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The aim of this study was to analyze and give proposals for the case-company how to optimize cash management in China. The purpose of the theoretical part was to enlighten the liquidity and cash management practices in an international environment and apply these into the different, regulated environment of China. In the theoretical part both domestic and international literature, articles and journals were used. The results of the empirical part are based on the in-formation from the case-company and its associates. Information was gathered mainly via internal questionnaire which was sent to the case com¬pany's subsidiaries involved with the study. Mainly company-internal factors were studied. The main result of the study implies that China is a challenging environment to optimize cash management, as the structures used elsewhere can not be applied to China as such. The study clarified the picture of the current cash management situation within the case company's China units. Can be seen, that by optimizing their cash management it is possible to especially increase control, and interest earnings and utilize internal liquidity more efficiently.


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La utilización de electrolitos soportados en el ánodo es una estrategia muy útil para mejorar las propiedades eléctricas de las pilas de combustible de óxido sólido, debido a que permiten disminuir considerablemente el espesor de los electrolitos. Para este trabajo, se han preparado exitosamente pilas de combustible de óxido sólido con electrolitos de ceria dopada con Gd, Ce1-xGdxO2-y (CGO) soportados sobre un ánodo formado por un cermet de Ni/CGO. Dichas pilas se han instalado y caracterizado en un reactor de una sola cámara donde se ha hecho circular una mezcla de propano y aire. Para ello, se han preparado mezclas de polvos de NiO y de ceria dopada con gadolinia, con diferentes composiciones y tamaño de partículas, para obtener los ánodos con porosidades apropiadas y así utilizarlos como soporte del electrolito en las pilas. Los polvos de los electrolitos de CGO se han preparado por la técnica sol-gel y se han depositado por"dip coating" con diferentes espesores (15-30 ¿m) utilizando una tinta preparada a partir de partículas nanométricas dispersadas en una resina comercial. Los cátodos de La1-xSrxCoO3-S (LSCO) se han preparado también por la técnica sol-gel y se han depositado sobre la capa fina del electrolito. Finalmente, las propiedades eléctricas se han determinado en un reactor de una sola cámara dónde el propano se ha mezclado con aire sintético por encima del límite superior de inflamabilidad. En estas condiciones experimentales se han obtenido altas densidades de potencia estables, controlando las velocidades de flujo total de gas transportador y la presión parcial de propano.


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Being highly discussed the problem of climate change and global warming has been keeping importance for several of decades. As a response to the world’s need in solution for climate change disasters, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change was adopted in 1992 and supplemented with the Kyoto protocol in 1997. This work is aimed to give better understanding of the Convention, Kyoto Protocol with its mechanisms and their function, related to energy projects in such case countries, as Russia and China, in order to assist evaluation of projects cost-effectiveness. It provides basic information about the Convention and the Protocol with their regulations, overview of present situation and future post-Kyoto forecasts, while the most attention is concentrated on the clean development mechanism and joint implementation step-by-step project cycles and specific regulations in given countries. The current study disclosed that CDM and JI project cycles are resulting in a complicated process. By the moment it requires step-by-step following of a number of methodologies, spending time and finance to particular project development. Uncertainties about post-Kyoto period bring additional risk to the projects and complicate any business decision concerning Kyoto Protocol.


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¿Cómo encaja esta última obra del Roas escritor en una trayectoria que parece tan homogénea y definitoria de su estilo como la esbozada más arriba? ¿Se encontrará el lector que se acerque a La estrategia del koala con una nueva exploración de las posibilidades de lo fantástico?


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Este artículo presenta el proceso seguido y los resultados de tres investigaciones centradas en la integración laboral de personas con discapacidad en entornos ordinarios a través del trabajo con apoyo. Las tres investigaciones tienen como finalidad conocer el peso que distintos elementos (familia, formación, entorno laboral, recursos personales...) ejercen sobre dichos procesos de inserción laboral. De esta forma se podrán plantear las orientaciones dirigidas a mejorar el desarrollo de estos procesos. En primer lugar, se presentan las tres investigaciones (metodología y resultados) incidiendo en argumentar los elementos de continuidad que justifican su planteamiento y diseño secuencial. Este primer apartado concluye con la exposición de los principales factores que, a partir de los estudios realizados inciden en la mejora de los procesos de inserción laboral de las personas con discapacidad. A continuacion, las conclusiones abordan las líneas de investigación futuras que se desprenden del trabajo realizado


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This article argues that interactive documentaries play a key role in digital multicasting strategies the author offers analysis of the latest trends in this area from three angles: the documentery subject, the support/ platform, and the user experience.


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Teotihuacan se encuentra en el sector noroeste de la Cuenca de México (19' 34'N, 99VO'W) entre los 2.240 y 3.100 mt s.n.m. Es una de las culturas de la Antigüedad más asombrosas; no tan sólo por el tamaño de sus pirámides y estructura habitacionales sino porque supone el desarrollo de un fenómeno urbano extremadamente complejo que marcará el desarrollo del periodo Clásico en el Altiplano mexicano a lo largo de setecientos años de historia humana. La arqueología teotihuacana es engañosamente poco complicada. Teotihuacan se encuentra en un área accesible y por varias razones en las que se mezclan aspectos culturales, económicos (es una de las zonas arqueológicas más visitadas del mundo) y también políticos ha gozado de proyectos de investigación más o menos continuados desde hace un siglo. Para el investigador foráneo, el primer impacto se deriva del tamaño y volumen de las estructuras y de la cantidad de material arqueológico que puede derivarse de cualquier excavación en esta zona. A nivel de trabajo de campo, y en comparación con otras culturas de la Antigüedad los teotihuacanos tenían una arquitectura muy bien definida con una traza urbana bien reticulada


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This research focuses on the career experiences of women managers in the IT industry in China and Finland, two countries with different cultures, policies, size of population, and social and economic structures regarding work-life support and equal opportunities. The object of this research is to present a cross-cultural comparison of women’s career experiences and how women themselves understand and account for their careers. The study explores how the macro and the micro levels of cultural and social processes become manifested in the lives of individual women. The main argument in this thesis is that culture plays a crucial role in making sense of women’s career experiences, although its role should be understood through its interrelationship with other social processes, e.g., institutional relations, social policies, industrial structures and organizations, as well as globalization. The interrelationship of a series of cultural and social processes affects individuals’ attitudes to, and arrangement and organization of, their work and family lives. This thesis consists of two parts. The first part introduces the research topic and discusses the overall results. The second part comprises five research papers. The main research question of the study is: How do cultural and social processes affect the experiences of women managers? Quantitative and qualitative research methods, which include in-depth interviews, Q-methodology, interpretive analysis, and questionnaires, are used in the study. The main theoretical background is culturally sensitive career theory and the theory of individual differences. The results of this study are viewed through a feminist lens. The research methodology applied allows new explorations on how demographic factors, work experiences, lifestyle issues, and organizational cultures can jointly affect women’s managerial careers. The sample group used in the research is 42 women managers working in IT companies in China (21) and Finland (21). The results of the study illustrate the impact of history, tradition, culture, institutional relations, social politics, industry and organizations, and globalization on the careers of women managers. It is claimed that the role of culture – cultural norms within nations and organizations – is of great importance in the relationship of gender and work. Women’s managerial careers are affected by multiple factors (personal, social and cultural) reflecting national and inter-individual differences. The results of the study contribute to research on careers, adding particularly to the literature on gender, work and culture, and offering a complex and holistic perspective for a richer understanding of pluralism and global diversity. The results of the study indicate how old and new career perspectives are evidenced in women managers in the IT industry. The research further contributes to an understanding of women’s managerial careers from a cross-culture perspective. In addition, the study contributes to the literature on culture and extends understanding of Hofstede’s work. Further, most traditional career theories do not perceive the importance of culture in determining an individual’s career experience and this study richens understanding of women managers’ careers and has considerable implications for international human resource management. The results of this study emphasize the need, when discussing women managers’ careers, to understand the ways by which gendering is produced rather than merely examining gender differences. It is argued that the meaning of self-knowledge is critical. Further, the environment where the careers under study develop differs greatly; China and Finland are very different – culturally, historically and socially. The findings of this study should, therefore, be understood as a holistic, specific, and contextually-bound.


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Gertakizun baten antolaketa paradigmatikoa da in situ bizi izandako lurraldeirudien eraikuntza-prozesuan. Parte-hartzaileen imaginario kolektiboan finkatzeko helburuaz antolatutako gertakizunak direla eta, fabrikatutako lurralde-irudiek – turistikoak zein bestelakoak– sustapen turistikorako alternatiba bitxia planteatzen dute, gertakizunaren kudeaketa-estrategian bertan dagoena. Izan ere, gertakizunak, berez, lurraldearen sustapenerako estrategia garrantzitsua adierazten du; are gehiago, irudien katalizatzaile ere bihur daiteke, eta bere osotasunean hiri-marka bat finkatzeko gai diren imaginarioak sor ditzake. Artikulu honetan, identitate-posizionamenduari eta lurralde-sustapenari dagokienean, gertakizun baten antolaketak eskeintzen dituen aukerak ezagutarazten dira.


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El síndrome de burnout se considera una vulnerabilidad en las profesiones de ayuda. La escasez de publicaciones sobre esta formación, orientó la creación de una asignatura optativa en el Grado de Enfermería de la Universidad de Barcelona (UB) en el curso 2009-2010. Igualmente, produjo interés por explorar esta temática en enfermeras asistenciales de salud mental cuya disciplina aborda la gestión del estrés. Se presenta un estudio descriptivo, transversal y de correlación, en una cohorte de 73 enfermeras que trabajaban en servicios asistenciales de salud mental en el año 2011. Los objetivos pretenden identificar si la muestra estudiada presenta afectación del síndrome de burnout y relacionar los resultados con las estrategias que dichas enfermeras declaran utilizar para hacer frente a las emociones negativas atribuidas a su trabajo. El instrumento empleado es el Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), una pregunta abierta y variables sociodemográficas y de salud. Los resultados indican que presentó burnout el 2,7% de la muestra estudiada junto con un nivel medio de despersonalización. Además presentan baja realización personal quienes trabajaban en unidades de enfermos crónicos. El cansancio emocional resulto mayor en mujeres que en hombres y esta presente en personal con contrato fijo y en quienes causaron baja en los dos últimos años. En general, se observa falta de formación y apoyo formal para gestionar el estrés en la muestra estudiada. Se concluye que la formación sobre burnout en el Grado de Enfermería, podría favorecer la gestión del estrés y prevenir su cronicidad hacia la desmotivación y el absentismo laboral.


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El síndrome de burnout se considera una vulnerabilidad en las profesiones de ayuda. La escasez de publicaciones sobre esta formación, orientó la creación de una asignatura optativa en el Grado de Enfermería de la Universidad de Barcelona (UB) en el curso 2009-2010. Igualmente, produjo interés por explorar esta temática en enfermeras asistenciales de salud mental cuya disciplina aborda la gestión del estrés. Se presenta un estudio descriptivo, transversal y de correlación, en una cohorte de 73 enfermeras que trabajaban en servicios asistenciales de salud mental en el año 2011. Los objetivos pretenden identificar si la muestra estudiada presenta afectación del síndrome de burnout y relacionar los resultados con las estrategias que dichas enfermeras declaran utilizar para hacer frente a las emociones negativas atribuidas a su trabajo. El instrumento empleado es el Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), una pregunta abierta y variables sociodemográficas y de salud. Los resultados indican que presentó burnout el 2,7% de la muestra estudiada junto con un nivel medio de despersonalización. Además presentan baja realización personal quienes trabajaban en unidades de enfermos crónicos. El cansancio emocional resulto mayor en mujeres que en hombres y esta presente en personal con contrato fijo y en quienes causaron baja en los dos últimos años. En general, se observa falta de formación y apoyo formal para gestionar el estrés en la muestra estudiada. Se concluye que la formación sobre burnout en el Grado de Enfermería, podría favorecer la gestión del estrés y prevenir su cronicidad hacia la desmotivación y el absentismo laboral.


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The Problem Based Learning (PBL) can be used as a strategy for methodological change in conventional learning environments. In this paper, the integration of laboratory work in PBL grounded activities during an introductory organic chemistry course is described. The most decisive issues of their implementation are discussed. The results show how this methodology favours the laboratory work contextualization in subject-matter and promotes the Science-Technology-Society-Environment relationships. Besides, it contributes to competence development like planning and organization skills, information search and selection, cooperative work, etc., the same way as the tutorial action improvement.


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The thesis discusses the regulation of foodstuffs and medicines, and particularly the regulation of functional foods. Legal systems investigated are the EU and China. Both are members of the WTO and Codex Alimentarius, which binds European and Chinese rules together. The study uses three Chinese berries as case examples of how product development faces regulation in practice. The berries have traditional uses as herbal medicines. Europe and China have similar nutrition problems to be resolved, such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. The three berries might be suitable raw materials for functional foods. Consumer products with health-enhancing functions, such as lowering blood pressure, might legally be classifi ed either as foodstuffs or medicines. The classifi cation will depend on functions and presentation of the product. In our opinion, food and medicine regulation should come closer together so the classifi cation issue would no longer be an issue. Safety of both foodstuffs and medicines is strictly regulated. With medicines, safety is a more relative concept, where benefi ts of the product are compared to side-effects in thorough scientifi c tests and trials. Foods, on the other hand, are not allowed to have side-effects. Hygiene rules and rules on the use of chemicals apply. In China, food safety is currently at focus as China has had several severe food scandals. Newly developed foods are called novel foods, and are specifi cally regulated. The current European novel food regulation from 1997 treats traditional third country products as novel. The Chinese regulation of 2007 also defi nes novel foods as something unfamiliar to a Chinese consumer. The concepts of novel food thus serve a protectionist purpose. As regards marketing, foods are allowed to bear health claims, whereas medicines bear medicinal claims. The separation is legally strict: foods are not to be presented as having medicinal functions. European nutrition and health claim regulation exists since 2006. China also has its regulation on health foods, listing the permitted claims and how to substantiate them. Health claims are allowed only on health foods. The European rules on medicines include separate categories for herbal medicines, traditional herbal medicines, and homeopathic medicines, where there are differing requirements for scientifi c substantiation. The scientifi c and political grounds for the separate categories provoke criticism. At surface, the Chinese legal system seems similar to the European one. To facilitate trade, China has enacted modern laws. Laws are needed as the country moves from planned economy to market economy: ‘rule of law’ needs to replace ‘rule of man’. Instead of being citizens, Chinese people long were subordinates to the Emperor. Confucius himself advised to avoid confl ict. Still, Chinese people do not and cannot always trust the legal system, as laws are enforced in an inconsistent manner, and courts are weak. In China, there have been problems with confl icting national and local laws. In Europe, the competence of the EU vs. the competence of the Member States is still not resolved, even though the European Commission often states that free trade requires harmonisation. Food and medicine regulation is created by international organisations, food and medicine control agencies, standards agencies, companies and their organisations. Regulation can be divided in ‘hard law’ and ‘soft law’. One might claim that hard law is in crisis, as soft law is gaining importance. If law is out of fashion, regulation certainly isn’t. In the future, ‘law’ might mean a process where rules and incentives are created by states, NGOs, companies, consumers, and other stakeholders. ‘Law’ might thus refer to a constant negotiation between public and private actors. Legal principles such as transparency, equal treatment, and the right to be heard would still be important.