804 resultados para Vet


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General aim of the study is equine welfare, particularly concerning different husbandry methodic and inter-specific relational factors. Specific aim is the evaluation of possible mutual (to humans and to equines) benefits and the analysis of critical factors/strength points, of human-horse relationship within Therapeutic Riding context (TR). The peculiarities of human-horse relationship (compared to the bond with “Pet”) are analyzed, concerning their socio-anthropological, psychological, psycho-dynamic distinctive characteristics. 8 European representative therapeutic riding centers (TRC) were therefore selected (on the basis of their different animals’ husbandry criteria, and of the different rehabilitative methodologies adopted). TRC were investigated through 2 different questionnaires, specifically settled to access objective/subjective animal welfare parameters; the quality of human-horse relationship; technicians’ emotional experienced. 3 Centers were further selected, and behavioral (145 hours of behavioral recording) and physiological parameters (heart rate and heart rate variability) were evaluated, aimed to access equine welfare and horses’ adaptive responses/coping (towards general environment and towards TR job). Moreover a specific “handling-task” was ideated and experimented, aimed to measure the quality of TR technicians-horses relationship. We did therefore evaluate both the individual horses’ responses and the possible differences among Centers. Data collected highlight the lack of univocal standardized methodic, concerning the general animals’ management and the specific methodologies (aimed to improve animal welfare and to empower TR efficacy). Some positive and some critical aspects were detected concerning TR personnel-horse relationship. Another experimental approach did evaluate the efficacy (concerning the mutual benefits’ empowerment) of an “ethologically-fitted” TR intervention, aimed to educate children to and through the relationship with horses. Our data evidenced that the improvement of human horse relationship, through structured educational programs for TR personnel might have important consequences both to human and equine welfare.


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The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of the pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFS) on pain relief and functional capacity of dogs with osteoarthritis by which a single centre study prospective clinical trial. PEMFs are non ionized, athermic and time varying electromagnetic fields that has been successfully used for the treatment of osteoarthritis in human thanks to their chondroprotective, antinflammatory and analgesic property. 20 dogs were treated with PEMFs , 3 times per week for a total of 20 sessions.We found beneficial effects on pain relief and lameness in the absence of adverse effect. The decrease of pain impacted positively on the health-dogs related quality of life and the grade of satisfaction of their owner was very high. The benefits were obvious at half therapy and lasted for a medium long time. This is the first published report concerning PEMFs treatment on canine osteoarthtitis. The result of this study proves that PEMFs is a non –invasive remedy, lacking in adverse effect , easy to employ and useful for controlling pain and inflammation associated with osteoarthritis.


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Recognizing one’s body as separate from the external world plays a crucial role in detecting external events, and thus in planning adequate reactions to them. In addition, recognizing one’s body as distinct from others’ bodies allows remapping the experiences of others onto one’s sensory system, providing improved social understanding. In line with these assumptions, two well-known multisensory mechanisms demonstrated modulations of somatosensation when viewing both one’s own and someone else’s body: the Visual Enhancement of Touch (VET) and the Visual Remapping of Touch (VRT) effects. Vision of the body, in the former, and vision of the body being touched, in the latter, enhance tactile processing. The present dissertation investigated the multisensory nature of these mechanisms and their neural bases. Further experiments compared these effects for viewing one’s own body or viewing another person’s body. These experiments showed important differences in multisensory processing for one’s own body, and for other bodies, and also highlighted interactions between VET and VRT effects. The present experimental evidence demonstrated that a multisensory representation of one’s body – underlie by a high order fronto-parietal network - sends rapid modulatory feedback to primary somatosensory cortex, thus functionally enhancing tactile processing. These effects were highly spatially-specific, and depended on current body position. In contrast, vision of another person’s body can drive mental representations able to modulate tactile perception without any spatial constraint. Finally, these modulatory effects seem sometimes to interact with high order information, such as emotional content of a face. This allows one’s somatosensory system to adequately modulate perception of external events on the body surface, as a function of its interaction with the emotional state expressed by another individual.


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Strongylosis in equids, despite being very common, have never been studied from a strictly ecological point of view. Mathematical models are important ecological tools used to study the temporal dynamics of parasite populations, and are useful to study the effect of different biological parameters, as well as to analyse the outcome produced by perturbations such as anthelmintic treatments. This work describes the study of the temporal dynamics of strongyles infection in an organic donkey population, performed using coprological quantitative analysis and donkeys’ age as a proxy of the time of infection. Force of infection was then estimated for Strongylus vulgaris and small strongyles and the results used as the basis for the development of mathematical models. In particular, the comparison of models output and field data made it possible to estimate the transmission coefficient  and to consequently calculate the basic reproduction number R0 and the threshold host density. Small strongyles model includes hypobiosis and, more interestingly as never found in literature, a density-dependent development rate of hypobiotic larvae in adult parasites in order to simulate a negative feedback between larvae emergence from hypobiosis and adult parasite abundance. Simulations of pharmacological and environmental treatments showed that parasite eradication was possible for S. vulgaris only, while small strongyles, due to hypobiosis and density-dependent development rate of their hypobiotic larvae, are very difficult to control and impossible to eradicate. In addition, density-dependence in larval development has been demonstrated to act as a key factor in improving parasite population survival and abundance even in absence of human intervention.


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Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE) are neurodegenerative diseases caused by the conversion of the host-encoded cellular protein (PrPC) to a disease-associated isoform (PrPSc). The agent responsible for prion diseases may exist as different strains with specific biological and biochemical properties. According to the protein-only hypothesis, prion strain diversity is enciphered in PrPSc conformation. Molecular strain typing methods are based on the electrophoretic mobility of protease resistant core of PrPSc, on the susceptibility to protease digestion, on the glycosylation profile of PrPres and on the conformational stability of PrPSc. In this study a new conformational stability assay was developed based on the differential solubility of PrPC and PrPSc: CSSA (conformational stability and solubility assay). The conformational stability assay was performed by measuring PrPSc solubility in homogenates treated with increasing concentrations of GdnHCl, in the absence of proteinase K. Indeed, dose-response curves allowed estimation of the concentration of GdnHCl able to solubilise 50% of PrPSc. The results showed that this method is valuable for the biochemical typing of strains in bank voles and it is also a promising tool for molecular analysis of natural prion isolates. CSSA also revealed strain-specific PrPSc conformational stabilities of ovine natural isolates so that this feature, combined with the N-terminal PrPSc cleavage, allowed differentiation of classical scrapie, including CH1641-like, from natural goat BSE and experimental sheep BSE. In view of the implications concerning strain similarity between animal and human TSEs, the physico-chemical properties of the Nor98 with two human prion diseases (VPSPr and GSS) were compared in order to investigate the extent of the similarity between animal and human prion strains. The results showed an unexpected heterogeneity of the molecular features among human and sheep TSEs associated with internal PrPres fragments with the possible exception of Nor98 and a case of GSS P102L. These similarities and differences need further investigation by N- and C-terminal sequencing and biological characterization.


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Le encefalopatie spongiformi trasmissibili (EST), o malattie da prioni, sono malattie neurodegenerative che colpiscono l'uomo e gli animali. Le più note tra le EST animali sono la scrapie della pecora e della capra, l’encefalopatia spongiforme bovina (BSE), la Sindrome del dimagrimento cronico (CWD) dei cervidi. Negli uomini ricordiamo la malattia di Creutzfeldt-Jakob (CJD) nelle sue diverse forme (sporadica, genetica, iatrogenica e variante). La dimostrazione che la variante della CJD (vCJD) sia causata dallo stesso agente eziologico della BSE, ha evidenziato il potenziale zoonotico di queste malattie. Le EST sono caratterizzate da tempi di incubazione estremamente lunghi ed esito invariabilmente fatale. Il momento patogenetico centrale comune a tutte queste malattie è rappresentato dalla modificazione conformazionale di una proteina cellulare denominata PrPC (proteina prionica cellulare) in una isoforma patologica denominata PrPSc, insolubile e caratterizzata da una parziale resistenza alle proteasi, che tende a depositarsi sotto forma di fibrille amiloidee nel SNC dei soggetti colpiti. La suscettibilità degli ovini alla scrapie è largamente influenzata dal genotipo del gene dell’ospite che codifica per la PrP (PRNP), e più precisamente da tre polimorfismi presenti ai codoni 136, 154 e 171. Questi si combinano in cinque principali alleli, ARQ, VRQ, AHQ, ARH e ARR, correlati a differenti gradi di suscettibilità alla malattia. Risultati ottenuti da un precedente studio d’infezione sperimentale di ovini di razza Sarda con scrapie classica (Vaccari G et al 2007), hanno suggeriscono l’ordine di suscettibilità ARQ>AHQ>ARH. L’allele ARR, è risultato invece associato ai più alti livelli di protezione dalla malattia. Dallo stesso studio di trasmissione sperimentale e da uno studio epidemiologico di tipo caso-controllo, è inoltre emerso che nella razza Sarda, ovini con l’allele ARQ, con sostituzione amminoacidica al codone 137 Metionina (M)/Treonina (T) (AT137RQ) o al 176 Asparagina (N)/Lisina (K) (ARQK176) in eterozigosi sono protetti dalla scrapie. Inoltre studi di trasmissione sperimentale della BSE in ovini della stessa razza con tre differenti genotipi (ARQ/ARQ, ARQ/ARR e ARR/ARR), hanno dimostrato come la BSE abbia un targeting genetico molto simile a quello della scrapie, evidenziando il genotipo ARQ/ARQ come il più suscettibile. L’obbiettivo della seguente tesi è stato quello di verificare se fosse possibile riprodurre in vitro la differente suscettibilità genetica degli ovini alle EST evidenziata in vivo, utilizzando il PMCA (Protein Misfolding Cyclic Amplification), la metodica ad oggi più promettente e di cui è stata dimostrata la capacità di riprodurre in vitro diverse proprietà biologiche dei prioni. La tecnica, attraverso cicli ripetuti di sonicazione/incubazione, permette la conversione in vitro della PrPC presente in un omogenato cerebrale (substrato), da parte di una quantità minima di PrPSc (inoculo) che funge da “innesco” della reazione. Si è voluto inoltre utilizzare il PMCA per indagare il livello di protezione in omozigosi di alleli rari per i quali, in vivo, si avevano evidenze di protezione dalla scrapie solo in eterozigosi, e per studiare la suscettibilità degli ovini alla BSE adattata in questa specie. È stata quindi testata in PMCA la capacità diversi substrati ovini recanti differenti genotipi, di amplificare la PrPSc dello stesso isolato di scrapie classica impiegato nel precedente studio in vivo o di un inoculo di BSE bovina. Inoltre sono stati saggiati in vitro due inoculi di BSE costituiti da omogenato cerebrale di due ovini sperimentalmente infettati con BSE (BSE ovina) e recanti due differenti genotipi (ARQ/ARQ e ARR/ARR). Per poter descrivere quantitativamente il grado di correlazione osservato i risultati ottenuti in vitro e i quelli riscontrati dallo studio di sperimentazione con scrapie, espressi rispettivamente come fattori di amplificazione e tempi d’incubazione registrati in vivo, sono stati analizzati con un modello di regressione lineare. Per quanto riguarda la scrapie, i risultati ottenuti hanno evidenziato come i genotipi associati in vivo a suscettibilità (ARQ/ARQ, ARQ/AHQ and AHQ/ARH) siano anche quelli in grado di sostenere in PMCA l’amplificazione della PrPSc, e come quelli associati a resistenza (ARQ/ARR and ARR/ARR) non mostrino invece nessuna capacità di conversione. Dall’analisi di regressione lineare è inoltre emerso come l’efficienza di amplificazione in vitro dei differenti genotipi testati sia inversamente proporzionale ai tempi d’incubazione registrati in vivo. Inoltre nessuna amplificazione è stata riscontrata utilizzando il substrato con genotipo raro ARQK176/ARQK176 suggerendo come anche questo possa essere associato a resistenza, almeno nei confronti dell’isolato di scrapie classica utilizzato. Utilizzando come inoculo in PMCA l’isolato di BSE bovina, è stato possibile riscontrare, nei tre genotipi analizzati (ARQ/ARQ, ARQ/ARR e ARR/ARR) un evidente amplificazione per il solo genotipo ARQ/ARQ, sottolineando anche in questo caso l’esistenza di una correlazione tra suscettibilità riscontrata in vivo e capacità di conversione in PMCA. I tre i substrati analizzati mostrano inoltre una buona efficienza di amplificazione, per altro simile, se si utilizza la PrPSc dell’inoculo di BSE sperimentalemente trasmessa agli ovini. Questi genotipi sembrerebbero dunque ugualmente suscettibili se esposti a BSE adattata alla specie ovina. I risultati di questa tesi indicano dunque una correlazione diretta tra la capacità di conversione della PrPC con il PMCA e la suscettibilità osservata in vivo per i differenti genotipi analizzati. Mostrano inoltre come il PMCA possa essere una valida alternativa agli studi di trasmissione in vivo e un rapido strumento utile non soltanto per testare, ma anche per predire la suscettibilità genetica degli ovini a diversi ceppi di EST, rappresentando un valido aiuto per l’individuazione di ulteriori genotipi resistenti, così da incrementare la variabilità genetica dei piani di selezione attuati per gli ovini per il controllo di queste malattie.