Biogeochemistry of the Eastern Weddell Gyre

Autoria(s): Geibert, Walter; Assmy, Philipp; Bakker, Dorothee C E; Hanfland, Claudia; Hoppema, Mario; Pichevin, Laetitia E; Schröder, Michael; Schwarz, Jill Nicola; Stimac, Ingrid; Usbeck, Regina; Webb, Adrian

MEDIAN LATITUDE: -58.318302 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: 13.626925 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: -69.889000 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -0.112300 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: -35.963800 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 25.233800 * DATE/TIME START: 2002-11-26T06:08:00 * DATE/TIME END: 2003-01-21T15:02:00




The Southern Ocean (SO) plays a key role in modulating atmospheric CO2 via physical and biological processes. However, over much of the SO, biological activity is iron-limited. New in situ data from the Antarctic zone south of Africa in a region centered at -20°E - 25°E reveal a previously overlooked region of high primary production, comparable in size to the northwest African upwelling region. Here, sea ice together with enclosed icebergs is channeled by prevailing winds to the eastern boundary of the Weddell Gyre, where a sharp transition to warmer waters causes melting. This cumulative melting provides a steady source of iron, fuelling an intense phytoplankton bloom that is not fully captured by monthly satellite production estimates. These findings imply that future changes in sea-ice cover and dynamics could have a significant effect on carbon sequestration in the SO.


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Supplement to: Geibert, Walter; Assmy, Philipp; Bakker, Dorothee C E; Hanfland, Claudia; Hoppema, Mario; Pichevin, Laetitia E; Schröder, Michael; Schwarz, Jill Nicola; Stimac, Ingrid; Usbeck, Regina; Webb, Adrian (2010): High productivity in an ice melting hot spot at the eastern boundary of the Weddell Gyre. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 24, GB3007, doi:10.1029/2009GB003657

Palavras-Chave #(234Th/238U); 234Th frac diss; 234Th frac part; 234Th tot; 238U calculated from salinity; 5 m average; A. hookeri; A. hyalinus; Abundance estimate; ANT-XX/2; Asteromphalus hookeri; Asteromphalus hyalinus; bSiO2 wf; C/N; C. aequatorialis; C. atlanticus; C. bulbosus; C. castracanei; C. closterium; C. convolutus; C. criophilum; C. criophilus; C. debilis; C. dichaeta; C. pennatum; Calculated; calculated from calibrated Chl a [µg/l] with a regression from large-volume particulate samples (Chl a vs. Corg); Calculated from conductivity; calibrated with discrete HPLC pigment measurements; Carbon, organic, particulate; Carbon, organic, total; Carbon, total particulate; Carbon, total particulate, salt corrected; Carbon/Nitrogen ratio; Carbon dioxide; Chaetoceros aequatorialis; Chaetoceros atlanticus; Chaetoceros bulbosus; Chaetoceros castracanei; Chaetoceros convolutus; Chaetoceros criophilum; Chaetoceros criophilus; Chaetoceros debilis; Chaetoceros dichaeta; Chl a; Chlorophyll a; Chlorophyll total; Chl tot; Ciliates, heterotrophic, naked; Ciliates het naked; CO2; Computed; Corethron pennatum; Coulometry; Counting; CTD; CTD/Rosette; CTD-RO; Cylindrotheca closterium; D. antarcticus; D. speculum; Dactyliosolen antarcticus; DEPTH, water; Depth water; DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm 1158 - Antarktisforschung; DFG-SPP1158; Diatom pen indet; Diatoms, pennales indeterminata; Dictyocha speculum; Dinoflagellates, naked; Dinoflagellates, thecate; Dinofl naked; Dinofl thecate; Element analyser CHN; Event; F. curta; F. cylindrus; F. kerguelensis; F. obliquecostata; F. rhombica; F. ritscheri; Fe; Fe/C; Fecal pel; Fecal pellets; Fluorescence; Fluorescence; 5 m average; Fluorometer, in-situ; Fluorometer, Seapoint; Fragilariopsis curta; Fragilariopsis cylindrus; Fragilariopsis kerguelensis; Fragilariopsis obliquecostata; Fragilariopsis rhombica; Fragilariopsis ritscheri; Fragilariopsis spp.; G. cylindrus; Guinardia cylindrus; H. trompii; Haslea trompii; ice algae; ICP-OES, Inductively coupled plasma - optical emission spectrometry; including Fragilariopsis seperanda; Indian Ocean; Iron; Iron/Carbon ratio; Lazarev Sea; M. imposter; Membraneis imposter; MIC; MiniCorer; MUC; MULT; MultiCorer; Multiple investigations; NITRAT; Nitrate; Nitrate and Nitrite; NITRIT; Nitrite; Nitrogen, total particulate; Nitrogen, total particulate, salt corrected; NO3+NO2; Non-destructive beta-counting (Rutgers van der Loeff & Moore, 1999); Opal, auto analysis (Müller & Schneider, 1993); Opal, biogenic silica, water free; Oxygen; OXYGEN; Oxygen, Winkler (Culberson, 1991, WOCE Report 68/91); P. alata; P. inermis; P. truncata; Part conc; Particle concentration; Pleurosigma sp.; P-n heimii; P-n lineola; P-n turgiduloides; POC; Polarstern; Precision: +/- 1.8 µmol/kg; Proboscia alata; Proboscia inermis; Proboscia truncata; Prorocentrum spp.; Protoperidinium spp., heterotrophic; Protoperidinium spp. het; PS63/021-1; PS63/022-2; PS63/023-1; PS63/024-1; PS63/025-1; PS63/026-2; PS63/027-1; PS63/028-1; PS63/029-1; PS63/030-5; PS63/031-1; PS63/032-1; PS63/033-4; PS63/034-1; PS63/035-1; PS63/036-2; PS63/037-3; PS63/038-3; PS63/039-1; PS63/040-1; PS63/041-3; PS63/042-3; PS63/043-1; PS63/044-1; PS63/046-1; PS63/047-1; PS63/048-1; PS63/049-1; PS63/050-1; PS63/052-1; PS63/053-1; PS63/054-4; PS63/054-5; PS63/055-3; PS63/056-1; PS63/057-1; PS63/058-1; PS63/059-1; PS63/060-1; PS63/061-4; PS63/062-4; PS63/063-1; PS63/064-2; PS63/064-6; PS63/065-1; PS63/070-1; PS63/071-1; PS63/072-1; PS63/073-1; PS63/075-1; PS63/076-3; PS63/077-1; PS63/078-1; PS63/079-3; PS63/080-1; PS63/081-2; PS63/082-1; PS63/083-1; PS63/083-2; PS63/085-1; PS63/086-1; PS63/087-1; PS63/088-1; PS63/089-1; PS63/090-1; PS63/091-1; PS63/092-1; PS63/093-1; PS63/094-1; PS63/095-1; PS63/095-3; PS63/100-1; PS63/101-1; PS63/104-1; PS63/107-2; PS63/112-4; PS63/116-1; PS63/119-1; PS63/120-2; PS63/121-2; PS63/122-1; PS63/123-2; PS63/124-1; PS63/125-1; PS63/126-1; PS63/127-1; PS63/128-1; PS63/130-1; PS63/131-1; PS63/133-1; PS63/134-1; PS63/135-1; PS63/137-1; PS63/138-1; PS63/139-2; PS63/140-1; PS63/141-1; PS63/142-1; PS63/143-1; PS63/143-2; PS63/144-1; PS63/145-1; PS63/146-1; PS63/147-1; PS63/148-1; PS63/149-1; PS63/150-1; PS63/152-1; PS63/182-2; PS63/197-1; PS63/216-2; PS63 06AQ200211_2; Pseudo-nitzschia heimii; Pseudo-nitzschia lineola; Pseudo-nitzschia turgiduloides; PSiO2 salt corr; PSU; 5 m average; R. chunii; Rhizosolenia chunii; Rhizosolenia spp.; Riiser-Larsen Sea; Sal; Salinity; Salt; Salt content; Sample mass; Sample volume; Samp m; Samp vol; SBE19 self recording CTD; Seawater analysis after Grasshoff et al., 1983 (Verlag Chemie GmbH Weinheim); SILCAT; Silica, particulate, salt corrected; Silicate; South Atlantic Ocean; Sulfur, total particulate; T. antarctica; T. gracilis; T. lentiginosa; T. oliverana; Temp; Temperature, water; Thalassiosira gracilis; Thalassiosira lentiginosa; Thalassiosira oliverana; Thalassiosira spp.; Thalassiothrix antarctica; Thorium 234, fraction of dissolved; Thorium 234, fraction of particulate; Thorium 234, total; Thorium 234/Uranium 238 activity ratio; Tintinnids, heterotrophic; Tintinnids het; TOC; TPC; TPC salt corr; TPN; TPN salt corr; TPS; Weddell Sea
