968 resultados para Partial functional differential equations


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Zusammenfassung In der vorliegenden Arbeit besch¨aftige ich mich mit Differentialgleichungen von Feynman– Integralen. Ein Feynman–Integral h¨angt von einem Dimensionsparameter D ab und kann f¨ur ganzzahlige Dimension als projektives Integral dargestellt werden. Dies ist die sogenannte Feynman–Parameter Darstellung. In Abh¨angigkeit der Dimension kann ein solches Integral divergieren. Als Funktion in D erh¨alt man eine meromorphe Funktion auf ganz C. Ein divergentes Integral kann also durch eine Laurent–Reihe ersetzt werden und dessen Koeffizienten r¨ucken in das Zentrum des Interesses. Diese Vorgehensweise wird als dimensionale Regularisierung bezeichnet. Alle Terme einer solchen Laurent–Reihe eines Feynman–Integrals sind Perioden im Sinne von Kontsevich und Zagier. Ich beschreibe eine neue Methode zur Berechnung von Differentialgleichungen von Feynman– Integralen. ¨ Ublicherweise verwendet man hierzu die sogenannten ”integration by parts” (IBP)– Identit¨aten. Die neue Methode verwendet die Theorie der Picard–Fuchs–Differentialgleichungen. Im Falle projektiver oder quasi–projektiver Variet¨aten basiert die Berechnung einer solchen Differentialgleichung auf der sogenannten Griffiths–Dwork–Reduktion. Zun¨achst beschreibe ich die Methode f¨ur feste, ganzzahlige Dimension. Nach geeigneter Verschiebung der Dimension erh¨alt man direkt eine Periode und somit eine Picard–Fuchs–Differentialgleichung. Diese ist inhomogen, da das Integrationsgebiet einen Rand besitzt und daher nur einen relativen Zykel darstellt. Mit Hilfe von dimensionalen Rekurrenzrelationen, die auf Tarasov zur¨uckgehen, kann in einem zweiten Schritt die L¨osung in der urspr¨unglichen Dimension bestimmt werden. Ich beschreibe außerdem eine Methode, die auf der Griffiths–Dwork–Reduktion basiert, um die Differentialgleichung direkt f¨ur beliebige Dimension zu berechnen. Diese Methode ist allgemein g¨ultig und erspart Dimensionswechsel. Ein Erfolg der Methode h¨angt von der M¨oglichkeit ab, große Systeme von linearen Gleichungen zu l¨osen. Ich gebe Beispiele von Integralen von Graphen mit zwei und drei Schleifen. Tarasov gibt eine Basis von Integralen an, die Graphen mit zwei Schleifen und zwei externen Kanten bestimmen. Ich bestimme Differentialgleichungen der Integrale dieser Basis. Als wichtigstes Beispiel berechne ich die Differentialgleichung des sogenannten Sunrise–Graphen mit zwei Schleifen im allgemeinen Fall beliebiger Massen. Diese ist f¨ur spezielle Werte von D eine inhomogene Picard–Fuchs–Gleichung einer Familie elliptischer Kurven. Der Sunrise–Graph ist besonders interessant, weil eine analytische L¨osung erst mit dieser Methode gefunden werden konnte, und weil dies der einfachste Graph ist, dessen Master–Integrale nicht durch Polylogarithmen gegeben sind. Ich gebe außerdem ein Beispiel eines Graphen mit drei Schleifen. Hier taucht die Picard–Fuchs–Gleichung einer Familie von K3–Fl¨achen auf.


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In spinal muscular atrophy, the SMN1 gene is deleted or destroyed by mutation, while the neigbouring, nearly identical SMN2 gene acts as a partial functional substitute. However, due to a single nucleotide exchange, the seventh exon of SMN2 is mostly excluded from the mature mRNA, and the resulting shorter protein is non-functional. Here, we map the previously uncharacterised intron 6 branch point by RT-PCR. Moreover we show that exon 7 inclusion can be either abolished or improved by mutations in this branch site region.


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Squeeze film damping effects naturally occur if structures are subjected to loading situations such that a very thin film of fluid is trapped within structural joints, interfaces, etc. An accurate estimate of squeeze film effects is important to predict the performance of dynamic structures. Starting from linear Reynolds equation which governs the fluid behavior coupled with structure domain which is modeled by Kirchhoff plate equation, the effects of nondimensional parameters on the damped natural frequencies are presented using boundary characteristic orthogonal functions. For this purpose, the nondimensional coupled partial differential equations are obtained using Rayleigh-Ritz method and the weak formulation, are solved using polynomial and sinusoidal boundary characteristic orthogonal functions for structure and fluid domain respectively. In order to implement present approach to the complex geometries, a two dimensional isoparametric coupled finite element is developed based on Reissner-Mindlin plate theory and linearized Reynolds equation. The coupling between fluid and structure is handled by considering the pressure forces and structural surface velocities on the boundaries. The effects of the driving parameters on the frequency response functions are investigated. As the next logical step, an analytical method for solution of squeeze film damping based upon Green’s function to the nonlinear Reynolds equation considering elastic plate is studied. This allows calculating modal damping and stiffness force rapidly for various boundary conditions. The nonlinear Reynolds equation is divided into multiple linear non-homogeneous Helmholtz equations, which then can be solvable using the presented approach. Approximate mode shapes of a rectangular elastic plate are used, enabling calculation of damping ratio and frequency shift as well as complex resistant pressure. Moreover, the theoretical results are correlated and compared with experimental results both in the literature and in-house experimental procedures including comparison against viscoelastic dampers.


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In this paper we prove a Lions-type compactness embedding result for symmetric unbounded domains of the Heisenberg group. The natural group action on the Heisenberg group TeX is provided by the unitary group U(n) × {1} and its appropriate subgroups, which will be used to construct subspaces with specific symmetry and compactness properties in the Folland-Stein’s horizontal Sobolev space TeX. As an application, we study the multiplicity of solutions for a singular subelliptic problem by exploiting a technique of solving the Rubik-cube applied to subgroups of U(n) × {1}. In our approach we employ concentration compactness, group-theoretical arguments, and variational methods.


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We obtain eigenvalue enclosures and basisness results for eigen- and associated functions of a non-self-adjoint unbounded linear operator pencil A−λBA−λB in which BB is uniformly positive and the essential spectrum of the pencil is empty. Both Riesz basisness and Bari basisness results are obtained. The results are applied to a system of singular differential equations arising in the study of Hagen–Poiseuille flow with non-axisymmetric disturbances.


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The β2 adrenergic receptor (β2AR) regulates smooth muscle relaxation in the vasculature and airways. Long- and Short-acting β-agonists (LABAs/SABAs) are widely used in treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD) and asthma. Despite their widespread clinical use we do not understand well the dominant β2AR regulatory pathways that are stimulated during therapy and bring about tachyphylaxis, which is the loss of drug effects. Thus, an understanding of how the β2AR responds to various β-agonists is crucial to their rational use. Towards that end we have developed deterministic models that explore the mechanism of drug- induced β2AR regulation. These mathematical models can be classified into three classes; (i) Six quantitative models of SABA-induced G protein coupled receptor kinase (GRK)-mediated β2AR regulation; (ii) Three phenomenological models of salmeterol (a LABA)-induced GRK-mediated β2AR regulation; and (iii) One semi-quantitative, unified model of SABA-induced GRK-, protein kinase A (PKA)-, and phosphodiesterase (PDE)-mediated regulation of β2AR signalling. The various models were constrained with all or some of the following experimental data; (i) GRK-mediated β2AR phosphorylation in response to various LABAs/SABAs; (ii) dephosphorylation of the GRK site on the β2AR; (iii) β2AR internalisation; (iv) β2AR recycling; (v) β2AR desensitisation; (vi) β2AR resensitisation; (vii) PKA-mediated β2AR phosphorylation in response to a SABA; and (viii) LABA/SABA induced cAMP profile ± PDE inhibitors. The models of GRK-mediated β2AR regulation show that plasma membrane dephosphorylation and recycling of the phosphorylated β2AR are required to reconcile with the measured dephosphorylation kinetics. We further used a consensus model to predict the consequences of rapid pulsatile agonist stimulation and found that although resensitisation was rapid, the β2AR system retained the memory of prior stimuli and desensitised much more rapidly and strongly in response to subsequent stimuli. This could explain tachyphylaxis of SABAs over repeated use in rescue therapy of asthma patients. The LABA models show that the long action of salmeterol can be explained due to decreased stability of the arrestin/β2AR/salmeterol complex. This could explain long action of β-agonists used in maintenance therapy of asthma patients. Our consensus model of PKA/PDE/GRK-mediated β2AR regulation is being used to identify the dominant β2AR desensitisation pathways under different therapeutic regimens in human airway cells. In summary our models represent a significant advance towards understanding agonist-specific β2AR regulation that will aid in a more rational use of the β2AR agonists in the treatment of asthma.


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Growth codes are a subclass of Rateless codes that have found interesting applications in data dissemination problems. Compared to other Rateless and conventional channel codes, Growth codes show improved intermediate performance which is particularly useful in applications where partial data presents some utility. In this paper, we investigate the asymptotic performance of Growth codes using the Wormald method, which was proposed for studying the Peeling Decoder of LDPC and LDGM codes. Compared to previous works, the Wormald differential equations are set on nodes' perspective which enables a numerical solution to the computation of the expected asymptotic decoding performance of Growth codes. Our framework is appropriate for any class of Rateless codes that does not include a precoding step. We further study the performance of Growth codes with moderate and large size codeblocks through simulations and we use the generalized logistic function to model the decoding probability. We then exploit the decoding probability model in an illustrative application of Growth codes to error resilient video transmission. The video transmission problem is cast as a joint source and channel rate allocation problem that is shown to be convex with respect to the channel rate. This illustrative application permits to highlight the main advantage of Growth codes, namely improved performance in the intermediate loss region.


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This article centers on the computational performance of the continuous and discontinuous Galerkin time stepping schemes for general first-order initial value problems in R n , with continuous nonlinearities. We briefly review a recent existence result for discrete solutions from [6], and provide a numerical comparison of the two time discretization methods.


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The continued fraction method for solving differential equations is illustrated using three famous differential equations used in quantum chemistry.


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Let π : FM ! M be the bundle of linear frames of a manifold M. A basis Lijk , j < k, of diffeomorphism invariant Lagrangians on J1 (FM) was determined in [J. Muñoz Masqué, M. E. Rosado, Invariant variational problems on linear frame bundles, J. Phys. A35 (2002) 2013-2036]. The notion of a characteristic hypersurface for an arbitrary first-order PDE system on an ar- bitrary bred manifold π : P → M, is introduced and for the systems dened by the Euler-Lagrange equations of Lijk every hypersurface is shown to be characteristic. The Euler-Lagrange equations of the natural basis of Lagrangian densities Lijk on the bundle of linear frames of a manifold M which are invariant under diffeomorphisms, are shown to be an underdetermined PDEs systems such that every hypersurface of M is characteristic for such equations. This explains why these systems cannot be written in the Cauchy-Kowaleska form, although they are known to be formally integrable by using the tools of geometric theory of partial differential equations, see [J. Muñoz Masqué, M. E. Rosado, Integrability of the eld equations of invariant variational problems on linear frame bundles, J. Geom. Phys. 49 (2004), 119-155]


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The aim of this paper was to accurately estimate the local truncation error of partial differential equations, that are numerically solved using a finite difference or finite volume approach on structured and unstructured meshes. In this work, we approximated the local truncation error using the @t-estimation procedure, which aims to compare the residuals on a sequence of grids with different spacing. First, we focused the analysis on one-dimensional scalar linear and non-linear test cases to examine the accuracy of the estimation of the truncation error for both finite difference and finite volume approaches on different grid topologies. Then, we extended the analysis to two-dimensional problems: first on linear and non-linear scalar equations and finally on the Euler equations. We demonstrated that this approach yields a highly accurate estimation of the truncation error if some conditions are fulfilled. These conditions are related to the accuracy of the restriction operators, the choice of the boundary conditions, the distortion of the grids and the magnitude of the iteration error.


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The Boundary Element Method (BEM) is a discretisation technique for solving partial differential equations, which offers, for certain problems, important advantages over domain techniques. Despite the high CPU time reduction that can be achieved, some 3D problems remain today untreatable because the extremely large number of degrees of freedom—dof—involved in the boundary description. Model reduction seems to be an appealing choice for both, accurate and efficient numerical simulations. However, in the BEM the reduction in the number of degrees of freedom does not imply a significant reduction in the CPU time, because in this technique the more important part of the computing time is spent in the construction of the discrete system of equations. In this way, a reduction also in the number of weighting functions, seems to be a key point to render efficient boundary element simulations.