
Autoria(s): Blattmeier, Monika; Witt, Gerd; Tröpker, Jochen




Technische Produktionssysteme und Prozesse - welcher Technologie auch immer - müssen den Bedürfnissen der industriellen Bauteilherstellung für Endanwendungen im Automobilbau entsprechen. Es stellt sich zunächst die Frage, auf welchem technologischen Reifegrad sich die generativen Technologien für den Automobilbau derzeit befinden? Welche außerordentlichen Vorteile können generative Prozessketten gegenüber konventionellen Herstellungsverfahren bieten und welche Hürden müssen genommen werden? Im Vordergrund der Untersuchung steht die Betrachtung von Pre-, In- und Post-Prozessen generativer wie auch konventioneller Produktionsverfahren. Bei der Gegenüberstellung der Prozessketten werden Maßstäbe angesetzt, die derzeit bei der Bauteilherstellung im Automobilbau Gültigkeit haben und auf Kriterien wie Effizienz, Reproduzierbarkeit und Kontrollierbarkeit aufbauen. Schließlich findet eine Einschätzung aus der Perspektive der Technologieintegration in derzeitige Produktionssysteme und Lieferketten statt. Es werden Restriktionen und Handlungsfelder von generativen Prozessen deutlich, die für den Einsatz für Endkunden-Bauteile im Fahrzeugbau behandelt werden müssen.

Technical production systems and processes – regardless of the technology – have to meet the requirements of the industrial manufacturing of automobile components delivered to end customers. The first question to be raised regards the current level of technological readiness of additive manufacturing processes in an automotive context. Which advantages could be taken by additive manufacturing in contrast to conventional processing technologies? What are currently the obstacles and what has to be done to overcome restrictions? The investigation focuses on the consideration of Pre-, In- and Post-Processes of additive manufacturing technologies compared to conventional production procedures. The comparison of the different production chains for automobile components is assessed by means of criteria such as efficiency, repeatability and controllability, which are all requirements in the automobile industry. Finally an assessment is provided regarding the perspective of technological integration in current production systems and supply chains. The report also identifies restrictions and potential applications of additive manufacturing processes for use in automobile production.








RTejournal - Forum für Rapid Technologie ; 7 , 1

Palavras-Chave #Technical production systems and processes – regardless of the technology – have to meet the requirements of the industrial manufacturing of automobile components delivered to end customers. #The first question to be raised regards the current level of technological readiness of additive manufacturing processes in an automotive context. Which advantages could be taken by additive manufacturing in contrast to conventional processing technologies? What are currently the obstacles and what has to be done to overcome restrictions? #The investigation focuses on the consideration of Pre-, In- and Post-Processes of additive manufacturing technologies compared to conventional production procedures. The comparison of the different production chains for automobile components is assessed by means of criteria such as efficiency, repeatability and controllability, which are all requirements in the automobile industry. #Finally an assessment is provided regarding the perspective of technological integration in current production systems and supply chains. The report also identifies restrictions and potential applications of additive manufacturing processes for use in automobile production.