La dysplasie broncho-pulmonaire (DBP), caractérisée par un défaut de l’alvéolarisation, est une complication pathologique associée à un stress oxydant chez le nouveau-né prématuré. La DBP est présente chez près de 50 % des nouveau-nés de moins de 29 semaines de gestation. La nutrition parentérale (NP) que ces nouveau-nés reçoivent pour cause d’immaturité gastro-intestinale est une source importante de stress oxydant. En effet, leur NP est contaminée par des peroxydes, dont l’ascorbylperoxyde qui est une forme peroxydée du déshydroascorbate. La génération des peroxydes est catalysée par la lumière ambiante. La photoprotection de la NP, quoique difficile d’application en clinique, est associée à une diminution de l’incidence de la DBP chez les enfants prématurés. Chez l’animal nouveau-né, la photoprotection de la NP est associée à un meilleur développement alvéolaire. Ainsi, nous émettons l’hypothèse que l’ascorbylperoxide infusé avec la NP cause la perte d’alvéoles suite à une apoptose exagérée induite par l’oxydation du potentiel redox du glutathion. Cette oxydation du potentiel redox serait occasionnée par l’inhibition de la transformation hépatique de la méthionine en cystéine, menant à une diminution de la synthèse de glutathion au foie et dans les tissus tels que les poumons. La confirmation de cette hypothèse suggérera qu’un ajout de glutathion dans la NP permettra une meilleure détoxification de l’ascorbylperoxide par l’action de la glutathion peroxydase, et préviendra l’oxydation du potentiel redox et ainsi, la perte d'alvéoles par apoptose. Objectifs : Le but de mon projet de recherche est de comprendre les mécanismes biochimiques liant la NP et le développement de la DBP chez le nouveau-né prématuré et de proposer une alternative nutritionnelle prévenant le développement de cette complication fréquemment observée dans cette population. Les objectifs spécifiques sont : 1) d’évaluer l’impact, au poumon, de l’infusion de l’ascorbylperoxyde sur l’axe métabolique potentiel redox du glutathion - apoptose - le développement alvéolaire; 2) d’étudier l’impact de l’ascorbylperoxyde et du potentiel redox sur l’activité hépatique de la méthionine adénosyltransférase (MAT), première enzyme de la cascade métabolique transformant la méthionine en cystéine; et 3) de tenter de prévenir l’impact négatif de la NP ou de l’infusion d’ascorbylperoxyde sur le poumon en améliorant le statut en glutathion. Méthodes: Par un cathéter fixé dans la jugulaire, des cochons d’Inde de trois jours de vie (n = 8 par groupe) ont reçu en continu durant 4 jours une NP ou une solution de base (dextrose + NaCl) enrichie des différentes molécules à l’essai. Le premier objectif a été atteint en enrichissant la solution de base en ascorbylperoxyde à 0, 20, 60 et 180 μM. Ces solutions contenaient ou non 350 μM H2O2 pour se rapprocher des conditions cliniques. Le second objectif a été atteint en investiguant les mécanismes d’inhibition de la MAT dans des animaux infusés ou non avec des solutions contenant la solution de base, des peroxydes, du glutathion et la NP (dextrose + acides aminés + multivitamines + lipides). Le troisième objectif a été atteint en ajoutant ou non à une solution d’ascorbylperoxide ou à la NP 10 μM de glutathion (GSSG), afin d’obtenir une concentration plasmatique normale de glutathion. Après 4 jours, les poumons étaient prélevés et traités pour la détermination de GSH et GSSG par électrophorèse capillaire, le potentiel redox était calculé selon l'équation de Nernst et le niveau de caspase-3 actif (marqueur d’apoptose) par Western blot et l’index d’alvéolarisation quantifié par le nombre d’interceptes entre des structures histologiques et une droite calibrée. Les données étaient comparées par ANOVA, les effets étaient considérés comme significatifs si le p était inférieur à 0,05. Résultats: L’infusion de l’ascorbylperoxyde, indépendamment du H2O2, a induit une hypoalvéolarisation, une activation de la caspase-3 et une oxydation du potentiel redox de manière dose-dépendante. Ces effets ont été empêchés par l’ajout de GSSG à la NP ou à la solution d’ascorbylperoxyde (180 M). L’ascorbylperoxyde et le H2O2 ont inhibé l’activité de MAT tandis qu’elle était linéairement modulée par la valeur du potentiel redox hépatique. Conclusion : Nos résultats suggèrent que l’ascorbylperoxyde est l’agent actif de la NP conduisant au développement de la DBP. Ainsi la correction des bas niveaux de glutathion induits par les peroxydes de la NP favorise la détoxification des peroxydes et la correction du potentiel redox pulmonaire ; ce qui a protégé les poumons des effets délétères de la NP en outrepassant l’inhibition de la MAT hépatique. Nos résultats sont d'une grande importance car ils donnent de l'espoir pour une prévention possible de la DBP.
Ukraine’s financial results over the past few months prove that the economic crisis which has been ongoing since mid 2012 has exacerbated. According to data from the Ukrainian Ministry of Economy, Gross Domestic Product for the first six months of 2014 shrank by 3%. In the second quarter, it fell by 4.6%1 and may further be reduced by as much as 8–10% over the year as a whole. After the first six months of this year, the balance of payments deficit reached US$4.3 billion. After deflation last year, prices grew by 12%, and the hryvnia dropped to a historic low. Although a surplus was seen in Ukrainian foreign trade in goods and services, reaching over US$3 billion at the end of June, its trade volume is shrinking. The main reason behind this deteriorating situation is the actions taken by Russia. Moscow has been fomenting the conflict in Donbas since April, has consistently imposed embargoes on imports of more and more Ukrainian goods and cut gas supplies to Ukraine in June. This has forced the government to focus on the current management of state finances and to carry out budget sequestration twice this year. The government has also used this as an excuse not to implement necessary systemic reforms. The increasing share of military expenditure, the shrinking exports (-5% in the first six months), including in particular to Russia, which until recently was Ukraine’s key trade partner, and the rapid fall in industrial production and investments have all made the situation even worse. All that saves Ukraine from an economic collapse is the loan from the International Monetary Fund and higher taxes, which allows the government to maintain budget liquidity. However, if the conflict in Donbas lasts longer and if Russia continues its economic blackmail, including withholding gas supplies, the economic crisis may prove to be long-lasting.
In the third quarter of 2012, Ukraine’s economy recorded negative growth (-1.3%) for the first time since its 2009 economic crisis. Q4 GDP is projected to suffer a further decline, bringing Ukraine into formal recession. In addition to the worsening macroeconomic indicators, Ukraine is also facing a series of concomitant economic problems: a growing trade deficit, industrial decline, shrinking foreign exchange reserves, and the weakening of the hryvnia. Poor economic growth is expected to result in lower than projected budget revenues, which in turn could lead to the sequestration of the budget in December. The decline evident across the key economic indicators in the second half of 2012 brings to a close a period of relative economic stability and two years of economic growth, which had been seen as a significant personal achievement of President Viktor Yanukovych and the ruling Party of Regions. The health of the Ukrainian economy largely depends on the state of the country’s export- -oriented industries. The current economic forecasts for foreign markets are not very optimistic. It is impossible to determine whether the current economic downturn is likely to be merely temporary or whether it heralds the onset of a prolonged economic crisis. The limited capacity to deal with the growing economic problems may mean that Kiev will need to seek financial support from abroad. This is particularly significant with regard to external debt servicing, since in 2013 Ukraine will need to pay back around 9 billion USD, including over 5.5 billion USD to the International Monetary Fund. In order to overcome the recession and stabilise public finances, the government may be forced to take a series of unpopular measures, including raising the price of natural gas and utilities. These measures have been stipulated by the IMF as a condition of further financial assistance and the disbursement of the 12 billion USD stabilisation loan granted to Ukraine in July 2010. The only alternative for Western loans and economic reforms appears to be financial support from Russia. The price for Moscow’s help might however turn out to be very high, and precipitate a turn in Kiev’s foreign policy towards a gradual re-integration of former Soviet republics under Moscow-led geopolitical projects.
Introdução: O acidente vascular cerebral (AVC) assume em Portugal elevadas taxas de morbilidade e reinternamento hospitalar. A disfagia surge como uma complicação frequente deste evento neurológico, com índices de morbilidade elevados pelo risco de desnutrição, desidratação e aspiração broncopulmonar. O diagnóstico e a sua monitorização no processo de reabilitação do doente são ações fundamentais na prevenção de aspirações alimentares, redução do internamento hospitalar e na eficácia da reabilitação do doente. Objetivo: Identificar e avaliar o grau de disfagia na pessoa com AVC e analisar a relação entre esta, e as variáveis socio-demográficas e clínicas no sentido de poder melhorar futuramente os cuidados de enfermagem de reabilitação. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo não experimental, transversal, descritivo-correlacional de caráter quantitativo, que foi realizado numa amostra não probabilística por conveniência, constituída por 25 doentes com diagnóstico de AVC, internados na Rede Nacional Cuidados Continuados Integrados (RNCCI), em unidades de Convalescença e Reabilitação. O instrumento de colheita de dados integra uma seção de caracterização sócio-demográfica e clínica e duas escalas: Escala Gugging Swallowing Screen (GUSS) e Índice de Barthel, a fim de avaliar a disfagia e a funcionalidade, respetivamente. Resultados: A amostra apresenta uma média de idade de 76,8 anos, sendo 68% do sexo feminino e 32% do sexo masculino. Verificámos que 68% dos participantes apresenta mais de dois antecedentes clínicos e apenas 24% dos participantes não apresenta disfagia. Dos restantes, 12% apresenta disfagia grave, 36% moderada e 28% disfagia ligeira. A área de lesão parece influenciar a deglutição, demonstrando a Artéria Cerebral Média (ACM) e Artéria Cerebral Posterior (ACP) como áreas de maior sensibilidade. Denotou-se que quanto maior o grau de dependência, maior gravidade de disfagia. Conclusão: Doentes com AVC isquémico apresentam disfagia, com gravidade relacionada com a área vascular. A existência de vários antecedentes clínicos pode gerar perturbações na deglutição do doente. De igual modo, quanto maior for a dependência funcional do doente, maior é o grau de disfagia e o risco de aspiração pulmonar. Palavras-chave: AVC; Disfagia; Reabilitação.
La dysplasie broncho-pulmonaire (DBP), caractérisée par un défaut de l’alvéolarisation, est une complication pathologique associée à un stress oxydant chez le nouveau-né prématuré. La DBP est présente chez près de 50 % des nouveau-nés de moins de 29 semaines de gestation. La nutrition parentérale (NP) que ces nouveau-nés reçoivent pour cause d’immaturité gastro-intestinale est une source importante de stress oxydant. En effet, leur NP est contaminée par des peroxydes, dont l’ascorbylperoxyde qui est une forme peroxydée du déshydroascorbate. La génération des peroxydes est catalysée par la lumière ambiante. La photoprotection de la NP, quoique difficile d’application en clinique, est associée à une diminution de l’incidence de la DBP chez les enfants prématurés. Chez l’animal nouveau-né, la photoprotection de la NP est associée à un meilleur développement alvéolaire. Ainsi, nous émettons l’hypothèse que l’ascorbylperoxide infusé avec la NP cause la perte d’alvéoles suite à une apoptose exagérée induite par l’oxydation du potentiel redox du glutathion. Cette oxydation du potentiel redox serait occasionnée par l’inhibition de la transformation hépatique de la méthionine en cystéine, menant à une diminution de la synthèse de glutathion au foie et dans les tissus tels que les poumons. La confirmation de cette hypothèse suggérera qu’un ajout de glutathion dans la NP permettra une meilleure détoxification de l’ascorbylperoxide par l’action de la glutathion peroxydase, et préviendra l’oxydation du potentiel redox et ainsi, la perte d'alvéoles par apoptose. Objectifs : Le but de mon projet de recherche est de comprendre les mécanismes biochimiques liant la NP et le développement de la DBP chez le nouveau-né prématuré et de proposer une alternative nutritionnelle prévenant le développement de cette complication fréquemment observée dans cette population. Les objectifs spécifiques sont : 1) d’évaluer l’impact, au poumon, de l’infusion de l’ascorbylperoxyde sur l’axe métabolique potentiel redox du glutathion - apoptose - le développement alvéolaire; 2) d’étudier l’impact de l’ascorbylperoxyde et du potentiel redox sur l’activité hépatique de la méthionine adénosyltransférase (MAT), première enzyme de la cascade métabolique transformant la méthionine en cystéine; et 3) de tenter de prévenir l’impact négatif de la NP ou de l’infusion d’ascorbylperoxyde sur le poumon en améliorant le statut en glutathion. Méthodes: Par un cathéter fixé dans la jugulaire, des cochons d’Inde de trois jours de vie (n = 8 par groupe) ont reçu en continu durant 4 jours une NP ou une solution de base (dextrose + NaCl) enrichie des différentes molécules à l’essai. Le premier objectif a été atteint en enrichissant la solution de base en ascorbylperoxyde à 0, 20, 60 et 180 μM. Ces solutions contenaient ou non 350 μM H2O2 pour se rapprocher des conditions cliniques. Le second objectif a été atteint en investiguant les mécanismes d’inhibition de la MAT dans des animaux infusés ou non avec des solutions contenant la solution de base, des peroxydes, du glutathion et la NP (dextrose + acides aminés + multivitamines + lipides). Le troisième objectif a été atteint en ajoutant ou non à une solution d’ascorbylperoxide ou à la NP 10 μM de glutathion (GSSG), afin d’obtenir une concentration plasmatique normale de glutathion. Après 4 jours, les poumons étaient prélevés et traités pour la détermination de GSH et GSSG par électrophorèse capillaire, le potentiel redox était calculé selon l'équation de Nernst et le niveau de caspase-3 actif (marqueur d’apoptose) par Western blot et l’index d’alvéolarisation quantifié par le nombre d’interceptes entre des structures histologiques et une droite calibrée. Les données étaient comparées par ANOVA, les effets étaient considérés comme significatifs si le p était inférieur à 0,05. Résultats: L’infusion de l’ascorbylperoxyde, indépendamment du H2O2, a induit une hypoalvéolarisation, une activation de la caspase-3 et une oxydation du potentiel redox de manière dose-dépendante. Ces effets ont été empêchés par l’ajout de GSSG à la NP ou à la solution d’ascorbylperoxyde (180 M). L’ascorbylperoxyde et le H2O2 ont inhibé l’activité de MAT tandis qu’elle était linéairement modulée par la valeur du potentiel redox hépatique. Conclusion : Nos résultats suggèrent que l’ascorbylperoxyde est l’agent actif de la NP conduisant au développement de la DBP. Ainsi la correction des bas niveaux de glutathion induits par les peroxydes de la NP favorise la détoxification des peroxydes et la correction du potentiel redox pulmonaire ; ce qui a protégé les poumons des effets délétères de la NP en outrepassant l’inhibition de la MAT hépatique. Nos résultats sont d'une grande importance car ils donnent de l'espoir pour une prévention possible de la DBP.
The Miocene Climatic Optimum (~17-14.7 Ma) represents one of several major interruptions in the long-term cooling trend of the past 50 million years. To date, the processes driving high-amplitude climate variability and sustaining global warmth during this remarkable interval remain highly enigmatic. We present high-resolution benthic foraminiferal and bulk carbonate stable isotope records in an exceptional, continuous, carbonate-rich sedimentary archive (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Site U1337, eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean), which offer a new view of climate evolution over the onset of the Climatic Optimum. A sharp decline in d18O and d13C at ~16.9 Ma, contemporaneous with a massive increase in carbonate dissolution, demonstrates that abrupt warming was coupled to an intense perturbation of the carbon cycle. The rapid recovery in d13C at ~16.7 Ma, ~200 k.y. after the beginning of the MCO, marks the onset of the first carbon isotope maximum within the long-lasting "Monterey Excursion". These results lend support to the notion that atmospheric pCO2 variations drove profound changes in the global carbon reservoir through the Climatic Optimum, implying a delicate balance between changing CO2 fluxes, rates of silicate weathering and global carbon sequestration. Comparison with a high-resolution d13C record spanning the onset of the Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a (~120 Ma ago) reveals common forcing factors and climatic responses, providing a long-term perspective to understand climate-carbon cycle feedbacks during warmer periods of Earth's climate with markedly different atmospheric CO2 concentrations.
Methane hydrates are present in marine seep systems and occur within the gas hydrate stability zone. Very little is known about their crystallite sizes and size distributions because they are notoriously difficult to measure. Crystal size distributions are usually considered as one of the key petrophysical parameters because they influence mechanical properties and possible compositional changes, which may occur with changing environmental conditions. Variations in grain size are relevant for gas substitution in natural hydrates by replacing CH4 with CO2 for the purpose of carbon dioxide sequestration. Here we show that crystallite sizes of gas hydrates from some locations in the Indian Ocean, Gulf of Mexico and Black Sea are in the range of 200-400 µm; larger values were obtained for deeper-buried samples from ODP Leg 204. The crystallite sizes show generally a log-normal distribution and appear to vary sometimes rapidly with location.
In the deep-sea, the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) is often marked by clay-rich condensed intervals caused by dissolution of carbonate sediments, capped by a carbonate-rich interval. Constraining the duration of both the dissolution and subsequent cap-carbonate intervals is essential to computing marine carbon fluxes and thus testing hypotheses for the origin of this event. To this end, we provide new high-resolution helium isotope records spanning the Paleocene-Eocene boundary at ODP Site 1266 in the South Atlantic. The extraterrestrial 3He, 3HeET, concentrations replicate trends observed at ODP Site 690 by Farley and Eltgroth (2003, doi:10.1016/S0012-821X(03)00017-7). By assuming a constant flux of 3HeET we constrain relative changes in accumulation rates of sediment across the PETM and construct a new age model for the event. In this new chronology the zero carbonate layer represents 35 kyr, some of which reflects clay produced by dissolution of Paleocene (pre-PETM) sediments. Above this layer, carbonate concentrations increase for ~165 kyr and remain higher than in the latest Paleocene until 234 +48/-34 kyr above the base of the clay. The new chronology indicates that minimum d13C values persisted for a maximum of 134 +27/-19 kyr and the inflection point previously chosen to designate the end of the CIE recovery occurs at 217 +44/-31 kyr. This allocation of time differs from that of the cycle-based age model of Röhl et al. (2007, doi:10.1029/2007GC001784) in that it assigns more time to the clay layer followed by a more gradual recovery of carbonate-rich sedimentation. The new model also suggests a longer sustained d13C excursion followed by a more rapid recovery to pre-PETM d13C values. These differences have important implications for constraining the source(s) of carbon and mechanisms for its subsequent sequestration, favoring models that include a sustained release
During the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) about 56 million years ago, thousands of petagrams of carbon were released into the atmosphere and ocean in just a few thousand years, followed by a gradual sequestration over approximately 200,000 years. If silicate weathering is one of the key negative feedbacks that removed this carbon, a period of seawater calcium carbonate saturation greater than pre-event levels is expected during the event's recovery phase. In marine sediments, this should be recorded as a temporary deepening of the depth below which no calcite is preserved - the calcite compensation depth (CCD). Previous and new sedimentary records from sites that were above the pre-PETM calcite compensation depth show enhanced carbonate accumulation following the PETM. A new record from an abyssal site in the North Atlantic that lay below the pre-PETM calcite compensation depth shows a period of carbonate preservation beginning about 70,000 years after the onset of the PETM, providing the first direct evidence for an over-deepening of the calcite compensation depth. This record confirms an overshoot in ocean carbonate saturation during the PETM recovery. Simulations with two earth system models support scenarios for the PETM that involve both a large initial carbon release followed by prolonged low-level emissions, consistent with the timing of CCD deepening in our record. Our findings indicate that sequestration of these carbon emissions was most likely the result of both globally enhanced calcite burial above the calcite compensation depth and, at least in the North Atlantic, by a temporary over-deepening of the calcite compensation depth.
The Southern Ocean (SO) plays a key role in modulating atmospheric CO2 via physical and biological processes. However, over much of the SO, biological activity is iron-limited. New in situ data from the Antarctic zone south of Africa in a region centered at -20°E - 25°E reveal a previously overlooked region of high primary production, comparable in size to the northwest African upwelling region. Here, sea ice together with enclosed icebergs is channeled by prevailing winds to the eastern boundary of the Weddell Gyre, where a sharp transition to warmer waters causes melting. This cumulative melting provides a steady source of iron, fuelling an intense phytoplankton bloom that is not fully captured by monthly satellite production estimates. These findings imply that future changes in sea-ice cover and dynamics could have a significant effect on carbon sequestration in the SO.
In boreal bogs plant species are low in number, but they differ greatly in their growth forms and photosynthetic properties. We assessed how ecosystem carbon (C) sink dynamics were affected by seasonal variations in photosynthetic rate and leaf area of different species. Photosynthetic properties (light-response parameters), leaf area development and areal cover (abundance) of the species were used to quantify species-specific net and gross photosynthesis rates (PN and PG, respectively), which were summed to express ecosystem-level PN and PG. The ecosystem-level PG was compared with a gross primary production (GPP) estimate derived from eddy covariance measurements (EC). Species areal cover rather than differences in photosynthetic properties determined the species with the highest PG of both vascular plants and Sphagna. Species-specific contributions to the ecosystem PG varied over the growing season, which in turn determined the seasonal variation in ecosystem PG. The upscaled growing-season PG estimate, 230 g C/m**2, agreed well with the GPP estimated by the EC, 243 g C/m**2. Sphagna were superior to vascular plants in ecosystem-level PG throughout the growing season but had a lower PN. PN results indicated that areal cover of the species together with their differences in photosynthetic parameters shape the ecosystem-level C balance. Species with low areal cover but high photosynthetic efficiency appear to be potentially important for the ecosystem C sink. Results imply that functional diversity may increase the stability of C sink of boreal bogs.
Estuaries provide crucial ecosystem functions and contain significant socio-economic value. Within Washington State, estuaries supply rearing habitat for juvenile salmon during their transition period from freshwater to open sea. In order to properly manage wetland resources and restore salmon habitat, the mechanisms through which estuaries evolve and adapt to pressures from climate change, most notably eustatic sea level rise, must be understood. Estuaries maintain elevation relative to sea level rise through vertical accretion of sediment. This report investigates the processes that contribute to local surface elevation change in the Snohomish Estuary, conveys preliminary surface elevation change results from RTK GPS monitoring, and describes how surface elevation change will be monitored with a network of RSET-MH’s. Part of the tidal wetlands within the Snohomish River Estuary were converted for agricultural and industrial purposes in the 1800’s, which resulted in subsidence of organic soils and loss of habitat. The Tulalip Tribes, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission (NWIFC), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are conducting a large-scale restoration project to improve ecosystem health and restore juvenile salmon habitat. A study by Crooks et al. (2014) used 210Pb and carbon densities within sediment cores to estimate wetland re-building capacities, sediment accretion rates, and carbon sequestration potential within the Snohomish Estuary. This report uses the aforementioned study in combination with research on crustal movement, tidal patterns, sediment supply, and sea level rise predictions in the Puget Sound to project how surface elevation will change in the Snohomish Estuary with respect to sea level rise. Anthropogenic modification of the floodplain has reduced the quantity of vegetation and functional connectivity within the Snohomish Estuary. There have been losses up to 99% in vegetation coverage from historic extents within the estuary in both freshwater and mesohaline environments. Hydrographic monitoring conducted by NOAA and the Tulalip Tribe shows that 85% of the historic wetland area is not connected to the main stem of the Snohomish (Jason Hall 2014, unpublished data, NOAA). As vegetation colonization and functional connectivity of the floodplains of the Snohomish estuary is re-established through passive and active restoration, sediment transport and accretion is expected to increase. Under the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) “medium- probability” scenario sea level is projected to rise at a rate of 4.28 mm/year in the Puget Sound. Sea level rise in the Snohomish Estuary will be exacerbated from crustal deformation from subsidence and post-glacial rebound, which are measured to be -1.4 mm/year and -0.02 mm/year, respectively. Sediment accretion rates calculated by Crooks et al. (2014) and RTK GPS monitoring of surface elevation change of the Marysville Mitigation site from 2011-2014 measured vertical accretion rates that range from -48-19 mm/year and have high spatial variability. Sediment supply is estimated at 490 thousand tons/year, which may be an under-estimate because of the exclusion of tidal transport in this value. The higher rates of sediment accretion measured in the Snohomish Estuary suggest that the Snohomish will likely match or exceed the pace of sea level rise under “medium-probability” projections. The network of RSET-MH instruments will track surface elevation change within the estuary, and provide a more robust dataset on rates of surface elevation change to quantify how vertical accretion and subsidence are contributing to surface elevation change on a landscape scale.