807 resultados para positive predictive value
El Ministerio de la Protección Social encargó a la Asociación Colombiana de Neumología Pediátrica el desarrollo de una Guía Clínica sobre asma en pediatría. La Guía establece recomendaciones basadas en la mejor evidencia clínica disponible y en la racionalización del gasto. El grupo desarrollador de la guía (GDG) fue conformado por un grupo multidisciplinario que asegura que todas las áreas del conocimiento pertinentes de la enfermedad estén representadas y que toda la evidencia científica sea evaluada de forma crítica. Se aplicó la matriz de decisión: adaptación o desarrollo de novo de GPC, se eligió adaptar una o más GPC. Con base en lo anterior y con la aplicación de la matriz de decisión – adaptación o desarrollo de novo de guías de práctica clínica se decidió adaptar para Colombia las guías de atención integral de la BTS y el NAEPP, tomando como prioritaria para la adaptación la guía de atención integral de la BTS; en el área de terapia respiratoria e inhaloterapia, las preguntas se respondieron de novo por no encontrar la mejor información y aplicabilidad para nuestro medio. El GDG realizó una alianza estratégica con el Instituto de Efectividad Clínica Sanitaria (IECS) de la ciudad de Buenos Aires, este es un grupo de expertos en evaluaciones económicas de medicamentos y tecnologías sanitarias quien participó en el proceso de la elaboración de las evaluaciones económicas contenidas en la Guía y en la definición del alcance de dichas evaluaciones.
Introducción: La peritonitis bacteriana espontanea es la infección más frecuente en pacientes cirróticos causado generalmente por Escherichia coli. Existen factores de riesgo relacionados con la aparición y recurrencia de infección peritoneal por lo que la implementación de estrategias tempranas y preventivas podría impactar en la disminución de la morbimortalidad. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo, serie de casos, se efectuó la búsqueda de los resultados del estudio citoquímico de líquidos ascíticos de pacientes entre los años 2009 y 2013, seleccionando aquellos compatibles con infección y que correspondieran a sujetos cirróticos, para posteriormente realizar la recolección de datos clínicos y paraclínicos con el fin de conformar la base de datos y finalizar con su respectivo análisis. Resultados: El alcohol es la principal causa de cirrosis en pacientes infectados; el principal microorganismo aislado fue Escherichia coli, documentando un 78% de cultivos negativos, 20% más que lo reportado por la literatura. La ampicilina sulbactam fue el antibiótico de elección en el 65% de los casos, de estos el 61% continuaron sin requerir cambio del mismo. Discusión: El presente estudio confirma al alcohol como principal etiología de cirrosis en nuestro país y a la Escherichia coli multisensible como principal agente. Debido al bajo porcentaje de cambios que requirió la ampicilina sulbactam durante el ajuste de la terapia se puede sugerir a este antibiotico dentro del manejo, sin embargo se require de estudios complementarios para comparar su efectividad en relación con cefalosporinas de tercera generación. De igual forma debe priorizarse la toma de cultivos en botellas de hemocultivos para aumentar la cantidad de aislamientos y optimizar el tratamiento antibiótico guiado de acuerdo al microorganismo obtenido.
Objective: to determine the palm-plant paleness’ characteristics in Colombian infant rural population, as a diagnostic method of anemia, and to establish a correlation between the finding of palm-plant paleness and the Hematocrit values. Methodology: a cross sectional study was used to evaluate 169 boys and girls, between 2 months and 12 years old, of the rural area of San Vicente del Caguan, who entered into a Health Campaign. Following the signature of an informed consent, parents accept their children to participate in the study. Those with acute or chronic pathologies were excluded. The presence of palm-plant paleness was determined by observers trained in the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) Strategy. Hematocrit was measured to all children, as well as a peripheral blood smear. Interrater concordance evaluation (Kappa index) was determined through a pilot test and a validation (sensitivity, specificity) was performed, using Hematocrit as the standard. Results: 93 of the participants were male and 77 were female. 45% of them had palm paleness. The Hematocrit showed anemia in 34.1% of the children. The validation analysis demonstrated a 67.2% of sensibility, a 66.6% of specificity, a 51.3% of positive predictive values and a 79.5% of negative predictive values. Hypochromic and Eosinophilia were found in most of the peripheral blood smears’ children with anemia. Conclusions: although this tool presents a low sensibility and specificity for low/moderated anemia, it is useful for excluding it in infants without palm paleness.
Introducción: La evaluación de injertos vasculares de submucosa de intestino delgado para la regeneración de vasos sanguíneos ha producido una permeabilidad variable (0-100%) que ha sido concurrente con la variabilidad en las técnicas de fabricación. Metodología: Investigamos los efectos de fabricación en permeabilidad y regeneración en un diseño experimental de 22factorial que combino: 1) preservación (P) o remoción (R) de la capa estratum compactum del intestino, y 2) deshidratada (D) o hidratada (H), dentro de cuatro grupos de estudio (PD, RD, PH, RH). Los injertos fueron implantados en las Arterias Carótidas de porcinos (ID 4.5mm, N=4, 7d). Permeabilidad, trombogenicidad, reacción inflamatoria, vascularización, infiltración de fibroblastos, perfil de polarización de macrófagos y fuerza tensil biaxial fueron evaluadas. Resultados: Todos los injertos PD permanecieron permeables (4/4), pero tuvieron escasa vascularización e infiltración de fibroblastos. El grupo RD permaneció permeable (4/4), presentó una extensa vascularización e infiltración de fibroblastos, y el mayor número del fenotipo de macrófagos (M2) asociado a regeneración. El grupo RH presentó menor permeabilidad (3/4), una extensa vascularización e infiltración de fibroblastos, y un perfil dominante de M2. El grupo PH presentó el menor grado de permeabilidad, y a pesar de mayor infiltración celular que PD, exhibió un fenotipo de macrófagos dominante adverso. La elasticidad de los injertos R evolucionó de una manera similar a las Carótidas nativas (particularmente RD, mientras que los injertos P mantuvieron su rigidez inicial. Discusión: Concluimos que los parámetros de fabricación afectan drásticamente los resultados, siendo los injertos RD los que arrojaron mejores resultados.
: Los métodos imagenológicos para evaluar los nódulos tiroideos han sido motivo de estudio en las últimas décadas, especialmente la ecografía sobresale sobre las otras modalidades diagnósticas por su accesibilidad, portabilidad, y seguridad. A pesar de ello, las características ecográficas de cada nódulo han sido objeto de controversia en cuanto a su potencial detección de malignidad o benignidad. Se presenta un estudio de concordancia entre el estudio citopatológico y la ecografía para la caracterización nódulos tiroideos de naturaleza maligna y benigna, y su análisis de pruebas diagnósticas. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de concordancia con estudio de pruebas diagnósticas anidado. Se escogieron todos los pacientes con nódulos tiroideos a quienes se les realizó ecografía y estudio citopatológico de la lesión y se estudiaron los hallazgos ecográficos para evaluar su potencial diagnóstico para malignidad. Se incluyeron un total de 100 pacientes con nódulos tiroideos potencialmente malignos. La concordancia entre la ecografía en modo B y el estudio citopatológico fue moderada (índice kappa 0.55). La característica con mayor potencial para detectar malignidad fue la presencia de Microcalcificaciones (sensibilidad 75%, especificidad 92%).
Even though antenatal care is universally regarded as important, determinants of demand for antenatal care have not been widely studied. Evidence concerning which and how socioeconomic conditions influence whether a pregnant woman attends or not at least one antenatal consultation or how these factors affect the absences to antenatal consultations is very limited. In order to generate this evidence, a two-stage analysis was performed with data from the Demographic and Health Survey carried out by Profamilia in Colombia during 2005. The first stage was run as a logit model showing the marginal effects on the probability of attending the first visit and an ordinary least squares model was performed for the second stage. It was found that mothers living in the pacific region as well as young mothers seem to have a lower probability of attending the first visit but these factors are not related to the number of absences to antenatal consultation once the first visit has been achieved. The effect of health insurance was surprising because of the differing effects that the health insurers showed. Some familiar and personal conditions such as willingness to have the last children and number of previous children, demonstrated to be important in the determination of demand. The effect of mother’s educational attainment was proved as important whereas the father’s educational achievement was not. This paper provides some elements for policy making in order to increase the demand inducement of antenatal care, as well as stimulating research on demand for specific issues on health.
El EuroSCORE II es una de las escalas más empleadas como predictor de riesgo de mortalidad en los servicios de cirugía cardiovascular. Esta ha sido validada en diferentes hospitales alrededor del mundo demostrando una adecuada capacidad de discriminación. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el valor predictivo de la escala de riesgo EuroSCORE II en los pacientes sometidos a Cirugía Cardiovascular en una institución de cuarto nivel de Bogotá. Metodología: Estudio de prueba diagnóstica observacional y retrospectivo de la cohorte de pacientes en una institución de cuarto nivel durante los años 2012 a 2014. Se realizó el cálculo del EuroSCORE II para cada paciente, comparando la mortalidad predicha versus la observada, de forma global y por grupo de riesgo. Resultados: Del total de la población que tuvo intervención cardiaca mayor en una institución de cuarto nivel en la cohorte estudiada se presentaron 58 casos de muerte en los treinta días posteriores a la intervención, que corresponde al 7,46%. La mortalidad esperada calculada con el EuroSCORE II fue del 9,26%, lo cual indica un buen poder de predicción para esta población. Por otro lado, la curva ROC evidencia con un valor de 0.757 del área bajo la curva, que el modelo El EuroSCORE II es un buen modelo predictivo con un adecuado valor de discriminación. Se evidenció que las variables estado crítico preoperatorio y función del ventrículo izquierdo tienen mayor peso estadístico en nuestra población objeto, con una significancia del 0,001, seguido de infarto agudo de miocardio, sexo y peso de la intervención con una significancia del 0,01. Adicionalmente, el Euroscore II tiene mejor valor predictivo cuando se realiza un solo procedimiento o revascularización, en comparación a cuando se realiza procedimientos mixtos. Se recomienda realizar un estudio multicéntrico donde se incluyan pacientes con diferentes características demográficas
El diagnóstico de cáncer de tiroides se ha incrementado y las posibilidades de detección de una enfermedad subclínica son altas, toda vez que disponemos de herramientas de detección más sensibles y de fácil acceso. Por ende, el clínico requiere conocer la historia natural del nódulo tiroideo y del carcinoma papilar de tiroides de bajo riesgo para brindar a su paciente el mejor tratamiento basado en la evidencia clínica. El objetivo de esta revision es reconocer los elementos clínicos que han condicionado el aumento inusitado de casos de cáncer de tiroides. Conclusión: El sobrediagnóstico del cáncer de tiroides es una realidad, que se posibilita por el uso extendido de biopsia por aspiración con aguja fina ((BACAF)) después de la detección de un nódulo tiroideo, en gran parte de manera incidental, sin acarrear la mayoría de las veces un mejor pronóstico después de su tratamiento.
Current feed evaluation systems for dairy cattle aim to match nutrient requirements with nutrient intake at pre-defined production levels. These systems were not developed to address, and are not suitable to predict, the responses to dietary changes in terms of production level and product composition, excretion of nutrients to the environment, and nutrition related disorders. The change from a requirement to a response system to meet the needs of various stakeholders requires prediction of the profile of absorbed nutrients and its subsequent utilisation for various purposes. This contribution examines the challenges to predicting the profile of nutrients available for absorption in dairy cattle and provides guidelines for further improved prediction with regard to animal production responses and environmental pollution. The profile of nutrients available for absorption comprises volatile fatty acids, long-chain fatty acids, amino acids and glucose. Thus the importance of processes in the reticulo-rumen is obvious. Much research into rumen fermentation is aimed at determination of substrate degradation rates. Quantitative knowledge on rates of passage of nutrients out of the rumen is rather limited compared with that on degradation rates, and thus should be an important theme in future research. Current systems largely ignore microbial metabolic variation, and extant mechanistic models of rumen fermentation give only limited attention to explicit representation of microbial metabolic activity. Recent molecular techniques indicate that knowledge on the presence and activity of various microbial species is far from complete. Such techniques may give a wealth of information, but to include such findings in systems predicting the nutrient profile requires close collaboration between molecular scientists and mathematical modellers on interpreting and evaluating quantitative data. Protozoal metabolism is of particular interest here given the paucity of quantitative data. Empirical models lack the biological basis necessary to evaluate mitigation strategies to reduce excretion of waste, including nitrogen, phosphorus and methane. Such models may have little predictive value when comparing various feeding strategies. Examples include the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Tier II models to quantify methane emissions and current protein evaluation systems to evaluate low protein diets to reduce nitrogen losses to the environment. Nutrient based mechanistic models can address such issues. Since environmental issues generally attract more funding from governmental offices, further development of nutrient based models may well take place within an environmental framework.
Communities of nectar-producing plants show high spatio-temporal variation in the patterns of volume and concentration presentation. We illustrate a novel approach for quantifying nectar reward structures in complex communities, demonstrating that nectar resource diversity (defined as the variety of nectar volume-concentration combinations available) may be a fundamental factor organising nectarivore communities. In a series of diverse bee and entomophilous flower communities in Israel, our measure of nectar resource diversity alone explains the majority of variation in bee species richness, while other nectar variables (volume, concentration, energy value, and water content) have little predictive value per se. The new measure of nectar resource diversity is highly correlated with floral species richness and particularly with the species richness of annuals, yet it is additive in its effect on bee diversity. We conclude that relying solely upon measurements of mean nectar volume and mean nectar concentration overlooks a key characteristic of community-level reward structure, nectar resource diversity, so that previous studies may have failed to identify an important determinant of flower-visitor community structure.
The prevalence of obesity and diabetes, which are heritable traits that arise from the interactions of multiple genes and lifestyle factors, continues to rise worldwide, causing serious health problems and imposing a substantial economic burden on societies. For the past 15 years, candidate gene and genome-wide linkage studies have been the main genetic epidemiological approaches to identify genetic loci for obesity and diabetes, yet progress has been slow and success limited. The genome-wide association approach, which has become available in recent years, has dramatically changed the pace of gene discoveries. Genome-wide association is a hypothesis-generating approach that aims to identify new loci associated with the disease or trait of interest. So far, three waves of large-scale genome-wide association studies have identified 19 loci for common obesity and 18 for common type 2 diabetes. Although the combined contribution of these loci to the variation in obesity and diabetes risk is small and their predictive value is typically low, these recently identified loci are set to substantially improve our insights into the pathophysiology of obesity and diabetes. This will require integration of genetic epidemiological methods with functional genomics and proteomics. However, the use of these novel insights for genetic screening and personalised treatment lies some way off in the future.
The need for a reconsideration of resilience from both a positive and a normative point of view can be discussed using some of the lessons and conclusions drawn from individual resilience studied by psychologists in an educational context. The main point made in this article is that unless we want to approach resilience as a feature which is exogenously given in each population and society and whose dynamics, if any, are not subject to deliberate actions and policies, we need a framework for the evaluation of resilience as a social good. Relying on the hope that resilience is necessarily built in our societies as a force guaranteeing convergence to a socially desirable point of social evolution may be too optimistic and even counterproductive, because it may lead us to an inefficient or biased political and regulatory decision making. When the effect of policies and actions at a national or international level take into account the dynamic effect of such actions on resilience itself, one cannot blindly rely on the goodness of the process any more. This is mainly because resilience is not uniformly embodied in all societies and it does not have a globally positive social value by itself. The issue of socially valuing the options available beyond market-price valuations becomes fundamental in this context.
Empirical antibiotic use is prescribed in managing children with pneumonia worldwide. We assessed the usefulness of procalcitonin (PCT) and interferon-alpha (IFN-alpha) in differentiating viral from bacterial pneumonia. Among 159 hospitalized children, pneumonia was diagnosed based on clinical complaints plus pulmonary infiltrate. Aetiology was investigated for 9 viruses and 4 atypical and 3 typical bacteria. PCT and IFN-alpha were measured in the serum sample collected on admission. Eight patients had bacteraemic infections, 38 had non-bacteraemic typical infections, and 19 patients had atypical bacterial infections. Viral and unknown aetiology was established in 57 (36%) and 34 (21%) cases, respectively. Three patients with bacterial infection without collected blood culture were excluded. IFN-alpha (IU/ml) was detectable in 20 (13%) cases. The difference among median PCT values of the bacteraemic (4.22; 1.56-7.56), non-bacteraemic typical bacterial (1.47; 0.24-4.07), atypical bacterial (0.18; 0.06-1.03) and only viral (0.65; 0.11-2.22) subgroups was significant (p = 0.02). PCT was >= 2 ng/ml in 52 (33%) cases. The presence of IFN-alpha was associated with PCT <2 ng/ml (90% vs. 64%, p = 0.02). The negative predictive value (95% confidence interval) of PCT >= 2 ng/ml was 95% (89-100%), 89% (78-100%), 93% (85-100%) for differentiation of bacteraemic from viral, atypical bacterial and non-bacteraemic typical bacterial infection, respectively, and 58% (49-68%) for differentiation between bacterial and viral infection. PCT may be useful in identifying bacteraemia among children hospitalized with community-acquired pneumonia. IFN-alpha was uncommonly detected.
The patterns of antibodies against latent and lytic antigens of human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) were assessed using immunofluorescence assays of samples from 155 persons seropositive for HHV-8 seen at public health centers and 24 patients with Kaposi`s sarcoma (KS) from Mozambique. Of the 155 persons without KS, 48(31%) had antibodies against latent antigens only, 29 (18.7%) had antibodies against lytic antigens only, and 78 (50.3%) had antibodies against both types of antigen. The HHV-8 antibody titer tended to increase with age until age 40, after which it began to decrease. High titers of antibodies against latent and lytic antigens of HHV-8 were detected mostly in persons co-infected with HIV, and these increased titers could have a predictive value. All patients with KS except four patients who were seronegative for HHV-8 had elevated titers of HHV-8 antibodies, predominantly against latent antigens. The data suggest the potential for an increase in the development of KS in this endemic area for HHV-8. J. Med. Virol. 82:1576-1581, 2010. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
In this paper, we introduce a method to conclude about the existence of secondary bifurcations or isolas of steady state solutions for parameter dependent nonlinear partial differential equations. The technique combines the Global Bifurcation Theorem, knowledge about the non-existence of nontrivial steady state solutions at the zero parameter value and explicit information about the coexistence of multiple nontrivial steady states at a positive parameter value. We apply the method to the two-dimensional Swift-Hohenberg equation. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.