957 resultados para Administração estadual – Brasil – Relações com o governo
The present study analyzes the expansion of Brazilian superior education, investigating how the public and the private sectors are inserted in this process, taking as analysis dimensions the philanthropic actions, the democratization and the mercantilism. The study had for general objective to analyze the dynamics of the expansion of superior education in Brazil, investigating how it configures the overlap between the public and the private in this process. More specifically was tried: a) to understand the process of participation of the non-state public, state and private sectors with lucrative goals in the expansion of superior education; b) to analyze the limits between the democratization and mercantilism in the process of expansion of superior education; c) to analyze the mechanisms that express the privatization in the process of expansion of superior education; d) to investigate, in a program of the government, how is materialized the overlap between the public and the private, in the expansion of superior education. In the development of the study, was adopted as theoretician and methodological way a historical and critical perspective, because is considered it allows to understand the mediations between the inquiry subject and the historical context in which it is developed, allowing, this way, the true explanation of the studied object. About the technician procedures, it was adopted documentary and bibliographical research. Also, secondary data were searched on the main governmental web sites (INEP, SISPROUNI, INEP, PNUD; IBGE) which produce statistics on superior education and sponsors of private institutions of superior education, as example ABMES and the Court of Accounts of the Union, amongst others. The study results had delineated a picture that allows to evidence that has been occurring, in the country, a process of expansion of superior education, marked for the articulated participation of the public state, private with lucrative ends and private without lucrative ends sectors, but it is distinguished in recent years the prevalence of the private sector with lucrative ends. In result, it is concluded that this process of expansion cannot be considered as dimension of the democratization because it occurs by means that move it away from the education as a right to be placed in the scope of the market, changing the right into a service that is appropriated by mercantile relations
This paper analyzes the policy of upgrading the teaching profession in relation to financing basic education, with a view to participation of the Union of Education Workers of Rio Grande do Norte - SINTE / RN and the state government in the implementation of Professional Base Salary the National Professional Teaching Public Basic Education - Law 11738/2008, the public state of Rio Grande do Norte. The participation of civil society, through the union movement presents itself as an important process of implementation of Professional Base Salary. The participation of SINTE / RN occurred since the fight to pass the plan, careers and Compensation (2006) until the implementation of the Base Salary (2009) highlighting the power relations established between the Union and State Government. To this end, there were actions such as public hearings and strikes by education professionals. In order to raise issues relevant to the issue of enhancement of teaching and participation of unions as a collective representation has been taken as a theoretical and methodological literature on the financing of basic education, enhancing teaching and participation as well as policy guidelines governing the career of teaching. Was used as a methodological procedure to document analysis and information gathering through semi-structured interviews. The results indicate the participation and the power relationship between the trade union movement and the state government in the implementation of the Base Salary. However, the current issues concerning the limitations of recovery of the teaching profession in order to implement the policy floor, not only merit of the state of Rio Grande do Norte, but the decisions that have been taken by the Supreme Court (STF) relating to the unconstitutionality of Action (ADI) filed by five governors. This fact greatly reduced the possibility of recovery of the teaching of the state, considering that the government was limited to decisions of the Supreme Court. Therefore, the enhancement of teaching remains a challenge for the union movement
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The professional profile of public administrators in Brazil is changing very rapidly in recent years, seeking to meet the principle of efficiency by public agencies at all levels. The admission of the permanent government employee under the Public Administration is by competition, however, commissioned positions are free appointment of managers, which allows effective participation of external experts according to their respective standards and norms. In this context, this dissertation seeks to understand the main characteristics of the profile of the occupants of commissioned positions in Direct Public Administration of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, noting the differences between those with functional link with the have nots. For this study, by data collection and content analysis, a mapping of the administrative structure of the Government of the State of Rio Grande do Norte was done, i.e., the organization of the Executive Branch, which is regulated by the Complementary Law no. 163/1999 and its amendments, which consists of 53 (fifty three) entities, these 29 (twenty nine) are agencies of the direct administration and the remaining 24 (twenty four) comprises the indirect administration. With the collected data, analysis on the number of commissioned positions of each organ of the State of Rio Grande do Norte and information on education, age, length of service, gender and functional link with the direct administration was carried out. Data were available from SEARH in June/2013, when they totaled 58,733 (fifty-eight thousand seven hundred thirty-three) servers, these 2.15% (two point fifteen percent) occupy commissioned positions, corresponding to 1,262 commissioned positions under the Direct Administration, below the national average of 4% (four percent). Of total commissioned positions 64.7% (sixty-four point seven percent) have no functional link with the direct administration, while only 35.3% (thirty -five point three percent) have functional link. It was noticed that there are no clear and specific criteria for the appointments of commissioned positions in the State. They occur freely, as provided in the State Constitution. Another conclusion is the importance of Public Administration define and improve their capacity, competence and efficiency in the delivery of public services. For that it is necessary to invest in their workforce composed of permanent employees and commissioned positions to define the appropriate professional profile
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Cet article a l'objectif de détailler les diverses initiatives du gouvernement Lula (2003-2010) par rapport à la mise en forme d'une politique de ressources humaines et, de cette façon, vérifier s'il y a eu une amélioration des conditions et relations de travail dans le secteur public brésilien. À partir des années 1990, et dans le sens contraire de la grande croissance de l'emploi public dans les six décennies précédentes, l'adhésion des gouvernements brésiliens aux principes du « Consensus de Washington » souligne le fonctionnalisme comme point fondamental dans l'agenda des réformes nécessaires à la reprise de la croissance économique. Ces gouvernements là se sont penchés sur le traitement de l'emploi public comme étant un problème fiscal et ont agi pour restreindre sa dimension. Simultanément, les conditions et relations de travail se sont présentées plus fragilisées (rendues évidentes par l'absence de réajustement de salaire; la croissance de formes variables de rémunération ; l'élargissement du cadre de travailleurs temporaires et externes, e avec l'attitude autoritaire devant la représentation syndicale). Avec une recherche documentaire et bibliographique, on pourra remarquer que la restructuration de nombreuses carrières, la reprise des concours, la création de la « Réunion Nationale de Négotiation Permanente », la réforme de la sécurité sociale et les réajustements selectifs des rémunérations manifestent l'ambiguïté comme une marque fondamentale des politiques de ressources humaines. Cela parce que, au même temps, les progrès des conditions de travail du serviteur public ont toujours été accompagnés par l'entretien d'une partie de l'agenda conservatrice des années 1990, surtout par rapport à la reproduction de limites fiscaux rigoureux.
O presente ensaio toma como objeto de análise uma série de descrições do Rio de Janeiro colonial extraídas de narrativas de viagem escritas por europeus que passaram pela cidade entre os séculos XVII e XVIII. Para além de dar a conhecer a perspectiva que esses visitantes deixaram da urbe e de seus habitantes, seu objetivo é pôr em discussão o papel que os relatos de viagem desempenharam no processo de construção da imagem que o europeu da época tinha do brasileiro e, sobretudo, o papel que posteriormente desempenharam no processo de construção da imagem que o brasileiro, a partir do século XIX, passou a ter de si próprio e do seu país.
As complexas e polêmicas questões relativas a formulação, implementação e avaliação de políticas públicas para a educação no Brasil, nas últimas décadas, vêm sendo objeto de importantes estudos e pesquisas. Como resultado, tem-se acumulado significativo corpo de conhecimentos a esse respeito, o que propicia avanços no debate e possibilita novos estudos e pesquisas a respeito de aspectos cada vez mais específicos da temática. Com o objetivo de contribuir para esse debate, apresentam-se neste artigo conjecturas a respeito da relação entre setores públicos estatais decorrente especificamente do novo tipo de parceria entre órgãos públicos do Estado e docentes pesquisadores das universidades públicas para formulação, implementação e avaliação de políticas públicas para a alfabetização, iniciada na década de 1980 e enfatizada a partir da década de 1990, com a reforma do Estado brasileiro.
A água subterrânea é um importante recurso ao abastecimento público, principalmente para comunidades periféricas em grandes cidades ou pequenos municípios, onde a instalação ou prolongamento de sistemas de distribuição são economicamente inviáveis. Estudos voltados à análise da vulnerabilidade de aquíferos são relevantes para subsídio a políticas públicas em saneamento básico e preservação ambiental. Este estudo contou com o cadastro de 23 poços rasos localizados no município de Caçapava do Sul (RS), onde foram realizadas medidas de resistividade elétrica e cargabilidade por meio de geofísica, e medidas diretas de condutividade hidráulica e sólidos totais dissolvidos. A análise estatística dos dados demonstrou diversos graus de correlação entre parâmetros, basicamente condicionados a fatores geológicos como porosidade, permeabilidade e sólidos totais dissolvidos.
The article analyses the process of reform in four areas of social policies that affect directly the interests of sub-national governments: basic education, social housing programs, basic sanitation and health. As the study reveals, despite the varying degree of success achieved in the various policy initiatives and contrary to the expectations of the prevailing interpretations of the nature of Brazilian federalism, the federal government faced no insurmountable hurdles in implementing their reform agenda. The study aims at demonstrating that (i) in the absence of any constitutional mandatory requirement, the political autonomy of local governments - typical of federative States - actually enhances the veto power of local governments over policy initiatives proposed by the federal Executive branch. However, (ii) power resources available to the federal Executive branch - such as agenda definition and vetoing powers - in addition to control over resources that are essential to the political survival of the representatives increase the chances of success-of the federal government. Furthermore, (1999), (iii) the constitutional authority of Brazilian states is far more limited than that of the North-American states; (iv) the category federalism, however, is not sufficient to define the potential stability of specific policies, which depends upon how inter-governmental relations are structured in each particular policy. Specifically, (v) constitutional rules, legacies from previous policies and the political cycle frame the decision arenas in various ways, thus conditioning both the strategies and chances of success of the federative players.
The health pact arises in the Brazilian scene after a number of attempts for the improvement of the Unified Health System (SUS), so as to consolidate social equity. In this perspective, this paper discusses the pact using documental analysis, in order to help the public administration process in Brazil. This new policy, still in the initial phase of implementation, is a unique reality and highly feasible for the improvement of national practices in public health. Its performance is intimately related to overcoming the political barriers inherent to each rank of the administration.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)