992 resultados para 7136-132


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Patients with metastatic melanoma or multiple myeloma have a dismal prognosis because these aggressive malignancies resist conventional treatment. A promising new oncologic approach uses molecularly targeted therapeutics that overcomes apoptotic resistance and, at the same time, achieves tumor selectivity. The unexpected selectivity of proteasome inhibition for inducing apoptosis in cancer cells, but not in normal cells, prompted us to define the mechanism of action for this class of drugs, including Food and Drug Administration-approved bortezomib. In this report, five melanoma cell lines and a myeloma cell line are treated with three different proteasome inhibitors (MG-132, lactacystin, and bortezomib), and the mechanism underlying the apoptotic pathway is defined. Following exposure to proteasome inhibitors, effective killing of human melanoma and myeloma cells, but not of normal proliferating melanocytes, was shown to involve p53-independent induction of the BH3-only protein NOXA. Induction of NOXA at the protein level was preceded by enhanced transcription of NOXA mRNA. Engagement of mitochondrial-based apoptotic pathway involved release of cytochrome c, second mitochondria-derived activator of caspases, and apoptosis-inducing factor, accompanied by a proteolytic cascade with processing of caspases 9, 3, and 8 and poly(ADP)-ribose polymerase. Blocking NOXA induction using an antisense (but not control) oligonucleotide reduced the apoptotic response by 30% to 50%, indicating a NOXA-dependent component in the overall killing of melanoma cells. These results provide a novel mechanism for overcoming the apoptotic resistance of tumor cells, and validate agents triggering NOXA induction as potential selective cancer therapeutics for life-threatening malignancies such as melanoma and multiple myeloma.


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We report on the use of the hydrogen bond accepting properties of neutral nitrone moieties to prepare benzylic-amide-macrocycle-containing [2]rotaxanes in yields as high as 70 %. X-Ray crystallography shows the presence of up to four intercomponent hydrogen bonds between the amide groups of the macrocycle and the two nitrone groups of the thread. Dynamic 1H NMR studies of the rates of macrocycle pirouetting in nonpolar solutions indicate that amide-nitrone hydrogen bonds are particularly strong, ~1.3 and ~0.2 kcal mol-1 stronger than similar amide-ester and amide-amide interactions, respectively. In addition to polarizing the N-O bond through hydrogen bonding, the rotaxane structure affects the chemistry of the nitrone groups in two significant ways: The intercomponent hydrogen bonding activates the nitrone groups to electrochemical reduction, a one electron reduction of the rotaxane being stablized by a remarkable 400 mV (8.1 kcal mol-1) with respect to the same process in the thread; encapsulation, however, protects the same functional groups from chemical reduction with an external reagent (and slows down electron transfer to and from the electroactive groups in cyclicvoltammetry experiments). Mechanical interlocking with a hydrogen bonding molecular sheath thus provides a route to an encapsulated polarized functional group and radical anions of significant kinetic and thermodynamic stability.


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Aspects of the molecular structure of the mineral dorfmanite Na2(PO3OH)•2H2O were determined by Raman spectroscopy. The mineral originated from the Kedykverpakhk Mt., Lovozero, Kola Peninsula, Russia. Raman bands are assigned to the hydrogen phosphate units. The intense Raman band at 949 cm-1 and the less intense band at 866 cm-1 are assigned to the PO3 and POH stretching vibrations. Bands at 991, 1066 and 1141 cm-1 are assigned to the ν3 antisymmetric stretching modes. Raman bands at 393, 413 and 448 cm-1 and 514, 541 and 570 cm-1 are attributed to the ν2 and ν4 bending modes of the HPO4 units, respectively. Raman bands at 3373, 3443 and 3492 cm-1 are assigned to water stretching vibrations. POH stretching vibrations are identified by bands at 2904, 3080 and 3134 cm-1. Raman spectroscopy has proven very useful for the study of the structure of the mineral dorfmanite.


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From one view of composition—let us call it the inspired or “Mozartian” view—musical compositions arrive fully formed in the mind of the composer and simply require transcription. In reality, however, it seems that very few people are so inspired, and composition is often more akin to a gradual clarification and refinement of partially formed ideas on the musical landscape. Particular landmarks in the compositional landscape tend to become clear before others, such that the incomplete piece is a patchwork of disconnected musical islands. An interactive evolutionary morphing system may provide some assistance for composers, to help build bridges between musical islands by generating hybrid musical transitions.


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The chapter approaches resilience from an evolutionary psychology perspective. In recent years scientific studies have revealed many of the biological processes associated with resilient behaviour. The authors argue that the internal constitution and mental toughness of the individual will provide a core protection for life's inevitable tests. A nurtured developing brain 'in-utero' and a physically close dyadic relationship in the early years of life, are crucial to the provision of a resilient personality. Many descriptors of the construct of resilience presented in various studies are explored in this chapter.


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The majority of the world’s population now lives in cities (United Nations, 2008) resulting in an urban densification requiring people to live in closer proximity and share urban infrastructure such as streets, public transport, and parks within cities. However, “physical closeness does not mean social closeness” (Wellman, 2001, p. 234). Whereas it is a common practice to greet and chat with people you cross paths with in smaller villages, urban life is mainly anonymous and does not automatically come with a sense of community per se. Wellman (2001, p. 228) defines community “as networks of interpersonal ties that provide sociability, support, information, a sense of belonging and social identity.” While on the move or during leisure time, urban dwellers use their interactive information communication technology (ICT) devices to connect to their spatially distributed community while in an anonymous space. Putnam (1995) argues that available technology privatises and individualises the leisure time of urban dwellers. Furthermore, ICT is sometimes used to build a “cocoon” while in public to avoid direct contact with collocated people (Mainwaring et al., 2005; Bassoli et al., 2007; Crawford, 2008). Instead of using ICT devices to seclude oneself from the surrounding urban environment and the collocated people within, such devices could also be utilised to engage urban dwellers more with the urban environment and the urban dwellers within. Urban sociologists found that “what attracts people most, it would appear, is other people” (Whyte, 1980, p. 19) and “people and human activity are the greatest object of attention and interest” (Gehl, 1987, p. 31). On the other hand, sociologist Erving Goffman describes the concept of civil inattention, acknowledging strangers’ presence while in public but not interacting with them (Goffman, 1966). With this in mind, it appears that there is a contradiction between how people are using ICT in urban public places and for what reasons and how people use public urban places and how they behave and react to other collocated people. On the other hand there is an opportunity to employ ICT to create and influence experiences of people collocated in public urban places. The widespread use of location aware mobile devices equipped with Internet access is creating networked localities, a digital layer of geo-coded information on top of the physical world (Gordon & de Souza e Silva, 2011). Foursquare.com is an example of a location based 118 Mobile Multimedia – User and Technology Perspectives social network (LBSN) that enables urban dwellers to virtually check-in into places at which they are physically present in an urban space. Users compete over ‘mayorships’ of places with Foursquare friends as well as strangers and can share recommendations about the space. The research field of Urban Informatics is interested in these kinds of digital urban multimedia augmentations and how such augmentations, mediated through technology, can create or influence the UX of public urban places. “Urban informatics is the study, design, and practice of urban experiences across different urban contexts that are created by new opportunities of real-time, ubiquitous technology and the augmentation that mediates the physical and digital layers of people networks and urban infrastructures” (Foth et al., 2011, p. 4). One possibility to augment the urban space is to enable citizens to digitally interact with spaces and urban dwellers collocated in the past, present, and future. “Adding digital layer to the existing physical and social layers could facilitate new forms of interaction that reshape urban life” (Kjeldskov & Paay, 2006, p. 60). This methodological chapter investigates how the design of UX through such digital placebased mobile multimedia augmentations can be guided and evaluated. First, we describe three different applications that aim to create and influence the urban UX through mobile mediated interactions. Based on a review of literature, we describe how our integrated framework for designing and evaluating urban informatics experiences has been constructed. We conclude the chapter with a reflective discussion on the proposed framework.


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The current transfer pricing rules contained in Australia’s taxation regime are designed to counter the underpayment of tax by businesses engaged in international related-party dealings. Currently, these transactions must take place at an arm’s length price, a requirement which is becoming increasingly difficult to demonstrate. This results in an increased risk of an audit by the Australian Taxation Office. If a taxpayer wishes to avoid the risk of an audit, and any ensuing penalties, there is one option: an advance pricing arrangement (‘APA’). An APA is an agreement whereby the future transfer pricing methodology to be used to determine the arm’s length price is agreed to by the taxpayer and the relevant tax authority or authorities. This article investigates the use of APAs as a solution to the problem of transfer pricing and considers their impact on stakeholders. It is argued that while APAs provide a valuable practical tool for multinational entities facing the challenges of the taxation of global trading under the current regime, they may not be a practical long term solution.


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In 1995, the Federal Commissioner of Taxation released Taxation Ruling TR 95/35 in an attempt to comprehensively address the appropriate capital gains tax treatment of a receipt of compensation, awarded either by the courts or via a settlement. The ruling was in response to the numerous, somewhat contradictory, court decisions of the early 1990s. Despite the release of TR 95/35, there still appears to be a lack of consensus as to the appropriate treatment of such awards. It has been suggested that the only way a taxpayer can, with any certainty, determine their liability is to obtain a private binding ruling, a far from satisfactory situation. In an attempt to clarify what the capital gains tax consequences of a compensation receipt should be, this article examines the Australian position and explores the comparative jurisprudence of the United Kingdom and Canada to ascertain whether the Australian attitude is consistent with these international jurisdictions. This article concludes that while the jurisdictions, through differing approaches, achieve a similar result, there is still a need to address the uncertainties that remain.


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This is an analytical report of a qualitative study of fear of crime in six Australian expatriates living in Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) Vietnam. Addressing the primary question of what changes, or impacts upon, fear of crime in Australian expatriates in HCMC Vietnam, the research paid particular attention to studying the differences in fear of crime when respondents became expatriates, and the impact of incivilities and access to media. Each of the respondents indicated that they felt safer in Vietnam than in Australia. An analysis of the respondents’ responses indicates that this feeling of safety did not occur on arrival but after a short period of adjustment. The findings of this research support the existing theories on fear of crime and highlight the importance of context in predicting the impact of such factors as media and incivilities. The study has practical applications for both private and public sector organisations seeking to deploy staff to HCMC and adds to the current significant body of fear of crime research by specifically examining the issue of fear of crime amongst expatriates.


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Abstract The 26S proteasome complex plays a major role in the non-lysosomal degradation of intracellular proteins. Purified 26S proteasomes give a pattern of more than 40 spots on 2DPAGE gels. The positions of subunits have been identified by mass spectrometry of tryptic peptides and by immunoblotting with subunit-specific antipeptide antibodies. Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of proteasomes immunoprecipitated from [32P]phosphate-labelled human embryo lung L-132 cells revealed the presence of at least three major phosphorylated polypeptides among the regulatory subunits as well as the C8 and C9 components of the core 20S proteasome. Comparison with the positions of the regulatory polypeptides revealed a minor phosphorylated form to be S7 (MSS1). Antibodies against S4, S6 (TBP7) and S12 (MOV34) all cross-reacted at the position of major phosphorylated polypeptides suggesting that several of the ATPase subunits may be phosphorylated. The phosphorylation of S4 was confirmed by double immunoprecipitation experiments in which 26S oteasomes were immunoprecipitated as above and dissociated and Antibodies against the non-ATPase subunit S10, which has been suggested by others to be phosphorylated, did not coincide with the position of a phosphorylated polypeptide. Some differences were observed in the 2D-PAGE pattern of proteasomes immunoprecipitated from cultured cells compared to purified rat liver 26S proteasomes suggesting possible differences in subunit compositions of 26S proteasomes.