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The goal of this dissertation was to study whether it is possible and meaningful to apply Ludwig Wittgenstein s distinction between saying (Sagen) and showing (Zeigen) to ethically oriented literary criticism. The following questions were used as the primary guidelines: 1. Is it possible, in the context of literary criticism, to put in practice Wittgenstein s ethical conceptions, which are quite theoretical and metaphysical by nature? 2. If so, what practical literary devices do authors use if they want to demonstrate their ethical values within the frame of a fictional work? 3. Does philosophy offer useful ethical consepts that open us new and interesting readings in fiction? The philosophical background of Wittgenstein s distinction is clarified in chapter I. This clarification is based on his main works, Tractatus logico-philosophicus and Philosophishe Untersuchungen, the published correspondence between Wittgenstein and Paul Engelmann, and selected Wittgenstein research and papers. Analyzing ethics and it s expression in Georg Trakl s poetry further elucidates Wittgenstein s concept of showing. The concept that a literary work is an act of an author was used as a starting point. The presumption was that analyzing this act of an author will reveal how ethical values can be demonstrated in literature. Categorizing an author s act at different levels of literary expression provides the structure of this study. In chapters IV - XIII literary devices useful for demonstrating ethics are examined and explained using examples from the works of Joseph Conrad, Charles Dickens, Nikolay Leskov, Ludwig Uhland, Eino Leino, Pentti Haanpää and Maria Jotuni. The concepts and views of researchers and writers such as Mihail Bahtin, Peter Juhl, E. D. Hirsch, Peter Lamarque and Stein Haugom Olsen are used. The concepts outlined in previous chapters are then applied in three case studies: Aeschylus s Oresteia trilogy, J-L. Runeberg s poem Sven Dufva and Sofi Oksanen s novel Puhdistus (Purge). On the whole, Wittgenstein s idea that ethical values can be demonstrated (shown) by means of literature is revealed as a fruitful point of departure for a more exact ethical reading, offering a new perspective on literary works.
Pro gradu -tutkielmassani tarkastelen hahmojen etnisyyttä Wladimir Kaminerin kahdessa kertomuskokoelmassa. Kaminerin, saksalaistuneen venäjänjuutalaisen, esikoisteos Russendisko kuvaa kertojan kotiutumista itäiseen Berliiniin sekä värikästä arkea monikulttuurisessa pääkaupungissa. Mein deutsches Dschungelbuchissa Kaminer matkustaa ympäri Saksaa esittämässä tekstejään ja kirjoittaa havainnoistaan kirjaa. Vitsikkään tyylin lisäksi kokoelmien kertomuksia yhdistävänä tekijänä toimii autobiografisia piirteitä omaava kertojahahmo, yleensä nimettyjä etnisyyksiä edustavien ja ohueksi jäävien sivuhenkilöiden tullessa ja mennessä. Näistä piirteistä nousevat tutkielmani kaksi näkökulmaa etnisyyteen: tutkin, miten etnisyys suhteutuu ensinnäkin kertojahahmoon ja toiseksi eri ihmisryhmien stereotyyppiseen esittämiseen. Tutkielmani lähtökohtana on käsitys etnisyydestä – kuulumisesta johonkin kansaan tai heimoon – luonnollisen sijasta kulttuurisesti konstruoituna ilmiönä. Kertojahahmon etnisyyden tutkimisessa hyödynnän hybridin käsitettä, jolla viitataan selvärajaisten etnisyyksien sijaan niiden sekoittumiseen. Kertojahahmon juutalaisuus paljastuu useiden diskurssien jännitteiseksi risteyspaikaksi: kertojahahmo vastustaa pyrkimyksiä kiinnittää itseään uskonnollisesti ja kulttuurisesti rajattuun etniseen kompleksiin, mutta yhdistyy kaupunkielämästä inspiraationsa löytävänä individualistisena intellektuellina urbaanin juutalaiskirjallisuuden traditioon. Kertojahahmon etnisyyden ulottuvuuksista korostuu teksteissä selkeimmin venäläisyys, joka osoittautuu tietoisen performatiiviseksi ja saksalaisille suunnatuksi. Kielellisesti assimiloituneen mutta venäläisenä esiintyvän kertojahahmon asema useampien etnisyyksien kartoittamattomassa välitilassa avaa mahdollisuuden pinttyneiden etnisten vastakkainasetteluiden kritiikille. Kertojahahmo sijoittaa itsensä intertekstuaaliseen tilaan tavalla, joka kyseenalaistaa korkeakulttuuristen kaanonien lisäksi ajatuksen puhtaista kansallisista kirjallisuuksista. Relevantiksi kehykseksi Kaminerin tekstien tulkinnassa osoittautuukin transeurooppalainen pikareski-genre, jonka veijarisankareita naiivin ulkopuolisuutensa satiirin palvelukseen valjastava kertojahahmo läheisesti muistuttaa. Kertojahahmon hybridi etnisyys on yhteydessä myös siihen, miten tekstien oletetaan esittävän ja edustavan erilaisia ihmisryhmiä: se mahdollistaa hankalienkin teemojen häpeilemättömän käsittelyn. Etnisiä stereotypioita – etnistä ryhmää koskevia pinttyneitä representaatioita, joihin ihmiset turvautuvat pyrkiessään selittämään tai hallitsemaan toisia – tarkastelen imagologian ja kriittisen kulttuurintutkimuksen välinein. Etniset stereotypiat ovatkin keskeisiä Kaminerin rakentaessa lukuisia sivuhenkilöitään, jotka pelkistyvät useimmiten litteiksi, jopa karikatyyrinomaisiksi etnisyyksiensä edustajiksi. Kaminerin tekstit kiertyvät kuitenkin myös samaisten etnisten stereotypioiden satiiriksi. Yhtäältä ironian kohteena on stereotyypittelyn prosessi, jossa toisen määrittely essentialistisin termein ja yleistyksien kautta johtaa absurdeihinkin virhetulkintoihin. Toisaalta kertojahahmon toteava kuvailutapa paljastaa etnisten stereotypioiden haitalliset yhteiskunnalliset vaikutukset. Kaminerin satiirin terä kohdistuu kantasaksalaisiin, jotka näkevät muut etnisyydet pitkälti omia tarpeitaan, pelkojaan ja fantasioitaan palvelevien stereotypioiden kautta. Tutkielmani kuitenkin osoittaa, että maahanmuuttajataustaiset henkilöhahmot kykenevät myös tuotteistamaan etnisiä stereotypioita – toki ahtaissa, yhteiskunnallisten valtarakenteiden määrittämissä rajoissa. Olennaista on etnisiin stereotypioihin sisältyvä kaksiteräisyys: sama ennakko-oletusten kimppu saatetaan yhteydestä riippuen esittää ja tulkita joko negatiiviseksi tai positiiviseksi. Kaminerin tekstit tarjoavat huumorin kautta luvallisen kanavan käsitellä ja purkaa etnisyyden akseleilla liikkuvia odotuksia, pelkoja ja aggressioita, jotka ovat pitkään olleet lähes tabuja saksalaisessa yhteiskunnassa. Samalla Kaminerin tekstit puhuvat sellaisen maailman puolesta, jossa etnisyys pikemminkin mahdollistaisi kuin sitoisi inhimillistä vuorovaikutusta.
From a find to an ancient costume - reconstruction of archaeological textiles Costume tells who we are. It warms and protects us, but also tells about our identity: gender, age, family, social group, work, religion and ethnicity. Textile fabrication, use and trade have been an important part of human civilization for more than 10 000 years. There are plenty of archaeological textile findings, but they are small, fragmentary and their interpretation requires special skills. Finnish textile findings from the younger Iron Age have already been studied for more than hundred years. They have also been used as a base for several reconstructions called muinaispuku , ancient costume. Thesis surveys the ancient costume reconstruction done in Finland and discusses the objectives of the reconstruction projects. The earlier reconstruction projects are seen as a part of the national project of constructing a glorious past for Finnish nationality, and the part women took in this project. Many earlier reconstructions are designed to be festive costumes for wealthy ladies. In the 1980s and 1990s many new ancient costume reconstructions were made, differing from their predecessors at the pattern of the skirt. They were also done following the principles of making a scientific reconstruction more closely. At the same time historical re-enactment and living history as a hobby have raised in popularity, and the use of ancient costumes is widening from festive occasions to re-enactment purposes. A hypothesis of the textile craft methods used in younger Iron Age Finland is introduced. Archaeological findings from Finland and neighboring countries, ethnological knowledge of textile crafts and experimental archaeology have been used as a basis for this proposition. The yarn was spinned with a spindle, the fabrics woven on a warp-weighted loom and dyed with natural colors. Bronze spiral applications and complicated tablet-woven bands have possibly been done by specialist craftswomen or -men. The knowledge of the techniques and results of experimenting and experimental archaeology gives a possibility to review the success of existing ancient costume reconstructions as scientific reconstructions. Only one costume reconstruction project, the Kaarina costume fabricated in Kurala Kylämäki museum, has been done using as authentic methods as possible. The use of ancient craft methods is time-consuming and expensive. This fact can be seen as one research result itself for it demonstrates how valuable the ancient textiles have been also in their time of use. In the costume reconstruction work, the skill of a craftswoman and her knowledge of ancient working methods is strongly underlined. Textile research is seen as a process, where examination of original textiles and reconstruction experiments discuss with each other. Reconstruction projects can give a lot both to the research of Finnish younger Iron Age and the popularization of archaeological knowledge. The reconstruction is never finished, and also the earlier reconstructions should be reviewed in the light of new findings.
Former President of Finland Urho Kekkonen was not only a powerful politician but also a well-known sportsman and keep-fit enthusiast. The president’s sports hobbies were covered and celebrated in the media and thus became an integral part of his public persona. This paper looks at Kekkonen’s athletic and able-bodied image and its significance for his power from the perspective of gender. In his exercise activities, Kekkonen was able to display his bodily prowess and demonstrate his version of masculinity, which emphasized both physical and mental strength. The union of mind and muscle in turn buttressed his political ascendancy. Kekkonen’s athletic body served as a cornerstone of his dominance over his country and, simultaneously, as a shield protecting Finland from both internal and external threats. Furthermore, Kekkonen’s sports performances were essential elements in the myth that was created around the president during his term and which was carefully conserved after his fall from power. Drawing upon scholarship on men and masculinities, this paper reassesses the still-effective mythical image of Kekkonen as an invincible superman. The article reveals the performative nature of his athletic activities and shows that in part, his pre-eminence in them was nothing more than theatre enacted by him and his entourage. Thus, Kekkonen’s superior and super-masculine image was actually surprisingly vulnerable and dependent on the success of the performance. The president’s ageing, in particular, demonstrates the fragility of his displays of prowess, strength and masculinity, and shows how fragile the entanglement of body and power can be.
The voluntary associations dealt with in this dissertation were ethnic clubs and societies promoting the interests of German immigrants in Finland and Sweden. The associations were founded at the end of the 19th century as well as at the beginning of the 20th century during a time in which migration was high, the civil society grew rapidly and nationalism flourished. The work includes over 70 different associations in Finland and Sweden with a number of members ranging from ten to at most 2, 500. The largest and most important associations were situated in Helsinki and Stockholm where also most of the German immigrants lived. The main aim of this work is to explore to what extent and how the changes in government in Germany during 1910 to 1950 were reflected in the structures and participants, financial resources and meeting places, networks and activities of the German associations in Finland and Sweden. The study also deals with how a collective German national identity was created within the German associations. The period between 1910 and 1950 has been described by Hobsbawm as the apogee of nationalism. Nationalism and transnationalism are therefore key elements in the work. Additionally the research deals with theories about associations, networking and identity. The analysis is mostly based on minutes of meetings, descriptions of festivities, annual reports and historical outlines about the associations. Archival sources from the German legations, the German Foreign Office, and Finnish and Swedish officials such as the police and the Foreign Offices are also used. The study shows that the collective national identity in the associations during the Weimar Republic mostly went back to the time of the Wilhelmine Empire. It is argued that this fact, the cultural propaganda and the aims of the Weimar Republic to strengthen the contacts between Germany and the German associations abroad, and the role of the German legations and envoys finally helped the small groups of NSDAP to infiltrate, systematically coordinate and finally centralize the German associational life in Finland and Sweden. The Gleichschaltung did not go as smoothly as the party wanted, though. There was a small but consistent opposition that continued to exist in Finland until 1941 and in Sweden until 1945. The collective national identity was displayed much more in Sweden than in Finland, where the associations kept a lower profile. The reasons for the profile differences can be found in the smaller number of German immigrants in Finland and the greater German propaganda in Sweden, but also in the Finnish association act from 1919 and the changes in it during the 1920s and 1930s. Finally, the research shows how the loss of two world wars influenced the associations. It argues that 1918 made the German associations more vulnerable to influence from Germany, whereas 1945 brought the associational life back to where it once started as welfare, recreational and school associations.
Tutkimus käsittelee keskiajan suurinta harhaoppia katarismia Toulousin hiippakunnassa 1200-luvun ensimmäisellä puoliskolla. Tarkempi tutkimusalue on Lauragaisin maaseutu Toulousin ja Carcassonnen välissä. Alue oli Etelä-Ranskan katarismin sydänaluetta. Tutkimus käy läpi katarismin historian vuosina 1200 1245. Tuolloin se muuttui julkisesti siedetystä uskosta salassa harjoitettavaksi harhaopiksi. Erityisessä tarkkailussa ovat Lauragaisin kylät ja niiden asukkaiden suhde katarismiin. Tutkimus selvittää miten kiellettyihin kataarien tapaamisiin osallistuttiin Lauragaisissa ja kuinka suuri osa alueen väestöstä uskoi katarismiin. Tutkimus pohjautuu pitkälti Bernard de Caux n vuosien 1245 1246 inkvisition kuulustelujen rekisteriin, joka sisältää 5 471 lauragaisilaisen inkvisitiotunnustusen. Tarkempaan tarkasteluun on valittu seitsemän kylää ja niiden 1 069 inkvisitiotunnustusta. Niiden sisältämät tiedot on syötetty tutkimuksen apuna toimivaan relaatiotietokantaan. Kylien asukkaiden kuulusteluja on verrattu keskenään tietokannan avulla. Kuulustelujen perusteella on rekonstruoitu kataarien tapaamisia vuosina 1195 1245. Lisäksi tutkitaan tarkemmin katarismin toiminnan kannalta tärkeitä mekanismeja Saint-Martin-Lalanden kylässä. Tutkimuksen mukaan katarismi vetosi kaikkiin yhteiskuntaluokkiin kuuluneisiin ihmisiin. Sukusiteillä ja Lauragaisin kylien asukkaiden keskinäisellä solidaarisuudella oli suuri merkitys katarismin säilymisessä, kun harhaoppi yritettiin tukahduttaa. Inkvisitiot onnistuivat murtamaan kylien sisäisen solidaarisuuden 1240-luvulla. Tutkimuksen keskeisin tulos on arvion esittäminen katarismiin uskoneiden maallikoiden lukumäärästä. Noin kymmenesosa Lauragaisin aikuisväestöstä oli aktiivisia kataariuskovia. Jopa kaksi viidesosaa alueen asukkaista oli jossain elämänsä vaiheessa osallistunut kataarien kiellettyihin uskonnollisiin tilaisuuksiin. Katarismiin uskoneiden ja siihen kosketuksissa olleiden ihmisten määrä on keskeinen tieto, kun arvioidaan katolisen kirkon harhaopin vastaisia toimia. Katarismin tuhoamiseksi julistettiin 20 vuotta kestänyt ristiretki. Inkvisitiolta kului sen jälkeen vielä 90 vuotta katarismin tuhoamiseen. Katarismi oli merkittävä harhaoppi, koska se vetosi kiellettynäkin huomattavaan osaan Lauragaisin väestöstä.
A state-of-the-art model of the coupled ocean-atmosphere system, the climate forecast system (CFS), from the National Centres for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), USA, has been ported onto the PARAM Padma parallel computing system at the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (CDAC), Bangalore and retrospective predictions for the summer monsoon (June-September) season of 2009 have been generated, using five initial conditions for the atmosphere and one initial condition for the ocean for May 2009. Whereas a large deficit in the Indian summer monsoon rainfall (ISMR; June-September) was experienced over the Indian region (with the all-India rainfall deficit by 22% of the average), the ensemble average prediction was for above-average rainfall during the summer monsoon. The retrospective predictions of ISMR with CFS from NCEP for 1981-2008 have been analysed. The retrospective predictions from NCEP for the summer monsoon of 1994 and that from CDAC for 2009 have been compared with the simulations for each of the seasons with the stand-alone atmospheric component of the model, the global forecast system (GFS), and observations. It has been shown that the simulation with GFS for 2009 showed deficit rainfall as observed. The large error in the prediction for the monsoon of 2009 can be attributed to a positive Indian Ocean Dipole event seen in the prediction from July onwards, which was not present in the observations. This suggests that the error could be reduced with improvement of the ocean model over the equatorial Indian Ocean.
Distribution of particle reinforcements in cast composites is determined by the morphology of the solidification front. Interestingly, during solidification, the morphology of the interface is intrinsically affected by the presence of dispersed reinforcements. Thus the dispersoid distribution and length scale of matrix microstructure is a result of the interplay between these two. A proper combination of material and process parameters can be used to obtain composites with tailored microstructures. This requires the generation of a broad data base and optimization of the complete solidification process. The length scale of soldification microtructure has a large influence on the mechanical properties of the composites. This presentation addresses the concept of a particle distribution map which can help in predicting particle distribution under different solidification conditions Future research directions have also been indicated.
Music signals comprise of atomic notes drawn from a musical scale. The creation of musical sequences often involves splicing the notes in a constrained way resulting in aesthetically appealing patterns. We develop an approach for music signal representation based on symbolic dynamics by translating the lexicographic rules over a musical scale to constraints on a Markov chain. This source representation is useful for machine based music synthesis, in a way, similar to a musician producing original music. In order to mathematically quantify user listening experience, we study the correlation between the max-entropic rate of a musical scale and the subjective aesthetic component. We present our analysis with examples from the south Indian classical music system.
A study of the history and philosophy of the contribution of India towards the exploration of space since antiquity provides interesting insights. The contributions are described during the three periods namely: (1) the ten millenniums from 10,000 BC with a twilight period up to 900 AD; (2) the ten centuries from 900 AD to 1900 AD; and (3) the ten decades from 1900 AD to 2000 AD; called mythological, medieval, and modern respectively. Some important events during the above periods provide a reference view of the progress. The Vedas during the mythological period and the Siddhantas during the medieval periods, which are based on astronomical observations, indicate that the Indian contribution preceded other cultures. But most Western historians ignore this fact time and again in spite of many proofs provided to the contrary. This chapter also shows that Indians had the proper scientific attitude of developing any physical theory through the triplet of mind, model, and measurements. It is this same triplet that forms the basis of the present day well known Kalman filter technique. Up to about 1500 BC the Indian contribution was leading but during foreign invasion and occupation it lagged and has been improving only after independence.
The tonic is a fundamental concept in Indian art music. It is the base pitch, which an artist chooses in order to construct the melodies during a rg(a) rendition, and all accompanying instruments are tuned using the tonic pitch. Consequently, tonic identification is a fundamental task for most computational analyses of Indian art music, such as intonation analysis, melodic motif analysis and rg recognition. In this paper we review existing approaches for tonic identification in Indian art music and evaluate them on six diverse datasets for a thorough comparison and analysis. We study the performance of each method in different contexts such as the presence/absence of additional metadata, the quality of audio data, the duration of audio data, music tradition (Hindustani/Carnatic) and the gender of the singer (male/female). We show that the approaches that combine multi-pitch analysis with machine learning provide the best performance in most cases (90% identification accuracy on average), and are robust across the aforementioned contexts compared to the approaches based on expert knowledge. In addition, we also show that the performance of the latter can be improved when additional metadata is available to further constrain the problem. Finally, we present a detailed error analysis of each method, providing further insights into the advantages and limitations of the methods.
Tuberculosis continues to kill 1.4 million people annually. During the past 5 years, an alarming increase in the number of patients with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis and extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis has been noted, particularly in eastern Europe, Asia, and southern Africa. Treatment outcomes with available treatment regimens for drug-resistant tuberculosis are poor. Although substantial progress in drug development for tuberculosis has been made, scientific progress towards development of interventions for prevention and improvement of drug treatment outcomes have lagged behind. Innovative interventions are therefore needed to combat the growing pandemic of multidrug-resistant and extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis. Novel adjunct treatments are needed to accomplish improved cure rates for multidrug-resistant and extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis. A novel, safe, widely applicable, and more effective vaccine against tuberculosis is also desperately sought to achieve disease control. The quest to develop a universally protective vaccine for tuberculosis continues. So far, research and development of tuberculosis vaccines has resulted in almost 20 candidates at different stages of the clinical trial pipeline. Host-directed therapies are now being developed to refocus the anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis-directed immune responses towards the host; a strategy that could be especially beneficial for patients with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis or extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis. As we are running short of canonical tuberculosis drugs, more attention should be given to host-directed preventive and therapeutic intervention measures.