989 resultados para quantum correlated diffraction imaging
The q-deformed supersymmetric t-J model on a semi-infinite lattice is diagonalized by using the level-one vertex operators of the quantum affine superalgebra U-q[sl(2\1)]. We. give the bosonization of the boundary states. We give an integral expression for the correlation functions of the boundary model, and derive the difference equations which they satisfy.
Off-resonance RF pre-saturation was used to obtain contrast in MRI images of polymer gel dosimeters irradiated to doses up to 50 Gy. Two different polymer gel dosimeters composed of 2-hydroxyethyl-acryl ate or methacrylic acid monomers mixed with N, N'-methylene-bisacrylamide (BIS), dispersed in an aqueous gelatin matrix were evaluated. Radiation-induced polymerization of the co-monomers generates a fast-relaxing insoluble polymer. Saturation of the polymer using off-resonance Gaussian RF pulses prior to a spin-echo read-out with a short echo time leads to contrast that is dependent on the absorbed dose. This contrast is attributed to magnetization transfer (MT) between free water and the polymer, and direct saturation of water was found to be negligible under the prevailing experimental conditions. The usefulness of MT imaging was assessed by computing the dose resolution obtained with this technique. We found a low value of dose resolution over a wide range of doses could be obtained with a single experiment. This is an advantage over multiple spin echo (MSE) experiments using a single echo spacing where an optimal dose resolution is achieved over only very limited ranges of doses. The results suggest MT imaging protocols may be developed into a useful tool for polymer gel dosimetry.
Nine classes of integrable open boundary conditions, further extending the one-dimensional U-q (gl (212)) extended Hubbard model, have been constructed previously by means of the boundary Z(2)-graded quantum inverse scattering method. The boundary systems are now solved by using the algebraic Bethe ansatz method, and the Bethe ansatz equations are obtained for all nine cases.
We show that quantum feedback control can be used as a quantum-error-correction process for errors induced by a weak continuous measurement. In particular, when the error model is restricted to one, perfectly measured, error channel per physical qubit, quantum feedback can act to perfectly protect a stabilizer codespace. Using the stabilizer formalism we derive an explicit scheme, involving feedback and an additional constant Hamiltonian, to protect an (n-1)-qubit logical state encoded in n physical qubits. This works for both Poisson (jump) and white-noise (diffusion) measurement processes. Universal quantum computation is also possible in this scheme. As an example, we show that detected-spontaneous emission error correction with a driving Hamiltonian can greatly reduce the amount of redundancy required to protect a state from that which has been previously postulated [e.g., Alber , Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 4402 (2001)].
We are currently in the midst of a second quantum revolution. The first quantum revolution gave us new rules that govern physical reality. The second quantum revolution will take these rules and use them to develop new technologies. In this review we discuss the principles upon which quantum technology is based and the tools required to develop it. We discuss a number of examples of research programs that could deliver quantum technologies in coming decades including: quantum information technology, quantum electromechanical systems, coherent quantum electronics, quantum optics and coherent matter technology.
We discuss quantum error correction for errors that occur at random times as described by, a conditional Poisson process. We shoo, how a class of such errors, detected spontaneous emission, can be corrected by continuous closed loop, feedback.
Activity within motor areas of the cortex begins to increase 1 to 2 s prior to voluntary self-initiated movement (termed the Bereitschaftspotential or readiness potential). There has been much speculation and debate over the precise source of this early premovement activity as it is important for understanding the roles of higher order motor areas in the preparation and readiness for voluntary movement. In this study, we use high-field (3-T) event-related fMRI with high temporal sampling (partial brain volumes every 250 ms) to specifically examine hemodynamic response time courses during the preparation, readiness, and execution of purely self-initiated voluntary movement. Five right-handed healthy volunteers performed a rapid sequential finger-to-thumb movement performed at self-determined times (12-15 trials). Functional images for each trial were temporally aligned and the averaged time series for each subject was iteratively correlated with a canonical hemodynamic response function progressively shifted in time. This analysis method identified areas of activation without constraining hemodynamic response timing. All subjects showed activation within frontal mesial areas, including supplementary motor area (SMA) and cingulate motor areas, as well as activation in left primary sensorimotor areas. The time courses of hemodynamic responses showed a great deal of variability in shape and timing between subjects; however, four subjects clearly showed earlier relative hemodynamic responses within SMA/cingulate motor areas compared with left primary motor areas. These results provide further evidence that the SMA and cingulate motor areas are major contributors to early stage premovement activity and play an important role in the preparation and readiness for voluntary movement. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
We demonstrate complete characterization of a two-qubit entangling process-a linear optics controlled-NOT gate operating with coincident detection-by quantum process tomography. We use a maximum-likelihood estimation to convert the experimental data into a physical process matrix. The process matrix allows an accurate prediction of the operation of the gate for arbitrary input states and a calculation of gate performance measures such as the average gate fidelity, average purity, and entangling capability of our gate, which are 0.90, 0.83, and 0.73, respectively.
We perform a quantum-mechanical analysis of the pendular cavity, using the positive-P representation, showing that the quantum state of the moving mirror, a macroscopic object, has noticeable effects on the dynamics. This system has previously been proposed as a candidate for the quantum-limited measurement of small displacements of the mirror due to radiation pressure, for the production of states with entanglement between the mirror and the field, and even for superposition states of the mirror. However, when we treat the oscillating mirror quantum mechanically, we find that it always oscillates, has no stationary steady state, and exhibits uncertainties in position and momentum which are typically larger than the mean values. This means that previous linearized fluctuation analyses which have been used to predict these highly quantum states are of limited use. We find that the achievable accuracy in measurement is fat, worse than the standard quantum limit due to thermal noise, which, for typical experimental parameters, is overwhelming even at 2 mK
We generalize a proposal for detecting single-phonon transitions in a single nanoelectromechanical system (NEMS) to include the intrinsic anharmonicity of each mechanical oscillator. In this scheme two NEMS oscillators are coupled via a term quadratic in the amplitude of oscillation for each oscillator. One NEMS oscillator is driven and strongly damped and becomes a transducer for phonon number in the other measured oscillator. We derive the conditions for this measurement scheme to be quantum limited and find a condition on the size of the anharmonicity. We also derive the relation between the phase diffusion back-action noise due to number measurement and the localization time for the measured system to enter a phonon-number eigenstate. We relate both these time scales to the strength of the measured signal, which is an induced current proportional to the position of the read-out oscillator.