517 resultados para Glossary
This document contains information about Iowa's multipurpose library network. Maps, regional networks, a bibliography and a glossary are included.
Acompanha: Glossário de termos biológicos em língua brasileira de sinais (GBLI)
O projeto encontra-se dividido em três partes. Na primeira encontra-se um estudo teórico sobre a importância da tradução médica. A segunda parte apresenta a tradução de dois artigos médicos extraídos de um manual de psiquiatria e a partir desses artigos foi criado um glossário bilingue. Na última parte foi realizada uma reflexão sobre a tradução, detalhando todos os aspetos essenciais da mesma. Os temas abordados nos artigos anteriormente mencionados têm a ver com os antidepressivos e estimulantes, e antipsicóticos, entre os quais se destacam os mecanismos de ação e os efeitos adversos de cada um destes medicamentos.
International audience
This study aims to provide foreigns languages professionals with a sound methodology for selecting a suitable lexicon apropos of their students’ level in the language. The justification of said selection is, herein, rooted in a cognitive argument: If we are able to observe the manner in which words are organized within the mind, we will be better able to select the words needed for the natural process of communication. After poring over lists of lexical availability compiled by previous analyses, this study puts forth a glossary filtered by way of an objective procedure based on the mathematical concept known as Fuzzy Expected Value. I begin first by rigorously defining the concept of lexical availability and then thoroughly examining and explaining the manner in which I have obtained the results. Next, I employ the cognitive theory of prototypes to expound upon the organizational apparatus which arranges words within speakers’ minds. Subsequently and in accordance with objective criteria, a lexical selection is proposed. To end, I contemplate and muse upon the significance of a program that would enable us to identify the most appropriate vocabulary according to the students’ level of linguistic competence. In order to further substantiate this study, it will be juxtaposed to the specific notions outlined by the curriculum of The Cervantes Institute. Moreover, it will be relationed with the teaching levels proposed by American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) and Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
450 p.
Edición, traducción y estudio lexicográfico de un fragmento a un glosario narrativo selectivo a Jueces 5,28-19,9 (Firk. I 2324). Sus principales características son que el autor añade en ocasiones informaciones complementarias a las entradas glosadas y que alguien ha vocalizado el hebreo de una manera que se aparta de la masorética tradicional y que parece estar reflejando la pronunciación viva del hebreo por parte de la persona que añadió la puntuación.
Includes "A Glossary of terms in ancient art" (32 pages at end).
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Letras, Departamento de Línguas Estrangeiras e Tradução, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos da Tradução, 2016.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Letras, Departamento de Línguas Estrangeiras e Tradução, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos da Tradução, 2016.
The work of Jorge Amado collects and processes relevant aspects of Brazilian miscegenation and allows discussion on various issues relating to the cultural productions of the country. If on the one hand the racial mixture can be seen as the result of an harmonious process, as is traditional Brazilian thought that comes from XVIII century, on the other hand it portrays the customs of Bahian society at different times, mixing the humorous tone to the optimistic view of the world. As for the miscegenation, reality of the Bahian people, as of all Brazil, can also be analyzed in their heterogeneity, for whom observes that, in the end, the crossing of economic, social and cultural boundaries have been, in many cases, quite problematic. The aim of this work is to make a journey into reality, past and present in Brazil, to understand the lexical regionalisms present in each work; it is important to understand the history of slavery, indigenous groups and the relation that the white man had with this world. All that enormous database of spoken language (a true linguistic laboratory) served and is serving to describe the Portuguese in Brazil in its regional, ethnic and social varieties. (Bagno, 2011: 104-105) I analyze here two works by Jorge Amado, Gabriela, Clove and Cinnamon: Chronicle of an Inner City and Tieta of Agreste, which constitute the corpus of this work, which will consist in detecting an extensive glossary and the collection thereof as well as paremiological regionalisms; phrases or expressions corresponding to a region and time of Brazil...
The InterPARES 2 Terminology Cross-Domain has created three terminological instruments in service to the project, and by extension, Archival Science. Over the course of the five-year project this Cross-Domain has collected words, definition, and phrases from extant documents, research tools, models, and direct researcher submission and discussion. From these raw materials, the Cross-Domain has identified a systematic and pragmatic way establishing a coherent view on the concepts involved in dynamic, experiential, and interactive records and systems in the arts, sciences, and e-government.The three terminological instruments are the Glossary, Dictionary, and Ontologies. The first of these is an authoritative list of terms and definitions that are core to our understanding of the evolving records creation, keeping, and preservation environments. The Dictionary is a tool used to facilitate interdisciplinary communication. It contains multiple definitions for terms, from multiple disciplines. By using this tool, researchers can see how Archival Science deploys terminology compared to Computer Science, Library and Information Science, or Arts, etc. The third terminological instrument, the Ontologies, identify explicit relationships between concepts of records. This is useful for communicating the nuances of Diplomatics in the dynamic, experiential, and interactive environment.All three of these instruments were drawn from a Register of terms gathered over the course of the project. This Register served as a holding place for terms, definitions, and phrases, and allowed researchers to discuss, comment on, and modify submissions. The Register and the terminological instruments were housed in the Terminology Database. The Database provides searching, display, and file downloads – making it easy to navigate through the terminological instruments.Terminology used in InterPARES 1 and the UBC Project was carried forward to this Database. In this sense, we are building on our past knowledge, and making it relevant to the contemporary environment.
This thesis is composed of two parts, encompassed in a third: a poetry collection; a critical dissertation; and an artist’s book. The thesis as a whole is entitled Florilegium. This title, from the Latin flos, or ‘flower’, and legere, ‘to gather’, refers to the medieval system of collecting extracts from various authors to form a larger body of work. It is also applicable to flower-treatises, dedicated to their ornamental nature rather than medicinal or scientific. The critical dissertation comes in the form of a glossary. It intends to show that the flower plays an essential role in linking Modernist poetics with that of its Romantic predecessors and beyond. In isolated and ‘illuminated’ examples from Aristotle to Zukofsky, it examines the lineage of botanical poetry, in the light of its unique linguistic makeup: a vernacularized scientific lexicon established in the Latin of Carl Linnaeus. While the critical component of the thesis is an interrogation of botanical language, the poetry collection is its living representation. To enhance the living nature of the text, I have designed and printed an artist’s book, which also acts as an herbarium for floral specimens collected and pressed over the duration of my degree. The design of the book is in keeping with traditional florilegia, incorporating historic binding techniques, typography, paper, and size.
El objetivo de esta investigación se centra en el análisis de los factores que inciden con mayor frecuencia en el fracaso de los emprendimientos en Colombia, y considerar su proximidad con el concepto de logística como actividad elemental para el desarrollo de los emprendimientos en el país. La finalidad de esta investigación es mostrar que los patrones que conducen al fracaso, los cuales están catalogados dentro de las categorías financiera, organizacional, operativa, de entorno, de mercadeo o de recursos humanos, tienen un nivel de incidencia dentro del fracaso, por lo cual, se puede ejecutar un análisis que permita demostrar el orden de las seis categorías mencionadas según su impacto dentro del fracaso y a su vez, brindar estrategias que permitan reducir las posibilidades de fracasar en los emprendimientos.
Problema. Esta investigación se aproxima al entorno escolar con el propósito de avanzar en la comprensión de los imaginarios de los adolescentes y docentes en torno al cuerpo, la corporalidad y la AF, como un elemento relevante en el diseño de programas y planes efectivos para fomento de la práctica de AF. Objetivo. Analizar los imaginarios sociales de docentes y adolescentes en torno a los conceptos de cuerpo, corporalidad y AF. Métodos. Investigación de corte cualitativo, descriptivo e interpretativo. Se realizaron entrevistas semi-estructuradas a docentes y a estudiantes entre los 12 y 18 años de un colegio público de Bogotá. Se realizó análisis de contenido. Se compararon los resultados de estudiantes por grupos de edades y género. Resultados. Docentes y estudiantes definen el cuerpo a partir de las características biológicas, las diferencias sexuales y las funciones vitales. La definición de corporalidad en los estudiantes se encuentra ligada con la imagen y la apariencia física; los docentes la entienden como la posibilidad de interactuar con el entorno y como la materialización de la existencia. La AF en los estudiantes se asocia con la práctica de ejercicio y deporte, en los docentes se comprende como una práctica de autocuidado que permite el mantenimiento de la salud. Conclusiones. Para promover la AF tempranamente como una experiencia vital es necesario intervenir los espacios escolares. Hay que vincular al cuerpo a los procesos formativos con el propósito de desarrollar la autonomía corporal, este aspecto implica cambios en los currículos.