Extraterrestrial 3He estimation across the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum at ODP Site 208-1266

Autoria(s): Murphy, Brandon; Farley, Kenneth A; Zachos, James C

MEDIAN LATITUDE: -28.542453 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: 2.343495 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: -28.542500 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 2.343480 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: -28.542310 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 2.343500 * DATE/TIME START: 2003-04-17T18:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 2003-04-21T04:45:00




In the deep-sea, the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) is often marked by clay-rich condensed intervals caused by dissolution of carbonate sediments, capped by a carbonate-rich interval. Constraining the duration of both the dissolution and subsequent cap-carbonate intervals is essential to computing marine carbon fluxes and thus testing hypotheses for the origin of this event. To this end, we provide new high-resolution helium isotope records spanning the Paleocene-Eocene boundary at ODP Site 1266 in the South Atlantic. The extraterrestrial 3He, 3HeET, concentrations replicate trends observed at ODP Site 690 by Farley and Eltgroth (2003, doi:10.1016/S0012-821X(03)00017-7). By assuming a constant flux of 3HeET we constrain relative changes in accumulation rates of sediment across the PETM and construct a new age model for the event. In this new chronology the zero carbonate layer represents 35 kyr, some of which reflects clay produced by dissolution of Paleocene (pre-PETM) sediments. Above this layer, carbonate concentrations increase for ~165 kyr and remain higher than in the latest Paleocene until 234 +48/-34 kyr above the base of the clay. The new chronology indicates that minimum d13C values persisted for a maximum of 134 +27/-19 kyr and the inflection point previously chosen to designate the end of the CIE recovery occurs at 217 +44/-31 kyr. This allocation of time differs from that of the cycle-based age model of Röhl et al. (2007, doi:10.1029/2007GC001784) in that it assigns more time to the clay layer followed by a more gradual recovery of carbonate-rich sedimentation. The new model also suggests a longer sustained d13C excursion followed by a more rapid recovery to pre-PETM d13C values. These differences have important implications for constraining the source(s) of carbon and mechanisms for its subsequent sequestration, favoring models that include a sustained release


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Supplement to: Murphy, Brandon; Farley, Kenneth A; Zachos, James C (2010): An extraterrestrial 3He-based timescale for the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum (PETM) from Walvis Ridge, IODP Site 1266. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 74(17), 5098-5108, doi:10.1016/j.gca.2010.03.039

Palavras-Chave #208-1266B; 208-1266C; 3He; 3He/4He; 3He extraterrestrial; error conservitivly based on sample reproducability, due to low abundence of IDPs and range of terrestrial endmember; 3He flux; Age, relative; Age rel; based on Roehl et al. 2007 age model; CaCO3; Calcium carbonate; Calculated; Comment; computed from GRAPE wet bulk density and the model of Herbert and Mayer 1991; d13C carb; DBD; delta 13C, carbonate; Density, dry bulk; Depth; DEPTH, sediment/rock; DRILL; Drilling/drill rig; estimates from 3He extraterrestrial; assumes an extraterrestrial 3He flux of 0.48 ± 0.08 pcc/cm2/kyr and the listed dry bulk density; estimates from 3He extraterrestrial; propagates uncertainty in 3He flux only; assumes uncertainty in 3He extraterrestrial fraction (due to terrestrial 3He/4He endmember ratio uncertainty) cancels; Fraction, non-carbonate; Helium-3; Helium-3/Helium-4; Helium-3 flux; Isotope ratio mass spectrometry; Joides Resolution; Label; Leg208; Mass spectrometer MAP215-50; maximum, sum of durations of each interval, with base of the clay layer (306.78 mcd) defined as zero, maximum use the LSR extrema in the previous columns; minimum, sum of durations of each interval, with base of the clay layer (306.78 mcd) defined as zero, minimum use the LSR extrema in the previous columns; NCF; Ocean Drilling Program; ODP; ODP sample designation; Roehl et al. 2007 age model; Sample code/label; Sedimentation rate; Sedimentation rate, standard deviation; Sed rate; Sed rate std dev; smoothed best; smoothed maximum; smoothed minimum; sum of durations of each interval, with base of the clay layer (306.78 mcd) defined as zero; Thickness; Thn; typical uncertainty on these values is < 10% (2 sigma); Walvis Ridge, Southeast Atlantic Ocean
