991 resultados para Droit Civil


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The New South Wales Attorney-General and Justice Policy Division released a Discussion Paper about reform of the Limitation of Actions Act 1969. The key question was whether and how to amend the statute to better provide access to justice for civil claimants in child abuse cases. This submission draws on published literature and multidisciplinary research to support the Discussion Paper's Option A, namely, to abolish the time limit for civil claims for injuries in criminal child abuse cases, and for this to be made retrospective.


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This book provides a comprehensive analysis of the practical and theoretical issues encountered in Australian civil procedure, including alternative dispute resolution. Each chapter features in-depth questions and notes together with lists of further reading to aid understanding of the issue. It also examines and discusses each substantive and procedural step in the trial process. Topics include jurisdiction of a court to consider a matter, alternative dispute resolution, limitations of actions, commencing proceedings, group proceedings, pleading, summary disposition, gathering evidence, affidavits, interlocutory procedures, settlement, trial and appeal, costs Each of the state, territory and federal procedures is covered.


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Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) are established globally as an important mode of procurement and the features of PPP, not least of which the transfer of risk, appeal to governments and particularly in the current economic climate. There are many other advantages of PPP that are claimed as outweighing the costs of PPP and affording Value for Money (VfM) relative to traditionally financed projects or non-PPP. That said, it is the case that we lack comparative whole-life empirical studies of VfM in PPP and non-PPP. Whilst we await this kind of study, the pace and trajectory of PPP seem set to continue and so in the meantime, the virtues of seeking to improve PPP appear incontrovertible. The decision about which projects, or parts of projects, to offer to the market as a PPP and the decision concerning the allocation or sharing risks as part of engagement of the PPP consortium are among the most fundamental decisions that determine whether PPP deliver VfM. The focus in the paper is on latter decision concerning governments’ attitudes towards risk and more specifically, the effect of this decision on the nature of the emergent PPP consortium, or PPP model, including its economic behavior and outcomes. This paper presents an exploration into the extent to which the seemingly incompatible alternatives of risk allocation and risk sharing, represented by the orthodox/conventional PPP model and the heterodox/alliance PPP model respectively, can be reconciled along with suggestions for new research directions to inform this reconciliation. In so doing, an important step is taken towards charting a path by which governments can harness the relative strengths of both kinds of PPP model.


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This text provides a summary of Australian procedural law to its bare essence to assist students to rapidly come to grips with the main principles, theories and reality of civil litigation. The LexisNexis Study Guide series is designed to assist students in learning the foundations for effective, systematic exam preparation and revision. In each chapter of LexisNexis Study Guide - Civil Procedure, Stephen Colbran, Roger Douglas, Sheryl Jackson and Molly Townes O'Brien clearly identify and explain the pertinent and often difficult topics within civil procedure. The most important and recent cases are summarised to consolidate practical understanding of the theoretical concepts involved in civil procedure.


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Gender perceptions, religious belief systems, and political thought have excluded women from politics, for ages, around the world. Combining feminist and modernisation theorists in my theoretical framework, I examine the trends in patriarchal Europe and I highlight the gender-sensitive model of the Nordic countries. Retracing local gender patterns from precolonial to postcolonial eras in sub-Saharan Africa, I explore the links between perceptions, needs, resources, education and women's political participation in Cameroon. Democratisation is supposed to open up political participation, to grant equal opportunities to all adults. One ironic feature of the liberalisation process in Cameroon has been the decrease of women in parliamentarian representation (14% in 1988, 6% in 1992, 5% in 1997 and 10% in 2002). What social, cultural and institutional mechanisms produced this paradoxical outcome, the exclusion of half the population? The gender complementarity of the indigenous context has been lost to male prevalence privileged by education, church, law, employment, economy and politics in the public sphere; most women are marginalised in the private sphere. Nation building and development have failed; ethnicism and individualism are growing. Some hope lies in the growing civil society. From two surveys and 21 focus groups across Cameroon, in 2000 and 2002, some significant results of the processed empirical data reveal low electoral registration (34.5% women and 65.9% men), contrasted by the willingness to run for municipal elections (33.3 % women and 45.2% men). The co-existence of customary and statutory laws, the corrupt political system and fraudulent practices, contribute to the marginalisation of women and men who are interested in politics. A large majority of female respondents consider female politicians more trustworthy and capable than their male counterparts; they even foresee the appointment of a female Prime Minister. The Nordic countries have institutionalised gender equality in their legislation, policies and practices. France has improved women's political inclusion with the parity laws; Rwanda is another model of women's representation, thanks to its post-conflict constitution. From my analysis, Cameroonian institutions, men and more so women, may learn and borrow from these experiences, in order to design and implement a sustainable and gender-balanced democracy. Keywords: democratisation, politics, gender equality, feminism, citizenship, Cameroon, Nordic countries, Finland, France, United Kingdom, quotas, societal social psychology.


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In 2015, Victoria passed laws removing the time limit in which a survivor of child sexual abuse can commence a civil claim for personal injury. The law applies also to physical abuse, and to psychological injury arising from those forms of abuse. In 2016, New South Wales made almost identical legal reforms. These reforms were partly motivated by the recommendations of inquiries into institutional child abuse. Of particular relevance is that the Australian Royal Commission Into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse recommended in 2015 that all States and Territories remove their time limits for civil claims. This presentation explores the problems with standard time limits when applied to child sexual abuse cases (whether occurring within or beyond institutions), the scientific, ethical and legal justifications for lifting the time limits, and solutions for future law reform.


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Introducción: Uno de los grandes temas en discusión en 2012 por parte de la doctrina jurídica argentina ha sido la presentación ante el Congreso Nacional del “Proyecto de Reforma, Unificación y Actualización de los Códigos Civil y Comercial de la Nación”. Así las cosas, varias son las voces que se han alzado tanto a favor de la reforma como en su contra. Mientras que algunos consideran que la legislación proyectada implica un avance en materia de derechos humanos, llegando a tildarla como la “reforma más participativa de la historia”1; otros se apartan de esta idea y ven en el Proyecto grandes deficiencias. En el presente trabajo intentaremos analizar uno de los artículos más polémicos de la reforma: el Artículo 19, referente al comienzo de la existencia de la persona humana. Mas no habremos de agotar nuestra investigación allí, proseguiremos analizando otro artículo que puede pasar inadvertido pero que conlleva grandes implicancias si se analiza a la luz del 19. Hacemos referencia al Artículo 57, el cual trata acerca de las prácticas destinadas a alterar la constitución genética de la descendencia. Por último, buscaremos ver qué implicancias puede generar este panorama respecto de la responsabilidad de los profesionales de la salud.


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Resumen: El presente artículo se corresponde con aspectos del nuevo ordenamiento contable establecido en el texto normativo del Código Civil y Comercial de la Nación – Ley 26.994- que entrará en vigencia el 1 de agosto de 2015. Profundizamos el análisis de la parte pertinente a CONTABILIDAD y ESTADOS CONTABLES. (Arts. 320 a 331 y artículos relacionados - Arts.145 a 148). Las novedades más relevantes se refieren a la clasificación de las personas en humanas y jurídicas (públicas y privadas); la definición de los sujetos obligados a llevar registro contable, los excluidos de hacerlo, los libros a emplear, el modo de llevarlos y ciertos requisitos. También incluye disposiciones sobre los Estados Contables y la documentación respaldatoria. Las reformas incluidas en el Código unificado aún no logran dar respuestas a los requerimientos de los profesionales en Ciencias Económicas, que desempeñan un rol protagónico en la aplicación de dichas normas.


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Resumen: En la segunda mitad del siglo XIV, Fernando Álvarez de Albornoz escribió un texto autobiográfi co en latín en la hoja de guarda de un códice del Decreto de Graciano. Parte de este texto es un relato de la guerra civil castellana (1366-1371), probablemente basado en la información que le llegó a Italia a través de cartas enviadas a él o a alguno de sus familiares. Así, puede ser estudiado como fuente primaria o como escrito historiográfi co. En este estudio el texto es transcrito, traducido y analizado. A partir de este análisis, se proponen una datación del texto, modelos para sus estructuras temática y narrativa, y algunas hipótesis sobre su naturaleza e intencionalidad.


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Resumen: Existe una realidad que supera todo, que es la internacionalización de las relaciones jurídicas y el derecho legislado en un país no es ni puede ser autosuficiente para resolver los litigios que se presentan y es allí donde como necesidad sociológica aparece el derecho procesal internacional, como parte integrante del derecho internacional privado. La cooperación jurisdiccional de primer grado es comprensiva de un marco amplio en el plano convencional, que resulta en general adecuado en sus ratificaciones para la República, que a su vez posee regulación interna. La concepción del orden público será más flexible en la cooperación jurisdiccional internacional y no integra el orden público la cosa juzgada en el país, ni la litispendencia, elementos que han de evaluarse al momento del reconocimiento. Este primer grado de cooperación abarca en sentido amplio las distintas vías de comunicación entre las que principalmente se encuentran las comunicaciones de mero trámite, la obtención de pruebas en el extranjero y la información del derecho extranjero. Como vía de comunicación, en su finalidad, el exhorto busca la realización de la justicia. El control de la competencia judicial internacional en los exhortos internacionales como requisito de la obligatoriedad para el juez requerido, es eliminado en las modernas tendencias, limitándose a la compatibilidad de él con el orden público del juez requerido. En este rumbo deberían orientarse las futuras reformas de la legislación interna en la materia.