1000 resultados para BRASIL - POLÍTICA MILITAR - 2003-2009
Este estudo, em linha com a literatura sobre os efeitos das escolas, tem como principal objetivo identificar escolas públicas e municípios que contribuem para elevar significativamente os resultados de seus alunos. Para isso, comparamos os efeitos das escolas e dos municípios avaliados com outros indicadores de qualidade educacional, como o Índice de Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica - Ideb - e os gastos municipais por aluno, e também a eficiência das redes de ensino públicas dentro dos municípios. Utilizamos as bases de dados da Prova Brasil de 2005, 2007, 2009 e 2011, e estimamos modelos de regressão hierárquicos, que possibilitam um melhor controle sobre os fatores contextuais que influenciam os resultados dos alunos. A conclusão é que os efeitos das escolas e dos municípios são melhores indicadores da qualidade educacional do que o Ideb. Identificamos inúmeras escolas e municípios que, consideradas as características sociodemográficas dos alunos e do contexto escolar, têm efeitos muito acima do esperado e com eficiência de gastos.
Between late spring and early fall, the development of storms is common in Catalonia. Despite the fact that they usually produce heavy showers of short duration, they can also involve severe weather with ice pellets or hail. While the latter usually affect inland regions, and there are numerous publications on these cases; the analysis of events affecting the coast and causing damage to public and private properties is not so well developed. The aim of this study is to provide additional thermodynamic indicators that help differentiate storms with hail from storms without hail, considering cases that have affected various regions of Catalonia, mainly coastal areas. The aim is to give more information to improve prognosis and the ability to detail information in these situations. The procedure developed involved the study of several episodes of heavy rainfall and hail that hit Catalonia during the 2003-2009 period, mainly in the province of Girona, and validated the proposal during the campaign of late summer and fall of 2009, as well as 2012. For each case, several variables related to temperature, humidity and wind were analyzed at different levels of the atmosphere, while the information provided by the radio sounding in Barcelona was also taken into account. From this study, it can be concluded that the temperature difference between 500 hPa and 850 hPa, the humidity in the lower layers of the atmosphere and the LI index are good indicators for the detection of storms with associated hail.
Hypothesis: The quality of care for chronic patients depends on the collaborative skills of the healthcare providers.1,2 The literature lacks reports of the use of simulation to teach collaborative skills in non-acute care settings. We posit that simulation offers benefits for supporting the development of collaborative practice in non-acute settings. We explored the benefits and challenges of using an Interprofessional Team - Objective Structured Clinical Examination (IT-OSCE) as a formative assessment tool. IT-OSCE is an intervention which involves an interprofessional team of trainees interacting with a simulated patient (SP) enabling them to practice collaborative skills in non-acute care settings.5 A simulated patient are people trained to portray patients in a simulated scenario for educational purposes.6,7 Since interprofessional education (IPE) ultimately aims to provide collaborative patient-centered care.8,9 We sought to promote patient-centeredness in the learning process. Methods: The IT-OSCE was conducted with four trios of students from different professions. The debriefing was co-facilitated by the SP with a faculty. The participants were final-year students in nursing, physiotherapy and medicine. Our research question focused on the introduction of co-facilitated (SP and faculty) debriefing after an IT-OSCE: 1) What are the benefits and challenges of involving the SP during the debriefing? and 2) To evaluate the IT-OSCE, an exploratory case study was used to provide fine grained data 10, 11. Three focus groups were conducted - two with students (n=6; n=5), one with SPs (n=3) and one with faculty (n=4). Audiotapes were transcribed for thematic analysis performed by three researchers, who found a consensus on the final set of themes. Results: The thematic analysis showed little differentiation between SPs, student and faculty perspectives. The analysis of transcripts revealed more particularly, that the SP's co-facilitation during the debriefing of an IT-OSCE proved to be feasible. It was appreciated by all the participants and appeared to value and to promote patient-centeredness in the learning process. The main challenge consisted in SPs feedback, more particularly in how they could report accurate observations to a students' group rather than individual students. Conclusion: In conclusion, SP methodology using an IT-OSCE seems to be a useful and promising way to train collaborative skills, aligning IPE, simulation-based team training in a non-acute care setting and patient-centeredness. We acknowledge the limitations of the study, especially the small sample and consider the exploration of SP-based IPE in non-acute care settings as strength. Future studies could consider the preparation of SPs and faculty as co-facilitators. References: 1. Borrill CS, Carletta J, Carter AJ, et al. The effectiveness of health care teams in the National Health Service. Aston centre for Health Service Organisational Research. 2001. 2. Reeves S, Lewin S, Espin S, Zwarenstein M. Interprofessional teamwork for health and social care. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell; 2010. 3. Issenberg S, McGaghie WC, Petrusa ER, Gordon DL, Scalese RJ. Features and uses of high-fidelity medical simulations that lead to effective learning - a BEME systematic review. Medical Teacher. 2005;27(1):10-28. 4. McGaghie W, Petrusa ER, Gordon DL, Scalese RJ. A critical review of simulation-based medical education research: 2003-2009. Medical Education. 2010;44(1):50-63. 5. Simmons B, Egan-Lee E, Wagner SJ, Esdaile M, Baker L, Reeves S. Assessment of interprofessional learning: the design of an interprofessional objective structured clinical examination (iOSCE) approach. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 2011;25(1):73-74. 6. Nestel D, Layat Burn C, Pritchard SA, Glastonbury R, Tabak D. The use of simulated patients in medical education: Guide Supplement 42.1 - Viewpoint. Medical teacher. 2011;33(12):1027-1029. Disclosures: None (C) 2014 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.
Teaching the measurement of blood pressure for both nursing and public health nursing students The purpose of this two-phase study was to develop the teaching of blood pressure measurement within the nursing degree programmes of the Universities of Applied Sciences. The first survey phase described what and how blood pressure measurement was taught within nursing degree programmes. The second intervention phase (2004-2005) evaluated first academic year nursing and public health nursing students’ knowledge and skills results for blood pressure measurement. Additionally, the effect on the Taitoviikko experimental group students’ blood pressure measurement knowledge and skills level. A further objective was to construct models for an instrument (RRmittTest) to evaluate nursing students measurement of blood pressure (2003-2009). The research data for the survey phase were collected from teachers (total sampling, N=107, response rate 77%) using a specially developed RRmittopetus-questionnaire. Quasi-experimental study data on the RRmittTest-instrument was collected from students (purposive sampling, experimental group, n=29, control group, n=44). The RRmittTest consisted of a test of knowledge (Tietotesti) and simulation-based test (TaitoSimkäsi and Taitovideo) of skills. Measurements were made immediately after the teaching and in clinical practice. Statistical methods were used to analyse the results and responses to open-ended questions were organised and classified. Due to the small amount of materials involved and the results of distribution tests of the variables, non-parametric analytic methods were mainly used. Experimental group and control group similar knowledge and skills teaching was based on the results of the national survey phase (RRmittopetus) questionnaire results. Experimental group teaching includes the supervised Taitoviikko teaching method. During Taitoviikko students studied blood pressure measurement at the municipal hospital in a real nursing environment, guided by a teacher and a clinical nursing professional. In order to evaluate both learning and teaching the processes and components of blood pressure measurement were clearly defined as follows: the reliability of measurement instruments, activities preceding blood pressure measurement, technical execution of the measurement, recording, lifestyle guidance and measurement at home (self-monitoring). According to the survey study, blood pressure measurement is most often taught at Universities of Applied Sciences, separately, as knowledge (teaching of theory, 2 hours) and skills (classroom practice, 4 hours). The teaching was implemented largely in a classroom and was based mainly on a textbook. In the intervention phase the students had good knowledge of blood pressure measurement. However, their blood pressure measurement skills were deficient and the control group students, in particular, were highly deficient. Following in clinical practice the experimental group and control group students’ blood pressure measurement recording knowledge improve and experimental groups declined lifestyle guidance. Skills did not improve within any of the components analysed. The control groups` skills on the whole, declined statistically.There was a significant decline amongst the experimental group although only in one component measured. The results describe the learning results for first academic year students and no parallel conclusions should be drawn when considering any learning results for graduating students. The results support the use and further development of the Taitoviiko teaching method. The RRmittTest developed for the study should be assessed and the results seen from a negative perspective. This evaluation tool needs to be developed and retested.
Este estudo tem por objetivo analisar o impacto das variáveis tamanho e localização na eficiência operacional de usinas de cana-de-açúcar no Brasil na safra 2008/2009. Para tanto, realizou-se um estudo de eficiência operacional, por meio da aplicação da Análise Envoltória de Dados (AED), na qual foi possível identificar as usinas mais eficientes dentre um universo de 355 e classificá-las por tamanho e localização. A análise quantitativa sugere que existe maior concentração de usinas classificadas como eficientes e de tamanho grande, localizadas no estado de São Paulo. Objetivando uma análise em profundidade, foi realizado um estudo de múltiplos casos em um grupo de usinas. Conclui-se que a eficiência operacional de usinas de cana-de-açúcar depende da variável tamanho, na medida em que as usinas de maior porte tendem a investir mais em tecnologias que proporcionam maior ganho de eficiência operacional. A eficiência também depende da variável localização, na medida em que o estado de São Paulo apresenta condições edafoclimáticas mais favoráveis à extração de uma cana-de-açúcar com maior teor de sacarose, que, consequentemente, pode influenciar na eficiência operacional de usinas de cana-de-açúcar.
OBJETIVO:Aval iar as características clínicas e implicações prognósticas de pacientes portadores de recidiva de câncer do colo do útero.MÉTODOS:Por meio de revisão de prontuários foram avaliados todos os casos de câncer do colo do útero nos estádios IA a IVA que iniciaram acompanhamento em um hospital especializado da região Sudeste do Brasil de 2007 a 2009. Os episódios de recidiva foram categorizados conforme a localização da doença e foram coletadas informações sobre o tipo de tratamento e a sobrevida dessas pacientes. A casuística foi caracterizada por meio da estatística descritiva e as análises de associação foram realizadas pelo teste exato de Fisher.RESULTADOS:Dentre 469 prontuários selecionados foram identificados 50 casos de recidiva, sendo 31 sintomáticos no momento do diagnóstico da recorrência (62%) e 19 assintomáticos (38%). Dentre as mulheres com sintomas, oito solicitaram antecipação da consulta previamente agendada por apresentarem queixas clínicas. Pacientes com sintomas no momento do diagnóstico da recorrência apresentaram tendência a menores taxas de sobrevida global em dois anos em relação às pacientes assintomáticas (39,4 versus 67,6%) (p=0,081). Nenhuma portadora de recorrência a distância recebeu tratamento com intensão curativa, mas recebeu tratamento cirúrgico ou radioterápico visando remissão completa da doença. As mulheres que solicitaram antecipação da consulta por apresentarem sintomas tiveram significativa redução na taxa de sobrevida global em dois anos após a recorrência (0 versus 60,4%; p<0,001) em relação àquelas que compareceram à consulta na data agendada e nenhuma paciente desse grupo foi submetida a tratamento com intuito curativo. Conforme esperado, as pacientes que foram submetidas ao tratamento com intenção paliativa, ou seja, cujo principal objetivo seria o incremento da qualidade de vida e o aumento da sobrevida, porém sem perspectiva de cura, tiveram significativa redução da taxa de sobrevida global comparadas àquelas submetidas ao tratamento com intuito curativo (76,7 versus 35,4%; p<0,001).CONCLUSÃO:O benefício da detecção assintomática da recidiva do câncer do colo do útero tem potencial de melhorar o prognóstico das pacientes com recidiva local e regional mas é necessário uma casuística maior para confirmação dessa possibilidade.
Cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) apples from Pacajus, Ceará State, Brazil, were processed into high pulp content juice. The juice was packed either by hot fill or an aseptic process and evaluated for physical, physical-chemical, and sensorial changes during a 12-month storage period at room temperature. The results indicated that pH, soluble solids, total acidity, total sugar content and color did not change significantly during storage nor were affected by the type of filling. The sensorial analysis showed that juice acceptance remained high throughout the storage period regardless of the filling system. Differences in juice viscosity persisted between both processes.
RESUMOEste artigo apresenta uma perspectiva macroeconômica do Brasil no final de 2014 e uma análise dos principais desafios à sua política macroeconômica nos anos subsequentes. De um lado, a análise é focada na relação entre as taxas de juros, o crescimento e a taxa de câmbio real. Por outro lado, o documento também analisa os múltiplos aspectos e problemas da política fiscal no Brasil.
Thesis (M.Ed.)--Brock University, 2003.
Asistencia virtual para alumnado que por razones de enfermedad no puede asistir al centro educativo.
Garantizar la continuidad del proceso educativo del alumnado de enseñanza obligatoria que por razones de enfermedad no puede asistir físicamente al centro educativo ordinario. Incluir a este alumnado virtualmente en el aula con sus compañeros minimizando el aislamiento y consecuencias que son propias de esta situación.
La publicación incluye en anexo normativa y directrices europeas
Esta selección bibliográfica ofrece una relación de títulos editados en España que se complementa con una bibliografía profesional en la que se recoge diversa documentación relacionada con el tema. La guía se estructura en dos grandes bloques: Leer la guerra, con obras para niños y jóvenes, y Guerra y violencia en la Literatura Infantil y Juvenil, con documentación sobre el tema.
Pertenece al programa de conciertos didácticos : ven con nosotros al concierto : solistas en el aula
Pertenece al programa de conciertos didácticos: ven con nosotros al concierto
Obtuvo el premio Joaquín Guichot sobre la cultura andaluza y el premio Antonio Domínguez Ortíz sobre el desarrollo curricular, ambos resueltos por el XV Concurso para el Fomento de la Investigación Educativa e Innovación Educativa