987 resultados para Ovid, 43 B.C.-17 or 18 A.D.
This thesis concerns the analysis of the socio-economic transformation of communities in Bronze Age southwestern Cyprus. Through the adoption of a dialectical perspective of analysis, individuals and environment are considered part of the same unity: they are cooperating agents in shaping society and culture. The Bronze Age is a period of intense transformation in the organization of local communities, made of a continuous renegotiation of the socio-economic roles and interactions. The archaeological record from this portion of the island allows one to go beyond the investigation of the complex and articulated transition from the EBA-MBA agro-pastoral and self-sufficient communities to the LBA centralized and trade-oriented urban-centres. Through a shifting of analytical scales, the emerging picture suggests major transformations in the individual-community-territory dialectical relations. A profound change in the materials conditions of social life, as well as in the superstructural realm, was particularly entailed by the dissolution of the relation to the earth, due to the emergence of new forms of land exploitation/ownership and to the shift of the settlement pattern in previously unknown areas. One of the key points of this thesis is the methodological challenge of working with legacy survey data as I re-analysed a diverse archaeological legacy, which is the result of more than fifty years of survey projects, rescue and research-oriented excavations, as well as casual discoveries. Source critique and data evaluation are essential requirements in an integrative and cross-disciplinary regional perspective, in the comprehensive processing of heterogeneous archaeological and environmental datasets. Through the estimation of data precision and certainty, I developed an effective - but simple - method to critically evaluate existing datasets and to inter-correlate them without losing their original complexity. This powerful method for data integration can be applied to similar datasets belonging to other regions and other periods as it originates from the evaluation of larger methodological and theoretical issues that are not limited to my spatial and temporal focus. As I argue in this thesis, diverse archaeological legacies can be efficiently re-analysed through an integrative and regional methodology. The adoption of a regional scale of analysis can provide an excellent perspective on the complexity of transformations in ancient societies, thus creating a fundamental bridge between the local stories and grand landscape narratives.
Le motif de la ruse est une constante de l'imaginaire africain et ses figures, souvent animales dans les contes, attestent de la valeur symbolique de cet art du stratagème. Avec la complicité du roman d'H. Bâ, L'étrange destin de Wangrin, et celui d'A. Kourouma, Monnè, outrages et défis, nous allons montrer que la ruse et le rusé ont subi une métamorphose en devenant des pratiques textuelles. La ruse littéraire donne voix à « l'autre » et la langue construite sous ce signe-là est le lieu d'une prise de pouvoir, celle de sa propre énonciation.
Progress in the understanding of the hepatitis C virus life cycle allowed the development of new, very promising antiviral therapies. Although these new drugs have a favourable profile in terms of efficacy, tolerance and interaction potential, their prescription in the setting of comedication and impaired renal or hepatic function remains a challenge. Here, we provide a summary of pharmacological considerations, focusing on sofosbuvir, simeprevir and daclatasvir. A better understanding of their metabolic pathways and transporters may help the prescriber to identify and manage drug interactions especially in patients under immunosuppressive or anti-HIV therapy. Recommendations for the prescription of these drugs in specific situations are also discussed.
Progress in the understanding of the hepatitis C virus life cycle allowed the development of new, very promising antiviral therapies. Although these new drugs have a favourable profile in terms of efficacy, tolerance and interaction potential, their prescription in the setting of comedication and impaired renal or hepatic function remains a challenge. Here, we provide a summary of pharmacological considerations, focusing on sofosbuvir, simeprevir and daclatasvir. A better understanding of their metabolic pathways and transporters may help the prescriber to identify and manage drug interactions especially in patients under immunosuppressive or anti-HIV therapy. Recommendations for the prescription of these drugs in specific situations are also discussed.
An unidentified African Canadian young woman is the subject of this cabinet card portrait photograph by N. C. Shorey, of Toronto, Ontario. The photo is undated but believed to be taken in the late 1890s. The photographer's stamp, with his name and address, appears in the gold lettering at the bottom of the card. The young woman in the photograph could possibly be a relative of the Sloman - Bell family, who resided in the London and St. Catharines areas. This cabinet card was in the possession of Iris Sloman Bell, of St. Catharines, Ontario. The Sloman - Bell family relatives are descended from former Black slaves from the United States.N. C. Shorey is listed as a photographer in Toronto, Ont. from 1892 - 1900. Source: Phillips, Glen C. The Ontario photographers list (1851-1900). Sarnia: Iron Gate Publishing Co., 1990. "Cabinet card photographs were first introduced in 1866. They were initially employed for landscapes rather than portraitures. Cabinet cards replaced Carte de visite photographs as the popular mode of photography. Cabinet cards became the standard for photographic portraits in 1870. Cabinet cards experienced their peak in popularity in the 1880's. Cabinet cards were still being produced in the United States until the early 1900's and continued to be produced in Europe even longer. The best way to describe a cabinet card is that it is a thin photograph that is mounted on a card that measures 4 1/4″ by 6 1/2″. Cabinet cards frequently have artistic logos and information on the bottom or the reverse of the card which advertised the photographer or the photography studio's services." Source: http://cabinetcardgallery.wordpress.com/category/cabinet-card-history/
El presente Estudio de Caso tiene como objetivo describir la estrategia de superación de la pobreza extrema en el municipio de Sopó Cundinamarca y la importancia de los aportes de la inversión social público -privada para sostenibilidad de éstas.
Within the De optimum genere oratorum we can find the statements of a Rhetoric of Translation (106-43 B. C.) where Cicero defines a set of discursive rules considered necessary for an efficient translatorial act. As his ideas about translation are reviewed, this article aims to present some important theoretical aspects of Cicero’s thought and to display his practice through the commentary of a short excerpt from Homer translated by him.
Scopo di questo lavoro è quello di analizzare le componenti tattiche, strategiche e sociali della guerriglia antiromana in Britannia e in Giudea, in un periodo che va dal I secolo a. C. al III secolo d. C., con l'obiettivo di mettere in luce la differente efficacia delle tattiche non ortodosse rispetto a quelle convenzionali; e di analizzare le risposte teoriche ed empiriche concepite dai Romani per affrontare questa forma di lotta. La tesi è stata articolata nel modo seguente: una prima parte analizza gli aspetti tattici, strategici e sociali della guerriglia e della controguerriglia, anche attraverso il metodo comparativo, mettendo cioè a confronto alcuni dei principali testi sulla guerra non convenzionale redatti in epoche e contesti diversi, dai quali si è cercato di delle costanti potenzialmente applicabili a qualsiasi periodo storico e a qualsiasi area geografica. Nella seconda parte si cerca di applicare tali costanti alla realtà storico – sociale dell'impero romano. Particolare attenzione è stata riservata al rapporto tra la mentalità romana, basata sul concetto di bellum iustum, e le tattiche non ortodosse. La terza e la quarta parte analizzano la resistenza antiromana in Britannia e in Giudea, mettendone in luce tutti gli aspetti, in particolare quelli legati alla guerriglia rurale, a quella urbana, al terrorismo, all'evoluzione della guerriglia da guerra per bande a guerra convenzionale e alla controguerriglia. La scelta di queste due province non è casuale. In province così lontane e diverse tra loro, Roma inviò spesso gli stessi generali esperti di controguerriglia. Questo particolare permette di notare la presenza, a Roma, di una grand strategy che, consapevole del fenomeno della guerriglia, ne affidò la repressione agli stessi generali, specialisti della controguerriglia, non esitando a spostarli, in caso di necessità, da un capo all'altro dell'impero.
At the research reactor Forschungs-Neutronenquelle Heinz Maier-Leibnitz (FRM II) a new Prompt Gamma-ray Activation Analysis (PGAA) facility was installed. The instrument was originally built and operating at the spallation source at the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland. After a careful re-design in 2004–2006, the new PGAA instrument was ready for operation at FRM II. In this paper the main characteristics and the current operation conditions of the facility are described. The neutron flux at the sample position can reach up 6.07×1010 [cm−2 s−1], thus the optimisation of some parameters, e.g. the beam background, was necessary in order to achieve a satisfactory analytical sensitivity for routine measurements. Once the optimal conditions were reached, detection limits and sensitivities for some elements, like for example H, B, C, Si, or Pb, were calculated and compared with other PGAA facilities. A standard reference material was also measured in order to show the reliability of the analysis under different conditions at this instrument.
We combined 33 ice core records, 13 from the Northern Hemisphere and 20 from the Southern Hemisphere, to determine the timing and magnitude of the great Kuwae eruption in the mid-15th century. We extracted volcanic deposition signals by applying a high-pass loess filter to the time series and examining peaks that exceed twice the 31 year running median absolute deviation. By accounting for the dating uncertainties associated with each record, these ice core records together reveal a large volcanogenic acid deposition event during 1453 - 1457 A. D. The results suggest only one major stratospheric injection from the Kuwae eruption and confirm previous findings that the Kuwae eruption took place in late 1452 or early 1453, which may serve as a reference to evaluate and improve the dating of ice core records. The average total sulfate deposition from the Kuwae eruption was 93 kg SO4/km(2) in Antarctica and 25 kg SO4/km(2) in Greenland. The deposition in Greenland was probably underestimated since it was the average value of only two northern Greenland sites with very low accumulation rates. After taking the spatial variation into consideration, the average Kuwae deposition in Greenland was estimated to be 45 kg SO4/km(2). By applying the same technique to the other major eruptions of the past 700 years our result suggests that the Kuwae eruption was the largest stratospheric sulfate event of that period, probably surpassing the total sulfate deposition of the Tambora eruption of 1815, which produced 59 kg SO4/km(2) in Antarctica and 50 kg SO4/km(2) in Greenland.
ijtahada bi-jamʻihi Yūsuf Ḍiyāʼ al-Dīn Pashā al-Khālidī al-Maqdisī.