966 resultados para C (Programming Language)


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This paper introduces the stochastic version of the Geometric Machine Model for the modelling of sequential, alternative, parallel (synchronous) and nondeterministic computations with stochastic numbers stored in a (possibly infinite) shared memory. The programming language L(D! 1), induced by the Coherence Space of Processes D! 1, can be applied to sequential and parallel products in order to provide recursive definitions for such processes, together with a domain-theoretic semantics of the Stochastic Arithmetic. We analyze both the spacial (ordinal) recursion, related to spacial modelling of the stochastic memory, and the temporal (structural) recursion, given by the inclusion relation modelling partial objects in the ordered structure of process construction.


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Este artculo presenta el proceso de implementacin de una API (Application Programming Interface) que permite la interaccin del guante P5 de Essential Reality1 con un entorno virtual desarrollado en el lenguaje de programacin Java y su librera Java 3D.2 Por otra parte, se describe un ejemplo implementado, haciendo uso de la API en cuestin. Con base en este ejemplo se presentan los resultados de la ejecucin de pruebas de requerimientos de recursos fsicos como la CPU y memoria fsica. Finalmente, se especifican las conclusiones y resultados obtenidos.


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This paper draws a parallel between document preparation and the traditional processes of compilation and link editing for computer programs. A block-based document model is described which allows for separate compilation of various portions of a document. These portions are brought together and merged by a linker program, called dlink, whose pilot implementation is based on ditroff and on its underlying intermediate code. In the light of experiences with dlink the requirements for a universal object-module language for documents are discussed. These requirements often resemble the characteristics of the intermediate codes used by programming-language compilers but with interesting extra constraints which arise from the way documents are executed .


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In this thesis, tool support is addressed for the combined disciplines of Model-based testing and performance testing. Model-based testing (MBT) utilizes abstract behavioral models to automate test generation, thus decreasing time and cost of test creation. MBT is a functional testing technique, thereby focusing on output, behavior, and functionality. Performance testing, however, is non-functional and is concerned with responsiveness and stability under various load conditions. MBPeT (Model-Based Performance evaluation Tool) is one such tool which utilizes probabilistic models, representing dynamic real-world user behavior patterns, to generate synthetic workload against a System Under Test and in turn carry out performance analysis based on key performance indicators (KPI). Developed at bo Akademi University, the MBPeT tool is currently comprised of a downloadable command-line based tool as well as a graphical user interface. The goal of this thesis project is two-fold: 1) to extend the existing MBPeT tool by deploying it as a web-based application, thereby removing the requirement of local installation, and 2) to design a user interface for this web application which will add new user interaction paradigms to the existing feature set of the tool. All phases of the MBPeT process will be realized via this single web deployment location including probabilistic model creation, test configurations, test session execution against a SUT with real-time monitoring of user configurable metric, and final test report generation and display. This web application (MBPeT Dashboard) is implemented with the Java programming language on top of the Vaadin framework for rich internet application development. The Vaadin framework handles the complicated web communications processes and front-end technologies, freeing developers to implement the business logic as well as the user interface in pure Java. A number of experiments are run in a case study environment to validate the functionality of the newly developed Dashboard application as well as the scalability of the solution implemented in handling multiple concurrent users. The results support a successful solution with regards to the functional and performance criteria defined, while improvements and optimizations are suggested to increase both of these factors.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obteno do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informtica e de Computadores


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Atualmente, sensores remotos e computadores de alto desempenho esto sendo utilizados como instrumentos principais na coleta e produo de dados oceanogrficos. De posse destes dados, possvel realizar estudos que permitem simular e prever o comportamento do oceano por meio de modelos numricos regionais. Dentre os fatores importantes no estudo da oceanografia, podem ser destacados queles referentes aos impactos ambientais, de contaminao antrpica, utilizao de energias renovveis, operaes porturias e etc. Contudo, devido ao grande volume de dados gerados por instituies ambientais, na forma de resultados de modelos globais como o HYCOM (Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model) e dos programas de Reanalysis da NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), torna-se necessria a criao de rotinas computacionais para realizar o tratamento de condies iniciais e de contorno, de modo que possam ser aplicadas a modelos regionais como o TELEMAC3D (www.opentelemac.org). Problemas relacionados a baixa resoluo, ausncia de dados e a necessidade de interpolao para diferentes malhas ou sistemas de coordenadas verticais, tornam necessria a criao de um mecanismo computacional que realize este tratamento adequadamente. Com isto, foram desenvolvidas rotinas na linguagem de programao Python, empregando interpoladores de vizinho mais prximo, de modo que, a partir de dados brutos dos modelos HYCOM e do programa de Reanalysis da NOAA, foram preparadas condies iniciais e de contorno para a realizao de uma simulao numrica teste. Estes resultados foram confrontados com outro resultado numrico onde, as condies foram construdas a partir de um mtodo de interpolao mais sofisticado, escrita em outra linguagem, e que j vem sendo utilizada no laboratrio. A anlise dos resultados permitiu concluir que, a rotina desenvolvida no mbito deste trabalho, funciona adequadamente para a gerao de condies iniciais e de contorno do modelo TELEMAC3D. Entretanto, um interpolador mais sofisticado deve ser desenvolvido de forma a aumentar a qualidade nas interpolaes, otimizar o custo computacional, e produzir condies que sejam mais realsticas para a utilizao do modelo TELEMAC3D.


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Este documento descreve o trabalho realizado em conjunto com a empresa MedSUPPORT[1] no desenvolvimento de uma plataforma digital para anlise da satisfao dos utentes de unidades de sade. Atualmente a avaliao de satisfao junto dos seus clientes um procedimento importante e que deve ser utilizado pelas empresas como mais uma ferramenta de avaliao dos seus produtos ou servios. Para as unidades de sade a avaliao da satisfao do utente atualmente considerada como um objetivo fundamental dos servios de sade e tem vindo a ocupar um lugar progressivamente mais importante na avaliao da qualidade dos mesmos. Neste mbito idealizou-se desenvolver uma plataforma digital para anlise da satisfao dos utentes de unidades de sade. O estudo inicial sobre o conceito da satisfao de consumidores e utentes permitiu consolidar os conceitos associados temtica em estudo. Conhecer as oito dimenses que, de acordo com os investigadores englobam a satisfao do utente um dos pontos relevantes do estudo inicial. Para avaliar junto do utente a sua satisfao necessrio questiona-lo diretamente. Para efeito desenvolveu-se um inqurito de satisfao estudando cuidadosamente cada um dos elementos que deste fazem parte. No desenvolvimento do inqurito de satisfao foram seguidas as seguintes etapas: Planeamento do questionrio, partindo das oito dimenses da satisfao do utente at s mtricas que sero avaliadas junto do utente; Anlise dos dados a recolher, definindo-se, para cada mtrica, se os dados sero nominais, ordinais ou provenientes de escalas balanceadas; Por ltimo a formulao das perguntas do inqurito de satisfao foi alvo de estudo cuidado para garantir que o utente percecione da melhor forma o objetivo da questo. A definio das especificaes da plataforma e do questionrio passou por diferentes estudos, entre eles uma anlise de benchmarking[2], que permitiram definir que o inqurito iv estar localizado numa zona acessvel da unidade de sade, ser respondido com recurso a um ecr tctil (tablet) e que estar alojado na web. As aplicaes web desenvolvidas atualmente apresentam um design apelativo e intuitivo. Foi fundamental levar a cabo um estudo do design da aplicao web, como garantia que as cores utilizadas, o tipo de letra, e o local onde a informao so os mais adequados. Para desenvolver a aplicao web foi utilizada a linguagem de programao Ruby, com recurso framework Ruby on Rails. Para a implementao da aplicao foram estudadas as diferentes tecnologias disponveis, com enfoque no estudo do sistema de gesto de base de dados a utilizar. O desenvolvimento da aplicao web teve tambm como objetivo melhorar a gesto da informao gerada pelas respostas ao inqurito de satisfao. O colaborador da MedSUPPORT o responsvel pela gesto da informao pelo que as suas necessidades foram atendidas. Um menu para a gesto da informao disponibilizado ao administrador da aplicao, colaborador MedSUPPORT. O menu de gesto da informao permitir uma anlise simplificada do estado atual com recurso a um painel do tipo dashboard e, a fim de melhorar a anlise interna dos dados ter uma funo de exportao dos dados para folha de clculo. Para validao do estudo efetuado foram realizados os testes de funcionamento plataforma, tanto sua funcionalidade como sua utilizao em contexto real pelos utentes inquiridos nas unidades de sade. Os testes em contexto real objetivaram validar o conceito junto dos utentes inquiridos.


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Dataloggerit ovat trkeit mittaustekniikassa kytettvi mittalaitteita, joiden tarkoituksena on kert talteen mittausdataa pitkilt aikavleilt. Dataloggereita voidaan kytt esimerkiksi teollista prosessia osana olevien toimilaitteiden tai kotitalouden energiajrjestelmn seurannassa. Teollisen luokan dataloggerit ovat yleens hinnaltaan satojen tai tuhansien eurojen luokkaa. Tyss pyrittiin lytmn teollisen luokan laitteille halpa ja helppokyttinen vaihtoehto, joka on kuitenkin riittvn tehokas ja toimiva. Tyss suunniteltiin ja toteutettiin dataloggeri Raspberry Pi-alustalle ja testattiin sit oikeaa teollista ymprist vastaavissa olosuhteissa. Kirjallisuudesta ja internet artikkeleista etsittiin samankaltaisia laite- ja ohjelmistoratkaisuja ja niit kytettiin dataloggausjrjestelmn pohjana. Raspberry Pi-alustalle koodattiin yksinkertainen Python-kielinen data-loggausohjelma, joka kytt Modbus-tiedonsiirtoprotokollaa. Testien perusteella voidaan todeta, ett toteutettu dataloggeri on toimiva ja kykenee kaupallisten dataloggereiden tasoiseen mittaukseen ainakin pienill nytteistystaajuuksilla. Toteutettu dataloggeri on mys huomattavasti kaupallisia dataloggereita halvempi. Helppokyttisyyden nkkulmasta dataloggerissa havaittiin puutteita, joita kydn lpi jatkokehitysideoiden muodossa.


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Dissertao (mestrado)Universidade de Braslia, Instituto de Geocincias, 2016.


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The big data era has dramatically transformed our lives; however, security incidents such as data breaches can put sensitive data (e.g. photos, identities, genomes) at risk. To protect users' data privacy, there is a growing interest in building secure cloud computing systems, which keep sensitive data inputs hidden, even from computation providers. Conceptually, secure cloud computing systems leverage cryptographic techniques (e.g., secure multiparty computation) and trusted hardware (e.g. secure processors) to instantiate a secure abstract machine consisting of a CPU and encrypted memory, so that an adversary cannot learn information through either the computation within the CPU or the data in the memory. Unfortunately, evidence has shown that side channels (e.g. memory accesses, timing, and termination) in such a secure abstract machine may potentially leak highly sensitive information, including cryptographic keys that form the root of trust for the secure systems. This thesis broadly expands the investigation of a research direction called trace oblivious computation, where programming language techniques are employed to prevent side channel information leakage. We demonstrate the feasibility of trace oblivious computation, by formalizing and building several systems, including GhostRider, which is a hardware-software co-design to provide a hardware-based trace oblivious computing solution, SCVM, which is an automatic RAM-model secure computation system, and ObliVM, which is a programming framework to facilitate programmers to develop applications. All of these systems enjoy formal security guarantees while demonstrating a better performance than prior systems, by one to several orders of magnitude.


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O presente trabalho pretende apresentar e descrever a metodologia processual e respectivas relexes que sustentam a criao de um artefato digital interativo construdo de forma a que alguns dos elementos bidimensionais que o constituem sejam manipuladas de forma a que criem ao jogador a iluso de tridimensionalidade. Em 1992 a Id Software com o jogo Wolfenstein 3D, introduziu uma referncia visual tridimensionalidade, utilizando para o efeito tecnologia 2D, a qual, atravs de um sistema de redimensionamento e posicionamento de imagens, consegui transmitir a noo de tridimensionalidade, utilizando na altura um tipo de jogo em primeira pessoa, ou seja, o jogador experincia uma campo visual que visa reproduzir a prpria experincia do mundo tctil na relao que dispe entre os espaos e objetos. Atravs do Processing, uma linguagem de programao que assenta no Java, estes objetivos conceptuais sero reproduzidos, que procuram, por um lado, transmitir esta aparente iluso de tridimensionalidade e por outro no utilizar um tipo de artefacto digital que proporciona uma jogabilidade em primeira pessoa mas sim possibilitam ao jogador uma experincia visual que aborda todo o espao em que lhe permitido circular, no qual lhe exposto as adversidades que precisa de superar para progredir. Para que isto seja possvel o jogador assume o papel de um personagem e atravs da sua interao com o artefato, vai ediicando uma narrativa visual que visa o seu envolvimento com a temtica representada. Como tema utilizada uma representao da busca pelo Sarcfago do fara da 18 Dinastia Tutankamn (1332 - 1323 AC) pelo explorador britnico Howard Carter (1874 - 1939) cuja expedio no Vales do Reis em 1922 constitui ainda hoje a mais clebre descoberta arqueolgica relacionada com Antigo Egipto. Ao longo desta Dissertao so abordados temas que visam resolues tanto no campo tcnico e tecnolgico, atravs da programao e sua linguagem, como no campo visual e esttico que visa uma conexo consciente com a temtica a representar e a ser experienciada


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Neste documento foi feita a apresentao do conceito de Programao Visual, estudados alguns exemplos de Linguagens de Programao Visual e investigado vantagens e desvantagens sobre o seu uso comparativamente programao tradicional (por texto) e, adicionalmente, foram estudados trs jogos para aprender a programar com fortes caractersticas visuais. A partir desta investigao, foi criada uma nova Linguagem de Programao Visual(LPV) sendo a base de um prototipo de um jogo para aprender a programar. Este jogo representado pela deslocao e execuo de tarefas feitas por um rob dentro de uma casa, sendo o objetivo do programador colocar objetos nesta casa que manipulam a deslocao do rob dentro desta de forma a resolver um problema; Abstract: A game to learn programming Aplication of concepts of visual programming to create a game to learn how to program In this document we will explain the concept of Visual Programming, study some examples of Visual Programming Languages, analyze some arguments in favor and against its use in comparison to traditional programming (by text) and, additionally, study three games to learn programming with strong visual features. Using this research, a new Visual Programming Language(VPL) was created, being the basis of a prototype of a game to learn programming. This game is represented by the movement and execution of tasks done by a robot inside a house, being the goal of the programmer to place objects in this house that manipulate the movement of the robot inside of it in order to solve a problem.


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Internet of Things systems are pervasive systems evolved from cyber-physical to large-scale systems. Due to the number of technologies involved, software development involves several integration challenges. Among them, the ones preventing proper integration are those related to the system heterogeneity, and thus addressing interoperability issues. From a software engineering perspective, developers mostly experience the lack of interoperability in the two phases of software development: programming and deployment. On the one hand, modern software tends to be distributed in several components, each adopting its most-appropriate technology stack, pushing programmers to code in a protocol- and data-agnostic way. On the other hand, each software component should run in the most appropriate execution environment and, as a result, system architects strive to automate the deployment in distributed infrastructures. This dissertation aims to improve the development process by introducing proper tools to handle certain aspects of the system heterogeneity. Our effort focuses on three of these aspects and, for each one of those, we propose a tool addressing the underlying challenge. The first tool aims to handle heterogeneity at the transport and application protocol level, the second to manage different data formats, while the third to obtain optimal deployment. To realize the tools, we adopted a linguistic approach, i.e.\ we provided specific linguistic abstractions that help developers to increase the expressive power of the programming language they use, writing better solutions in more straightforward ways. To validate the approach, we implemented use cases to show that the tools can be used in practice and that they help to achieve the expected level of interoperability. In conclusion, to move a step towards the realization of an integrated Internet of Things ecosystem, we target programmers and architects and propose them to use the presented tools to ease the software development process.


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The availability of a huge amount of source code from code archives and open-source projects opens up the possibility to merge machine learning, programming languages, and software engineering research fields. This area is often referred to as Big Code where programming languages are treated instead of natural languages while different features and patterns of code can be exploited to perform many useful tasks and build supportive tools. Among all the possible applications which can be developed within the area of Big Code, the work presented in this research thesis mainly focuses on two particular tasks: the Programming Language Identification (PLI) and the Software Defect Prediction (SDP) for source codes. Programming language identification is commonly needed in program comprehension and it is usually performed directly by developers. However, when it comes at big scales, such as in widely used archives (GitHub, Software Heritage), automation of this task is desirable. To accomplish this aim, the problem is analyzed from different points of view (text and image-based learning approaches) and different models are created paying particular attention to their scalability. Software defect prediction is a fundamental step in software development for improving quality and assuring the reliability of software products. In the past, defects were searched by manual inspection or using automatic static and dynamic analyzers. Now, the automation of this task can be tackled using learning approaches that can speed up and improve related procedures. Here, two models have been built and analyzed to detect some of the commonest bugs and errors at different code granularity levels (file and method levels). Exploited data and models architectures are analyzed and described in detail. Quantitative and qualitative results are reported for both PLI and SDP tasks while differences and similarities concerning other related works are discussed.


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In this thesis, I study the notion of program equivalences, i.e. proving that two programs can be used interchangeably without altering the overall observable behaviour. This definition is highly dependent on the contexts in which these programs can be used; does the context have exceptions, parallelism, etc... So proofs also need to be adapted according to the expressiveness of those contexts. This thesis presents on the pi-calculus a concurrent programming language under various typing constraints. Types allows us to impose different disciplines like forcing a sequential execution, or ensuring linearity, meaning an object can be used once. In each case, the bisimulation, a standard proof technique for the pi-calculus, needs to be adapted accordingly to obtain a suitable equivalence. We then test how using the modified bisimulations can be used to reason about a language with higher-order functions and references, which once translated into the pi-calculus satisfies the typing constraints.