833 resultados para Negative dimensions
Gram-negative bacteria represent a major group of pathogens that infect all eukaryotes from plants to mammals. Gram-negative microbe-associated molecular patterns include lipopolysaccharides and peptidoglycans, major immunostimulatory determinants across phyla. Recent advances have furthered our understanding of Gram-negative detection beyond the well-defined pattern recognition receptors such as TLR4. A B-type lectin receptor for LPS and Lysine-motif containing receptors for peptidoglycans were recently added to the plant arsenal. Caspases join the ranks of mammalian cytosolic immune detectors by binding LPS, and make TLR4 redundant for septic shock. Fascinating bacterial evasion mechanisms lure the host into tolerance or promote inter-bacterial competition. Our review aims to cover recent advances on bacterial messages and host decoding systems across phyla, and highlight evolutionarily recurrent strategies.
The secondary thickening of plant organs in extant dicotyledons is a massive growth process that constitutes the major carbon sink in perennial, woody plants. Yet, our understanding of its molecular genetic control has been mostly obtained by its analysis in an herbaceous annual model, Arabidopsis. Recent years have seen increased interest in this somewhat under-researched topic, and various (non-)cell autonomous factors that guide the extent and vascular patterning of secondary growth have been identified. Concomitantly, a more detailed understanding of vascular differentiation processes has been obtained through analyses of primary growth, mostly in the root meristem. A future challenge will be the integration of these patterning and differentiation modules together with cambial activity into the 4-dimensional frame of secondary thickening.
Calcium signals trigger the translocation of the Prz1 transcription factor from the cytoplasm to the nucleus. The process is regulated by the calciumactivated phosphatase calcineurin, which activates Prz1 thereby maintaining active transcription during calcium signalling. When calcium signalling ceases, Prz1 is inactivated by phosphorylation and exported to the cytoplasm. In budding yeast and mammalian cells, different kinases have been reported to counter calcineurin activity and regulate nuclear export. Here, we show that the Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent kinase Cmk1 is first phosphorylated and activated by the newly identified kinase CaMKK2 homologue, Ckk2, in response to Ca2+. Then, active Cmk1 binds, phosphorylates and inactivates Prz1 transcription activity whilst at the same time cmk1 expression is enhanced by Prz1 in response to Ca2+. Furthermore, Cdc25 phosphatase is also phosphorylated by Cmk1, inducing cell cycle arrest in response to an increase in Ca2+. Moreover, cmk1 deletion shows a high tolerance to chronic exposure to Ca2+, due to the lack of cell cycle inhibition and elevated Prz1 activity. This work reveals that Cmk1 kinase activated by the newly identified Ckk2 counteracts calcineurin function by negatively regulating Prz1 activity which in turn is involved in activating cmk1 gene transcription. These results are the first insights into Cmk1 and Ckk2 function in Schizosaccharomyces pombe.
Mutations of the huntingtin protein (HTT) gene underlie both adult-onset and juvenile forms of Huntington's disease (HD). HTT modulates mitotic spindle orientation and cell fate in mouse cortical progenitors from the ventricular zone. Using human embryonic stem cells (hESC) characterized as carrying mutations associated with adult-onset disease during pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, we investigated the influence of human HTT and of an adult-onset HD mutation on mitotic spindle orientation in human neural stem cells (NSCs) derived from hESCs. The RNAi-mediated silencing of both HTT alleles in neural stem cells derived from hESCs disrupted spindle orientation and led to the mislocalization of dynein, the p150Glued subunit of dynactin and the large nuclear mitotic apparatus (NuMA) protein. We also investigated the effect of the adult-onset HD mutation on the role of HTT during spindle orientation in NSCs derived from HD-hESCs. By combining SNP-targeting allele-specific silencing and gain-of-function approaches, we showed that a 46-glutamine expansion in human HTT was sufficient for a dominant-negative effect on spindle orientation and changes in the distribution within the spindle pole and the cell cortex of dynein, p150Glued and NuMA in neural cells. Thus, neural derivatives of disease-specific human pluripotent stem cells constitute a relevant biological resource for exploring the impact of adult-onset HD mutations of the HTT gene on the division of neural progenitors, with potential applications in HD drug discovery targeting HTT-dynein-p150Glued complex interactions.
Since routine eubacterial 16S rRNA PCR does not amplify members of the Chlamydiales order, we tested all samples received in our laboratory during a 10 months period using a pan-Chlamydiales real-time PCR. 3 of 107 samples (2.8%) revealed to be positive, suggesting a role of some Chlamydiales in the pathogenesis of chronic bronchial stenosis or bronchial stenosis superinfection and as agents of orthopaedic prosthesis infections.
Protein glycosylation had been considered as an eccentricity of a few bacteria. However, through advances in analytical methods and genome sequencing, it is now established that bacteria possess both N-linked and O-linked glycosylation pathways. Both glycosylation pathways can modify multiple proteins, flagellins from Archaea and Eubacteria being one of these. Flagella O-glycosylation has been demonstrated in many polar flagellins from Gram-negative bacteria and in only the Gram-positive genera Clostridium and Listeria. Furthermore, O-glycosylation has also been demonstrated in a limited number of lateral flagellins. In this work, we revised the current advances in flagellar glycosylation from Gram-negative bacteria, focusing on the structural diversity of glycans, the O-linked pathway and the biological function of flagella glycosylation.
Protein tyrosine phosphorylation controls a wide array of cellular responses such as growth, migration, proliferation, differentiation, metabolism and cytoskeletal organisation. Tyrosine phosphorylation is a dynamic process involving the competing activities of protein tyrosine kinases and protein tyrosine phosphatases. The protein tyrosine kinases are further divided into non-receptor- and receptor tyrosine kinases. The latter are transmembrane glycoproteins activated by the binding of specific ligands, mostly growth factors, to their extracellular domain, transmitting different signals to the cell. Growth factor receptors such as the epidermal growth factor receptor, vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 and platelet-derived growth factor receptor β, belong to the receptor tyrosine kinases, the signalling of which is often disturbed in various diseases, including cancer. This has led to the development of receptor tyrosine kinase antagonists for use as anti-cancer drugs. As the receptor tyrosine kinases, also the protein tyrosine phosphatases can be divided into receptor- and non-receptor types. The protein tyrosine phosphatases have attained much less attention than the receptor tyrosine kinases partly because they were identified later. However, accumulating evidence shows that the protein tyrosine phosphatases have important roles as specific and active regulators of tyrosine phosphorylation in cells and of physiological processes. Consequently, the protein tyrosine phosphatases are receiving arising interest as novel drug targets. The aim of this work was to elucidate the negative regulation of receptor tyrosine kinases by one non-receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase, T-cell protein tyrosine phosphatase TCPTP. The results show that TCPTP activated by cell adhesion receptor integrin α1 functions as a negative regulator of the epidermal growth factor receptor. It was also found that TCPTP affects vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 signalling and angiogenesis. Lastly, a High-throughput screen with 64,280 compounds was performed to identify novel TCPTP activators, resulting in identification of one small molecule compound capable of exerting similar effects on TCPTP signalling as integrin α1. This compound is shown to downregulate signalling of epidermal growth factor receptor and platelet-derived growth factor receptor β, as well as to inhibit cell proliferation and angiogenesis. Our results suggest that a suitable small-molecule TCPTP activator could be utilized in the development of novel anti-cancer drugs.
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää tulospalkkiojärjestelmän vaikutuksia käytännössä. Päätutkimusongelmat olivat: toimiiko tulospalkkiojärjestelmä toivotulla tavalla ja jos ei toimi, niin miten sitä tulisi kehittää? Vastausten saamiseksi kerättiin empiiristä aineistoa suomalaisesta hotelli- ja ravintola-alan yrityksestä. Aineisto kerättiin www-kyselynä Internetin kautta. Kyselyssä selvitettiin mielipiteitä myös avoimin kommentein. Teorian mukaan hyvin toimiva tulospalkkiojärjestelmä voi tukea merkittävästi yrityksen strategisten tavoitteiden saavuttamista. Toisaalta huonosti suunniteltu ja strategian kanssa ristiriidassa oleva järjestelmä voi toimia tavoitteiden vastaisesti. Tulospalkkiojärjestelmän rakenne, kehittämistapa, yhteensopivuus strategian kanssa sekä ennen kaikkea työntekijöiden tietämys järjestelmästä vaikuttavat tulospalkkiojärjestelmän merkitykseen työntekijöille. Tulospalkkiojärjestelmä vaikuttaa yksilön toimintaan merkityksensä kautta. Tutkimuksen teoreettisena viitekehyksenä käytettiin TKK:n tulospalkkiojärjestelmän toimivuusmallia. Mallin avulla arvioitiin tulospalkkiojärjestelmän vaikutuksia tavoitteisiin, toimintaan, yhteistyöhän ja ilmapiiriin sekä työasenteisiin. Lisäksi arvioitiin järjestelmän toimivuutta järjestelmän tarkoituksen, rakenteen sekä esimiestyön kannalta. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat arvioidun järjestelmän toimivan pääosin hyvin ja sillä on merkitystä työntekijöille. Järjestelmä tunnetaan hyvin ja sillä on myös rahallista merkitystä. Toteutuneiden tulospalkkioiden määrä ei kuitenkaan näytä olevan riittävän suuri motivoidakseen sellaisenaan. Teorian ja tutkimustulosten perusteella esitettiin ehdotuksia tulospalkkiojärjestelmän kehittämiseksi. Tulospalkkiojärjestelmää tulisi kehittää yksinkertaisemmaksi, jotta sillä olisi enemmän toivottuja vaikutuksia.
Objetivo: Determinar la percepción de trabajadores de distintos sectores empresariales de Colombia sobre los factores psicosociales presentes en su entorno laboral y la relación entre los factores psicosociales nocivos y los síntomas subjetivos y alteraciones de la salud. Materiales y métodos: Estudio no experimental, transversal y cuantitativo. Participaron 370 trabajadores, de diferentes sectores empresariales de Colombia (Centro-Oriente, Suroccidente y región Caribe). Instrumento: batería para el estudio de las condiciones de trabajo de carácter psicosocial (CTCPS-MAC), validada para población iberoamericana, permite evaluar cuatro dimensiones: Contexto de trabajo, Contenido de trabajo, Factores individuales y Desgaste psíquico e incluye catorce factores psicosociales. Los datos se analizaron con IBM SPSS statistics 21. Se realizó análisis bivariado y regresión logística multivariante de factores psicosociales nocivos y desgaste psíquico. Resultados: Los factores formación, baja médica, contexto de trabajo, contenido de trabajo y factores individuales están asociados en este estudio con desgaste psíquico. El contexto de trabajo es la variable que infiere mayor riesgo (p=0.000; Exp (B)= 5.355) para provocar desgaste psíquico, seguida de la formación técnica o superior y del contenido del trabajo. Conclusiones: Si bien aquellos trabajadores cuya percepción nociva del contexto de trabajo (interrelación trabajo-vida familiar/personal, cultura de la organización, gestión de la empresa, etc.), del contenido de trabajo (concepción tareas, carga y ritmo de trabajo, etc.) y los que tienen formación técnica o superior tienen mayor probabilidad de padecer desgaste psíquico, se observan aspectos positivos de las condiciones de trabajo psicosocial y su influencia en los trabajadores y en las organizaciones.
Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kuvata ja selittää etätyöntekijöiden työhönsä kokemaa omistajuuden tunnetta sekä sen syntymismekanismeja ja seurauksia. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli selvittää kuinka etätyön eri muodot korostuvat etätyöskentelyn oletetuissa eduissa ja ongelmissa. Etätyön muotojen osalta oli tavoitteena myös selvittää niden yhteyttä itsenäisyyden tunteeseen. Tutkielman tutkimusmenetelmä on kvantitatiivinen ja määrällistä aineistoa analysoitiin SPSS-ohjelmiston avulla. Tutkielman tutkimuskontekstina on etätyö. Tutkimuksen perusteella etätyöntekijät kokevat työnsä keskimäärin melko paljon omakseen. Tutkimustulokset osoittivat, että työtä kohtaan koettu psykologinen omistajuus syntyy kolmen ”reitin” kautta, joita ovat kohteen hallinta, kohteen perusteellinen tunteminen ja voimavarojen käyttäminen kohteeseen. Näiden ”reittien” syntymiseen taas oli positiivinen yhteys seuraavilla työn ulottuvuuksilla: työn vaatimat taidot, työn hahmottaminen, työn merkitsevyys, itsenäisyys sekä palaute työstä. Tutkimustulokset todistivat, että psykologinen omistajuus oli positiivisessa yhdeydessä työperäiseen itsetuntoon, työtyytyväisyyteen, työmotivaatioon, yksilön kehittymiseen työssään, vastuuntuntoon työtään kohtaan sekä rehtiyteen. Voimakkain yhteys psykologisella omistajuudella oli työtyytyväisyyden kanssa. Tutkimuksen perusteella voidaankin sanoa, että mitä enemmän henkilö kokee työnsä omakseen, niin sitä tyytyväisempi hän on työhönsä. Tutkimustulokset osoittivat, että etätyön muodolla on merkitystä etätyöskentelyssä koettuihin etuihin ja ongelmiin. Täysipäiväisen etätyön tekijät kokivat edut kaikista positiivisimmin ja ongelmat taas kaikista negatiivisimmin. Mobiilit työntekijät kokivat työssään alhaisempaa itsenäisyyden tunnetta kuin muiden etätyön muotojen edustajat.
The aim of this paper is to analyze the effect of price and advertising on brand equity. The dimensionality of brand equity is thoroughly examined, and the effect price, price deals, perceived advertising spending and advertising appeal have on the dimensions of brand equity are analyzed using multiple regression analysis as well as other supporting analyses. Price and advertising are found to be of great importance to brand equity. Arguably the most influential finding is the strong positive effect low prices – an integral brand element – have on the case company brand equity, even though a negative effect was hypothesized based on prior research. The results also support separating advertising appeal from perceived advertising spending, as well as linking service quality as part of the overall perceived quality in the context of service-intensive firms.
The computer is a useful tool in the teaching of upper secondary school physics, and should not have a subordinate role in students' learning process. However, computers and computer-based tools are often not available when they could serve their purpose best in the ongoing teaching. Another problem is the fact that commercially available tools are not usable in the way the teacher wants. The aim of this thesis was to try out a novel teaching scenario in a complicated subject in physics, electrodynamics. The didactic engineering of the thesis consisted of developing a computer-based simulation and training material, implementing the tool in physics teaching and investigating its effectiveness in the learning process. The design-based research method, didactic engineering (Artigue, 1994), which is based on the theoryof didactical situations (Brousseau, 1997), was used as a frame of reference for the design of this type of teaching product. In designing the simulation tool a general spreadsheet program was used. The design was based on parallel, dynamic representations of the physics behind the function of an AC series circuit in both graphical and numerical form. The tool, which was furnished with possibilities to control the representations in an interactive way, was hypothesized to activate the students and promote the effectiveness of their learning. An effect variable was constructed in order to measure the students' and teachers' conceptions of learning effectiveness. The empirical study was twofold. Twelve physics students, who attended a course in electrodynamics in an upper secondary school, participated in a class experiment with the computer-based tool implemented in three modes of didactical situations: practice, concept introduction and assessment. The main goal of the didactical situations was to have students solve problems and study the function of AC series circuits, taking responsibility for theirown learning process. In the teacher study eighteen Swedish speaking physics teachers evaluated the didactic potential of the computer-based tool and the accompanying paper-based material without using them in their physics teaching. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected using questionnaires, observations and interviews. The result of the studies showed that both the group of students and the teachers had generally positive conceptions of learning effectiveness. The students' conceptions were more positive in the practice situation than in the concept introduction situation, a setting that was more explorative. However, it turned out that the students' conceptions were also positive in the more complex assessment situation. This had not been hypothesized. A deeper analysis of data from observations and interviews showed that one of the students in each pair was more active than the other, taking more initiative and more responsibilityfor the student-student and student-computer interaction. These active studentshad strong, positive conceptions of learning effectiveness in each of the threedidactical situations. The group of less active students had a weak but positive conception in the first iv two situations, but a negative conception in the assessment situation, thus corroborating the hypothesis ad hoc. The teacher study revealed that computers were seldom used in physics teaching and that computer programs were in short supply. The use of a computer was considered time-consuming. As long as physics teaching with computer-based tools has to take place in special computer rooms, the use of such tools will remain limited. The affordance is enhanced when the physical dimensions as well as the performance of the computer are optimised. As a consequence, the computer then becomes a real learning tool for each pair of students, smoothly integrated into the ongoing teaching in the same space where teaching normally takes place. With more interactive support from the teacher, the computer-based parallel, dynamic representations will be efficient in promoting the learning process of the students with focus on qualitative reasoning - an often neglected part of the learning process of the students in upper secondary school physics.