830 resultados para reformation
In the context of the project “Development and qualification of agriculturists in the use of techniques for correction of theground in agricultural assentament”, the identification of the use of agricultural techniques becomes necessary as an important tool for decision taking, mainly in regards to the public politics of Assistance Technique and Agricultural Extension (ATER). In such a way, the present study it had for objectiveto diagnosis the use of limeand fertilization techniques in these agricultural assentamentin order to identify possible public politics ATER. Of the total of boarded families, 79.89% had answered to the questionnaire elaborated for this diagnosis. The field research was carried throughapplication of questionnaire elaborated for this study and the analysis of the results divided in profile of the beneficiaries, knowledge of techniques of ground handling and agricultural use of the areas of the Projects of Assentamentfor the beneficiaries. It was concluded that even so the great majority of the beneficiaries agricultural area and farmers to be declared diligent of this information are not in coherence with the one of knowledge of the type of ground, therefore, this type of understanding of the landscape is primordial for the taking of decision with regard to the agricultural use of the ground, moreover, the access to the knowledge and use of the techniques of limeand fertilization comes diminishing in the agricultural assentamentunder validity of II National Plan of the Agrarian Reformation, what it enters in total discord with the premises of the same. It fits here to detach the importance of public politics ATERdirected these beneficiaries of the Agrarian Reformation, mainly with regard to the ground handling.
The overall aim of the present thesis was to develop and characterise an age assessment method based on incremental lines in dental cementum using contemporary bovine teeth and teeth from archaeological faunal assemblages. The investigations also included two other age assessment methods: tooth wear pattern and macroscopic dental measurements. The first permanent mandibular molar and lower jaws from 70 contemporary cattle of known age and 170 archaeological molar sets from ten different Swedish archaeological sites were used. The following conclusions were drawn: • The number of incremental lines in the dental cementum varied between different parts of the tooth root as well as within one and the same individual. The results from contemporary cattle of known age showed a strong relationship between age and incremental lines in the cementum of the distal part of the mesial root (R2=65.5%) and the known ages of the animals. • With the “best” model variation in age could be explained to 65.5% (R2) by the number of incremental lines. Thus, the remaining age variation (approximately 35%) could not be explained by these lines. Other factors than must thus be responsible. However, with the exception of calves born the present material did not reveal any such significant relationship. • The results from cattle of known age indicate that the method of assessing age on the basis of cemental incremental lines is more reliable than other methods such as tooth wear or tooth measurements. However, by combining counting incremental lines and one variable assessing tooth dimension (tooth height) a slightly stronger relationship could be obtained (R2=74.5%). The results from age assessment of the medieval and post-Reformation cattle emphasize the importance of supplementing any age estimation of archaeological assemblages based on dental indicators with characteristics for the particular assessment model. Furthermore, conclusions based on age assessment with such models can not be drawn with any more detailed time scale than about 2 years leaving at best only 25% (R2) of factors influencing the dental indicator(s) utilized in the model unexplained. The accuracy of the age assessment required by the particular historical context in which the archaeological remains are found should thus decide what level of accuracy should be chosen.
[POR] Para este trabalho, elegemos um estudo sobre uma «experiência jesuíta» junto dos Guaranis, que designamos por «A República dos Guaranis». Trata-se de um processo histórico complexo que teve início no século XVII, sob o impacto da Contra-Reforma, e que terminou em pleno século XVIII, quando o Absolutismo, o Racionalismo e a Lei Natural dominavam a Europa. Este trabalho procura compreender como esta realidade sociocultural se relacionou com uma das regiões do Brasil colonial. [EN] This study analyzes a «Jesuit experience» with the Guarani people, also known as the «Guarani’s Republic». The latter is a complex historical venture which began in the 17th century, in the wake of the Counter-Reformation (1545-1648), and ended in the 18th century when Absolutism, Rationalism, and Natural Law dominated Europe. Our aim is thus that of analyzing how this socio-cultural reality was tied with one region of Colonial Brazil (1500-1822).
The aim of this PhD thesis is to study accurately and in depth the figure and the literary production of the intellectual Jacopo Aconcio. This minor author of the 16th century has long been considered a sort of “enigmatic character”, a profile which results from the work of those who, for many centuries, have left his writing to its fate: a story of constant re-readings and equally incessant oversights. This is why it is necessary to re-read Aconcio’s production in its entirety and to devote to it a monographic study. Previous scholars’ interpretations will obviously be considered, but at the same time an effort will be made to go beyond them through the analysis of both published and manuscript sources, in the attempt to attain a deeper understanding of the figure of this man, who was a Christian, a military and hydraulic engineer and a political philosopher,. The title of the thesis was chosen to emphasise how, throughout the three years of the doctorate, my research concentrated in equal measure and with the same degree of importance on all the reflections and activities of Jacopo Aconcio. My object, in fact, was to establish how and to what extent the methodological thinking of the intellectual found application in, and at the same time guided, his theoretical and practical production. I did not mention in the title the author’s religious thinking, which has always been considered by everyone the most original and interesting element of his production, because religion, from the Reformation onwards, was primarily a political question and thus it was treated by almost all the authors involved in the Protestant movement - Aconcio in the first place. Even the remarks concerning the private, intimate sphere of faith have therefore been analysed in this light: only by acknowledging the centrality of the “problem of politics” in Aconcio’s theories, in fact, is it possible to interpret them correctly. This approach proves the truth of the theoretical premise to my research, that is to say the unity and orderliness of the author’s thought: in every field of knowledge, Aconcio applies the rules of the methodus resolutiva, as a means to achieve knowledge and elaborate models of pacific cohabitation in society. Aconcio’s continuous references to method can make his writing pedant and rather complex, but at the same time they allow for a consistent and valid analysis of different disciplines. I have not considered the fact that most of his reflections appear to our eyes as strongly conditioned by the time in which he lived as a limit. To see in him, as some have done, the forerunner of Descartes’ methodological discourse or, conversely, to judge his religious theories as not very modern, is to force the thought of an author who was first and foremost a Christian man of his own time. Aconcio repeats this himself several times in his writings: he wants to provide individuals with the necessary tools to reach a full-fledged scientific knowledge in the various fields, and also to enable them to seek truth incessantly in the religious domain, which is the duty of every human being. The will to find rules, instruments, effective solutions characterizes the whole of the author’s corpus: Aconcio feels he must look for truth in all the arts, aware as he is that anything can become science as long as it is analysed with method. Nevertheless, he remains a man of his own time, a Christian convinced of the existence of God, creator and governor of the world, to whom people must account for their own actions. To neglect this fact in order to construct a “character”, a generic forerunner, but not participant, of whatever philosophical current, is a dangerous and sidetracking operation. In this study, I have highlighted how Aconcio’s arguments only reveal their full meaning when read in the context in which they were born, without depriving them of their originality but also without charging them with meanings they do not possess. Through a historical-doctrinal approach, I have tried to analyse the complex web of theories and events which constitute the substratum of Aconcio’s reflection, in order to trace the correct relations between texts and contexts. The thesis is therefore organised in six chapters, dedicated respectively to Aconcio’s biography, to the methodological question, to the author’s engineering activity, to his historical knowledge and to his religious thinking, followed by a last section concerning his fortune throughout the centuries. The above-mentioned complexity is determined by the special historical moment in which the author lived. On the one hand, thanks to the new union between science and technique, the 16th century produces discoveries and inventions which make available a previously unthinkable number of notions and lead to a “revolution” in the way of studying and teaching the different subjects, which, by producing a new form of intellectual, involved in politics but also aware of scientific-technological issues, will contribute to the subsequent birth of modern science. On the other, the 16th century is ravaged by religious conflicts, which shatter the unity of the Christian world and generate theological-political disputes which will inform the history of European states for many decades. My aim is to show how Aconcio’s multifarious activity is the conscious fruit of this historical and religious situation, as well as the attempt of an answer to the request of a new kind of engagement on the intellectual’s behalf. Plunged in the discussions around methodus, employed in the most important European courts, involved in the abrupt acceleration of technical-scientific activities, and especially concerned by the radical religious reformation brought on by the Protestant movement, Jacopo Aconcio reflects this complex conjunction in his writings, without lacking in order and consistency, differently from what many scholars assume. The object of this work, therefore, is to highlight the unity of the author’s thought, in which science, technique, faith and politics are woven into a combination which, although it may appear illogical and confused, is actually tidy and methodical, and therefore in agreement with Aconcio’s own intentions and with the specific characters of European culture in the Renaissance. This theory is confirmed by the reading of the Ars muniendorum oppidorum, Aconcio’s only work which had been up till now unavailable. I am persuaded that only a methodical reading of Aconcio’s works, without forgetting nor glorifying any single one, respects the author’s will. From De methodo (1558) onwards, all his writings are summae, guides for the reader who wishes to approach the study of the various disciplines. Undoubtedly, Satan’s Stratagems (1565) is something more, not only because of its length, but because it deals with the author’s main interest: the celebration of doubt and debate as bases on which to build religious tolerance, which is the best method for pacific cohabitation in society. This, however, does not justify the total centrality which the Stratagems have enjoyed for centuries, at the expense of a proper understanding of the author’s will to offer examples of methodological rigour in all sciences. Maybe it is precisely because of the reforming power of Aconcio’s thought that, albeit often forgotten throughout the centuries, he has never ceased to reappear and continues to draw attention, both as a man and as an author. His ideas never stop stimulating the reader’s curiosity and this may ultimately be the best demonstration of their worth, independently from the historical moment in which they come back to the surface.
In dieser Arbeit werden Molekulardynamik-Computersimulationen zur Untersuchung der statischen und dynamischen Eigenschaften einer amorph/kristallinen Siliziumdioxid(SiO2)-Grenzschicht durchgefuehrt.Die Grenzflaeche wird von der [100]-Ebene des beta-Kristobalit-Kristalls und der fluessigen SiO2-Phase gebildet und in einem Temperaturbereich zwischen 2900K und 3100K im Zustand eines metastabilen Gleichgewichts untersucht. Als Modellpotential zur Beschreibung der mikroskopischen Wechselwirkungen zwischen den Teilchen wird ein einfaches Paarpotential aus der Literatur verwendet, das sowohl die Struktur der kristallinen Phase als auch die der fluessigen Phase gut reproduziert. Bezogen auf die Dichte und die potentielle Energie der Teilchen erstreckt sich der Uebergang von der fluessigen in die kristalline Phase ueber 3-5 Atomlagen. Ein Layering-Effekt der Dichte in der fluessigen Phase in der Naehe der Grenzschicht wird nicht beobachtet. Der Einfluss der Grenzschicht auf statische Groessen, welche das System auf einer mittelreichweitigen Laengenskala beschreiben (z. B. Koordinationszahlverteilung und Ringverteilung) reicht im Vergleich dazu weiter in die fluessige Phase hinein und manifestiert sich in Defektstrukturen, wie z. B. der Erhoehung der Wahrscheinlichkeit fuer das Auftreten von 5-fach koordiniertem Silizium und der vermehrten Bildung von 2er-Ringen in der Fluessigkeit. Dies beguenstigt das Aufbrechen und Umklappen von Si-O-Bindungen und fuehrt zu einer Beschleunigung der Dynamik und einer Erhoehung der Diffusionsgeschwindigkeit in der Fluessigkeit. Im weiteren wird die Hochfrequenzdynamik der reinen SiO2-Fluessigkeit untersucht. Dazu berechnen wir die vibratorische Zustandsdichte in harmonischer Naeherung aus der inhaerenten Struktur. Wir finden einen stark ausgepraegten Peak bei einer Frequenz von 0.6 THz. Dieser Peak kann der niederenergetischsten transversalen akustischen Mode zugeordnet werden, die auch als Scherschwingung des Systems direkt sichtbar ist.
Die Arbeit beschriebt das Leben und Wirken Johann Schöffers, des Erben der Mainzer Druckerei Johannes Fusts und Peter Schöffer d.Ä. Im Mittelpunkt stehen die 315 heute noch nachweisbaren Drucke. Neben der bibliographischen Erfassung der Titel, die ergänzt werden durch Hinweise zur Illustration und zur Typographie, wird versucht anhand dieser die Entwicklung und die Veränderungen in der Werkstatt aufzuzeigen. Von Interesse ist dabei, dass sich die historischen Ereignisse und religiösen Strömungen teilweise parallel, teilweise zeitlich versetzt im Verlagsprogramm widerspiegeln.
Große Dramendichtung kann nur in historischen Umbruchszeiten wie der Antike, der Reformationszeit und im 19. Jahrhundert, also zu Lebzeiten Friedrich Hebbels, entstehen. Das schreibt Hebbel im Vorwort zu seinem bürgerlichen Trauerspiel „Maria Magdalena“. Die großen Zeiten der Tragödien sind Zeiten umwälzender Veränderungen. Im langen 19. Jahrhundert, zwischen Revolution und Restauration, zwischen Reformen und Reaktion, zwischen Hoffnungen auf Demokratie, Nationalstaatlichkeit, zwischen Josephinismus und Ära Metternich, waren die Voraussetzungen für ein Jahrhundert der Tragödie gegeben. Zwei der bedeutendsten Dramatiker des 19. Jahrhunderts, Franz Grillparzer und Friedrich Hebbel, sind Thema der Dissertation. Dabei hat die Arbeit mit der Diskursivierung von Fremdheit und Fremde eine Neuperspektivierung ausgewählter Dramen geleistet, die so in der Forschung noch nicht existiert, wobei diese Perspektive in der Forschung bereits angelegt war. Die hier vorliegende Arbeit hat das „Phänomen der Fremde“, wie Günther Häntzschel es in einem Aufsatz nennt, in den Dramen „Judith“, „Gyges und sein Ring“ und „Die Nibelungen“ von Hebbel und in den Dramen „Das goldene Vließ“, „Die Jüdin von Toledo“ und „Libussa“ von Grillparzer untersucht. Die zentralen Begriffe „Fremde“ und „Fremdheit“ wurden dabei als literarische Topoi, um methodisch besser mit ihnen operieren zu können, in verschiedene Dimensionen der Fremdheit unterteilt: Dabei wurde neben der „Fremdheit der Kulturen“ und der „Fremdheit zwischen den Geschlechtern“ auch die Fremdheit zwischen dem „mythischen Rand der Welt“ und dem „Horizont der Vernunft“ untersucht. Ferner widmete sich ein Kapitel dem Thema Entfremdung und Selbstentfremdung, eine Dimension der Fremdheit, die ebenfalls für die Dramenanalyse relevant ist.
Arnt van Tricht, gest. 1570, unterhielt bis in die späten 50er Jahre des 16. Jahrhunderts, wahrschein-lich aus Antwerpen kommend, in Kalkar am Niederrhein eine sehr erfolgreiche Werkstatt. Die bis dahin vorherrschende spätgotische Formensprache der langjährig ansässigen Bildhauer löste er durch die der Renaissance ab, führte jedoch deren Arbeitsfelder und Materialwahl weiter. Arnt van Tricht schuf Arbeiten sowohl religiöser als auch profaner Natur innerhalb des Gebiets der damals sehr bedeutenden Vereinigten Herzogtümer Kleve-Mark-Jülich-Berg und Geldern. Seine wohlhabenden Auftraggeber entstammten dem Klerus, der Bürgerschaft und dem Adel.rnIm Rahmen der Arbeit zeigte sich, dass sich für den Künstler die Verlegung der herzoglichen Residenz nach Düsseldorf und der wirtschaftliche Niedergang der Region letztlich stärker auswirkte als die religiösen Veränderungen durch die Reformation.rnArnt van Tricht schuf die meisten seiner religiösen Bildwerke für die Stiftskirche St. Viktor in Xanten, die durch die Bürgerschaft ausgestattete Pfarrkirche von St. Nicolai in Kalkar und umliegende Gemeinden. Einzelne Stücke sind, wohl über familiäre Verflechtungen vermittelt, in einem weiteren Radius zu finden. Van Tricht arbeitete Schnitzretabel mitsamt ihrer ornamentalen und figuralen Aus-stattung sowie Skulpturen(-gruppen) in Eichenholz. Daneben finden sich im Werk zahlreiche in Sandstein gearbeitete Skulpturen, die teilweise an Pfeilern und Portalen der Kirchen architektur-gebunden sind. Neben diesen rundplastischen Werken schuf Arnt van Tricht eine große Anzahl an steinernen Reliefarbeiten. Hierbei nehmen die überwiegend für die lokalen Kanoniker gearbeiteten Epitaphien mit biblischem Reliefbild in Ornamentrahmen den größten Teil ein.rnEin zweiter, gleichwertiger Werkkomplex, überwiegend in Sandstein gearbeitet, ist profaner Natur und fällt durch die Größe der Aufträge ins Gewicht. Arnt van Tricht war an einigen groß angelegten Modernisierungsprojekten an Stadthäusern und Kastellen des lokalen Adels beschäftigt. Für mehrere aufwendig gestaltete Fassadendekorationen arbeitete er Architekturglieder mit figürlicher Darstellung oder Ornament, Büsten und freiplastische Skulpturen. Arnt van Tricht war aber auch an der Aus-gestaltung der Innenräume beteiligt. Aufwendig skulptierte und reliefverzierte Kaminverkleidungen stehen dabei neben reduzierteren Arbeiten für offensichtlich weniger repräsentative Räume. Neben in Eichenholz gearbeiteter Vertäfelung schuf Arnt van Tricht hölzerne figurale Handtuchhalter. Diese zeigen, wie auch die Reliefbilder der Kamine, die darüber hinaus Wappen und Porträts der Bauherren aufnehmen, eine religiöse oder profane, auch antikisierende Thematik, bei der ein moralisierender Unterton mitschwingt.rnIn dieser Arbeit werden erstmals alle Werkstücke des Künstlers zusammengeführt dargestellt, so dass ein Werkkatalog mit einem Überblick über das sehr breit gefächerte Spektrum des Opus Arnt van Trichts vorliegt. Häufig durch bloße Nennung mit Arnt van Tricht in Verbindung gebrachte Arbeiten werden bewertet und die Zu- oder Abschreibung begründet. Auch können einige Stücke neu zugeschrieben werden.
During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, the excise taxes (Ungeld) paid by town residents on the consumption of beer, wine, mead and brandy represented the single most important source of civic revenue for many German cities. In a crisis, these taxes could spike to 70-80% of civic income. This paper examines civic budgets and 'behind-the-scenes' deliberations in a sample of towns in southern Germany in order to illuminate how decisions affecting consumer taxes were made. Even during the sobriety movements of the Reformation and post-Reformation period, tax income from drinkers remained attractive to city leaders because the bulk of the excise tax burden could easily be shifted away from privileged members of society and placed on the population at large. At the same time, governments had to maintain a careful balance between what they needed in order to govern and what the consumer market could bear, for high taxes on drinks were also targeted in many popular revolts. This led to nimble politicking by those responsible for tax decisions. Drink taxes were introduced, raised, lowered and otherwise manipulated based not only on shifting fashions and tastes but also on the degree of economic stress faced by the community. Where civic rulers were successful in striking the right balance, the rewards were considerable. The income from drink sales was a major factor in how the cities of the Empire survived the wars and other crises of the early modern period without going into so much debt that they lost their independence.
The ideal of orderly family life in early modern Germany did not exclude drinking. In fact, drinks shared at the family table were closely tied to early modern notions of the marital bond and were also a necessary component of normal work relations. Drinking became a problem only when it threatened the stability of the household. The amount of alcohol involved in such cases might be as little as one drink if the circumstances were unsuitable. On the other hand, drinking that would by our standards be viewed as excessive or chronic could be considered acceptable . Even during and immediately after the period of Reformation, when polemical and prescriptive literature addressing the household was dominated by the problem of sin, drunkenness was rarely treated as a spiritual issues. The primary concern of both authorities and populace was not to protect the health or the rights of individuals but to protect the sanctity of the household and the stability of the community.
During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, the excise taxes (Ungeld) paid by town residents on the consumption of beer, wine, mead and brandy represented the single most important source of civic revenue for many German cities. In a crisis, these taxes could spike to 70–80% of civic income. This paper examines civic budgets and ‘behind-the-scenes’ deliberations in a sample of towns in southern Germany in order to illuminate how decisions affecting consumer taxes were made. Even during the sobriety movements of the Reformation and post-Reformation period, tax income from drinkers remained attractive to city leaders because the bulk of the excise tax burden could easily be shifted away from privileged members of society and placed on the population at large. At the same time, governments had to maintain a careful balance between what they needed in order to govern and what the consumer market could bear, for high taxes on drinks were also targeted in many popular revolts. This led to nimble politicking by those responsible for tax decisions. Drink taxes were introduced, raised, lowered and otherwise manipulated based not only on shifting fashions and tastes but also on the degree of economic stress faced by the community. Where civic rulers were successful in striking the right balance, the rewards were considerable. The income from drink sales was a major factor in how the cities of the Empire survived the wars and other crises of the early modern period without going into so much debt that they lost their independence.