524 resultados para beaches


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[ES] To actively protect sea turtles on their nesting beaches, it is essential to obtain knowledge about trends in abundance. The way sea turtles live makes it extremely difficult to identify how many individuals there are in a population at any point in time. Due to practical problems, given their entirely marine life with limited visibility and great oceanic dispersal, counting males or juveniles is currently quite difficult and imprecise. Counting females and nests on beaches during the nesting season is the best feasible but still imperfect method, since only an unknown portion of adult females nest every season. It is impossible to know the real number of females in the population by merely counting females and nests in a given year.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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Indigenous communities have actively managed their environments for millennia using a diversity of resource use and conservation strategies. Clam gardens, ancient rock-walled intertidal beach terraces, represent one example of an early mariculture technology that may have been used to improve food security and confer resilience to coupled human-ocean systems. We surveyed a coastal landscape for evidence of past resource use and management to gain insight into ancient resource stewardship practices on the central coast of British Columbia, Canada. We found that clam gardens are embedded within a diverse portfolio of resource use and management strategies and were likely one component of a larger, complex resource management system. We compared clam diversity, density, recruitment, and biomass in three clam gardens and three unmodified nonwalled beaches. Evidence suggests that butter clams (Saxidomus gigantea) had 1.96 times the biomass and 2.44 times the density in clam gardens relative to unmodified beaches. This was due to a reduction in beach slope and thus an increase in the optimal tidal range where clams grow and survive best. The most pronounced differences in butter clam density between nonwalled beaches and clam gardens were found at high tidal elevations at the top of the beach. Finally, clam recruits (0.5-2 mm in length) tended to be greater in clam gardens compared to nonwalled beaches and may be attributed to the addition of shell hash by ancient people, which remains on the landscape today. As part of a broader social-ecological system, clam garden sites were among several modifications made by humans that collectively may have conferred resilience to past communities by providing reliable and diverse access to food resources.


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The so-called "residential tourism" came to intensify the previous occupation of the coastal zones, characterized by traditional beach houses, and brought significant consequences for their spatial configuration, and especially for its scenic value of the landscape. Although there is the intention to regulate the activities of enterprising groups by some legal instruments to control the use and occupation of land, and to contain some negative effects, the actions of government are still inefficient in trying to follow the implications on the landscape from the accelerated growth of the real estate and touristic sectors. Supported in the speech of economic development and income generation, public managers prioritize areas to attract tourists to the detriment of preserving important physical attributes of the natural environment that contribute significantly to the quality of life. The result can be noticed in the use of natural elements as one of the major components in the land valorization, and in the immediate attraction of investors and enterprising. Therefore, the objective of this work is to contribute to the debate on the landscape preservation a little detailed thematic in view of their relevance in the current context - by indicating subsidies to the creation of a methodology for the evaluation and protection of coastal zones that may assist the government in creating new instruments, and better prepare it in control of the occupation of these areas. For such, was followed two ways to analysis: the indirect method and the direct method. The first is grounded in the evaluation of landscape attributes, which is based on the work of Raquel Tardin (2008) and Eduardo Cuesta, Encarnación Algarra and Isabel Pastor (2001). The second, based on the research of Leticia and Carlos Hardt (2010) and on the concepts of phenomenology - expressed by Antonio Christofoletti (1985) and Yi-Fu Tuan (1983) - considers the population perspective on the quality of the natural scenery. Developed through cartographic materials, photographic collections and quantitative tables, this dissertation utilized as a case study the beaches of Barra de Tabatinga and Camurupim, located in the city of Nísia Floresta/RN. Despite already being sighted spaces of advanced stage of landscape degradation in these locations, areas of remarkable scenic value can still be found, what reinforce the urgency in adopting preservationists actions. The absence of laws focused on the management and protection of the landscape singularities associated with the inefficiency of the government to invigilate the land occupation in coastal zones, encourage the excessive action of the real estate-tourism, and consequently make the government the main responsible for the environmental and landscape impacts in these areas - by its omission or by their connivance. Therefore, the legislation permeates this entire process and constitutes itself as the most effective way to guarantee the right to the landscape to present and future generations. Are also pointed some important considerations to build a methodology, especially concerning possibilities of improvements and adaptations of its applicability in each case


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Determining of beach states and study of manner sediment transmission in beach profile, involves the evaluating the actions of hydrodynamic forces dominated over the beaches, in this research through determining the beach states by the help of Hanson and short method, different reactions of Mazandaran’s shoreline against wind waves was studied and investigated. For this reason, First, the kind of hydrodynamic forces dominated over the beaches of this province was studied and beaches of the this province was distinguished as wave–dominated beaches, afterwards eight stations are chosen throughout the shoreline and the waves qualities and the sediments regarding to different depth was evaluated in these stations by using software and laboratory actions. In this way the parameter of dimensionless fall velocity each station was calculated and the beach states and their changes according to time was studied. Finally, the gained information is located in the software area of Arc GIS, and the waves dynamics and the way of erosion and accretion was evaluated in each station. In this research by study of air photographs during a thirty years period we found that was no remarkable changes at shoreline in western and central parts and each type of change depends upon the delta, while eastern part of coast at the location of breakwaters in neighbouring of Farahabad Station, accretion features is quiet evident. In the main results of this research, it became obvious that the beach state in the stations Neca, Farahabad, Larim, Naftchal, Mazandaran university, Babolsar, Noor is dissipative and the beach in Nashtarood station is in intermediate (ridge and runnel) state to the extend that in the dissipation beaches from east to west, the degree of dissipation of the beaches is decreased continuously.


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A baseline survey of the fishing communities was conducted in 2005/06 as one of the main studies under the Socio-economic Research and Monitoring Working Group on Lake Victoria. The overall objective of the survey was to provide a deeper understanding of the broad socio-economic characteristics and well being of the different stakeholder groups immediately dependent on the Lake Victoria fisheries. An understanding of socioeconomic status of the fishery primary stakeholders, who include fishers, artisanal processors and traders, is essential for any subsequent periodic evaluation of development. During the survey, a total of 1,235 respondents were interviewed, at 34 landing sites in all the Ugandan districts on Lake Victoria. The purpose of this fact sheet is to provide information on the fish landing beaches, people involved in fisheries, their livelihood activities and facilities available to them.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Geologia do Ambiente e Sociedade, 15 de Junho de 2016, Universidade dos Açores.


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This aerial view shows the toboggan water slide on South Bass Island. Many such water slides existed on bathing beaches on Lake Erie's islands during the 1920s. .


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During its heydey, the first decades of the 20th century, Lake Erie steamer service to the islands made Sandusky's Columbus Avenue a busy place. Boats carried visitors to resorts and beaches throughout the islands.


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This image, taken around 1880 shows the steamer "Pearl" readying to dock at the Put-in-Bay House on South Bass Island. Sandy beaches, warm waters, natural harbors, and wineries began attracting visitors to the Erie Islands in the 1860s. This picture shows the harbor at Put-in-Bay taken from Gibraltar Island.


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Seaweeds sulfated polysaccharides have been described as having various pharmacological activities. However, nothing is known about the influence of salinity on the structure of sulfated polysaccharides from green seaweed and pharmacological activities they perform. Therefore, the main aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of salinity of seawater on yield and composition of polysaccharides-rich fractions from green seaweed Caulerpa cupressoides var. flabellata, collected in two different salinities beaches of the coast of Rio Grande do Norte, and to verify the influence of salinity on their biological activities. We extracted four sulfated polysaccharides-rich fractions from C. cupressoides collected in Camapum beach (denominated CCM F0.3; F0.5; F1.0; F2.0), which the seawater has higher salinity, and Buzios beach (denominated CCB F0.3; F0.5; F1.0; F2.0). Different from that observed for other seaweeds, the proximate composition of C. cupressoides did not change with increased salinity. Moreover, interestingly, the C. cupresoides have high amounts of protein, greater even than other edible seaweeds. There was no significant difference (p>0.05) between the yield of polysaccharide fractions of CCM and its CCB counterparts, which indicates that salinity does not interfere with the yield of polysaccharide fractions. However, there was a significant difference in the sulfate/sugar ratio of F0.3 (p<0.05) and F0.5 (p<0.01) (CCM F0.3 and CCB F0.5 was higher than those determined for their counterparts), while the sulfate/sugar ratio the F1.0 and F2.0 did not change significantly (p>0.05) with salinity. This result suggested that the observed difference in the sulfate/sugar ratio between the fractions from CCM and CCB, is not merely a function of salinity, but probably also is related to the biological function of these biopolymers in seaweed. In addition, the salinity variation between collection sites did not influence algal monosaccharide composition, eletrophoretic mobility or the infrared spectrum of polysaccharides, demonstrating that the salinity does not change the composition of sulfated polysaccharides of C. cupressoides. There were differences in antioxidant and anticoagulant fractions between CCM and CCB. CCB F0.3 (more sulfated) had higher total antioxidant capacity that CCM F0.3, since the chelating ability the CCM F0.5 was more potent than CCB F0.5 (more sulfated). These data indicate that the activities of sulfated polysaccharides from CCM and CCB depend on the spatial patterns of sulfate groups and that it is unlikely to be merely a charge density effect. C. cupressoides polysaccharides also exhibited anticoagulant activity in the intrinsic (aPTT test) and extrinsic pathway (PT test). CCB F1.0 and CCM F1.0 showed different (p<0,001) aPTT activity, although F0.3 and F0.5 showed no difference (p>0,05) between CCM and CCB, corroborating the fact that the sulfate/sugar ratio is not a determining factor for biological activity, but rather for sulfate distribution along the sugar chain. Moreover, F0.3 and F0.5 activity in aPTT test was similar to that of clexane®, anticoagulant drug. In addition, F0.5 showed PT activity. These results suggest that salinity may have created subtle differences in the structure of sulfated polysaccharides, such as the distribution of sulfate groups, which would cause differences in biological activities between the fractions of the CCM and the CCB


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As costas arenosas estão actualmente sujeitas a intensos processos erosivos, resultado tanto de actividades humanas como de processos naturais. Na costa portuguesa, este aspecto é bem evidente pelo recuo da linha de costa, pela diminuição da largura das praias, pela degradação dos sistemas dunares e principalmente, pela proliferação de obras fixas de protecção costeira ao longo da linha de costa. Desde a última metade do século passado que a Vagueira tem sido submetida a um intenso processo erosivo, resultando num acentuado recuo da linha de costa. A principal causa apontada para este facto, é a retenção de sedimentos por parte do molhe Norte do porto de Aveiro, impedindo-os de serem transportados pela deriva litoral. Existem também outras causas que contribuem para o acelerar deste processo, tais como a diminuição da quantidade de sedimentos fornecida pela deriva litoral e a retenção de sedimentos por parte das obras transversais de defesa costeira. Nos dias de hoje, a erosão costeira é um verdadeiro risco, e mesmo com a existência de obras fixas de protecção costeira, o avanço do mar é uma constante. Na Vagueira, a pressão urbana sobre o ecossistema costeiro, alterando as suas morfologias e interferindo no seu dinamismo, tem sido um factor interveniente no processo da erosão neste sector costeiro. Desde 1958, tem-se observado um recuo efectivo da linha de costa na Praia da Vagueira, e hoje em dia já se verifica a quase completa destruição do cordão dunar frontal e a construção de diques arenosos na tentativa de impedir a abertura de um novo canal de ligação entre o canal de Mira e o oceano e de proteger valores naturais irrecuperáveis. A construção da cartografia para cada ano em estudo permitiu a quantificação dos valores médios e absolutos do recuo da linha de costa na Vagueira desde 1958 a 2002. A monitorização da praia da Vagueira entre Outubro de 2002 e Outubro de 2003 permitiu a caracterização da praia emersa e apontar o comportamento geral da área em estudo.


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A indústria turística tem-se focado na diversificação, de forma contínua, tornando-se um dos motores fundamentais para o progresso dos setores económicos de um país. Para tal, o desenvolvimento de um Produto Turístico de sucesso que visa oferecer ao público-alvo uma experiência memorável para satisfazer o seu desejo é essencial para que este consumidor venha a visitar um determinado destino. A nova era digital transformou a estratégia de marketing das empresas e esta nova conjuntura tem vindo a contribuir para o crescimento exponencial e para o desenvolvimento das técnicas e ferramentas que permitem promover a comunicação entre a empresa/marca e o consumidor, aspeto em que o marketing digital tem desempenhado um papel importante. Em tempos de valorização da experiência turística, o setor turístico de Cabo Verde pouco tem explorado e não tem tirado grande partido do marketing digital para dar a conhecer as potencialidades e as maravilhas do destino enquanto produto turístico, que ainda tem muito por descobrir por parte dos consumidores nacionais e internacionais. Como objetivos deste plano de comunicação Visit Cabo Verde pretende-se aumentar a notoriedade da marca Cabo Verde e captar novos turistas através da promoção de 4 ilhas: Santiago, São Vicente, Santo Antão e Boavista dividindo-as em 3 (três) subprodutos - cultura, natureza e praia. Com a realização deste projeto prevê-se que Cabo Verde atinja o público-alvo definido através da conceção das campanhas relevantes para os potenciais turistas e aumentar o fluxo dos turistas no arquipélago. As limitações deste plano de comunicação incidem sobre a variável produto que não é controlável, procurando este plano uma linha de orientação para a variável comunicação.


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Background: Assessing the chemical or bacterial contamination in marine waters and sediments is a very common approach to evaluate marine pollution and associated risks. However, toxicity and organic pollution of beach sands have not yet been considered, except in adjacent waters. In the present study, the toxicity and the chemical contamination of natural beach sands collected 20 m from the shoreline at two sites located on the Mediterranean Sea (Marseille and La Marana, Corsica) were studied. Results: Up to 16.93% (net percentage) abnormal or dead larvae was observed in elutriates prepared from the urban beach sand sample (Marseille); no significant toxicity was observed in the sample collected from the reference beach in La Marana. Results of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy analyses revealed that no microplastics were present in either of the samples. Several polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons [PAHs] in both samples and a larger number of individual PAHs in the urban sample than in the sample collected from the reference beach were detected. In addition, the antioxidant dioctyldiphenylamine was detected in both beach sand samples, whereby a higher concentration was found in La Marana than in Marseille. Calculated PAH concentrations in elutriates were generally higher than measured ones. Conclusions: The results of this preliminary study provide evidence of toxicity and the presence of organic trace contaminants in beach sands from France. According to our results, monitoring using a combination of biotests and chemical analyses is recommended, especially of sediments from beaches abandoned to urban and industrial areas.


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Experimental analyses of hermit crabs and their preferences for shells are essential to understand the intrinsic relationship of the crabs' dependence on shells, and may be useful to explain their shell use pattern in nature. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of crab species and site on the pattern of shell use, selection, and preference in the south-western Atlantic hermit crabs Pagurus brevidactylus and Pagurus criniticornis, comparing sympatric and allopatric populations. Differently from the traditional approach to evaluate shell preference by simply determining the shell selection pattern (i.e., the number of shells of each type selected), preference was defined (according to [Liszka, D., Underwood, AJ., 1990. An experimental design to determine preferences for gastropod shells by a hermit-crab. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol., 137(1), 47-62]) by the comparison of the number of crabs changing for a particular shell type when three options were given (Cerithium atratum, Morula nodulosa, and Tegula viridula) with the number of crabs changing for this same type when only this type was offered. The effect of crab species was tested at Cabelo Gordo Beach, where P. brevidacrylus was found occupying shells of C. atratum, M. nodulosa, and T viridula in similar frequencies, whereas P. criniticornis occupied predominantly shells of C atratum. In laboratory experiments the selection patterns of the two hermit-crab species for these three gastropods were different, with P criniticornis selecting mainly shells of C atratum, and R brevidactylus selecting more shells of M. nodulosa. The shell preference was also dependent on crab species, with P. criniticornis showing a clear preference for shells of C atratum, whereas P. brevidactylus did not show a preference for any of the tested shells. The effect of site was tested for the two species comparing data from Cabelo Gordo to Preta (P brevidactylus) and Araca beaches (P. criniticornis). The pattern of shell use, selection, and preference was demonstrated to be dependent on site only for P. brevidactylus. The results also showed that the shell use pattern of P criniticornis can be explained by its preference at both sites, whereas for P. brevidactylus it occurred only at Cabelo Gordo, where the absence of preference was correlated with the similar use of the three gastropod species studied. Finally, the results showed that the shell selection pattern cannot be considered as a measure of shell preference, since it overestimates crab selectivity. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.