969 resultados para Ko wanko gaku.
Effective processing of powdered particles can facilitate powder handling and result in better drug product performance, which is of great importance in the pharmaceutical industry where the majority of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) are delivered as solid dosage forms. The purpose of this work was to develop a new ultrasound-assisted method for particle surface modification and thin-coating of pharmaceutical powders. The ultrasound was used to produce an aqueous mist with or without a coating agent. By using the proposed technique, it was possible to decrease the interparticular interactions and improve rheological properties of poorly-flowing water-soluble powders by aqueous smoothing of the rough surfaces of irregular particles. In turn, hydrophilic polymer thin-coating of a hydrophobic substance diminished the triboelectrostatic charge transfer and improved the flowability of highly cohesive powder. To determine the coating efficiency of the technique, the bioactive molecule -galactosidase was layered onto the surface of powdered lactose particles. Enzyme-treated materials were analysed by assaying the quantity of the reaction product generated during enzymatic cleavage of the milk sugar. A near-linear increase in the thickness of the drug layer was obtained during progressive treatment. Using the enzyme coating procedure, it was confirmed that the ultrasound-assisted technique is suitable for processing labile protein materials. In addition, this pre-treatment of milk sugar could be used to improve utilization of lactose-containing formulations for populations suffering from severe lactose intolerance. Furthermore, the applicability of the thin-coating technique for improving homogeneity of low-dose solid dosage forms was shown. The carrier particles coated with API gave rise to uniform distribution of the drug within the powder. The mixture remained homogeneous during further tabletting, whereas the reference physical powder mixture was subject to segregation. In conclusion, ultrasound-assisted surface engineering of pharmaceutical powders can be effective technology for improving formulation and performance of solid dosage forms such as dry powder inhalers (DPI) and direct compression products.
Relative Constructions with Pronominal Heads in Contemporary Russian Chapter 1 introduces the distinctive syntactic and semantic properties of Russian relative constructions (RCs), which are then divided into two main classes according to the type of the head phrase. The study concentrates on RCs with pronominal heads, which are systematically compared with noun-headed RCs. Chapter 2 clarifies the categorization of pronouns in Russian. The conclusion is that Russian pronouns include only personal, reflexive and wh-pronouns. The remaining words that are traditionally seen as pronouns are actually functional equivalents of determiners. This idea leads to the suggestion that RCs with these determiner-like words as the only constituent of the head phrase are actually headed by zero pronouns. In the other type of RCs with pronominal heads, the head position is occupied by wh-pronouns with clitics expressing different types of indefiniteness and quantification. Comparison of the two types of pronoun-headed RCs shows that the wh-heads and zero-heads share a number of common properties with respect to the grammatical gender, number and person as well as to the semantic distinction between animates and inanimates. The rest of Chapter 2 gives an overview of various uses of wh-pronouns in Russian and an experimental analysis of RCs headed by pronominal adverbs. Chapter 3 discusses fundamental differences between RCs with noun and pronominal heads. One of the main findings is that the choice of the relative pronoun (kto 'who' and chto 'what' versus kotoryj 'which') is motivated by a tendency to reproduce maximally the essential grammatical and semantic properties of the antecedent. Chapter 4 gives a detailed description of the determiner-like words and wh-based heads used in the two types of RCs with pronominal heads. In addition, several issues related to the syntax and semantics of free relatives are discussed. The conclusion is that there is no need to establish a separate category of free relatives in Russian. Chapter 5 discusses the syntax and semantics of correlative and free concessive constructions. They share a number of properties with pronoun-headed RCs and the two are often confused in Russian linguistics. However, a detailed analysis shows that these constructions must be distinguished from RCs. The study combines the methods of functionally-oriented Russian structuralism with some insights from generative syntax.
Speech rhythm is an essential part of speech processing. It is the outcome of the workings of a combination of linguistic and non-linguistic parameters, many of which also have other functions in speech. This study focusses on the acoustic and auditive realization of two linguistic parameters of rhythm: (1) sentence stress, and (2) speech rate and pausing. The aim was to find out how well Finnish comprehensive school pupils realize these two parameters in English and how native speakers of English react to Finnish pupils English rhythm. The material was elicited by means of a story-telling task and questionnaires. Three female and three male pupils representing different levels of oral skills in English were selected as the experimental group. The control group consisted of two female and two male native speakers of English. The stories were analysed acoustically and auditorily with respect to interstress intervals, weak forms, fundamental frequency, pausing, and speech as well as articulation rate. In addition, 52 native speakers of English were asked to rate the intelligibility of the Finnish pupils English with respect to speech rhythm and give their attitudes on what the pupils sounded like. Results showed that Finnish pupils can produce isochronous interstress intervals in English, but that too large a proportion of these intervals contain pauses. A closer analysis of the pauses revealed that Finnish pupils pause too frequently and in inappropriate places when they speak English. Frequent pausing was also found to cause slow speech rates. The findings of the fundamental frequency (F0) measurements indicate that Finnish pupils tend to make a slightly narrower F0 difference between stressed and unstressed syllables than the native speakers of English. Furthermore, Finnish pupils appear to know how to reduce the duration and quality of unstressed sounds, but they fail to do it frequently enough. Native listeners gave lower intelligibility and attitude scores to pupils with more anomalous speech rhythm. Finnish pupils rhythm anomalies seemed to derive from various learning- or learner-related factors rather than from the differences between English and Finnish. This study demonstrates that pausing may be a more important component of English speech rhythm than sentence stress as far as Finnish adolescents are concerned and that interlanguage development is affected by various factors and characterised by jumps or periods of stasis. Other theoretical, methodological and pedagogical implications of the results are also discussed.
The present dissertation analyses 36 local vernaculars of villages surrounding the northern Russian city of Vologda in relation to the system of the vowels in the stressed syllables and those preceding the stressed syllables by using the available dialectological researches. The system in question differs from the corresponding standard Russian system by that the palatalisation of the surrounding consonants affects the vowels much more significantly in the vernaculars, whereas the phonetic difference between the stressed and non-stressed vowels is less obvious in them. The detailed information on the local vernaculars is retrieved from the Dialektologieskij Atlas Russkogo Jazyka dialect atlas, the data for which were collected, for the most part, in the 1940 s and 1950 s. The theoretical framework of the research consists of a brief cross-section of western sociolinguistic theory related to language change and that of historical linguistics related to the Slavonic vowel development, which includes some new theories concerning the development of the Russian vowel phonemes. The author has collected dialect data in one of the 36 villages and three villages surrounding it. During the fieldwork, speech of nine elderly persons and ten school children was recorded. The speech data were then transcribed with coded information on the corresponding etymological vowels, the phonetic position, and the factual pronunciation at each appearance of vowels in the phonetic positions named above. The data from both of the dialect strata were then systematised to two corresponding systems that were compared with the information retrievable from the dialect atlas and other dialectological literature on the vowel phoneme system of the traditional local vernacular. As a result, it was found out (as hypothesised) that the vernacular vowel phoneme system has approached that of the standard language but has nonetheless not become similar to it. The phoneme quantity of the traditional vernacular is by one greater than that of the standard language, whereas the vowel phoneme quantity in the speech of the school children coincides with that in the standard language, although the phonetic realisations differ to some extent. The analysis of the speech of the elderly people resulted in that it is quite difficult to define the exact phoneme quantity of this stratum due to the fluctuation and irregularities in the realisation of the old phoneme that has ceased to exist in the newest stratum. It was noticed that the effect of the quality of the surrounding consonants on the phonetic realisation of the vowel phonemes has diminished, and the dependence of the phonetic realisation of a vowel phoneme on its place in a word in relation to the word stress has become more and more obvious, which is the state of affairs in the standard language as well.
In this study I look at what people want to express when they talk about time in Russian and Finnish, and why they use the means they use. The material consists of expressions of time: 1087 from Russian and 1141 from Finnish. They have been collected from dictionaries, usage guides, corpora, and the Internet. An expression means here an idiomatic set of words in a preset form, a collocation or construction. They are studied as lexical entities, without a context, and analysed and categorized according to various features. The theoretical background for the study includes two completely different approaches. Functional Syntax is used in order to find out what general meanings the speaker wishes to convey when talking about time and how these meanings are expressed in specific languages. Conceptual metaphor theory is used for explaining why the expressions are as they are, i.e. what kind of conceptual metaphors (transfers from one conceptual domain to another) they include. The study has resulted in a grammatically glossed list of time expressions in Russian and Finnish, a list of 56 general meanings involved in these time expressions and an account of the means (constructions) that these languages have for expressing the general meanings defined. It also includes an analysis of conceptual metaphors behind the expressions. The general meanings involved turned out to revolve around expressing duration, point in time, period of time, frequency, sequence, passing of time, suitable time and the right time, life as time, limitedness of time, and some other notions having less obvious semantic relations to the others. Conceptual metaphor analysis of the material has shown that time is conceptualized in Russian and Finnish according to the metaphors Time Is Space (Time Is Container, Time Has Direction, Time Is Cycle, and the Time Line Metaphor), Time Is Resource (and its submapping Time Is Substance), Time Is Actor; and some characteristics are added to these conceptualizations with the help of the secondary metaphors Time Is Nature and Time Is Life. The limits between different conceptual metaphors and the connections these metaphors have with one another are looked at with the help of the theory of conceptual integration (the blending theory) and its schemas. The results of the study show that although Russian and Finnish are typologically different, they are very similar both in the needs of expression their speakers have concerning time, and in the conceptualizations behind expressing time. This study introduces both theoretical and methodological novelties in the nature of material used, in developing empirical methodology for conceptual metaphor studies, in the exactness of defining the limits of different conceptual metaphors, and in seeking unity among the different facets of time. Keywords: time, metaphor, time expression, idiom, conceptual metaphor theory, functional syntax, blending theory
Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan saksan kielen merkityst osana kielellist ja ammatillista identiteetti. Tutkimuskohteena ovat Helsingin Yliopiston germaanisen filologian opiskelijat, jotka ovat aloittaneet opintonsa vuosina 2008 ja 2009. Identiteetti on tutkittu monilla eri tieteen aloilla, mutta yksimielisyytt identiteetin mritelmst ei ole, sill eri tieteenalat painottavat tarkastelussaan eri nkkulmia. Tutkielman teoriaosassa pyritnkin luomaan yleiskuva vallalla olevista ksityksist ja ksitelln identiteetti tarkemmin kielitieteellisest nkkulmasta. Teoriaosassa kuvataan mys saksan kielen tmnhetkist kansainvlist asemaa, sill kielen asema vaikuttaa vahvasti siihen, kuinka ko. kieleen suhtaudutaan ja halutaanko sit opiskella vieraana kielen. Vaikka identiteetti onkin tutkittu paljon, ei vieraan kielen yliopisto-opiskelijoiden suhteesta opiskelemaansa kieleen ole kattavia tutkimuksia. Opiskelijoiden suhtautuminen vieraaseen kieleen heijastuu kuitenkin heidn oppimiseensa, motivaatioonsa ja laaja-alaisemmin koko opiskeluun, joten tt tutkimalla voidaan saavuttaa trke tietoa, jota voidaan hydynt mm. yliopisto-opintojen kehittmisess. Tutkielman tavoitteena onkin kuvata tt erityislaatuista suhdetta ja selvitt, miten opiskelijat kuvaavat suhdettaan saksan kieleen. Kielellisen identiteetin nkkulmasta tutkitaan, miten opiskelijat suhtautuvat saksan kieleen, miten he kuvaavat omaa kielitaitoaan ja mitk tekijt ovat vaikuttaneet kielellisen identiteetin kehittymiseen senhetkiseen muotoonsa. Ammatillisen identiteetin kannalta selvitetn, kuinka suuri merkitys saksan kielell on osana opiskelijoiden ammatillista identiteetti ja miten opiskelijat haluavat kytt hyvkseen saksan kielen taitoaan tyelmss. Tutkielman korpus koostuu opiskelijoiden kirjoitelmista, jotka ovat osa TAITO-hanketta, sek Saksalaisen laitoksen (laitos on vuodesta 2010 osa Nykykielten laitosta) lukuvuosina 2008 ja 2009 uusille opiskelijoilleen teettmist lhtkyselyist. Analyysi on kaksiosainen, jotta saavutetaan mahdollisimman kattava kuva opiskelijoiden identiteetist. Ensimmisess osassa kirjoitelmia analysoidaan autobiografisen metodin avulla. Toisessa osassa korpuksia verrataan toisiinsa kvantitatiivisesti ja tutkitaan ovatko opiskelijat kuvanneet suhdettaan saksan kieleen samalla tavalla molemmissa korpuksissa. Tutkimuksesta ky ilmi, ett opiskelijat aloittavat opintonsa hyvin erilaisista lhtkohdista, mik ilmenee opiskelijoiden eritasoisen kielitaidon ja erilaisten odotusten lisksi mys eroina identiteeteiss. Saksan kielell on trke merkitys suurimmalle osalle tutkituista opiskelijoista. Heidn kielellinen identiteettins on selvsti muotoutunut, ja he ovat motivoituneita opiskeluun. Heidn ammatillinen identiteettins on sit vastoin eptarkempi, mik osoittaa tarvetta opiskelijoiden tukemiseen ja tyelmorientaatioon jo opintojen alusta lhtien.
Genetic engineering is an attractive method for changing a single characteristic of Smooth Cayenne pineapple, without altering its other desirable attributes. Techniques used in pineapple transformation, however, such as tissue culture and biolistic-mediated or Agrobacterium-mediated gene insertion are prone to somaclonal variation, resulting in the production of several morphological mutations (Smith et al., 2002). Fruit mutations can include distortion in fruit shape (round ball, conical, fan-shaped), reduced fruit size, multiple crowns, crownless fruit, fruitless crowns, and spiny crown leaves (Dalldorf, 1975; Sanewski et al., 1992). The present paper describes the variability in fruit-shape mutations between transgenic and non-transgenic fruit, and its subsequent impact on organoleptic characteristics.
In order to develop an efficient and reliable biolistics transformation system for pineapples parameters need to be optimised for growth, survival and development of explants pre- and post transformation. We have optimised in vitro conditions for culture media for the various stages of plant and callus initiation and development, and for effective selection of putative transgenic material. Shoot multiplication and proliferation is best on medium containing MS basic nutrients and vitamins with the addition of 0.1 mg/L myo-inositol, 20 g/L sucrose, 2.5 mg/L BAP and 3 g/L Phytagel, followed by transfer to basic MS medium for further development. Callus production on leaf base explants is best on MS nutrients and vitamins, to which 10 mg/L of BAP and NAA each was added. Optimum explant age for bombardment is 17-35 week old callus, while a pre-bombardment osmoticum treatment in the medium is not required. By comparing several antibiotics as selective agent, it has been established that a two-step selection of 2 fortnightly sub-cultures on 50 g/mL of geneticin in the culture medium, followed by monthly sub-cultures on 100 g/mL geneticin is optimal for survival of transgenic callus. Shoot regeneration from callus cultures is optimal on medium containing MS nutrients and vitamins, 5% coconut water and 400 mg/L casein hydrolysate. Plants can be readily regenerated and multiplied from transgenic callus through organogenesis. Rooting of shoots does not require any additional plant hormones to the medium. A transformation efficiency of 1 3.5% can be achieved, depending on the gene construct applied.
Techniques for the introduction of transgenes to control blackheart by particle bombardment and Agrobacterium co-transformation have been developed for pineapple cv. Smooth Cayenne. Polyphenol oxidase (PPO) is the enzyme responsible for blackheart development in pineapple fruit following chilling injury. Sense, anti-sense and hairpin constructs were used as a means to suppress PPO expression in plants. Average transformation efficiency for biolistics was approximately 1% and for Agrobacterium was approximately 1.5%. These results were considered acceptable given the high regeneration potential of between 80-90% from callus cultures. Southern blot analysis revealed stable integration of transgenes with lower copy number found in plants transformed with Agrobacterium compared to those transformed by biolistics. Over 5000 plants from 55 transgenic lines are now undergoing field evaluation in Australia
A transformation technique for the introduction of transgenes to control blackheart by particle bombardment has been developed for pineapple cv. Smooth Cayenne. Leaf callus cultures capable of high frequency organogenesis with a short regeneration time were used as explant material. Gus and gfp reporter genes were used to observe and determine transient and stable expression. The ppo gene, isolated from pineapple, was introduced to control blackheart. Co-transformation occurred with constructs containing the nptII gene conferring geneticin resistance. We have recovered 15 independent transgenic gus and gfp lines each from 8 separate experiments and 22 ppo lines from 11 experiments. Gus, gfp, ppo and nptII positive plants have been regenerated, which have been shown by Southern blot analysis to be stable transgenics containing multiple copies of the introduced genes. These results show that biolistic gene delivery in pineapple can be successfully achieved at an acceptable efficiency of 0.21-1.5% for genetic improvement of 'Smooth Cayenne', the industry standard throughout the world.
Tutkielmassa lhestytn sananlaskuja niiden kyttkontekstin kautta. Tarkastelun kohteena on kirjoitettu kertova aineisto, jossa esiintyy sananlaskuja muun kerronnan yhteydess. Sananlaskuja lhestytn kuulijan nkkulmasta, kuulijan tulkintaan tukeutuen. Aineistona on Kalevalan juhlavuoden 1985 kilpakirjoitus "Perinne elmssni". Tarkasteltavina ovat kilpakirjoituksen aihepiirit 1. "Koti ja suku" sek 5. "Sukupuoliroolit ja kasvatus avioliittoon". Tutkielman aineiston muodostavat vastaukset, joissa kerronta kytt sananlaskuja. Tllaisia vastauksia on yhteens 170 kerjn aineistossa (188 vastaajalta) koko kilpakeruun ko. aihepiirien sisltess 439 keryst. Vastaajien ik vaihtelee 13-90 ikvuoden vlill. Muisteluaineisto ksittelee vuosia 1900-1985. Kilpakeruun vastaukset ovat muistelukerrontaa. Tmn tutkielman aineistossa kertojat muistelevat lapsuuttaan ja tuovat esille kuulijan nkkulman sananlaskujen kytttilanteista. Sek arkistotietoon ett muistelukerrontaan liittyy olennaisesti aineiston lhdekriittinen tarkastelu. Tutkimuksessa sananlasku on yleisnimitys. Vastaajat ovat ksitelleet yhdenvertaisesti sananlaskuna niin sananlaskut, sananparret, sanonnat kuin raamatunlauseetkin, joten tutkielmassakin ne on ksitelty sananlaskuina. Tutkimustehtvn on ollut selvitt yhtlt kuka sananlaskuja kytti ja toisaalta miss tarkoituksessa sananlaskuja kytettiin. Nkkulma on kuulijan. Ensimmiseen kysymykseen vastaus haettiin kertomuksissa olleista maininnoista, kuten esimerkiksi "iti sanoi ...", "kuulin mummoltani ...", "lapsuudessani neuvottiin ...", "isllni oli tapana sanoa ...". Toista kysymyst lhestyttiin kyttyhteyden teonsanalla. Oletuksena oli, ett kuulija kyttmlln verbill kertoi, miss mieless hn sananlaskuja koki kytetyn. Kertomusten mukaan sananlaskujen kytn koettiin liittyvn neuvoviin ja ohjaaviin tapahtumiin, kotona tapahtuneeseen kasvatukseen. Ne olivat osa kasvatuksessa kytetty puhetta. Toinen aineistossa esiin tullut sananlaskujen kyttyhteys oli sananlaskujen kytt retorisena tehokeinona. Vitteit voitiin todentaa, kumota, vahvistaa jne. sananlaskujen avulla. Sananlaskuja kerrotiin kuullun ennen kaikkea kotona, kotiympristss. Niiden alkuper voi olla joko personoimaton ryhm tai kyttj oli nimetty. Kun kyseess oli ryhmn personoimaton puhe tai tieto, oli kyse ennen kaikkea vanhojen tiedosta, viisaista lauseista. Milloin sananlaskut on kuultu nimetylt henkillt, oli kyseess useimmiten iti tai isoiti. Tm selittynee osin sill, ett lasten kasvatuksesta ovat kotiympristss huolehtineet suvun ja perheen naiset.
Pro gradu -ty ksittelee karjalan ja inarinsaamen kielipesi. Kielipes on kielellisen vhemmistn tai alkuperiskansan lapsille tarkoitettu pivhoitopaikka, jossa lapsille puhutaan alusta asti kaikissa tilanteissa pelkstn ko. vhemmistkielt. Tavoitteena on silytt uhanalainen kieli tilanteessa, jossa vanhemmat eivt usein pysty siirtmn kielt seuraavalle sukupolvelle kotona. Kielipesn idea on perisin Uuden Seelannin maoreilta. Inarinsaamelaisten kielipestoiminta alkoi vuonna 1997 ja karjalaisten vuonna 2000. Tyn karjalan kielipes koskeva osuus liittyy Vienan Karjalan Uhtualla vuonna 1999 alkaneeseen kielipesprojektiin, jota olen vetnyt. Ensimmisess luvussa esittelen tyn aihetta, tavoitteita, tyhypoteesej, metodeja ja aineistoa. Esitn tyhypoteeseinni, ett kielipes vaikuttaa vhemmistyhteisn kolmella eri tasolla, joita ovat lapset, heidn perheens ja muu yhteis. Lisksi esitn, ett kielipesll on edellytykset muodostua merkittvksi kielellisen revitalisaation tekijksi. Tavoitteenani on kuvata kielipesi monipuolisesti sek revitalisaation ett lasten kielenoppimisen lhtkohdista. Toisessa luvussa esittelen tyn kannalta olennaisia taustatietoja. Kerron karjalaisten ja inarinsaamelaisten nykytilanteesta ja historiasta painottaen kielitilanteen kehitykseen vaikuttaneita seikkoja. Esittelen tutkimuksen kielisosiologisen viitekehyksen, kielten uhanalaisuuden ja revitalisaation ksitteet. Kolmannessa luvussa kerron kielipesmenetelmn juurista ja esittelen karjalaisten ja inarinsaamelaisten kielipestoiminnan taustaa, historiaa ja tulevaisuutta. Ppaino on karjalan kielipesn osuudessa. Kerron ennen kielipestoimintaa vallinneesta kielitilanteesta, kyselytutkimuksestani, suomen ja karjalan kielen suhteesta ja hankkeen kulusta. Lopuksi ksittelen Uhtuan kielipeshankkeen tulevaisuudennkymi. Inarinsaamelaisia koskevassa luvussa esittelen kielipestoimintaa lhteiden perusteella ja kerron kielipesn vaikutuksista inarinsaamen puhujayhteisn. Neljs luku koskee kielipeslasten kielt. Esittelen kielikylvyn ja kaksikielisyyden ksitteit. Kuvaan karjalan kielipeslasten kielenoppimisprosessia ensimmisen vuoden ajalta ja tarkastelen lasten kielen piirteit. Kuvaan inarinsaamen kielipesss neljnnen toimintavuoden kevll vallinnutta kielitilannetta ja tarkastelen samoin lasten kielen piirteit. Tarkastelen erityisesti kahden kielen yhdistymist lasten puheessa. Yhteenvetoluvussa ksittelen sit, mist kielipesien erilaiset tulokset johtuvat. Viides luku koostuu aineistosta, jota olen kernnyt karjalan kielipeslasten vanhempien haastatteluista. Kuvaan vanhempien kielellisi taustoja ja asenteita, perheen kielenkytt ja kielipesn vaikutusta siihen. Lopuksi tarkastelen tuloksia kielisosiologisessa kontekstissa. Kuudennessa luvussa tarkastelen tyhypoteesieni toteutumista. Tulen siihen tulokseen, ett kielipesn positiiviset vaikutukset vhemmistkielen tilaan ovat kiistattomat. Moni tutkimuksessa esilletuomani kysymys vaatii jatkotutkimusta mm. tutkijan positioon liittyvien seikkojen takia, ja koska kielipesien vaikutusta on tutkittava pitkll aikavlill.
Values of Ko, Flory constant related to unperturbed dimensions, are evaluated for methyl methacrylate-acrylonitrile random copolymers using Flory-Fox, Kurata-Stockmayer and Inagaki-Ptitsyn methods and compared with the Ko values obtained by Stockmayer-Fixman method. Ko values are seen to be less in solvents which have large a (Mark-Houwink exponent) values. A correlation between Ko and a is developed to arrive at a more reliable estimate of Ko for this copolymer system.
Goals This study aims to map the effect of interrogative function on the intonation of spontaneous and read Finnish. Earlier research shows that the most prominent feature in Finnish question intonation is an appeal to the listener. Question word questions typically start with a high peak which is followed by falling intonation. In yes/no questions, F0 remains on a high level until the word carrying sentence stress and then falls. Final rises are mainly found in intonation clichs such as "Ai mit?" ("What?") These earlier results are based on read speech and enacted dialogues. In this study, questions and statements found in spontaneous dialogues were compared. These utterances were also compared with read versions of the same utterances. Fundamental frequency values were compared using a mixed model. Contours were also grouped using auditory and visual inspection. Thus it was possible to compare frequencies of contour types according to utterance type and speech style. The position of questions in the F0 distribution of the whole material was also investigated in this study. Method The material consisted of four spontaneous dialogues and their read versions. The speakers were young adults from the Helsinki metropolitan area, four females and four males. The whole material was first divided into broad dialogue function categories arising from the material and F0 curves were calculated for each category. After this, 277 questions and 244 statements were selected for closer inspection. Values reflecting F0 distribution and contour shape were measured from the F0 contours of these utterances. A mixed model was used to analyse the differences. Utterance type, question type, speech style and speaker gender were used as fixed effects. The frequencies of F0 contour types were compared using a Chi square test. Additional material in this study came from eight young female speakers in central Finland. Results and conclusions In the mixed model analysis, significant differences were found both between questions and statements and between spontaneous and read speech. Generally, utterance type affected the variables reflecting contour type while speech style affected the variables reflecting F0 distribution. The effect of question type was not clearly visible. In read speech the contours resembled earlier results more closely. Speakers had different strategies in differentiating between questions and statements. In the whole material, F0 was slightly higher in questions than in statements. The effect of dialectal background could be seen in the contour types. The results show that interrogative function affects intonation in both spontaneous and read Finnish.
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