894 resultados para food supply chains
The spatio-temporal variations in diversity and abundance of deep-sea macrofaunal assemblages (excluding meiofaunal taxa, as Nematoda, Copepoda and Ostracoda) from the Blanes Canyon (BC) and adjacent open slope are described. The Catalan Sea basin is characterized by the presence of numerous submarine canyons, which are globally acknowledged as biodiversity hot-spots, due to their disturbance regime and incremented conveying of organic matter. This area is subjected to local deep-sea fisheries activities, and to recurrent cold water cascading events from the shelf. The upper canyon (~900 m), middle slope (~1200 m) and lower slope (~1500 m) habitats were investigated during three different months (October 2008, May 2009 and September 2009). A total of 624 specimens belonging to 16 different taxa were found into 67 analyzed samples, which had been collected from the two study areas. Of these, Polychaeta, Mollusca and Crustacea were always the most abundant groups. As expected, the patterns of species diversity and evenness were different in time and space. Both in BC and open slope, taxa diversity and abundance are higher in the shallowest depth and lowest at -1500 m depth. This is probably due to different trophic regimes at these depths. The abundance of filter-feeders is higher inside BC than in the adjacent open slope, which is also related with an increment of predator polychaetes. Surface deposit-feeders are more abundant in the open slope than in BC, along with a decrement of filter-feeders and their predators. Probably these differences are due to higher quantities of suspended organic matter reaching the canyon. The multivariate analyses conducted on major taxa point out major differences effective taxa richness between depths and stations. In September 2009 the analyzed communities double their abundances, with a corresponding increase in richness of taxa. This could be related to a mobilizing event, like the release of accumulated food-supply in a nepheloid layer associated to the arrival of autumn. The highest abundance in BC is detected in the shallowest depth and in late summer (September), probably due to higher food availability caused by stronger flood events coming from Tordera River. The effects of such events seemed to involve adjacent open slope too. The nMDS conducted on major taxa abundance shows a slight temporal difference between the three campaigns samples, with a clear clustering between samples of Sept 09. All depth and all months were dominated by Polychaeta, which have been identified to family level and submitted to further analysis. Family richness have clearly minimum at the -1200 m depth of BC, highlighting the presence of a general impact affecting the populations in the middle slope. Three different matrices have been created, each with a different taxonomic level (All Taxa “AT”, Phylum Level “PL” and Polychaeta Families “PF”). Multivariate analysis (MDS, SIMPER) conducted on PL matrix showed a clear spatial differences between stations (BC and open slope) and depths. MDSs conducted on other two matrices (AT and PF) showed similar patterns, but different from PL analysis. A 2 nd stage analysis have been conducted to understand differences between different taxonomic levels, and PL level has been chosen as the most representative of variation. The faunal differences observed were explained by depth, station and season. All work has been accomplished in the Centre d’estudis avançats de Blanes (CEAB-CSIC), within the framework of Spanish PROMETEO project "Estudio Integrado de Cañones y Taludes PROfundos del MEdiTErráneo Occidental: un hábitat esencial", Ref. CTM2007-66316-C02- 01/MAR.
The importance of organizational issues to assess the success of international development project has not been fully considered yet. After a brief overview, in 1st chapter, on main actors involved on international cooperation, in the 2nd chapter an analysis of the literature on the project success definition, focused on the success criteria and success factors, was carried out by surveying the contribution of different authors and approaches. Traditionally projects were perceived as successful when they met time, budget and performance goals, assuming a basic similarity among projects (universalistic approach). However, starting from a non-universalistic approach, the importance of organization’s effectiveness, in terms of Relations Sustainability, emerged as a dimension able to define and assess a project success. The identification of the factors influencing the relationship between and inside the organizations becomes consequently a priority. In 3th chapter, starting from a literature survey, the different analytical approaches related to the inter and intra-organization relationships are analysed. They involve two different groups: the first includes studies focused on the type of organizations relationship structure (Supply Chains, Networks, Clusters and Industrial Districts); the second group includes approaches related to the general theories on firms relationship interpretation (Transaction Costs Economics, Resource Based View, Organization Theory). The variables and logical frameworks provided by these different theoretical contributions are compared and classified in order to find out possible connections and/or juxtapositions. Being an exhaustive collection of the literature on the subject is impossible, the main goal is to underline the existence of potentially overlapping and/or integrating approaches examining the contribution provided by different representative authors. The survey showed first of all many variables in common between approaches coming from different disciplines; furthermore the non overlapping variables can be integrated contributing to a broader picture of the variables influencing the organization relations; in particular a theoretical design for the identification of connections between the inter and the intra-organizations relations was made possible. The results obtained in 3th chapter help to defining a general theoretical framework linking the different interpretative variables. Based on extensive research contributions on the factors influencing the relations between organizations, the 4th chapter expands the analysis of the influence of variables like Human Resource Management, Organizational Climate, Psychological Contract and KSA (Knowledge, Skills, Abilities) on the relation sustainability. A detailed analysis of these relations is provided and a research hypothesis are built. According to this new framework in 5th chapter a statistical analysis was performed to qualify and quantify the influence of Organizational Climate on the Relations Sustainability. To this end the Structural Equation Modeling (SEMs) has adopted as method for the definition of the latent variables and the measure of their relations. The results obtained are satisfactory. An effective strategy to motivate the respondents to participate in the survey seems to be at the moment one of the major obstacles to the analysis implementation since the organizational performances are not specifically required by the projects’ evaluation guidelines and they represent an increase in the project related transaction costs. Their explicit introduction in the project presentation guidelines should be explored as an opportunity to increase the chances of success of these projects.
Nonostante il fatto che una gran parte del mondo viva ancora oggi a livelli di sussistenza, i dati in nostro possesso ci indicano che le attività umane stanno esaurendo le risorse ambientali del pianeta. La causa di questo eccessivo sfruttamento delle risorse è da ricercare nei pattern non sostenibili di produzione e consumo dei paesi sviluppati. La preoccupazione per le conseguenze sull'ambiente e la lotta al cambiamento climatico hanno posto le politiche ambientali al centro dell'attenzione internazionale. Il Protocollo di Kyoto e la Commissione Europea hanno stabilito degli obiettivi di riduzione delle emissioni di gas serra, rispettivamente del 12% entro il 2012 e del 20% entro il 2020. All'interno del Protocollo di Kyoto l'obiettivo per l'Italia è ridurre del 6,5% le emissioni di gas serra nazionali rispetto al 1990. Le politiche mirate alla riduzione delle emissioni di gas serra hanno in genere come obiettivo gli impianti energetici e i trasporti. Poca attenzione viene data alla filiera agroalimentare pur sapendo che l'agricoltura ha un forte impatto sull'ambiente e recenti studi stimano che circa il 50% del cibo prodotto viene perso o buttato via dalla produzione al consumo. Alla luce di questi dati, il mio lavoro di tesi ha avuto come obiettivo quello di quantificare i rifiuti e gli sprechi agroalimentari in Europa e in Italia e stimare l'impatto ambientale associato. I dati raccolti in questa tesi mettono in evidenza l'importanza di migliorare l'efficienza della filiera agroalimentare per ridurre l'impatto ambientale nazionale e rispettare gli accordi internazionali sulla lotta ai cambiamenti climatici.
Characteristics of modern food demand force retailers to acquire more information about product process along the food supply chain to ensure that product are in accordance with consumer preference. Therefore, the product process involves more information flows between buyer and supplier which requires collaborative efforts. These changes translate into several studies on the inter-organizational relationship in agri-food systems. Studies on inter-organizational relationships have been conducted in various academic disciplines, including sociology, psychology, law, economics, marketing, management, and combination of these. Inter-organizational relationships is an interaction between organizations which involved firms horizontally, as well as, vertically. In this study we deal with vertical, buyer-seller relationship which are sometimes referred to chain relationships. We define vertical business relationship in the agriculture-food based sector as “agri-food chain relationships”. The focus is on sustainable inter-organizational relationships in a way that they can be scientifically investigated. We study characteristics which ensure that a relationship is long-lasting and rewarding for all involved parties in the sardinian dairy. We test the theoretical model using structural equation modeling. The results suggest that the most important determinant for the relationships is technology and the price isn’t significant for the relationship governance.
Il mercato agroalimentare sta conoscendo, soprattutto negli ultimi anni, una evoluzione sia dal punto di vista normativo sia legato alla crescente richiesta da parte dell’opinione pubblica di caratteristiche di trasparenza, tracciabilità e sostenibilità ambientale, economica e sociale. La sostenibilità della Food Supply Chain rappresenta una problematica di grande interesse in termini di ricadute di impatto ambientale e depauperamento delle risorse. L’obiettivo di fornire strumenti decisionali utili per tutti gli operatori della Food Supply Chain ha comportato lo sviluppo di specifiche metodologie e di supporto alle decisioni. L'introduzione di una maggiore integrazione tra gli attori coinvolti nella FSC può portare a migliorare la sostenibilità dei sistemi alimentari. Nel presente lavoro è stato preso in considerazione un caso concreto in cui si è analizzata la filiera dei prodotti ortofrutticoli afferenti al centro di distribuzione di una catena della GDO, con un focus sui prodotti trattati e destinati all’area della provincia di Ravenna. La mappatura dei flussi di provenienza e destinazione delle merci ha permesso di analizzare strutturalmente i canali dei fornitori. Le informazioni acquisite sono state implementate su un database per consentirne la modellizzazione e l’analisi quantitativa dei flussi di prodotto ortofrutticolo. I dati sono stai elaborati attraverso l’uso della piattaforma software che ha collocato nello spazio i vari nodi logistici in modo da calcolarne le distanze reciproche e pianificare gli itinerari di viaggio. In questo modo è stato possibile simulare ogni singola spedizione a partire dall’aggregazione della domanda alle singole missioni di consegna, tenendo in considerazione i mezzi di trasporto selezionati. La scelta di un particolare tipo di veicolo, la sua velocità, la capacità massima del mezzo in termini di kg e m3, ha determinato il numero di spedizioni. Su queste basi è stato possibile eseguire il calcolo dell’impatto ambientale della distribuzione logistica e formulare quindi ipotesi di sviluppo futuro.
Ogni anno in Europa milioni di tonnellate di cibo vengono gettate via. Una stima pubblicata dalla Commissione europea afferma che, nei 27 Stati membri, 89 milioni di tonnellate di cibo, o di 179 kg pro capite, vengono scartati. Lo spreco si verifica lungo tutta la catena di agro alimentare; la riduzione dei rifiuti alimentari è diventata una delle priorità dell'agenda europea. La ricerca si concentra su un caso studio, Last Minute Market, un progetto di recupero di sprechi alimentari. L'impatto di questo progetto dal punto di vista economico e ambientale è già stato calcolato. Quello che verrà analizzato è l'impatto di questa iniziativa sulla comunità e in particolare sul capitale sociale, definito come "l'insieme di norme e reti che consentono l'azione collettiva". Obiettivo del presente lavoro è, quindi, quello di eseguire, attraverso la somministrazione di un questionario a diversi stakeholder del progetto, un’analisi confrontabile con quella del 2009 e di verificare a distanza di cinque anni, se l'iniziativa Last Minute Market abbia prodotto una crescita di capitale sociale nella comunità interessata da questa iniziativa. Per riassumere l’influenza del progetto sul capitale sociale in un indice sintetico, viene calcolato quello che verrà chiamato indice di "affidabilità del progetto" (definito in statistica, la "capacità di un prodotto, un sistema o un servizio di fornire le prestazioni richieste, per un certo periodo di tempo in condizioni predeterminate").
Negli ultimi anni lo spreco alimentare ha assunto un’importanza crescente nel dibattito internazionale, politico ed accademico, nel contesto delle tematiche sulla sostenibilità dei modelli di produzione e consumo, sull’uso efficiente delle risorse e la gestione dei rifiuti. Nei prossimi anni gli Stati Membri dell’Unione Europea saranno chiamati ad adottare specifiche strategie di prevenzione degli sprechi alimentari all’interno di una cornice di riferimento comune. Tale cornice è quella che si va delineando nel corso del progetto Europeo di ricerca “FUSIONS” (7FP) che, nel 2014, ha elaborato un framework di riferimento per la definizione di “food waste” allo scopo di armonizzare le diverse metodologie di quantificazione adottate dai paesi membri. In questo scenario, ai fini della predisposizione di un Piano Nazionale di Prevenzione degli Sprechi Alimentari per l’Italia, il presente lavoro applica per la prima volta il “definitional framework” FUSIONS per l’analisi dei dati e l’identificazione dei principali flussi nei diversi anelli della filiera e svolge un estesa consultazione degli stakeholder (e della letteratura) per identificare le possibili misure di prevenzione e le priorità di azione. I risultati ottenuti evedenziano (tra le altre cose) la necessità di predisporre e promuovere a livello nazionale l’adozione di misure uniformi di quantificazione e reporting; l’importanza del coinvolgimento degli stakeholder nel contesto di una campagna nazionale di prevenzione degli sprechi alimentari; l’esigenza di garantire una adeguata copertura economica per le attività di pianificazione e implementazione delle misure di prevenzione da parte degli enti locali e di un coordinamento a livello nazionale della programmazione regionale; la necessità di una armonizzazione/semplificazione del quadro di riferimento normativo (fiscale, igienico-sanitario, procedurale) che disciplina la donazione delle eccedenze alimentari; l’urgenza di approfondire il fenomeno degli sprechi alimentari attraverso la realizzazione di studi di settore negli stadi a valle della filiera.
Globalization has increased the pressure on organizations and companies to operate in the most efficient and economic way. This tendency promotes that companies concentrate more and more on their core businesses, outsource less profitable departments and services to reduce costs. By contrast to earlier times, companies are highly specialized and have a low real net output ratio. For being able to provide the consumers with the right products, those companies have to collaborate with other suppliers and form large supply chains. An effect of large supply chains is the deficiency of high stocks and stockholding costs. This fact has lead to the rapid spread of Just-in-Time logistic concepts aimed minimizing stock by simultaneous high availability of products. Those concurring goals, minimizing stock by simultaneous high product availability, claim for high availability of the production systems in the way that an incoming order can immediately processed. Besides of design aspects and the quality of the production system, maintenance has a strong impact on production system availability. In the last decades, there has been many attempts to create maintenance models for availability optimization. Most of them concentrated on the availability aspect only without incorporating further aspects as logistics and profitability of the overall system. However, production system operator’s main intention is to optimize the profitability of the production system and not the availability of the production system. Thus, classic models, limited to represent and optimize maintenance strategies under the light of availability, fail. A novel approach, incorporating all financial impacting processes of and around a production system, is needed. The proposed model is subdivided into three parts, maintenance module, production module and connection module. This subdivision provides easy maintainability and simple extendability. Within those modules, all aspect of production process are modeled. Main part of the work lies in the extended maintenance and failure module that offers a representation of different maintenance strategies but also incorporates the effect of over-maintaining and failed maintenance (maintenance induced failures). Order release and seizing of the production system are modeled in the production part. Due to computational power limitation, it was not possible to run the simulation and the optimization with the fully developed production model. Thus, the production model was reduced to a black-box without higher degree of details.
1. Parasites might preferentially feed on hosts in good nutritional condition as such hosts provide better resources for the parasites' own growth, survival and reproduction. However, hosts in prime condition are also better able to develop costly immunological or physiological defence mechanisms, which in turn reduce the parasites' reproductive success. The interplay between host condition, host defence and parasite fitness will thus play an important part in the dynamics of host-parasite systems.;2. In a 2 x 2 design, we manipulated both the access to food in great tit Parus major broods and the exposure of the nestlings to hen fleas Ceratophyllus gallinae, a common ectoparasite of hole-breeding birds. We subsequently investigated the role of manipulated host condition, host immunocompetence, and experimentally induced host defence in nestlings on the reproductive success of individual hen flea females.;3. The food supplementation of the nestlings significantly influenced the parasites' reproductive success. Female fleas laid significantly more eggs when feeding on food-supplemented hosts.;4. Previous parasite exposure of the birds affected the reproductive success of fleas. However, the impact of this induced host response on flea reproduction depended on the birds' natural level of immunocompetence, assessed by the phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) skin test. Flea fecundity significantly decreased with increasing PHA response of the nestlings in previously parasite-exposed broods. No relationship between flea fitness and host immunocompetence was, however, found in previously unexposed broods. The PHA response thus correlates with the nestlings' ability to mount immunological or physiological defence mechanisms against hen fleas. No significant interaction effect between early flea exposure and food supplementation on the parasites' reproductive success was found.;5. Our study shows that the reproductive success of hen fleas is linked to the hosts' food supply early in life and their ability to mount induced immunological or physiological defence mechanisms. These interactions between host quality and parasite fitness are likely to influence host preference, host choice and parasite virulence and thus the evolutionary dynamics in host-parasite systems.
Since product take-back is mandated in Europe, and has effects for producers worldwide including the U.S., designing efficient forward and reverse supply chain networks is becoming essential for business viability. Centralizing production facilities may reduce costs but perhaps not environmental impacts. Decentralizing a supply chain may reduce transportation environmental impacts but increase capital costs. Facility location strategies of centralization or decentralization are tested for companies with supply chains that both take back and manufacture products. Decentralized and centralized production systems have different effects on the environment, industry and the economy. Decentralized production systems cluster suppliers within the geographical market region that the system serves. Centralized production systems have many suppliers spread out that meet all market demand. The point of this research is to help further the understanding of company decision-makers about impacts to the environment and costs when choosing a decentralized or centralized supply chain organizational strategy. This research explores; what degree of centralization for a supply chain makes the most financial and environmental sense for siting facilities; and which factories are in the best location to handle the financial and environmental impacts of particular processing steps needed for product manufacture. This research considered two examples of facility location for supply chains when products are taken back; the theoretical case involved shoe resoling and a real world case study considered the location of operations for a company that reclaims multiple products for use as material inputs. For the theoretical example a centralized strategy to facility location was optimal: whereas for the case study a decentralized strategy to facility location was best. In conclusion, it is not possible to say that a centralized or decentralized strategy to facility location is in general best for a company that takes back products. Each company’s specific concerns, needs, and supply chain details will determine which degree of centralization creates the optimal strategy for siting their facilities.
Dynamic sexual signals often show a diel rhythm and may vary substantially with time of day. Diel and short-term fluctuations in such sexual signals pose a puzzle for condition capture models of mate choice, which assume a female preference for male traits that reliably reflect a male's quality. Here we experimentally manipulated the food supply of individual male field crickets Gryllus campestris in their natural habitat in two consecutive seasons to determine (i) the effect of male nutritional condition on the fine-scaled variation of diel investment in acoustic signalling and (ii) the temporal association between the diel variation in male signalling and female mate-searching behaviour. Overall food-supplemented males signalled more often, but the effect was only visible during the daytime. In the evening and the night, signal output was still high but the time spent signalling was unrelated to a male's nutritional condition. Females' mate-searching behaviour also showed a diel rhythm with peak activity during the afternoon, when differences among calling males were highest, and where signal output reliably reflects male quality. These findings suggest that males differing in nutritional condition may optimize their investment in signalling in relation to time of day as to maximize mating success.
Technische Produktionssysteme und Prozesse - welcher Technologie auch immer - müssen den Bedürfnissen der industriellen Bauteilherstellung für Endanwendungen im Automobilbau entsprechen. Es stellt sich zunächst die Frage, auf welchem technologischen Reifegrad sich die generativen Technologien für den Automobilbau derzeit befinden? Welche außerordentlichen Vorteile können generative Prozessketten gegenüber konventionellen Herstellungsverfahren bieten und welche Hürden müssen genommen werden? Im Vordergrund der Untersuchung steht die Betrachtung von Pre-, In- und Post-Prozessen generativer wie auch konventioneller Produktionsverfahren. Bei der Gegenüberstellung der Prozessketten werden Maßstäbe angesetzt, die derzeit bei der Bauteilherstellung im Automobilbau Gültigkeit haben und auf Kriterien wie Effizienz, Reproduzierbarkeit und Kontrollierbarkeit aufbauen. Schließlich findet eine Einschätzung aus der Perspektive der Technologieintegration in derzeitige Produktionssysteme und Lieferketten statt. Es werden Restriktionen und Handlungsfelder von generativen Prozessen deutlich, die für den Einsatz für Endkunden-Bauteile im Fahrzeugbau behandelt werden müssen.
Technische Produktionssysteme und Prozesse - welcher Technologie auch immer - müssen den Bedürfnissen der industriellen Bauteilherstellung für Endanwendungen im Automobilbau entsprechen. Es stellt sich zunächst die Frage, auf welchem technologischen Reifegrad sich die generativen Technologien für den Automobilbau derzeit befinden? Welche außerordentlichen Vorteile können generative Prozessketten gegenüber konventionellen Herstellungsverfahren bieten und welche Hürden müssen genommen werden? Im Vordergrund der Untersuchung steht die Betrachtung von Pre-, In- und Post-Prozessen generativer wie auch konventioneller Produktionsverfahren. Bei der Gegenüberstellung der Prozessketten werden Maßstäbe angesetzt, die derzeit bei der Bauteilherstellung im Automobilbau Gültigkeit haben und auf Kriterien wie Effizienz, Reproduzierbarkeit und Kontrollierbarkeit aufbauen. Schließlich findet eine Einschätzung aus der Perspektive der Technologieintegration in derzeitige Produktionssysteme und Lieferketten statt. Es werden Restriktionen und Handlungsfelder von generativen Prozessen deutlich, die für den Einsatz für Endkunden-Bauteile im Fahrzeugbau behandelt werden müssen.
Basis for the economic efficiency of international supply chains rests on the efficiency of multimodal transport chains. Materials and products are transported along the edges of transport networks with the forwarder endeavouring to maximize the transport efficiency by using the effects of scale along the edges. The network nodes provide the means to have the goods transferred between the means of transport. Whilst purely economic criteria were initially the driving force for a change in the means of transport, ecological requirements are now becoming ever more relevant. The transportation chains should not only be economically presentable but also it makes sense for them to have a “green footprint”. In this context the following considerations will deal with the transfer processes within the network nodes, especially those within inland and feeder terminals. Replies are to be given to the questions as to how far the choice of the crane primary drive has an impact on energy consumption and environmental compatibility of handling the goods and which additional benefit does the recuperation of engrained energies bring during the handling process.
This paper examines the social impacts of weather extremes and the processes of social and communicative learning a society undertakes to find alternative ways to deal with the consequences of a crisis. In the beginning of the 20th Century hunger seemed to be expelled from Europe. Switzerland – like many other European countries – was involved in a global interdependent trade system, which provided necessary goods. But at the end of World War I very cold and wet summers in 1916/17 (causing crop failure) and the difficulties in war-trade led to malnutrition and enormous price risings of general living-standards in Switzerland, which shocked the people and caused revolutionary uprisings in 1918. The experience of malnutrition during the last two years of war made clear that the traditional ways of food supply in Switzerland lacked crisis stability. Therefore various agents in the field of food production, distribution and consumption searched for alternative ways of food supply. In that sense politicians, industrialists, consumer-groups, left-wing communitarians and farmers developed several strategies for new ways in food production. Traditionally there were political conflicts in Switzerland between farmers and consumers regarding price policies, which led mainly to the conflict in 1918. Consumers accused famers of holding back food to control extortionate prices while the farmers pointed to the bad harvest causing the price rising. The collaboration of these groups in search for new forms of food-stability made social integration possible again. In addition to other crisis-factors, weather extremes can have disastrous impacts and destroy a society’s self-confidence to its core. But even such crisis can lead to processes of substantial learning that allows a regeneration of confidence and show positive influence on political stabilization. The paper focuses on the process of learning and the alternative methods of food production that were suggested by various agents working in the field during the Interwar period. To achieve that goal documents of the various associations are analyzed and newspapers have been taken into consideration. Through the method of discourse-analysis of food-production during the Interwar period, possible solutions that crossed the minds of the agents should be brought to light.