901 resultados para Train taimtabling


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Joukkoliikenteen merkitys suurten ihmismäärien liikuttamisessa on kasvanut. Kaupunkikeskustat ovat monin paikoin ruuhkautuneet ja joukkoliikenteestä pyritään tekemään mahdollisimman houkuttelevaa ruuhkien helpottamiseksi. Yksi keino houkutella ihmisiä joukkoliikennevälineiden käyttäjiksi on parantaa matkustajille tarjottavan informaation määrää ja laatua. Matkustajainformaatiojärjestelmä on monipuolinen kokonaisuus, jolla joukkoliikenteen käyttäjälle tarjotaan muun muassa opastusta, aikataulutietoa ja häiriötietoa. Informaatio voi olla staattista kuten painetut aikataulut ja kiinteät opasteet tai dynaamista kuten reaaliaikaiset näytöt ja kuulutukset. Informaatiota voidaan tarjota matkustajan käyttöön niin kotona ja liikenneasemilla kuin liikkuvassa kalustossakin. Matkustajainformaatiojärjestelmiä on käytössä erilaisissa joukkoliikennevälineissä, joista tässä diplomityössä syvennytään raideliikenteeseen. Työssä suunnitellaan ja toteutetaan raideliikenteen vaatimukset täyttävä IP-pohjainen audiovahvistin. Valmis vahvistin liittyy Ethernet-verkon välityksellä raideliikenteen matkustajainformaatio-järjestelmään. Laite toimii kuulutus- ja puhelinjärjestelmän keskusyksikkönä. Työn tuloksena saatiin toimiva ja sarjatuotantokelpoinen audiovahvistin. Laitteen tyyppitestit ovat tätä työtä palautettaessa vielä kesken, mutta tähän mennessä testit ovat menneet hyvin ja laite on toiminut hyvin myös osana järjestelmää.


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Neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBAs) are widely used in clinical anaesthesia and emergency medicine. Main objectives are to facilitate endotracheal intubation and to allow surgery by reducing muscle tone and eliminating sudden movements, which may otherwise lead to trauma and complications. The most commonly used NMBAs are non-depolarizing agents with a medium duration of action, such as rocuronium and cisatracurium. They bind to the acetylcholine receptors in the neuromuscular junction, thus inhibiting the depolarization of the postsynaptic (muscular) membrane, which is a prerequisite for muscle contraction to take place. Previously, it has been assumed that nitrous oxide (N2O), which is commonly used in combination with volatile or intravenous anaesthetics during general anaesthesia, has no effect on NMBAs. Several studies have since claimed that N2O in fact does increase the effect of NMBAs when using bolus administration of the relaxant. The effect of N2O on the infusion requirements of two NMBAs (rocuronium and cisatracurium) with completely different molecular structure and pharmacological properties was assessed. A closed-loop feedback controlled infusion of NMBA with duration of at least 90 minutes at a 90% level of neuromuscular block was used. All patients received total intravenous anaesthesia (TIVA) with propofol and remifentanil. In both studies the study group (n=35) received N2O/Oxygen and the control group (n=35) Air/Oxygen. There were no significant differences in the mean steady state infusion requirements of NMBA (rocuronium in Study I; cisatracurium in Study II) between the groups in either study. In Study III the duration of the unsafe period of recovery after reversal of rocuronium-induced neuromuscular block by using neostigmine or sugammadex as a reversal agent was analyzed. The unsafe period of recovery was defined as the time elapsed from the moment of no clinical (visual) fade in the train-of-four (TOF) sequence until an objectively measured TOF-ratio of 0.90 was achieved. The duration of these periods were 10.3 ± 5.5 and 0.3 ± 0.3 min after neostigmine and sugammadex, respectively (P < 0.001). Study IV investigated the possible effect of reversal of a rocuronium NMB by sugammadex on depth of anaesthesia as indicated by the bispectral index and entropy levels in thirty patients. Sugammadex did not affect the level of anaesthesia as determined by EEG-derived indices of anaesthetic depth such as the bispectral index and entropy.


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How can the holy craft of liturgy be trained? A study of approaches to instruction in training oral skills within education of the Norwegian clergy The theme of this study is the competence of expression of clerics performing liturgies as part of their duties in the Norwegian Lutheran Church. The aim of the study is to find a teaching practice which can raise the competence in oral expression characteristic of the clergy profession. The teaching practice is explored and discussed within the context of the basic education of the clergy. The main thesis is formulated as a question: How can the holy craft of liturgy be trained? An underpinning of the study is that liturgical acts are holy, which gives these performances an aspect of otherness. This otherness constitutes a clear agreement between the students and the teacher, and between the professional and the employer. The pre-understanding of the researcher is that these liturgical oral acts are trainable, and that there is a need and a necessity to train in these skills. Three research questions are elaborated on in the explorative section of the study: • What is characteristic of a competence of expression connected to the profession? • How can this competence of expression connected to liturgical performance be developed? • What is the importance of this competence in the holy craft of liturgy for the development of a cohesive professional self-understanding? The study is based on a research and development project where the researcher as the teacher and students from one specific clergy education in Norway (MF) were the source of the empirical material. The empirical data came from practice with two external observers› logs on the coaching, video observations, of the teacher and the students› texts on the practice under study, which is liturgical performance. The researcher›s log and field notes also provide material for the analysis. This is a qualitative project and an arts education project carried out within an interpretative framework. The theoretical framework has three perspectives: a structural approach based on the system theory of Niklas Luhmann, an epistemological approach discussing forms of knowledge in practice or informing practice and an arts education approach. The results indicate that the competence in oral liturgical performance can be considered a trainable skill, and that this training can be understood as an arts education method of instruction based on meaningful communication, dramaturgical thinking and the development of authenticity. The main result from this study can be considered as articulating and sketching the contours of the field of knowledge where the students embody the meaning of the clergy profession ‒ and this articulation has an innovative potential as knowledge combining experience and theoretical understanding.


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The target of this thesis is to develop a brand positioning process model for the case company’s international operations. The model will make the process more effective and decrease the risk of relevant aspects being forgotten. The focus is on the international operations although generally the brand positioning can be seen as a standardized subject and, thus, there is no need to distinguish market areas. Constructive research approach is chosen as a research method. Internal interviews are done in order to give the much needed insight about the case company’s current processes and circumstances. Based on theory, interviews as well as internal and external material the model is built. The most difficult part in building the model is to determine the order of each phase. Also, deciding the number of each phase can be problematic. The model should be brief and assertive in order to reduce the risk of misunderstanding between employees from different units. Based on the analysis of the interviews and the theory the brand positioning process model is presented with indication of the order of each phase. The model is divided to three main groups: Analyzing the Environment, Determining the Brand Position, and Documenting the BPS. The benefits of the model are that overlapping work can be reduced, too similar brands can be noticed and it is easier to train new employees.


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Kirjallisuudesta välittyy useitten vuosikymmenten ajalta tietämys sotilaslentämisen fyysisestä kuormittavuudesta. G-voimista aiheutuva kuormittuminen näyttää johtavan joko akuutisti tai pitkäaikaisesti lentäjän tuki- ja liikuntaelimistön toimintakykyä alentaviin ongelmiin. Erityisesti on selvitetty niskan alueen työperäisten ongelmien syntyä, jolloin on havaittu lentotoiminnan fyysisen kuormittavuuden johtavan ennenaikaiseen rakenteelliseen rappeumaan, haittaa aiheuttavan oireen lisäksi. Kansainvälisen kirjallisuuden mukaan ammatista johtuvista eli työperäisistä oireista kärsii vähintään 2/3 kaikista sotilaslentäjistä. Tietyin edellytyksin lentäjien kaularangan alueen rappeuma on Suomessa hyväksytty ammattitaudiksi vuodesta 1995 alkaen. On arveltu, että hyvästä fyysisestä suorituskyvystä olisi apua tuki- ja liikuntaelin (TULE)-oireilun ennaltaehkäisemisessä ja toimintakyvyn ylläpitämisessä. Tutkimusnäyttö tästä on lentäjien osalta ollut toistaiseksi erittäin niukkaa. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää suomalaisten sotilaslentäjien työperäisen TULE-oireilun esiintyvyyttä, oireista koetun haitan tasoa, lentäjien fyysisen kunnon tasoja virkauran aikana ja näitten kaikkien välisiä yhteyksiä sekä työperäisen TULE-oireen merkitystä sotilaan toimintakykyyn. Tutkimus jakautui kahteen osaan. Poikkileikkauksena lentotoimintaperäisiä TULE-oireita kartoitettiin kyselytutkimuksella, johon vastasi vuositarkastuksen yhteydessä 267 lentäjää vuosina 2004-2005. Joukosta poimittiin ne 195 lentäjää, jotka olivat suorittaneet yleissotilaalliset kuntotestit puolen vuoden sisällä kyselyyn vastaamisesta, ja mitatut testitulokset yhdistettiin kyselytutkimusaineistoon. Tässä aineistossa toteutettiin fyysisesti erilailla kuormittuvien lentäjäryhmien välisiä vertailuja fyysisen kunnon, TULE-esiintyvyyden ja koetun haitan suhteen. Poikkileikkausosassa tutkittiin myös lentäjien virkauran aikaisia tasoeroja yleissotilaallisissa kuntotesteissä (n=195) verrattuna muihin suomalaisiin sotilaisiin. Lisäksi (N=289) selvitettiin ilmailulääketieteellisen tarkastuksen yhteydessä mitattuja, ns. ammatillisia fyysisiä erityisominaisuuksia eri ikäluokissa. Pitkittäisosassa seurattiin 67:n Hawk-suihkuharjoituskoneella aloittaneen Ilmavoimien sotilaslentäjien lentouran aikaista lentotoimintaperäisten TULE-oireitten esiintyvyyttä vuosien 1996 ja 2008 välillä. Lisäksi tutkittiin lentäjien kontakteja työterveyshuoltoon, oireen aiheuttamaa lentokelvottomuusaikaa, työn kuormituksen kumulatiivista kertymää lentotuntien lisääntyessä ja TULE-oireiden esiintyvyyden kannalta kriittisiä ajankohtia lentouran aikana. Tulokset osoittivat, että kaikki seurannassa olleet suomalaiset sotilaslentäjät kokivat jonkinasteisen lentotoimintaperäisen TULE-oireen uransa aikana. Niskan ammattitautiluokituksen tasoisen ongelman esiintyvyys oli 4 % koko lentäjäpopulaatiosta ja 10 % suihkuharjoituskonevaiheen jo läpäisseistä, mutta vastaavanlaisia TULE-ongelmia, ilman riittävää näyttöä ammattitaudista, esiintyi lähes joka kolmannella sotilaslentäjällä. Alaselän osalta lentäjät oireilivat lähes samassa määrin, mutta näitä oireita ei toistaiseksi ole mahdollista määrittää ammattitaudiksi. Lentäjät kävivät varsin vähän valittamassa oireistaan työterveyshuoltoon, jossa käytäneen vasta silloin, kun oire jo selvästi heikentää työtehtävissä vaadittavaa toimintakykyä. Merkittävin lentotoimintaperäisten oireitten esiintymisen kasvu ajoittui 200 Hawk-lentotunnin kohdalle, jolloin koneella saavutetaan eräänlainen optimaalinen G-indeksi eli taktisen liikehtelyn G-tasoylitysten vaihtelu. Tämän jälkeen lentäjät ovat erityisen alttiina akuuteille lennonaikaisille TULE-ongelmille. Oireitten esiintyminen kasvoi eksponentiaalisesti noin 600 lentotuntiin asti. Monimuuttujamallien mukaan työperäisen TULE-oireen esiintyvyysriskiä vähensivät alaraajojen hyvä motoriikka, korkeat valintapisteet ja korkea kaulan fleksion voimataso maksimaalisessa isometrisessä testissä. Yleissotilaallisilla kuntotasoilla ei ollut yhteyttä oireiluun, mutta lihaskunnoltaan voimakkaimmat lentäjät kärsivät tilastollisesti merkittävästi vähemmän haittaa lentotoimintaperäisistä TULE-oireistaan. Yleissotilaallisissa kuntotesteissä lentäjät olivat parempia kuin muut suomalaiset sotilaat. Aktiivisimman lentouran aikana, 30-40-vuotiaina, lentäjien fyysinen suorituskyky oli normaaliväestöön nähden vain keskimääräinen ja urheilijoihin nähden keskimääräistä heikompi. Käytännössä lentäjät eivät kyenneet ylläpitämään valintavaiheen fyysistä suorituskykyään edes kadettivaiheen loppuun asti. Huomattavaa oli lisäksi, että aktiivisen lentouran päätyttyä fyysinen kunto näytti jossain määrin palautuvan kohti lähtötasoa lentäjien ikääntymisestä huolimatta. Lentäjien valintavaiheen aikana mitatun fyysisen suorituskyvyn tason säilyminen aktiivisen lentopalveluksen loppuun asti vaatisi lentäjien fyysisen toimintakyvyn ylläpidon ja kehittämisen tehostamista koulutuksen ja työuran eri vaihessa. Tähän tavoitteeseen nähden Ilmavoimien fyysisen kasvatuksen järjestelyt vaikuttivat alimitoitetuilta. Operatiivisesti huolestuttavaa oli Ilmavoimien ohjaajien fyysisen suorituskyvyn heikentyminen silloin, kun heidän taitojensa puolesta olisi pitänyt olla suorituskykyisimpiä taistelutehtäviinsä. Myös lentäjän terveyttä ja toimintakykyä pitäisi pystyä reaaliaikaisemmin seuraamaan koko lentouran aikana. Ilmavoimille suositellaan moniammatillista lähestymistä sotilaslentäjien toimintakyvyn ylläpitämiseen ja terveysriskien hallintaan yhdessä liikunnan, työterveyshuollon, lentoturvallisuusalan ja operatiivisen suunnittelun asiantuntijoitten kanssa. Lisäksi suositellaan avoimempaa ja eettisesti kestävämpää suhtautumista ammattiin liittyvien terveysongelmien kuvaamiseen sekä fyysisen kunnon kysymyksiin jo lentäjien rekrytointivaiheessa.


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Transport volumes have increased and will continue to increase in European Union. Even though the growth has not been equal between different transport modes. Most of the growth has been faced on road transport. European Union aims to balance the unbalanced market shares between the modes by gaining and supporting the competitiveness of railway and waterway transport. In EU railway transportation is seen as solution to increase safety in traffic and decrease the environmental impacts of transportation. The aim of this research is to figure out how it is possible to decrease the environmental impacts by the technology already in use. Main focus of this research is in intermodality and combining the road and railway transportation. This study aims also to figure out demands and expectations towards new Rail Baltica railway route connecting Tallinn and Berlin. The research is conducted by performing a literature review about decreasing environmental impacts and combining road and rail transport. Another viewpoint is taken from the possible effects of tourism to the passenger transport on rails. Knowledge gained by literature review is deepened by additional internet questionnaire study and expert interview study. In decreasing the environmental impacts of transportation electric trains are definitely the best option providing that the electricity is generated from renewable or carbon dioxide free sources. Decrease of environmental impacts has been reached also with acceptance of larger road transport vehicles. According to interviewed passenger transport experts, the whole route from Tallinn to Berlin may not be convenient to be used in passenger transport, just because the route is too long.. In EU freight is transported mainly with semi-trailer combinations, and that is why it could be logical if huckepack trains would be used on Rail Baltica. Huckepack train allows semi-trailers to be transported on rails with time efficient loading-unloading process. Overall, Rail Baltica project is experienced as a future-oriented one and new railway alignment is seen as great alternative option for transport modes using fossil fuels.


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Modelling of the slug structure requires a new effort on fundamental research. To clarify some aspects of the horizontal slug flow, an experimental study of the behaviour of two isolated bubbles in a single-phase liquid flow was performed. This procedure was adopted to avoid the overlap of different phenomena induced by a train of long bubbles. The experimental facility consists of a 90-m horizontal PVC pipe with internal diameter of 0,053 m. The behaviour of two single air bubbles travelling in a water flow was studied. Focus was given on the influence of the distance between the bubbles on the velocity of the second bubble. This study allows the understanding of the mechanism of overtaking that takes place right after the slug formation and that precedes the coalescence of bubbles in a slug flow. The results show that bubbles placed behind a liquid slug smaller than a critical value move faster than the leading one. Otherwise, they move slower than the leading one.


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Responses evoked in the earthworm, Amynthas hawayanus, main muscle contraction generator M-2 (postsynaptic mechanical-stimulus-sensitive) neuron by threshold mechanical stimuli in 2-s intertrial intervals (ITI) were used as the control or unconditioned responses (UR). Their attenuation induced by decreasing these intervals in non-associative conditioning and their enhancement induced by associating the unconditioned stimuli (US) to a train of short (0.1 s) hyperpolarizing electrical substitutive conditioning stimuli (SCS) in the Peri-Kästchen (PK) neuron were measured in four parameters, i.e., peak numbers (N) and amplitude ()averaged from 120 responses, sum of these amplitudes (SAMP) and the highest peak amplitude (V) over a period of 4 min. Persistent attenuation similar to habituation was induced by decreasing the control ITI to 0.5 s and 2.0 s in non-associative conditioning within less than 4 min. Dishabituation was induced by randomly pairing one of these habituated US to an electrical stimulus in the PK neuron. All four parameters of the UR were enhanced by forward (SCS-US), but not backward (US-SCS), association of the US with 25, 100 and 250-Hz trains of SCS with 40-ms interstimulus intervals (ISI) for 4 min and persisted for another 4 min after turning off the SCS. The enhancement of these parameters was proportional to the SCS frequencies in the train. No UR was evoked by the SCS when the US was turned off after 4 min of classical conditioning.


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Evidence has indicated that the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) might be involved in the generation of spontaneous electrical activity in atrial pacemaker cells. We report the effect of disabling the SR with ryanodine (0.1 µM) on the sinus node recovery time (SNRT) measured in isolated right atria from 4-6-month-old male Wistar rats. Electrogram and isometric force were recorded at 36.5oC. Two methods for sinus node resetting were used: a) pulse: a single stimulus pulse interpolated at coupling intervals of 50, 65 or 80% of the regular spontaneous cycle length (RCL), and b) train: a 2-min train of pulses at intervals of 50, 65 or 80% of RCL. Corrected SNRT (cSNRT) was calculated as the difference between SNRT (first spontaneous cycle length after stimulation interruption) and RCL. Ryanodine only slightly increased RCL (<10%), but decreased developed force by 90%. When the pulse method was used, cSNRT (~40 ms), which represents intranodal/atrial conduction time, was independent of the coupling interval and unaffected by ryanodine. However, cSNRT obtained by the train method was significantly higher for shorter intervals between pulses, indicating the occurrence of overdrive suppression. In this case, ryanodine prolonged cSNRT in a rate-dependent fashion, with a greater effect at shorter intervals. These results indicate that: a) a functional SR, albeit important for force development, does not seem to play a major role in atrial automaticity in the rat; b) disruption of cell Ca2+ homeostasis by inhibition of SR function does not appear to affect conduction; however, it enhances overdrive-induced depression of sinusal automaticity.


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The dissertation proposes two control strategies, which include the trajectory planning and vibration suppression, for a kinematic redundant serial-parallel robot machine, with the aim of attaining the satisfactory machining performance. For a given prescribed trajectory of the robot's end-effector in the Cartesian space, a set of trajectories in the robot's joint space are generated based on the best stiffness performance of the robot along the prescribed trajectory. To construct the required system-wide analytical stiffness model for the serial-parallel robot machine, a variant of the virtual joint method (VJM) is proposed in the dissertation. The modified method is an evolution of Gosselin's lumped model that can account for the deformations of a flexible link in more directions. The effectiveness of this VJM variant is validated by comparing the computed stiffness results of a flexible link with the those of a matrix structural analysis (MSA) method. The comparison shows that the numerical results from both methods on an individual flexible beam are almost identical, which, in some sense, provides mutual validation. The most prominent advantage of the presented VJM variant compared with the MSA method is that it can be applied in a flexible structure system with complicated kinematics formed in terms of flexible serial links and joints. Moreover, by combining the VJM variant and the virtual work principle, a systemwide analytical stiffness model can be easily obtained for mechanisms with both serial kinematics and parallel kinematics. In the dissertation, a system-wide stiffness model of a kinematic redundant serial-parallel robot machine is constructed based on integration of the VJM variant and the virtual work principle. Numerical results of its stiffness performance are reported. For a kinematic redundant robot, to generate a set of feasible joints' trajectories for a prescribed trajectory of its end-effector, its system-wide stiffness performance is taken as the constraint in the joints trajectory planning in the dissertation. For a prescribed location of the end-effector, the robot permits an infinite number of inverse solutions, which consequently yields infinite kinds of stiffness performance. Therefore, a differential evolution (DE) algorithm in which the positions of redundant joints in the kinematics are taken as input variables was employed to search for the best stiffness performance of the robot. Numerical results of the generated joint trajectories are given for a kinematic redundant serial-parallel robot machine, IWR (Intersector Welding/Cutting Robot), when a particular trajectory of its end-effector has been prescribed. The numerical results show that the joint trajectories generated based on the stiffness optimization are feasible for realization in the control system since they are acceptably smooth. The results imply that the stiffness performance of the robot machine deviates smoothly with respect to the kinematic configuration in the adjacent domain of its best stiffness performance. To suppress the vibration of the robot machine due to varying cutting force during the machining process, this dissertation proposed a feedforward control strategy, which is constructed based on the derived inverse dynamics model of target system. The effectiveness of applying such a feedforward control in the vibration suppression has been validated in a parallel manipulator in the software environment. The experimental study of such a feedforward control has also been included in the dissertation. The difficulties of modelling the actual system due to the unknown components in its dynamics is noticed. As a solution, a back propagation (BP) neural network is proposed for identification of the unknown components of the dynamics model of the target system. To train such a BP neural network, a modified Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm that can utilize an experimental input-output data set of the entire dynamic system is introduced in the dissertation. Validation of the BP neural network and the modified Levenberg- Marquardt algorithm is done, respectively, by a sinusoidal output approximation, a second order system parameters estimation, and a friction model estimation of a parallel manipulator, which represent three different application aspects of this method.


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In the present study, we modeled a reaching task as a two-link mechanism. The upper arm and forearm motion trajectories during vertical arm movements were estimated from the measured angular accelerations with dual-axis accelerometers. A data set of reaching synergies from able-bodied individuals was used to train a radial basis function artificial neural network with upper arm/forearm tangential angular accelerations. The trained radial basis function artificial neural network for the specific movements predicted forearm motion from new upper arm trajectories with high correlation (mean, 0.9149-0.941). For all other movements, prediction was low (range, 0.0316-0.8302). Results suggest that the proposed algorithm is successful in generalization over similar motions and subjects. Such networks may be used as a high-level controller that could predict forearm kinematics from voluntary movements of the upper arm. This methodology is suitable for restoring the upper limb functions of individuals with motor disabilities of the forearm, but not of the upper arm. The developed control paradigm is applicable to upper-limb orthotic systems employing functional electrical stimulation. The proposed approach is of great significance particularly for humans with spinal cord injuries in a free-living environment. The implication of a measurement system with dual-axis accelerometers, developed for this study, is further seen in the evaluation of movement during the course of rehabilitation. For this purpose, training-related changes in synergies apparent from movement kinematics during rehabilitation would characterize the extent and the course of recovery. As such, a simple system using this methodology is of particular importance for stroke patients. The results underlie the important issue of upper-limb coordination.


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The calyx of Held, a specialized synaptic terminal in the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body, undergoes a series of changes during postnatal development that prepares this synapse for reliable high frequency firing. These changes reduce short-term synaptic depression during tetanic stimulation and thereby prevent action potential failures during a stimulus train. We measured presynaptic membrane capacitance changes in calyces from young postnatal day 5-7 (p5-7) or older (p10-12) rat pups to examine the effect of calcium buffer capacity on vesicle pool size and the efficiency of exocytosis. Vesicle pool size was sensitive to the choice and concentration of exogenous Ca2+ buffer, and this sensitivity was much stronger in younger animals. Pool size and exocytosis efficiency in p5-7 calyces were depressed by 0.2 mM EGTA to a greater extent than with 0.05 mM BAPTA, even though BAPTA is a 100-fold faster Ca2+ buffer. However, this was not the case for p10-12 calyces. With 5 mM EGTA, exocytosis efficiency was reduced to a much larger extent in young calyces compared to older calyces. Depression of exocytosis using pairs of 10-ms depolarizations was reduced by 0.2 mM EGTA compared to 0.05 mM BAPTA to a similar extent in both age groups. These results indicate a developmentally regulated heterogeneity in the sensitivity of different vesicle pools to Ca2+ buffer capacity. We propose that, during development, a population of vesicles that are tightly coupled to Ca2+ channels expands at the expense of vesicles more distant from Ca2+ channels.


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This work presents the results of a Hybrid Neural Network (HNN) technique as applied to modeling SCFE curves obtained from two Brazilian vegetable matrices. A series Hybrid Neural Network was employed to estimate the parameters of the phenomenological model. A small set of SCFE data of each vegetable was used to generate an extended data set, sufficient to train the network. Afterwards, other sets of experimental data, not used in the network training, were used to validate the present approach. The series HNN correlates well the experimental data and it is shown that the predictions accomplished with this technique may be promising for SCFE purposes.


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In this study, water uptake by poultry carcasses during cooling by water immersion was modeled using artificial neural networks. Data from twenty-five independent variables and the final mass of the carcass were collected in an industrial plant to train and validate the model. Different network structures with one hidden layer were tested, and the Downhill Simplex method was used to optimize the synaptic weights. In order to accelerate the optimization calculus, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was used to preprocess the input data. The obtained results were: i) PCA reduced the number of input variables from twenty-five to ten; ii) the neural network structure 4-6-1 was the one with the best result; iii) PCA gave the following order of importance: parameters of mass transfer, heat transfer, and initial characteristics of the carcass. The main contributions of this work were to provide an accurate model for predicting the final content of water in the carcasses and a better understanding of the variables involved.