937 resultados para Environmental protection Press coverage Australia


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The main goal of this paper is to obtain a granular material formulated with Municipal Solid Waste Incinerarion (MSWI) bottom ash (BA) and air pollution control (APC) ash to be used as secondary building material. Previously, an optimum concrete mixture using both MSWI residues as aggregates was formulated. A compromise between the environmental behaviour and the economy of the process was considered. Unconfined compressive strength and abrasion resistance values were measured in order to evaluate the mechanical properties. From these results, the granular mixture was not suited for certain applications owing to the high BA/APC content and low cement percentages used to reduce the costs of the final product. Nevertheless, the leaching test performed showed that the concentrations of all heavy metals were below the limits established by the current Catalan legislation for their reutilization. Therefore, the material studied might be mainly used in embankments, where high mechanical properties are not needed and environmental safety is assured.


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Designing new teaching programs for both undergraduate and graduate university studies involves integrating concepts and methodologies regarding quality, work safety and hazard prevention, and environmental protection. One of the challenges facing Spanish research within the realm of European Higher Education concerns health and safety issues in the Arts.In the case of Fine Arts, student exploration is one of the fundamental pillars of the study program; therefore it is imperative that art studios be optimized. This optimization affects both designated resources (infrastructures, materials, equipment, etc.) and organization of the teaching force.In this context, the aim of our research is to improve educational practices by designing quality measures that are both friendly to the environment and hazardous free. The aim here is to assure adequate art studio and laboratory management, and provide students with hazard free health and environmentally safe concepts that can be incorporated in their professional lives.The school of Fine Arts at the University of Barcelona is part of a pilot program, where our experience in educational innovation and research is serving as a reference for the implantation of OSHAS 18001 norms.


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Designing new teaching programs for both undergraduate and graduate university studies involves integrating concepts and methodologies regarding quality, work safety and hazard prevention, and environmental protection. One of the challenges facing Spanish research within the realm of European Higher Education concerns health and safety issues in the Arts.In the case of Fine Arts, student exploration is one of the fundamental pillars of the study program; therefore it is imperative that art studios be optimized. This optimization affects both designated resources (infrastructures, materials, equipment, etc.) and organization of the teaching force.In this context, the aim of our research is to improve educational practices by designing quality measures that are both friendly to the environment and hazardous free. The aim here is to assure adequate art studio and laboratory management, and provide students with hazard free health and environmentally safe concepts that can be incorporated in their professional lives.The school of Fine Arts at the University of Barcelona is part of a pilot program, where our experience in educational innovation and research is serving as a reference for the implantation of OSHAS 18001 norms.


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Designing new teaching programs for both undergraduate and graduate university studies involves integrating concepts and methodologies regarding quality, work safety and hazard prevention, and environmental protection. One of the challenges facing Spanish research within the realm of European Higher Education concerns health and safety issues in the Arts.In the case of Fine Arts, student exploration is one of the fundamental pillars of the study program; therefore it is imperative that art studios be optimized. This optimization affects both designated resources (infrastructures, materials, equipment, etc.) and organization of the teaching force.In this context, the aim of our research is to improve educational practices by designing quality measures that are both friendly to the environment and hazardous free. The aim here is to assure adequate art studio and laboratory management, and provide students with hazard free health and environmentally safe concepts that can be incorporated in their professional lives.The school of Fine Arts at the University of Barcelona is part of a pilot program, where our experience in educational innovation and research is serving as a reference for the implantation of OSHAS 18001 norms.


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La popularització del Pedraforca com a destinació d"excursionistes, escaladors i curiosos en general fa que la freqüentació hi sigui molt alta, cosa que comporta efectes negatius sobre el medi. Els més evidents i alhora preocupants són els que afecten els hàbitats més fràgils, com és cas dels de la conegudíssima tartera del Pedraforca o de Saldes


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Suomen ympäristönsuojelulaki (86/200) velvoittaa toiminnanharjoittajia olemaan selvillä päästöistään ja hakemaan ympäristöluvan ympäristön pilaantumisen vaaraa aiheuttavalle toiminnalle. Sellutehtaat tuottavat tietoa merkittävimmistä ilmaan johdettavista päästöistään mittaamalla niitä jatkuvatoimisesti. Tuloksia käytetään tiedottamisessa ja päätöksenteossa. Yksi tärkeimmistä käyttökohteista on ympäristöluvan ehtojen täyttymisen seuranta. Mittaustulosten on oltava luotettavia. Luotettavuutta voidaan arvioida vertailumittauksien ja mittausepävarmuustarkastelujen avulla. Tässä työssä määritettiin mittausepävarmuudet Imatran tehtaiden kuorikattilan (LCP-kattila) NOX-mittaukselle sekä sellutehtaan meesauunien ja soodakattiloiden mittauksille. Tämän jälkeen tarkasteltiin, kuinka mittausepävarmuus huomioidaan ympäristö¬luparajaseurannassa. Lopuksi arviointiin, kuinka jatkuvatoimisten mittalaitteiden laadunvarmistusstandardia SFS-EN 141481 voidaan soveltaa Imatran tehtailla. Tarkastellut jatkuvatoimiset mittaukset todettiin varsin luotettaviksi. Etenkin NOx¬mittaukset ovat luotettavia. Kuorikattila 2:lla luotettavuutta heikentää mittauspaikan epä¬edustavuus. Rikin yhdisteiden (SO2 ja TRS) mittausten luotettavuus on alhaisempi, koska mitattavat pitoisuudet ovat pieniä. Mittausten luotettavuus on kuin vertailumittausten. Kuorikattila 2:lla Mittausepävarmuus huomioidaan NOX-pitoisuuden lupaseurannassa LCP-asetuksen mukaisesti. Sellutehtaan TRS-päästöillä mittausepävarmuus voidaan huomioida joko LCP-asetuksen mukaisesti tai tilastomatemaattisesti. Kummallakin tavalla saadaan negatiivisia luparajaan verrattavia keskiarvoja. Standardia SFS-EN 141481 voidaan soveltaa kuorikattilalla mutta sellutehtaalla se voi olla epäkäytännöllistä, eikä välittömästi paranna mittausten luotettavuutta


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Prenent com a marc el món de l’esport i la premsa d'informació general amb presència a Catalunya, el present treball es proposa investigar quina cobertura dóna aquest tipus de premsa a l’esport en general i al futbol en particular. Per a dur a terme aquesta tasca ens centrarem en la utilització dels gèneres periodístics en la redacció dels textos


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Phenols are widely used in many areas and commonly found as industrial by-products. A great number of agricultural and industrial activities realise phenolic compounds in the environmental. Waste phenols are produced mainly by the wood-pulp industry and during production of synthetic polymers, drugs, plastics, dyes, pesticides and others. Phenols are also released into the environmental by the degradation of pesticides with phenolic skeleton. The phenols level control is very important for the environmental protection. Amperometric biosensor has shown the feasibility to complement laboratory-based analytical methods for the determination of phenolic compounds, providing alternatives to conventional methods which have many disadvantages. This brief review considers the evolution of an approach to amperometric measurement using the catalytic properties of some enzymes for phenolic compounds monitoring.


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Nickel metal hydride (Ni-MH) batteries have emerged as an alternative for replacement of nickel-cadmium batteries, because of their more environmental compatibility and high energy capacity. In this article, we described the properties and applications for Ni-MH batteries, giving some emphasis on the metal-hydride electrode, including the description of composition, the charge storage capacity and the discharge profile. The key component of the nickel-metal hydride electrode is a hydrogen storage alloy whose composition is formulated to obtain a high stable material over a large number of charge-discharge cycles.


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Pienkiinteistöjen öljyvahingot ovat viime vuosina lisääntyneet. Tämän työn tarkoituksena on luoda öljyvahingon torjuntaan ja jälkihoitoon osallistuvalle urakoitsijalle toimintamalli asuinkiinteistön öljyvahingon hoitamiseksi. Mallin halutaan erityisesti kuvaavan öljyvahingon hoitoon osallistuvien viranomaisten ja muiden tahojen vastuita ja velvollisuuksia. Työn tavoitteena on myös tunnistaa pienkiinteistöissä tapahtuvat öljyvahinkotyypit sekä niille altistavat riskitekijät. Öljyn päästäminen ympäristöön sekä öljyn käsittely ja varastointi niin, että siitä aiheutuu öljyvahingon vaara, kielletään laissa. Vahinkojen torjumiseksi on annettu määräyksiä muun muassa öljylämmityslaitteistojen turvallisuutta koskien. Asuinkiinteistöjen öljyvahingot liittyvät yleensä öljysäiliön täyttötilanteisiin. Vahinkojen syynä on usein säiliön ja sen varusteiden puutteellisuus tai huono kunto. Asuinrakennusten lämmitykseen käytetään kevyttä polttoöljyä. Maahan joutuessaan polttoöljy imeytyy sora- ja hiekkamaahan nopeasti, jolloin vaarana on öljyn kulkeutuminen pohjaveteen ja vesistöihin. Asuinkiinteistön öljyvahingossa öljyä joutuu usein myös rakenteisiin. Öljyvahingosta tulee ilmoittaa aina hätäkeskukseen. Vastuu öljyvahinkojen torjunnasta kuuluu alueelliselle pelastustoimelle. Torjuntatoimiin osallistuu usein myös urakoitsija. Jos vahinkokohdetta ei torjuntatoimin saada kunnostettua, alueellinen ympäristökeskus voi määrätä puhdistamisesta vastuussa olevan selvittämään pilaantuneen alueen laajuuden ja puhdistamistarpeen sekä toteuttamaan mahdollisen kunnostuksen. Pilaantuneen maaperän kunnostus voidaan toteuttaa massan vaihtona tai paikan päällä maata kaivamatta. Likaantuneiden rakenteiden saneerausta tarvitaan sisäilman hajuhaittojen poistamiseksi. Öljyvahingon kustannukset voivat nousta hyvinkin suuriksi. Ensisijainen vastuu niistä kuuluu vahingonaiheuttajalle.


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As a result of the recent regulatory amendments and other development trends in the electricity distribution business, the sector is currently witnessing radical restructuring that will eventually impact the business logics of the sector. This report represents upcoming changes in the electricity distribution industry and concentrates on the factors that are expected to be the most fundamental ones. Electricity network companies nowadays struggle with legislative and regulatory requirements that focus on both the operational efficiency and the reliability of electricity distribution networks. The forces that have an impact on the distribution network companies can be put into three main categories that define the transformation at a general level. Those are: (1) a requirement for a more functional marketplace for energy, (2) environmental aspects (combating climate change etc.), and (3) a strongly emphasized requirement for the security of energy supply. The first point arises from the legislators’ attempt to increase competition in electricity retail markets, the second one concerns both environmental protection and human safety issues, and the third one indicates societies’ reduced willingness to accept interruptions in electricity supply. In the future, regulation of electricity distribution business may lower the threshold for building more weather-resistant networks, which in turn means increased underground cabling. This development pattern is reinforced by tightening safety and environmental regulations that ultimately make the overhead lines expensive to build and maintain. The changes will require new approaches particularly in network planning, construction, and maintenance. The concept for planning, constructing, and maintaining cable networks is necessary because the interdependencies between network operations are strong, in other words, the nature of the operation requires a linkage to other operations.


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Chemical industry underwent a significant upturn in the past few years. In Brazil, the position of this industry has been continuously strengthened as the second largest industrial sector. Current circumstances are discussed, especially the need for increased innovation, the impacts of nanotechnology, biotechnology and information technologies. Some misconceptions on the Brazilian chemical industry are criticized and recent improvements are described, including those related to environmental protection, to conclude that its prospects are very good, considering both the availability of basic raw materials (oil, natural gas, agribusiness products and minerals), the growing demand and increased competitiveness.


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Tapirira guianensis (Anacardiaceae) is used in traditional medicine and is important for the recovery of degraded areas and riparian forests because the T. guianensis fruits are highly consumed by wildlife. Volatile components from dried leaves and branches of five individual plants of T. guianensis were collected in two sandbank forests of the State of Pará (Extractive Reserve Maracanã and Area of Environmental Protection Algodoal/Maiandeua), extracted by hydrodistillation using a Clevenger-type apparatus, and analyzed by GC/MS. The ten oils obtained are comprised mostly of sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (58.49 to 100%), with (E)-caryophyllene, β-selinene, α-selinene, β-sesquiphellandrene, and α-zingiberene being the most prominent. The results of the oil compositions were processed by Hierarchical Component Analysis (HCA) allowing the establishment of three groups of essential oils for T. guianensis differentiated by the content of β-selinene/α-selinene (Type I), (E)-caryophyllene (Type II), and β-sesquiphellandrene/α-zingiberene (Type III).


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Liquid chromatography is often used for the determination of pesticide multiresidues in foods. In Brazil, the strawberry crop is an example of a food with high levels of irregularities because of the application of pesticides. This is a major concern from the perspective of food safety, environmental protection, and certification for food export. The purpose of this study is to evaluate and compare chromatographic separation and detection methods in relation to a newly developed and validated method using ultra high performance liquid chromatography (LC) coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) for the analytical determination of pesticides in strawberries. The comparisons were based on evaluations of the analysis time, consumption of the solvent in the mobile phase, injection volume, detectability, matrix effect, and recovery. The results showed that the LC–MS/MS and UHPLC–MS/MS techniques were both extremely efficient at analyzing pesticide residues with different physico-chemical parameters that were present at low concentrations in a complex matrix. The UHPLC separation method provided better chromatographic performance and productivity, which contributed favorably to routine analytical determinations. Detection by MS/MS had better detectability and selectivity compared with the diode array detector.


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Methane-rich landfill gas is generated when biodegradable organic wastes disposed of in landfills decompose under anaerobic conditions. Methane is a significant greenhouse gas, and landfills are its major source in Finland. Methane production in landfill depends on many factors such as the composition of waste and landfill conditions, and it can vary a lot temporally and spatially. Methane generation from waste can be estimated with various models. In this thesis three spreadsheet applications, a reaction equation and a triangular model for estimating the gas generation were introduced. The spreadsheet models introduced are IPCC Waste Model (2006), Metaanilaskentamalli by Jouko Petäjä of Finnish Environment Institute and LandGEM (3.02) of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. All these are based on the first order decay (FOD) method. Gas recovery methods and gas emission measurements were also examined. Vertical wells and horizontal trenches are the most commonly used gas collection systems. Emission measurements chamber method, tracer method, soil core and isotope measurements, micrometeorological mass-balance and eddy covariance methods and gas measuring FID-technology were discussed. Methane production at Ämmässuo landfill of HSY Helsinki Region Environmental Services Authority was estimated with methane generation models and the results were compared with the volumes of collected gas. All spreadsheet models underestimated the methane generation at some point. LandGEM with default parameters and Metaanilaskentamalli with modified parameters corresponded best with the gas recovery numbers. Reason for the differences between evaluated and collected volumes could be e.g. that the parameter values of the degradable organic carbon (DOC) and the fraction of decomposable degradable organic carbon (DOCf) do not represent the real values well enough. Notable uncertainty is associated with the modelling results and model parameters. However, no simple explanation for the discovered differences can be given within this thesis.