943 resultados para Supplier segmentation
The purpose of this study is threefold: (1) to identify the underlying benefits sought by international visitors to Macau, China, which has emerged as a popular gambling destination in Asia; (2) to segment tourists visiting Macau by employing a cluster analysis based on the benefits sought; and (3) to examine any salient differences between the segment groups with regard to their behavioral characteristics, socio-economic characteristics, and demographic profiles. A convenience sample was used to collect data in the Macau International Airport, in the Macau Ferry Terminal, and at the border gate with Mainland China. A total 1,513 useful surveys were retained for data analysis. Cluster analysis discloses four distinct clusters: "convention and business seekers," "family and vacation seekers," "gambling and shopping seekers," and "multi-purpose seekers." Based on the results of our findings, several managerial implications are discussed. © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
The role that power plays in collaborative buyer-supplier exchanges or partnerships is explored in this study. The paper argues that research into business-to-business relationships, although rich, largely marginalises the impact that power differentials have on the formation and long-term success of partnerships. To address this, five cases are presented, drawn from the UK food industry, that show how power dynamics shape partnerships. In addition, the research contends that partnering is more likely to succeed when there are equal power resources, or interdependence, between collaborating parties and this leads us to a more robust definition of partnerships.
ACM Computing Classification System (1998): I.7, I.7.5.
This thesis is concerned with understanding how Emergency Management Agencies (EMAs) influence public preparedness for mass evacuation across seven countries. Due to the lack of cross-national research (Tierney et al., 2001), there is a lack of knowledge on EMAs perspectives and approaches to the governance of public preparedness. This thesis seeks to address this gap through cross-national research that explores and contributes towards understanding the governance of public preparedness. The research draws upon the risk communication (Wood et al., 2011; Tierney et al., 2001) social marketing (Marshall et al., 2007; Kotler and Lee, 2008; Ramaprasad, 2005), risk governance (Walker et al., 2010, 2013; Kuhlicke et al., 2011; IRGC, 2005, 2007; Renn et al., 2011; Klinke and Renn, 2012), risk society (Beck, 1992, 1999, 2002) and governmentality (Foucault, 1978, 2003, 2009) literature to explain this governance and how EMAs responsibilize the public for their preparedness. EMAs from seven countries (Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Iceland, Japan, Sweden, the United Kingdom) explain how they prepare their public for mass evacuation in response to different types of risk. A cross-national (Hantrais, 1999) interpretive research approach, using qualitative methods including semi-structured interviews, documents and observation, was used to collect data. The data analysis process (Miles and Huberman, 1999) identified how the concepts of risk, knowledge and responsibility are critical for theorising how EMAs influence public preparedness for mass evacuation. The key findings grounded in these concepts include: - Theoretically, risk is multi-functional in the governance of public preparedness. It regulates behaviour, enables surveillance and acts as a technique of exclusion. - EMAs knowledge and how this influenced their assessment of risk, together with how they share the responsibility for public preparedness across institutions and the public, are key to the governance of public preparedness for mass evacuation. This resulted in a form of public segmentation common to all countries, whereby the public were prepared unequally. - EMAs use their prior knowledge and assessments of risk to target public preparedness in response to particular known hazards. However, this strategy places the non-targeted public at greater risk in relation to unknown hazards, such as a man-made disaster. - A cross-national conceptual framework of four distinctive governance practices (exclusionary, informing, involving and influencing) are utilised to influence public preparedness. - The uncertainty associated with particular types of risk limits the application of social marketing as a strategy for influencing the public to take responsibility and can potentially increase the risk to the public.
The advent of global competition has introduced the need for new competitive manufacturing strategies. The implementation of new strategies has a dramatic effect on measuring product cost compared to traditional management accounting methods. It is found that new cost management methods are required to measure success and support decision-making within the new strategies. One example is the consequences of using traditional management accounting methods for measuring the effects of lean having catastrophic results during reporting. Such results steer managers away from lean manufacture based upon a false picture of the potential benefits. This research examines cost management methods potentially applicable within the automotive supplier sector. Because of the lack of cost-related data collected within the supplier sector companies, this paper ends with a demonstration of a novel method for use in data scarce environments. Copyright © 2008 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
In this paper, we present an innovative topic segmentation system based on a new informative similarity measure that takes into account word co-occurrence in order to avoid the accessibility to existing linguistic resources such as electronic dictionaries or lexico-semantic databases such as thesauri or ontology. Topic segmentation is the task of breaking documents into topically coherent multi-paragraph subparts. Topic segmentation has extensively been used in information retrieval and text summarization. In particular, our architecture proposes a language-independent topic segmentation system that solves three main problems evidenced by previous research: systems based uniquely on lexical repetition that show reliability problems, systems based on lexical cohesion using existing linguistic resources that are usually available only for dominating languages and as a consequence do not apply to less favored languages and finally systems that need previously existing harvesting training data. For that purpose, we only use statistics on words and sequences of words based on a set of texts. This solution provides a flexible solution that may narrow the gap between dominating languages and less favored languages thus allowing equivalent access to information.
This paper focuses on the move from buyer dominance toward interdependence between buyers and suppliers in a distribution channel. The paper introduces a case study collected through in-depth interviews and participative observations. It examines the relationships between a timber supplier and its customers in the builders' merchants sector. We stress the relevance of considering actions intended to change the power balance, rather than focusing only on trust. The power balance in a dyadic relationship is dynamic, and power positions need to be constantly re-evaluated. An important power resource is information asymmetry, manifested in the supplier's information about: products, regional and local demand, and the usage of the products. For practitioners, we highlight the possibility of exerting a non-coercive power resource, such as information asymmetry, in order to increase the relative power. Furthermore, being open about the power position between a buyer and a seller can foster a more efficient collaboration.
Segmentation is an important step in many medical imaging applications and a variety of image segmentation techniques exist. One group of segmentation algorithms is based on clustering concepts. In this article we investigate several fuzzy c-means based clustering algorithms and their application to medical image segmentation. In particular we evaluate the conventional hard c-means (HCM) and fuzzy c-means (FCM) approaches as well as three computationally more efficient derivatives of fuzzy c-means: fast FCM with random sampling, fast generalised FCM, and a new anisotropic mean shift based FCM. © 2010 by IJTS, ISDER.
Herbert Simon, a korlátozott racionalitás elméletének megalkotója szerint a döntéshozatalunk hatékonyságát az határozza meg, hogy korlátozott kognitív kapacitásaink birtokában milyen stratégiákkal birkózunk meg a komplex környezet kihívásaival. Az erre az elméletre építő kutatások egyik alapvetése, hogy az egyéni problémamegoldási folyamat helyzetspecifikus és ez az idomulás kulcsfontosságú az eredményességben és hatékonyságban. A döntéshozó rendelkezik egy „adaptív szerszámosládával”, amelyből a megfelelő helyzetekben a megfelelő döntési eljárásokat választja. A tanulmányban a szerző egy kvalitatív kutatás eredményeire építve, a beszállítóválasztás példáján keresztül mutat be lehetséges válaszokat a keveset kutatott kérdésre: hogyan működik az adaptivitás folyamata? A tanulmány a döntési helyzethez való alkalmazkodás kialakulását vizsgálja a döntési folyamatok kognitív szintjén. ______ Herbert Simon, the author of theory of bounded rationality claimed that the results of our decision-making is defined by the approprietness of strategies with which we handle the complexity of the environment with our bounded cognitive capacities. One of the main issues or research programs building on this theory is that problem solving is situation-specific, and the adjustment of strategies to actual situational factors is crucial for the effectiveness and efficiency of decision-making. The decision-maker possesses an „adaptive toolbox”, from which he chooses the right decision tools in the right situations. The author, based on the findnings of a qualitative study, presents possible answers to the not well-elaborated question: how does the process of adaptivity work? Forming of an adaptive mechanism is in the focus.
A cikk komplex kvalitatív kutatás eredményeit mutatja be, amelynek célja az volt, hogy feltárja a siker jelentését és szerepét a vevő-beszállító kapcsolatban, s ehhez kapcsolódóan elemezze a siker időbeli viselkedését és az üzleti kapcsolat fejlődésére gyakorolt hatását. A kutatás alapegységét a vevő és beszállító pozícióban levő vállalatok között kialakuló kapcsolatok jelentik, az empirikus vizsgálatok e diadikus kapcsolatok elemzésére összpontosítottak. A kutatás fogalmi kerete megkülönbözteti az üzleti és kapcsolati siker B2B kontextusban értelmezhető tartalmát, ez empirikus vizsgálatok során az utóbbira fókuszálva. A feltáró-fogalomalkotó kutatási célhoz illeszkedően a cikkben ismertetendő kutatási eredmények összehasonlító esettanulmány-feldolgozáson, illetve a megalapozott elmélet segítségével történő szisztematikus tartalomelemzésen nyugszanak. _______ This paper focuses on to introduce the results of an empirical research, which aims to create a conceptual framework on the meaning and role of success in buyer-supplier relationship’s operation and development. Related to this, a further research point is to analyze the time-dimension of success: how success changes and develops over time. The basic elements of this research are the relationships between supplier and buyer business partners, so the empirical study will focus on these dyads. At the theoretical grounding of the paper I highly focused on making a difference between business and relationship success. The introduced research definitely had an exploratory scope. That is why; two qualitative methodologies were applied: the grounded theory and the case study ones.
Ez a tanulmány a projektvezetési szakirodalomban kialakult ismeretanyagot szem előtt tartva (noha tételesen nem hivatkozva arra) tárja fel azt a sajátos és tipikusnak nevezhető kontextust, amelyben a projektalapú szervezetek projektmarketing tevékenysége megnyilvánul. A tanulmány célja tehát nem magának a projektmarketingnek a kérdéskörére irányul, hanem elsősorban annak projektspecifikus kontextusára. Jellegét illetően a tanulmány spekulatív jellegű, vagyis lényegét tekintve nem empirikus kutatási eredményekből levont következtetésekre épül. _____ The author analyses the cognitive level of individual decisions by placing the adaptive decision-maker in the centre of interest. The main question is how do adaptive processes evolve and what factors determine the adaptive mechanism. The author builds on his own qualitative study conducted with the Grounded Theory Methodology in the SME sector. The supplier selection decision is chosen from the wide range of business decisions. From the research results the two elements of the adaptive mechanism – the metastructure and the attitude set –, the process of their evolution and the factors determining this process are presented. The findings here are a middle-range theory, which can be elaborated further, but they provide some interesting insights already.
A környezeti hatások rendszerint túlmutatnak egy vállalat határain, éppen ezért az ellátási lánc kontextusban a környezeti szempontok érvényesítése során fontos szerep jut a beszerzési döntéseknek is. Számos olyan példát lehetne említeni, amikor egy adott szempont szerint egy alternatíva környezetileg előnyös, de az ellátási lánc egészét nézve már környezetterhelő. A környezeti hatások ellátási lánc szinten való mérése azonban komoly kihívásokat jelent. Ezzel jelentős kutatásokat és fejlesztéseket inspirált a téma. Az egyik olyan terület, amelyben komoly kutatási eredmények születtek, az a környezeti szempontok beszállítói értékelésbe való beépítése. A kutatások ezen irányához csatlakozva a szerzők tanulmányunkban azt keresik, hogyan lehet meghatározni az egyik legáltalánosabban használt szállítóértékelési módszerben, a súlyozott pontrendszerben egy adott szemponthoz azt a súlyt, amely mellett az adott szempont már döntésbefolyásoló tényezővé válik. Ehhez a DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) összetett indikátorok (Composite Indicators, CI) módszerét alkalmazzák. A szempontok közös súlyának fontossága megállapításához a lineáris programozás elméletét használják. _____ Management decisions often have an environmental effect not just within the company, but outside as well, this is why supply chain context is highlighted in literature. Measuring environmental issues of supply decisions raise a lot of problems from methodological and practical point of view. This inspires a rapidly growing literature as a lot of studies were published focusing on how to incorporate environmental issues into supplier evaluation. This paper contributes to this stream of research as it develops a method to help weight selection. In the authors’ paper the method of Data Envelope Analysis (DEA) is used to study the extension of traditional supplier selection methods with environmental factors. The selection of the weight system can control the result of the selection process.
In this article we show that the price and the profit of an incumbent firm may increase after a new firm enters its market. Our analysis suggests that a well-established firm after competition emerges on its market might benefit from excluding some consumers from the low- end segment and concentrate only on its loyal consumers. We also find that strategic de-marketing can increase social welfare.
A környezeti szempontok figyelembe vétele egyre gyakoribb mind a szakirodalomban, mind a vállalati gyakorlatban. Ezt mutatja az is, hogy egyre növekszik a zöld szempontokat feldolgozó tanulmányok és szakcikkek száma. Emellett a kutatók egyre több környezeti kritériumot magukba foglaló, összetett módszertant dolgoznak ki az optimális beszállító kiválasztásához. A tanulmány célja, hogy bemutassa, illetve rendszerezze a zöld szempontokat a beszállítóértékelésben, illetve rámutasson arra, hogy mekkora eszköztár áll már most rendelkezésre a vállalatok részére, amennyiben nem csak hagyományos kritériumokat kívánnak felhasználni a beszállítóik értékelésekor. Foglalkozik azzal, hogy melyek azok a fő motivációk, amelyek miatt érdemes a vállalatoknak zöld szempontokat integrálniuk a beszállítóértékelő rendszerükbe. A kutatás alapján az derült ki, hogy nem csak a törvényi előírások a fő mozgatórugók a vállalatoknál, hogy beszállítóikat környezeti szempontból is mérjék. Ugyanakkor egyelőre a vállalatok leginkább a környezeti menedzsment rendszer meglétét vizsgálják a beszállítóiknál és kevés egyéb a szakirodalomban már megjelent zöld szempontot vesznek figyelembe. Ugyanez vonatkozik a módszertanra is, hiszen a vállalati gyakorlatból az derült ki, hogy kevésbé használják a szakirodalomban kidolgozott, összetett módszereket, hanem sokkal inkább a könnyen mérhető, kevesebb szempontot magukba foglaló eszközöket alkalmazzák. _______ Environmental criteria became more and more prevalent in the past not only in the literature but also in the companies practice. This is shown by the growing numbers of articles about green criteria. Alongside this, researchers are creating more and more methodologies for the selection of suppliers which contains environmental criteria. The purpose of this paper is to present and structure green criteria and to point out what a great selection of methodologies are available for the companies if they want to use not only the traditional criteria but environmentals too. Besides, in this research I present the most common motivations which can cause the introduction of green criteria in supplier evaluation. It was found that not the governmental requirements are the only motivations for companies. However, for the present, companies use mostly for green criteria the environmental management system if it is introduced at their suppliers or not and do not consider more, altough they are available in the literature. The same statement is appertain to the methodologies because it was found that companies rather than using the complex, elaborated ones, they search for the easily measurable methodologies which contains less criteria.