-speaking Germans living in Britain. By adopting a qualitative approach of Computer-Mediated Discourse Analysis, the article examines the ways in which these bilinguals deploy linguistic and other semiotic resources on the forum to co-construct humorous code plays. These performances occur in the context of negotiating language norms and are based on conscious manipulations of both codes, English and German. They involve play with codes at three levels: play with forms, meanings, and frames. Although, at first sight, such alternations appear to be used mainly for a comic effect, there is more to this than just humour. By mixing both codes at all levels, the participants deliberately produce aberrant German ‘polluted’ with English and, in so doing, dismantle the ideology of language purity upheld by the purist movement. The deliberate character of this type of code alternation demonstrates heightened metalinguistic awareness as well as creativity and criticality. By exploring the practice of digital code plays, the current study contributes to the growing body of research on networked multilingualism as well as to practices associated with translanguaging, poly- and metrolingualism.


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The purpose of this dissertation is to describe, explain and understand how record companies identify and develop new music and new talent. The analysis is carried out on three levels: individual, organizational and sector level. In a record company, this task formally goes to A&R (Artist and Repertoire). This dissertation takes its point of departure in how the capacity for discovering new talent can be understood in terms of knowledge, creativity and competence and how this capacity is affected in the meeting between the record company and the industry. The theoretical framework of the dissertation spans two sociological fields: the sociology of organizations and the sociology of knowledge. While it takes its organizational starting point in the Knowledge Company Approach, it employs a practice-based approach to discuss knowledge. I argue that within the Knowledge company approach there are two contrasting ways to understand knowledge; a distinction is made between knowledge- and creativity-intensive enterprises. The results show that the record industry’s polarized structure can be seen as a result of the Knowledge Company’s typical problems. The A&R’s work is described as including two phases, one intuitive and one analytical. The intuitive assessment is direct, unconscious and without reflection. This ability has been described as "intuition" and "gut feeling". The analytical phase adds analysis and reflection based on knowledge. The results from the interviews with A&R’s reveal the limit of formal and explicit knowledge not only in the choice of music but also in the marketing strategies. The overarching picture is one in which record companies move in a space characterized by tension between dichotomous forces – art and commercialism, creativity and knowledge, culture and economy, chaos and order, but where opposite poles are not mutually exclusive but complementary.


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The purpose of this study is to contribute to an understanding of which changes related to scientific inquiry have been made historically in curriculum documents. A comparative analysis is made of five Swedish national curricula– Lgr 62, Lgr 69, Lgr 80, Lpo 94 and Lgr 11 – during the last 50 years regarding what compulsory school students (school years 1–9) should learn about scientific inquiry. It focuses 1) what students should learn about carrying out scientific inquiries, and 2) what students should learn about the nature of science. All of the curricula examined have aims concerning scientific inquiry. The results show that during the period there have been many shifts in emphasis and changes of aims, for example from learning an inductive method to a more deductive one, and from an emphasis on carrying out investigations to an emphasis on more conceptual understanding of scientific investigations. Because teaching traditions tend to conserve aspects of earlier curricula, it is discussed how the results can help teachers, teacher students and curriculum developers to better see the consequences of the changes for teaching and learning.


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Studiens syfte var att undersöka byråanställda art directors och originalares olika perspektiv på och förhållningssätt till sin yrkesroll med särskilt fokus på kreativitet och kundrelationer.Nio semi-strukturerade djupintervjuer genomfördes med sex art directors och fyra originalare. Respondenterna valdes ut genom ett kombinerat strategiskt bekvämlighetsurval från nio reklambyråer.Professionalism inom yrkesrollen visade sig vara något som respondenterna inte reflekterat över men det framkom att det främst handlar om hur art directors och originalare förhåller sig till kunden. Dessutom framkom det att respondenterna såg variation i arbetet som en positiv aspekt av yrket medan de såg prestationsångest och utomståendes oförståelse av yrket som negativa.Det framkom även att art directors och originalare i första hand ser på kreativitet som problemlösning, dock såg de olika på problemlösning i sina respektive roller. De använde sig av samma metoder för att finna inspirationsamt hanterade ångest på liknande sätt.Studien visade även att kunden och kundrelationen spelade en stor roll för yrket och ämnet berördes återkommande i respondenternas svar under intervjuernas gång. De använde sig av samma metoder för att finna inspiration


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En upplevelse av att det finns begränsade kunskaper kring vuxna individers väg att lära utgörgrunden för denna undersökning. Utbildningar idag kommer ofta i form av föreläsningarvilket framför allt resulterar i ett assimilativt lärande, det vill säga ett ytligt lärande därindividen saknar förståelse för kunskapen. Pedagogik är ett begrepp som överlag i storutsträckning används när lärande är målet oavsett vem som ska lära sig något. Kursupplägg avpedagogisk karaktär vänder sig främst till barn och kan anses olämplig när vuxna individerska lära sig. Andragogik är begreppet för vuxenlärande, vilken bygger på kunskapen om attvuxna är självstyrande individer och behöver därför själva ta steget till att lära sig något nytt. Iden andragogiska modellen presenteras de förutsättningar som krävs för att en vuxen individska kunna tillägna sig nya kunskaper på en djupare nivå, få en förståelse, denna nivå avlärande kallas för ett ackomodativt lärande.Undersökningens syfte var att studera om de två processledarnas ledarskap och kursupplägggrundas i andragogik för att främja ett ackomodativt lärande i Landstinget Dalarnas Chef ochledarprogram.Undersökningen var en fallstudie där en deduktiv ansats förelåg. En kvalitativ metod i formav observation har använts för insamling av data. Processledarna för Chef ochledarprogrammet har observerats och filmats med filmkamera under en av fyra delar av ettintroduktionsblock. Ledarskap och kursupplägg är två områden som behandlas teoretiskt dåde anses kunna påverka lärandet för vuxna personer såväl kollektivt som individuellt.Processledarna för Landstinget Dalarnas Chef och ledarprogram tog i stor utsträckning hänsyntill de vuxna individernas behov, som kan förstås utifrån den andragogiska modellen. Genomsitt ledarskap och kursupplägg skapade de goda förutsättningar för deltagarnas möjlighet attkunna tillägna sig ett ackomodativt lärande. Processledarnas ledarskap grundar sig i känslor,relationer och med människosynen att alla människor har samma grundläggande behov.Kursupplägget bestod av övningar och dialoger där deltagarna involverades, vilketförespråkas i den andragogiska modellen för att kunna uppnå ett ackomodativt lärande


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The self, roles and the ongoing coordination of human action. Trying to see ‘society’ as neither prison nor puppet theatre In the article it is argued that structural North-American role-sociology may be integrated with theories emphasizing ‘society’ as ongoing processes (f. ex. Giddens’ theory of structuration). This is possible if the concept of role is defined as a recurrence oriented to the action of others standing out as a regularity in a societal process. But this definition makes it necessary to in a fundamental way understand what kind of social being the role-actor is. This is done with the help of Hans Joas’ theory of creativity and Merleau-Pontys concept of ‘flesh’ arguing that Meads concept of the ‘I’ maybe understood as an embodied self-asserting I, which at least in reflexive modernity has the creative power to split Meads ‘me’ into a self-voiced subject-me and an other voiced object-me. The embodied I communicating with the subject-me may be viewed as that role-actor which is something else than the role played. But this kind of role-actor is making for new troubles because it is hard to understand how this kind of self is creating self-coherence by using Meads concept of ‘the generalized other’. This trouble is handled by using Alain Touraines concept of the ‘subject’ and arguing that the generalized other is dissolving in de-modernized modernity. In split modernity self-coherence may instead be created by what in the article is called the generalized subject. This concept means a kind of communicative future based evaluation, which has its base in the ‘subject’ opposing the split powers of both the instrumentality of markets and of life-worlds trying to create ‘fundamentalistic’ self-identities. This kind of self is communicative because it also must respect the other as ‘subject’. It exists only in the battle against the forces of the market or a community. It never constructs an ideal city or a higher type of individual. It creates and protects a clearing that is constantly being invaded, to use the words of the old Frenchman himself. Asa kind of test-case it is by the way in the article shown how Becks concept of individualization may be understood in a deeply social and role-sociological way.


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While colleges and universities increasingly draw upon the concept of Universal Design to create an ideal learning environment, it can be challenging to apply the concept practically in the classroom. This project explores innovative ways to incorporate Universal Design into campus architecture, classroom technology and curriculum development. Further, this brief describes different approaches used by universities to garner faculty interest and offer effective training in Universal Design.


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O propósito primeiro desta dissertação foi o de mostrar, por meio de um estudo de caso, o da ACEPLAC, a aplicação do conceito de motivação como fator de criatividade e incremento de produção, em empresas de médio porte, sustentado por um modelo de gestão e de projetos de recompensa. Buscou-se justificar tal modelo pela observação sistemática dos esforços de trabalho, que se mostraram capazes de manter a motivação organizacional, apesar de sua volatilidade e voluntariedade. O método visava a trazer a experiência no campo concreto para o campo do conhecimento. Para isto, dividiu-se o longo processo em passos distintos, em que a obtenção de um arcabouço teórico sobre o complexo fenômeno que representa a motivação para o trabalho revelou-se o inequívoco ponto de partida. O estudo das várias características desse fenômeno e das inúmeras contribuições apresentadas desde Elton Mayo e Mary Follet até os dias atuais permitiu a construção de instrumental seguro para a análise crítica da realidade observada. Fez-se a opção de desenvolver a análise por meio do estudo de caso selecionado, uma vez que se pretendia ligar as abordagens teóricas à prática de modelos eficazes. O objetivo foi sinalizar para executivos e gerentes de empresas de médio porte aspectos relevantes para sua constituição e operacionalização, criando, assim, um panorama sobre a temática capaz de gerar novas alternativas para a tomada de decisão relativa ao assunto. Esse modelo é significativo porque conseguiu reduzir os aspectos voláteis e maximizar a voluntariedade dos empregados. O referido caso é rico em experiências, decisões e exemplos que podem ser adaptados e levados a outras empresas do mesmo porte. A análise criteriosa de todo o material de pesquisa levantado possibilitou a confirmação da afirmativa inicial, a qual priorizava a motivação como fator de criatividade e incremento de produção nas empresas de médio porte. Essas conclusões culminaram com a implantação do referido modelo, em maio de 1994, na Acesita Placas S/A - ACEPLAC.