931 resultados para residual oil
The microencapsulation of palm oil may be a mechanism for protecting and promoting the controlled release of its bioactive compounds. To optimize the microencapsulation process, it is necessary to accurately quantify the palm oil present both external and internal to the microcapsules. In this study, we developed and validated a spectrophotometric method to determine the microencapsulation efficiency of palm oil by complex coacervation. We used gelatin and gum arabic (1:1) as wall material in a 5% concentration (w/v) and palm oil in the same concentration. The coacervates were obtained at pH 4.0 ± 0.01, decanted for 24 h, frozen (−40 ºC), and lyophilized for 72 h. Morphological analyzes were then performed. We standardized the extraction of the external palm oil through five successive washes with an organic solvent. We then explored the best method for rupturing the microcapsules. After successive extractions with hexane, we determined the amount of palm oil contained in the microcapsules using a spectrophotometer. The proposed method was shown to be of low cost, fast, and easy to implement. In addition, in the validation step, we confirmed the method to be safe and reliable, as it proved to be specific, accurate, precise, and robust.
The essential oil extracted from mustard (Brassica rapa) seeds was evaluated for its effect on suppression of Rhizoctonia solani growth in vitro, and in field soils, for reducing saprophytic substrate colonization and seedling damping off and blight using snap beans as indicator plant, the in vitro growth was completely inhibited at a concentration of 50 mul/l. The saprophytic substrate colonization in soils 24 h after treatment was drastically reduced to 45% at 150 mul/kg soil concentration, in contrast to 100% colonization at concentrations of 0, 50, or 75 mul/kg. This recovery rate gradually declined to 6% and 60%, respectively, in nine days. A control of pre and post-emergence seedling damping off and blight in common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris), without any apparent phytotoxic effect was achieved by irrigating R. solani infested soils with water containing the emulsified essential oil to provide 150 mul/l soil volume ten days prior to planting, gave over 95%. The effect of the mustard essential oil was not influenced by the physical soil texture, and it appears to be a good substitute for methyl bromide fumigation in nurseries for seedling production.
The study was done to identify the most active fungitoxic component of cinnamon bark (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) oil that can be used as a marker for standardization of cinnamon extract or oil based natural preservative of stored seeds. Aspergillus flavus and A. ruber were used as test fungi. The hexane extracted crude oil and the hydro-distilled essential oil from cinnamon bark had complete growth inhibition concentration (CGIC) of 300 and 100 µl/l, respectively. Both oils produced three fractions on preparative thin layer silica-gel chromatography plates. The fraction-2 of either oil was the largest and most active, with CGIC of 200 µl/l, but the fungitoxicity was also retained in the other two fractions. The fraction-1 and 3 of the crude oil reduced growth of both the fungal species by 65%, and those of distilled oil by 45% at 200 µl/l. The CGIC of these fractions from both the sources was above 500 µl/l. The gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC-MS) of the fraction-2 of the hexane extract revealed that it contained 61% cinnamaldehyde, 29% cinnamic acid, and two minor unidentified compounds in the proportion of 4% and 6%. The GC-MS of the fraction-2 of the distilled oil revealed that it contained 99.1% cinnamaldehyde and 0.9% of an unidentified compound. The CGIC of synthetic cinnamaldehyde was 300 µl/l and that of cinnamic acid above 500 µl/l. The 1:1 mixture of cinnamaldehyde and cinnamic acid had CGIC of 500 µl/l. The data revealed that cinnamaldehyde was the major fungitoxic component of hexane extract and the distilled essential oil of cinnamon bark, while other components have additive or synergistic effects on total fungitoxicity. It is suggested that the natural seed preservative based on cinnamon oil can be standardized against cinnamaldehyde.
No presente trabalho, o autor trata da formação de campo petrolífero que se teria formado às expensas de organismos planctónicos, misturados com areia das dunas, material esse que teria sido transportado pelo vento. Refere-se, assim, o autor, ao campo petrolífero de "Wilmington", situado na Ilha Terminal, ao sul de Los Angeles, California. Esse campo, que já fora descrito, em 1943, por GILLULY & GRANT, faz parte do Mioceno e do Plioceno inferior, achando-se separado dos schistos Jurássicos metamórficos, por uma discordância localizada a 6.000 pés de profundidade. O conjunto das camadas petrolíferas alcança espessura de 1 .500 pés, sendo cada uma delas separada das outras por estratos do "siltstone" (siltito). O tamanho dos grãos, nos dois tipos de rochas, é o de depósitos eólicos, mas, ao contrário do que acontece em depósitos sub-aéreos, esses grãos são angulosos ou sub-angulosos. De acordo com MCNAUGHTON , esses depósitos se teriam formado em profundidade crescente, de 200 a 5.000 pés; esse fato, relacionado com as dimensões dos grãos, leva a crer que o material tenha sido transportado pelo vento. A sedimentação deu-se longe da costa, de maneira muito lenta, provavelmente em consequência de tempestades de excepcional intensidade. O petróleo teria sido produzido por organismos planctónicos que se teriam misturado com areia das dunas, sendo a velocidade da sedimentação desta, muito menor. Os cálculos indicam que foram armazenados somente 23% dos hidrocarbonetos que caíram sobre a areia de sedimentação, sob a forma de organismos mortos. M. V.
Maranhão state in Brazil presents a big potential for the cultivation of several oleaginous species, such as babassu, soybean, castor oil plant, etc... These vegetable oils can be transformed into biodiesel by the transesterification reaction in an alkaline medium, using methanol or ethanol. The biodiesel production from a blend of these alcohols is a way of adding the technical and economical advantages of methanol to the environmental advantages of ethanol. The optimized alcohol blend was observed to be a methanol/ethanol volume ratio of 80 % MeOH: 20 % EtOH. The ester content was of 98.70 %, a value higher than the target of the ANP, 96.5 % (m/m), and the biodiesel mass yield was of 95.32 %. This biodiesel fulfills the specifications of moisture, specific gravity, kinematic viscosity and percentages of free alcohols (methanol plus ethanol) and free glycerin.
Palm oil is one of the two most important vegetable oils in the world's oil and fats market. The extraction and purification processes generate different kinds of waste generally known as palm oil mill effluent (POME). Earlier studies had indicated the possibility of using boiler fly ash to adsorb impurities and colour in POME treatment. The adsorption treatment of POME using boiler fly ash was further investigated in detail in this work with regards to the reduction of BOD, colour and TSS from palm oil mill effluent. The amount of BOD, colour and TSS adsorbed increased as the weight of the boiler fly ash used was increased. Also, the smaller particle size of 425µm adsorbed more than the 850µm size. Attempts were made to fit the experimental data with the Freundlich, Langmuir and Dubinin-Radushkevich isotherms. The R² values, which ranged from 0.8974-0.9898, 0.8848-0.9824 and 0.6235-0.9101 for Freundlich, Langmuir and Dubinin-Radushkevich isotherms respectively, showed that Freundlich isotherm gave a better fit followed by Langmuir and then Dubinin-Radushkevich isotherm. The sorption trend could be put as BOD > Colour > TSS. The apparent energy of adsorption was found to be 1.25, 0.58 and 0.97 (KJ/mol) for BOD, colour and TSS respectively, showing that sorption process occurs by physiosorption. Therefore, boiler fly ash is capable of reducing BOD, Colour and TSS from POME and hence could be used to develop a good adsorbent for POME treatment.
Sea buckthorn (Hippophaë) berries are ingredients of the Chinese traditional medicine. In addition to China, they are nowadays cultivated for food in several European countries, Russia, Canada, the USA, and Japan. Sea buckthorn berries are a rich source of flavonoids, mainly flavonol glycosides and proanthocyanidins. Depending on the genetic background, growth conditions, and ripeness of the berries, vitamin C concentrations up to over 1 g/100 ml juice, have been reported. Sea buckthorn berries contain inositols and methyl inositols, components of messenger molecules in humans. Sea buckthorn seed oil is rich in essential aplha-linolenic and linoleic acids, whereas the most abundant fatty acids in the berry oil are palmitoleic, palmitic and oleic acids. Other potentially beneficial lipophilic compounds of sea buckthorn seeds and berries include carotenoids, phytosterols, tocopherols and tocotrienols. The effects of sea buckthorn fractions on inflammation, platelet aggregation, oxidation injuries, the liver, skin and mucosa, among others, have been reported. The aim of the thesis work was to investigate the health effects of sea buckthorn berries and oil in humans. The physiological effects of sea buckthorn berries, berry components, and oil have mostly been studied in vitro and in animal models, leaving a demand for more clinical trials. In the first randomized, placebo-controlled trial of this thesis healthy adults consumed 28 g/day of sea buckthorn berries for three months. The main objective was to investigate the effects on the common cold. In addition, effects on other infections, inflammation and circulating lipid markers associated with cardiovascular disease risk were studied. In the second randomized, placebocontrolled trial participants reporting dry eye symptoms consumed 2 g/day of sea buckthorn oil from the seeds and berries for three months. The effects on symptoms and clinical signs of dry eye were monitored. In addition, the effects on circulating markers of inflammation and liver functions were analyzed. Sea buckthorn berries did not affect the common cold or other infections in healthy adults. However, a decrease in serum C-reactive protein was detected, indicating effects on inflammation. Fasting concentrations of serum flavonols, typical to sea buckthorn berry, increased without affecting the circulating total, HDL, LDL cholesterol, or triacylglycerol concentrations. Tear film hyperosmolarity and activation of inflammation at the ocular surface are among the core mechanisms of dry eye. Combined sea buckthorn berry and seed oil attenuated the rise in tear film osmolarity taking place during the cold season. It also positively affected some of the dry eye symptoms. Based on the tear film fatty acid analysis, the effects were not mediated through direct incorporation of sea buckthorn oil fatty acids to tear film lipids. It is likely that the fatty acids, carotenoids, tocopherols and tocotrienols of sea buckthorn oil affected the inflammation of the ocular surface, lacrimal and/or meibomian glands. The effects on the differentiation of meibomian gland cells are also possible. Sea buckthorn oil did not affect the serum concentrations of inflammation markers or liver enzymes investigated. In conclusion, this thesis work suggests positive effects of sea buckthorn berries and oil on inflammation and dry eye, respectively, in humans.
There are reasons of necessity in bio-fuel use and bio-energy fast development. It includes the material about bio-energy technologies, applications and methods. There are basic thermodynamics and economic theories. The economic calculation presents the comparison between two combinations. There are boiler plant below 20 MW in combination with ablative pyrolysis plant for bio-oil production and CHP plant below 100 MW in combination with the RTP pyrolysis bio-oil production technology. It provides a material about wood chips and bio-oil characteristics and explains it nature, presents the situation around the bio-fuel market or bio-fuel trade. There is a description of pyrolysis technologies such as ablative and RTP. The liquid product of the pyrolysis processes is bio-oil. The bio-oil could be different even of the same production process, because of the raw material nature and characteristics. The calculation shows advantages and weaknesses of combinations and obtained a proof of suppositions. The next thing, proven by this work is the fact that to get more efficiency from energy project it is good possibility to built plants in combinations.
Neste estudo foram avaliados os efeitos do conteúdo e da natureza da lignina residual na eficiência e na seletividade do branqueamento com ozônio de polpa kraft convencional (kraft) e pré-deslignificada com oxigênio (kraft-O). Constatou-se que a eficiência do branqueamento com ozônio se eleva com o aumento do conteúdo de lignina residual da polpa. O tratamento com ozônio é mais seletivo para polpas kraft-O, mas para um mesmo tipo de polpa a seletividade de branqueamento com ozônio se eleva com o aumento de lignina residual. A eficiência do branqueamento com ozônio aumenta com o teor de lignina fenólica na polpa, entretanto a seletividade é negativamente afetada pela presença destas estruturas.
O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da idade e da classe diamétrica nos níveis das tensões de crescimento longitudinal em árvores de Eucalyptus dunnii oriundas de plantio comercial. O material avaliado foi procedente da Empresa Procopiak Compensados e Embalagens S.A., localizada no município de Canoinhas, Santa Catarina. Os níveis de tensão de crescimento foram mensurados indiretamente pelo método do "CIRAD-Forêt". Os resultados indicaram que os níveis da deformação residual longitudinal (DRL) apresentaram tendência de aumento linear com a idade. O efeito da classe diamétrica evidenciou correlação negativa com a DRL aos 8 e 13 anos de idade.
Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar o comportamento mecânico da mistura de um solo residual jovem de textura predominantemente arenosa reforçado com fibras de polipropileno, com vistas à aplicação em estradas florestais. Como ponto de partida, determinou-se, mediante os resultados de ensaios de compressão não-confinada, realizados em corpos-de-prova compactados na energia do ensaio Proctor Normal, que o quantitativo de 0,75% de fibras com 20 mm de comprimento foi a combinação responsável pelo maior ganho de resistência. Com a mistura solo-fibra composta por essa combinação, foram realizados ensaios triaxiais do tipo CID/Sat em corpos-de-prova compactados na energia anteriormente referida. Através desta pesquisa, foi possível avaliar: (i) a influência da variação da umidade nos parâmetros de resistência mecânica do solo e das misturas solo-fibra e (ii) a influência das fibras nos parâmetros de resistência ao cisalhamento do solo em estudo. Analisando os resultados, pôde-se concluir que o uso de fibras de polipropileno promoveu um ganho da ordem de 110% na resistência à compressão não-confinada e de 560% na coesão de intercepto do solo estudado.
RESUMOA madeira de acácia-negra tem sido utilizada em nichos que conferem pouco valor agregado à esse material. Diante disso, este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar as deformações residuais longitudinais (DRL) e suas relações com propriedades da madeira de Acacia mearnsii. Para tanto, foram selecionadas 60 árvores em plantios com idades distintas (4 e 7 anos) no Município de Piratini, RS. As características de crescimento avaliadas consistiram em diâmetro à altura do peito (1,3 m; DAP), espessura de casca (EP) e altura comercial (h). As propriedades físicas avaliadas massa específica básica (ρ) e teorde umidade à base seca (Tu). Já o tempo de propagação de onda ultrassonora foi determinado em conformidade com o procedimento NBR 15521. As propriedades mecânicas foram o módulo de elasticidade dinâmico (Ed), bem como as propriedades descritas no procedimento normativo D143-94, através dos ensaios de flexão estática, compressão paralela às fibras e Dureza Janka. ADRLesuas relações com as propriedades da madeira mostraram-se semelhantes aos resultados encontrados na literatura para a madeira de espécies do gênero Eucalyptus. No entanto, em magnitude, tais níveis se mostraram sensivelmente menores, conferindo à madeira de acácia-negra no que se refere a esse parâmetro de qualidade, indicação para a confecção de produtos sólidos.
O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos residuais, por quatro anos seguidos, de diferentes tipos de resíduos, aplicados de formas e em doses distintas, sobre a qualidade tecnológica da cana-de-açúcar de quinto corte (cultivar SP 81-3250). Os tratamentos testados são combinações de dois tipos de resíduos (lodo de esgoto; vinhaça; lodo de esgoto + vinhaça) com dois modos de aplicação (ao lado da linha de cultivo e em área total) e com duas doses (100 e 200%), e um tratamento-testemunha. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, com três repetições, totalizando 39 parcelas. As variáveis analisadas foram: percentagem de sólidos solúveis no caldo extraído (Brix % C.E.), percentagem aparente de sacarose no caldo extraído (Pol % C.E.), percentagem da fibra na cana (Fibra % cana), pureza (%), percentagem aparente de sacarose na cana (Pol % cana), percentagem de açúcares redutores na cana (AR % cana), percentagem de açúcares redutores totais na cana (ART % cana) e açúcares totais recuperáveis (ATR). Os fatores de variação testados (tipo de resíduo, modo de aplicação e doses) não promoveram alterações na qualidade e não comprometeram a valorização da cana-de-açúcar.
A casca de arroz, utilizada como fonte de energia em indústrias de beneficiamento de arroz, converte-se, depois da queima, em uma cinza residual. Esse resíduo, ainda sem um destino adequado, é muitas vezes depositado em grandes áreas abertas e provoca elevado impacto ambiental. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a viabilidade de utilização da cinza de casca de arroz (CCA) residual na produção de argamassas, como substituta parcial do cimento. A caracterização da CCA foi realizada por meio da análise de fluorescência de raios-X (composição química), análise do teor de carbono e difração de raios-X; também foi realizada análise granulométrica a laser. Os corpos de prova foram submetidos a dois tipos de exposição: ambientes externo e interno, com duração máxima de cinco meses. Foram realizados os ensaios de resistência à compressão simples e não destrutivo (velocidade do pulso ultrassônico - VPU). Embora as argamassas tenham apresentado bom desempenho mecânico, os ensaios de pozolanicidade indicaram que a cinza de casca de arroz residual utilizada não é uma pozolana, mas pode ser utilizada em matrizes cimentícias como material inerte (filler).
The energy balance for the production of sunflower oil and cake was carried out during the agricultural and industrial stage phase, where it was considered a cold extraction by hydraulic pressing, with the plant location in a rural area with a radius of 30km range. Data on productivity was used in two varieties of sunflower (Helio 358 and Aguará 04) grown in different seasons (2007/2008, 2008/2009), under different irrigation levels. Data showed that irrigation resulted in an increase in productivity of both varieties, and the best response was observed for Aguará 04 variety. Moreover, the increased intensity of irrigation negatively affected the energy balance, reducing the ratio between energy produced and energy used in the production chain. The most significant inputs in the energy intake were fertilizer followed by diesel oil, when irrigation was not used for. When the irrigation technique was used, the most significant inputs, in order of representativeness, were: energy, fertilizer and equipment.