997 resultados para Ledoux, Marc


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There are basic misunderstandings on derivative markets. Some professionals believe that they are a kind of casinos and have no utility for the investors. This work looks at the effects of options introduction in the Brazilian market, seeking for another benefit for this introduction: changes in the stocks risk leveI. Our results are the same found in the US and other markets: the options introduction reduces the stocks volatility. We also found that there is a slight indication that the volatility becames more stochastic with this alternative.


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O objetivo desse texto é recuperar, a partir de dois textos específicos de Lévi-Strauss, o debate que esse autor trava com a História. Tratam-se mais exatamente de dois ensaios que, apesar de apresentarem título idêntico - "História e etnologia" -, foram redigidos em momentos diferentes e, mais interessante, não se remetem um ao outro. O primeiro deles, e o mais conhecido, é parte da famosa coletânea de artigos escritos por Lévi-Strauss durante os anos 40 e 50, intitulada Antropologia Estrutural. O artigo em questão fora publicado originalmente com o mesmo título na Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale, número 54, no ano de 1949. Já o segundo artigo, é o resultado de uma palestra apresentada por Lévi-Strauss, em 2 de julho de 1983, na Sorbonne, por ocasião do quinto ciclo de conferências em homenagem a Marc Bloch e editado na revista dos Annales, no mesmo ano. A intenção é, portanto, tomar as análises de Lévi-Strauss, entendido nessas searas como o mais radical dos antropólogos em seu método sincrônico e sem sujeito, e perceber como na delimitação disciplinar, sobretudo no campo da Antropologia, pareceu necessária a contraposição com a História.


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Os quatro momentos ou três tópicos deste seminário 1. Desenvolvimento económico 2- Problemática dos recursos comuns (Tragedy of the Commons) 3- Economia e desenvolvimento sustentável 4 - Conclusões: Entender o desenvolvimento económico e a sustentabilidade


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We study the implications for two-Higgs-doublet models of the recent announcement at the LHC giving a tantalizing hint for a Higgs boson of mass 125 GeV decaying into two photons. We require that the experimental result be within a factor of 2 of the theoretical standard model prediction, and analyze the type I and type II models as well as the lepton-specific and flipped models, subject to this requirement. It is assumed that there is no new physics other than two Higgs doublets. In all of the models, we display the allowed region of parameter space taking the recent LHC announcement at face value, and we analyze the W+W-, ZZ, (b) over barb, and tau(+)tau(-) expectations in these allowed regions. Throughout the entire range of parameter space allowed by the gamma gamma constraint, the numbers of events for Higgs decays into WW, ZZ, and b (b) over bar are not changed from the standard model by more than a factor of 2. In contrast, in the lepton-specific model, decays to tau(+)tau(-) are very sensitive across the entire gamma gamma-allowed region.


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A análise que tem vindo a ser efectuada, paralelamente a experiências diversas de implementação de registos de dados pessoais de utentes das unidades de saúde, em particular no que concerne à protecção da privacidade, enquanto valor intrínseco à pessoa humana, encontra novos contornos face ao recente trabalho realizado no âmbito da Administração Central dos Sistemas de Saúde para a implementação do “Registo de Saúde Electrónico”. Este trabalho pretende analisar a bipolarização de interesses em questão. Por um lado o interesse público de adopção de um sistema de informação único, por outro lado a necessária protecção à privacidade do ser humano.


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"Conhecer o Mar dos Açores III - Fórum científico de apoio à decisão". Biblioteca Pública e Arquivo Regional João José da Graça, Horta, Faial, Açores, 19-20 de setembro de 2013.


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"Conhecer o Mar dos Açores III - Fórum científico de apoio à decisão". Biblioteca Pública e Arquivo Regional João José da Graça, Horta, Faial, Açores, 19-20 de setembro de 2013.


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25th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Cadiz, Spain 21-23 March 2011.


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25th Conference of the European Cetacean Society. Long-terms datasets on marine mammals: learning from the past to manage the future, Cadiz, Spain, 21-23 March 2011.


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26th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Galway, Ireland 26-28 March 2012.


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27th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society. Setúbal, Portugal, 8-10 April 2013.


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Jornadas "Ciência nos Açores - que futuro?", Biblioteca Pública e Arquivo Regional de Ponta Delgada, Largo do Colégio, Ponta Delgada, 7-8 de junho.


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One of the most difficult issues of e-Learning is the students’ assessment. Being this an outstanding task regarding theoretical topics, it becomes even more challenging when the topics under evaluation are practical. ISCAP’s Information Systems Department is composed of about twenty teachers who have been for several years using an e-learning environment (at the moment Moodle 2.3) combined with traditional assessment. They are now planning and implementing a new e-learning assessment strategy. This effort was undertaken in order to evaluate a practical topic (the use of spreadsheets to solve management problems) common to shared courses of several undergraduate degree programs. The same team group is already experienced in the assessment of theoretical information systems topics using the b-learning platform. Therefore, this project works as an extension to previous experiences being the team aware of the additional difficulties due to the practical nature of the topics. This paper describes this project and presents two cycles of the action research methodology, used to conduct the research. The first cycle goal was to produce a database of questions. When it was implemented in order to be used with a pilot group of students, several problems were identified. Subsequently, the second cycle consisted in solving the identified problems preparing the database and all the players to a broader scope implementation. For each cycle, all the phases, its drawbacks and achievements are described. This paper suits all those who are or are planning to be in the process of shifting their assessment strategy from a traditional to one supported by an e-learning platform.


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The excellent properties of elastomers are exploited to trigger wrinkling instabilities in curved shells. Micro- and nano-fibres are produced by electrospinning and UV irradiated: each fibre consists of a soft core and a stiff outer half-shell. Upon solvent de-swelling, the fibres curl because the shell and the core have different natural lengths. Wrinkling only starts after the fibre has attained a well-defined helical shape. A simple analytical model is proposed to find the curling curvature and wrinkle wavelength, as well as the transition between the “curling” and “wrinkling” regimes. This new instability resembles that found in the tendrils of climbing plants as they dry and lignify.


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OBJECTIVE: To translate the Need for Recovery Scale (NFR) into Brazilian Portuguese and culturally adapt it and assess the stability, internal consistency and convergent validity of the Brazilian scale among industrial workers. METHODS: The translation process followed the guidelines for cultural adaptation of questionnaires including the steps of translation, synthesis, back translation, expert committee review, and pre-testing. The Brazilian Portuguese NFR, final version (Br-NFR) was assessed for stability (n=52) and internal consistency (n=192) and for convergent validity through simultaneous assessment with other instruments: the Borg Scale (n=59); the Chalder Fatigue Questionnaire (n=57) and 3 subscales of the SF-36 (n=56). RESULTS: Stability and internal consistency met the criterion for a reliable measure (ICC=0.80 and Cronbach's alpha =0.87, respectively). The convergent validity between Br-NFR and other instruments also showed good results: Borg Scale (r= 0.64); Chalder Questionnaire (r= 0.67); SF-36 subscales: vitality (r= -0.84), physical functioning (r= -0.54), and role-physical (r= -0.47). CONCLUSIONS: The Br-NFR proved to be a reliable instrument to evaluate work-related fatigue symptoms in industrial workers. Furthermore, it showed significant and good correlations with well-established instruments such as the Borg Scale, the Chalder Questionnaire and SF-36 vitality subscale, supporting the validity of the Br-NFR.